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Zone World: Year One.|(CLOSED)

"Once the world made sense. Earth was simple, as was life. But now there is nothing left."

The year was 2021. On new years day, at precisely 12:02:07, an event was triggered that destroyed the world. The event came quickly, spreading as large staccato bursts of an unknown energy that subsumed all of the planet in a matter of moments. All that was seen by humanity in the end were a multitude of brilliant beams and cascading waves of light followed by a sound. A sound nobody can understand nor even really remember. No one left alive on Earth knows what it was. But those who reported seeing it say this: Overnight, the skies over what appeared to be the largest concentrations of human and animal life lit up in a grand cosmic display. A display that grew in intensity above the ionosphere until it almost hurt the eyes to witness. It was at this blinding peak of brightness that great beams of light reportedly descended from the ionosphere to the surface of the earth, meeting with a sound that all but took away consciousness. Before governmental and global collapse, those with the means of communication were able to corroborate some sources of information. The chief being that these strikes on the planet occurred almost simultaneously from all of these different points at once. Another being that as this terrible force of light and sound passed by, it had broken the very laws of physics and reality in what appeared to be large swathes of the entirety of the planet surface.

In the span of a minute did this wave wash over the whole of earth completely. Many describe it almost as a prolonged flash of lightning followed by a sound that is impossible to remember. But after this flash, it was already done. Roughly 2.3 billion people died in the cataclysmic creation of what was now the Zone-World. While humanity did survive, it does so wretchedly. Nature has become something new, as has earth.

"It was inside of this light and sound that everything became meaningless, and nothing but unknowable horror was left in its wake. Humanity was given leave to become it's worst self in that shining cacophony of brilliance and woe. For it was only then that the Old World had truly died. Now there is nothing but the struggle to survive and the hardships of an ever worsening human condition against an alien world teeming with monsters."

Hello and welcome to Zone World: Year One. Taking place exactly one year after 'The End' of the world as we know it, this game will have players taking control of their own custom made faction or community, through which they will experience and navigate the Zone World. The survival and prosperity of these factions or communities will undoubtedly hinge on the choices made by their players. But be warned. While some of these choices may be easy, some may be almost impossible to reconcile with. All that can be said is this: Good luck and godspeed.

Faction Players.
Amfleet: (Pending.)
FightingMonk: The Knights of Salvation.
Mausedpotatoes: New Jamestown.
Ray Purchase: The New Continental Army.

Turns in Zone World will be based off of a Facepunch RP format that was introduced to me during my very first large scale freeform RP game by Amfleet. This system was originally created by Zillamaster55. (And is super great. Like, to a ridiculously fun degree.) That said, turns can be messaged to me here or on discord.

The format for this game in particular uses a monthly turn timetable to help focus the attention towards incremental faction development. Turns are established by writing command lines that are split up into differing categories. These categories are:

The domestic category deals primarily with the players actual faction. It is here where players will order builders to build, farmers to farm, scavvers to scav; and in general interact with their populace through their faction leader or leaders.

The diplomacy category covers a broad and wide branch of orders that are focused towards peoples and individuals outside of a faction. Whether dealing with traveling merchants or making alliances with other factions almost anything dealing with interaction outside of a players personal factions will be diplomacy. Unless it's...

Military command lines are for when you need to recruit members into your factions armed forces, send soldiers or militia members to clear out hostile mutants or raiders, to even declaring war on another faction yourself; be it NPC or Player. (War cannot be officially declared on player factions until a 4 turn time limit has passed.)

Espionage command lines are for those orders and turns that you don't want published publicly in any given turn. These actions are done for many different reasons. Though depending on the actions and manner in which these orders are performed, can spread huge waves. And word can travel surprisingly fast in the Zone-World.

Research command lines are special. They consume command lines and personnel as normal for the month, but allow you to create new technologies within your tech level. Or alternatively, allow you to reverse engineer technologies above your starting Tech Level. From reverse engineering a toaster to making an improvised camera drone, it will most likely be under the 'Research' command line.

Given Command Lines: 10.

Game Boundaries: The combined borders of Virginia and West Virginia.

Zone World begins and ends at these borders as far as expansion and faction based movement goes. Hopefully larger iterations of the Zone World can be created down the line.
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