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  • lol now she's the same as my char oh well teach her how to use her powers at some point
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    nah it's fine element wise but i got to admit i don't get the solidify flame thing as for the spirit thing yes they have mastery over but no ones has fuse or communicate slightly different lol

    you could have the ability make fire clones or heated flame teleoperation which allows you to jump from one place to another as long as there's heat or and fire.
    Basically it's just a fancy term for holding fire/ flames
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    i see well it's up to you i just though out of all the options it's soso
    i don't mean to sound bossy but there's already an air wizard that can do the same things are ur char i could help you with ideas if your willing
    true, i want my character to have something that is more manipulative over air, you know what I mean?
    Leo Radomir
    Leo Radomir
    but that's the same as the guys power that's why i said about the sprits etc
    that is true,thanks for your help i'll go back and edit the form
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