Other Do you ever get a song stuck in your head?

Bill Nye The Octopi

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Seriously, I often get earworms. It's not that they always bother me, but sometimes they do. It can be a small part of a song or the entire thing.
Lately, it's a song from a very short clip in the Birdcage.

hank azaria dancing GIF

Oh my lord, I found a gif of it. I love this character lmao. (Agador I always have trouble remembering that name)

What sort of songs earworm their way into your head?
This may be a foreshadow of how my day's going to be, what do you think? I think so -

Feel free to share a gif expressing yourself, too. I could use a good chuckle.

The subject is ear worms. What's your latest one?
two songs i listened to recently and stuck to my head are Writing On The Wall and XOXO, they are a Genshin Impact inspired songs made for Kaveh {writing on the wall} and the Archons. {xoxo}

HoyoFair is incredible tho, no kidding.
Genshin GIF
I can thankfully say I have none stuck in my head at the moment but I’ll let you know when I do! It’s usually cringe or like super deep felt

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