• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ๐•Ž๐•™๐•  ๐•ฆ๐•ค๐•–๐•• ๐•’๐•๐• ๐•ฅ๐•™๐•– ๐•™๐• ๐•ฅ ๐•จ๐•’๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ?|| Reboot [applications]

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


apply nowโ™ก

the sheet


Full Name: First, Middle, Last
Nickname(s): If they have any if not put n/a
Age: Must be between 21-29
Unit # (You can put the apartment number that they will be applying for)
Social Media Handle (this will be used in the discord)

Description: Please make this at least two paragraphs
Face Claim: Remember realistic faceclaims only!
Ailments: If they don't have any put n/a
Body modifications: If they dont have any put n/a
Vices:3+. Please put what they are and a small description. At least three sentences.
Virtues: 3+. Please put what they are and a small description. At least three sentences.
General Description: Please make this at least two paragraphs

Likes (5+)
Dislikes (5+)
Hobbies (3+)

2-3 paragraphs minimum, if there are any key events you want to keep out and save for plotting moments you can definitely do that

the members


Unit 302


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 318


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 325


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 222


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 233


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 254


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 287


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 410

Shingo Sakurai

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 410

Tramel Fitzgerald

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 437


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 437


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 459


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 459


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 110


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 110


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

Unit 110


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et augue urna. Mauris bibendum quam sem, et porttitor eros consectetur in. Quisque luctus diam quis erat sodales, nec posuere turpis suscipit. Curabitur scelerisque ex eu massa bibendum feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur est elit, semper quis urna non, molestie suscipit lectus. Cras eget magna sed sem rutrum faucibus nec sed dui. Morbi tincidunt erat eu laoreet ullamcorper.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
Last edited:
  • riptide
    unlike pluto

    Tramel Manuelo Fitzgerald
    March 22nd, 1996
    Resident Anesthesiologist
coded by natasha.
Last edited:
  • riptide
    unlike pluto

    Shingo Matsui Sakurai
    October 31st, 1994
    Music Artist/Producer
coded by natasha.
Last edited:
REDMANCY / noun.

Full Name โ€” Valentine Cepos Nasir
Nicknames โ€” Val
Age โ€” 26 years old
D.O.B โ€” October 24th, 1996
Gender โ€” Cis. Male
Pronouns โ€” He/Him
Sexuality โ€” Closeted pansexual/romantic
Nationality โ€” American
Languages โ€” English, Spanish, Arabic
Occupation โ€”Firefighter
Unit โ€” #287
Social Media Handle โ€” @val.nasir

Height โ€” 6'5"
Hair โ€” Dark Brown
Eyes โ€” Dark Brown
Build โ€” Mesomorph
Body Mods โ€” Ear piercings
Scars โ€” Various scars from his time in the military and obviously being a firefighter.
Face Claim โ€” Tamino Amir
Physical Ailments โ€” Gets migraines every couple of weeks but nothing has been diagnosed. Has some minor hearing loss but nothing to disqualify him from his work.

Description โ€” Towering over those around him, Val sticks out in a crowd and has a hard time finding a way to blend in. His dark curls look like ocean waves at night and his slightly droopy eyes make him appear gentle and approachable. He is said to have a kind face, a face that seems to resemble that of a puppy. He enjoys making others happy and therefore a kind smile is always present on his lips, the faintest trace of dimples just barely being noticeable. Every so not perfect teeth, Val has a charming look to him when one notices the slight crookedness to his ever so light and joyful grin.

Stray freckles can be seen scattered across his warm complexion, most notably on his face and back. Like most in his family, he sports a pair of thick eyebrows and a strong nose, giving him a profile that many swoons over. His body could pass as a sculpture, the drips and valleys that run along the expanse of his frame turning him into a work of art as he simply stands there. He puts time and effort into maintaining his figure, but he isn't one to try and get very bulky. He prefers being more lean and toned than anything. In terms of his clothes, he enjoys a solid business casual in everyday life, having worn uniforms for the majority of his life, he has found that habit and style of dress hard to cut out of his life.

Mental Ailments โ€”Undiagnosed depression and possible PTSD

Vices โ€” Insecure, doesn't rely on others, closed-off, passive

Virtues โ€” Understanding, outgoing, helpful, pays close attention

Description โ€” A gentle giant, Val is someone that has always been described as sweet or comforting rather than scary and intimidating. His puppy-like personality has made him come off as warm and inviting, something that naturally people enjoy. Always surrounded by others, he finds it incredibly easy to make friends and to keep them. He isn't someone to judge others and is very understanding and sympathetic to people and their problems in life. This has caused him to be a pillar of comfort and support for many, resulting in him coming over for late-night hangouts to vent, or when someone is going through a rough patch. Uncommonly kind, Val puts others above himself constantly and strives to make the world a better place. He speaks out against injustice and does his best to protect those that need it and is a voice when someone cannot use theirs.

However, to assume that he is a perfect saint would be wrong. He struggles just like everyone else, but it is kept hidden behind closed doors and nobody knows about it. Val isn't someone that truly opens up to others and he keeps a lot of his heart and feelings hidden behind a warm smile and comforting words. This has caused him to be overly independent and therefore he has a difficult time relying on others. As he has always been a leader in social situations, he naturally takes to that role and doesn't try to use others to keep him afloat as he's too busy doing that for others. This has caused deep insecurity to take root inside of his heart as he truly believes he isn't enough and never will be. This can show in his relationships after his wife's passing as he very rarely would try to fight against a breakup. Val is rather passive as well and has a hard time standing up for himself in confrontations and in general, avoids them unless it is for someone else's sake.

Likes โ€” Dark coffee, rainy days, sleeping in, someone playing with his hair, animals, watching clouds, old books, foreign languages, cafes

Dislikes โ€” Decaf, humidity, waking up for no reason, bullies, sad movies, night school, ticks, burnt food, family gatherings

Hobbies โ€” Collecting old books, painting

Education โ€” High school diploma, certification from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, BA in fire science

Trivia โ€” Was a med tech in the Airforce from 18-22. Has a mild cat allergy. Loves sour fruit. Had no idea Eli was living in the complex. Has a high tolerance for alcohol but doesn't like drinking. Does not encourage anyone to join the military. Has a couple of betas that he adores. He still wears his wedding ring. He worries that he may lose his hearing permanently. Doesn't think anyone wants to be with him.

HISTORY (TW: C*ncer, Death and Child Loss)
The oldest of Layla and Victor Nasir's children, he has always been considered the golden child. He has had perfect grades since elementary school, was devout to the church, and never caused any problems. He would set the table, help Eli out with homework, do yardwork for the neighbors, and generally be the 'perfect' child. He never seemed to do anything wrong, and while that made his parents oh-so-happy, it caused unnecessary pressure to fall onto his shoulders. The need for approval and love from his parents went unnoticed as he did everything he could to make them happy. He tried his best as a child to help Eli through their rough patches, but it didn't seem to work. Layla and Victor were so transfixed on their youngest that Val's needs and wants began to fade into the background.

He felt unwanted and unneeded by those in his family, so a permanent smile seemed to form on his face and he never uttered a complaint. Even when he struggled in school due to overworking himself with extra classes and trying to protect Eli from those that tried to bully her, he was drowning silently and nobody looked in his direction. In high school he felt hopeless and like there was no way out. He felt trapped in his town and life, which was very overwhelming for a 16-year-old. So when a recruiter came to their school to talk about the military and its benefits, he couldn't help but be curious. Looking into it, Val viewed it as his ticket to freedom and a way for him to live a different life. In actuality it was no different from his life at that point, except there was more verbal and physical abuse that went on, however, he ignored it.

His parents protested it for a bit but with his exceptional scores and the recruitment office practically begging him to join, they couldn't deny their oldest. So he left. He fled his life, leaving behind Eli and effectively missing the hell that formed in the wake of his absence. When he entered the Air Force, it was not peaches and rainbows but it gave him a sense of belonging and something to work for. He climbed the ranks, found a position that he enjoyed, and went to school to prepare for a career after his service. Val did end up getting a girlfriend before his deployment, Odessa, and in typical fairy tale fashion, they fell in love fast. Eli actually moved in with her shortly before his deployment as Val had found out about what happened to his younger sibling and he wanted to help them out by giving them a place to stay. When he left the country, he thought he had a life that would be better than what he left behind.

His service in Qatar wasn't the best but he didn't get shot at and helped those who did run into whatever trouble. He made good friends and genuinely enjoyed doing what he felt was something of sustenance. Once his deployment was finished, he very quickly married Odessa and they fell pregnant. It was an exciting time for him as he was forming a family that he truly wanted and needed. However, this was at the expense of his relationship with Eli as they quickly left and never said another word to him after the pregnancy was announced. This caused there to be a lot of tension and stress as Odessa was upset by Eli cutting them off without warning. Val tried to look on the positive and assumed Eli would reach back out when she was ready. But nobody was ready for their future.

Odessa lost the baby and it was an incredibly tragic time in their lives. She rarely left the bedroom and when she did she was a shell of her former self. Val did everything he could to support her through the loss and they did their best to lean on each other. But their streak of bad luck seemed to never end. She had been diagnosed with cancer and the reality of what their life had become ended up crashing down on them. Endless treatments, and the smell of sterile hospital rooms and tools, it was sickening for both of them. Neither of them said anything as Odessa slowly withered in front of his eyes and they did their best to focus on her getting out and getting back to their married life. It never came. While watching the sunrise together in the hospital room, Odessa quietly passed as she said she wanted to rest her eyes.

The funeral was painful but beautiful, and Val felt like his world was no longer in existence. He felt like a ghost, surviving only on autopilot. He went through the motions of grief and did what most people did, trying his best to cope and move on. This consisted of him getting a new job in a new city so he could move and have a clean slate. There was no cleaning his slate though. it felt forever stained and as if he was not entitled to the life he wanted and had within his grasp for mere years.
'love returned in full'
coded by ukiiyo (not mobile friendly sorry!)

Full Name โ€” Valentine Cepos Nasir
Nicknames โ€” Val
Age โ€” 26 years old
D.O.B โ€” October 24th, 1996
Gender โ€” Cis. Male
Pronouns โ€” He/Him
Sexuality โ€” Closeted pansexual/romantic
Nationality โ€” American
Languages โ€” English, Spanish, Arabic
Occupation โ€”Firefighter
Unit โ€” #287
Social Media Handle โ€” @val.nasir

Height โ€” 6'5"
Hair โ€” Dark Brown
Eyes โ€” Dark Brown
Build โ€” Mesomorph
Body Mods โ€” Ear piercings
Scars โ€” Various scars from his time in the military and obviously being a firefighter.
Face Claim โ€” Tamino Amir
Physical Ailments โ€” Gets migraines every couple of weeks but nothing has been diagnosed. Has some minor hearing loss but nothing to disqualify him from his work.

Description โ€” Towering over those around him, Val sticks out in a crowd and has a hard time finding a way to blend in. His dark curls look like ocean waves at night and his slightly droopy eyes make him appear gentle and approachable. He is said to have a kind face, a face that seems to resemble that of a puppy. He enjoys making others happy and therefore a kind smile is always present on his lips, the faintest trace of dimples just barely being noticeable. Every so not perfect teeth, Val has a charming look to him when one notices the slight crookedness to his ever so light and joyful grin.

Stray freckles can be seen scattered across his warm complexion, most notably on his face and back. Like most in his family, he sports a pair of thick eyebrows and a strong nose, giving him a profile that many swoons over. His body could pass as a sculpture, the drips and valleys that run along the expanse of his frame turning him into a work of art as he simply stands there. He puts time and effort into maintaining his figure, but he isn't one to try and get very bulky. He prefers being more lean and toned than anything. In terms of his clothes, he enjoys a solid business casual in everyday life, having worn uniforms for the majority of his life, he has found that habit and style of dress hard to cut out of his life.

Mental Ailments โ€”Undiagnosed depression and possible PTSD

Vices โ€” Insecure, doesn't rely on others, closed-off, passive

Virtues โ€” Understanding, outgoing, helpful, pays close attention

Description โ€” A gentle giant, Val is someone that has always been described as sweet or comforting rather than scary and intimidating. His puppy-like personality has made him come off as warm and inviting, something that naturally people enjoy. Always surrounded by others, he finds it incredibly easy to make friends and to keep them. He isn't someone to judge others and is very understanding and sympathetic to people and their problems in life. This has caused him to be a pillar of comfort and support for many, resulting in him coming over for late-night hangouts to vent, or when someone is going through a rough patch. Uncommonly kind, Val puts others above himself constantly and strives to make the world a better place. He speaks out against injustice and does his best to protect those that need it and is a voice when someone cannot use theirs.

However, to assume that he is a perfect saint would be wrong. He struggles just like everyone else, but it is kept hidden behind closed doors and nobody knows about it. Val isn't someone that truly opens up to others and he keeps a lot of his heart and feelings hidden behind a warm smile and comforting words. This has caused him to be overly independent and therefore he has a difficult time relying on others. As he has always been a leader in social situations, he naturally takes to that role and doesn't try to use others to keep him afloat as he's too busy doing that for others. This has caused deep insecurity to take root inside of his heart as he truly believes he isn't enough and never will be. This can show in his relationships after his wife's passing as he very rarely would try to fight against a breakup. Val is rather passive as well and has a hard time standing up for himself in confrontations and in general, avoids them unless it is for someone else's sake.

Likes โ€” Dark coffee, rainy days, sleeping in, someone playing with his hair, animals, watching clouds, old books, foreign languages, cafes

Dislikes โ€” Decaf, humidity, waking up for no reason, bullies, sad movies, night school, ticks, burnt food, family gatherings

Hobbies โ€” Collecting old books, painting

Education โ€” High school diploma, certification from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, BA in fire science

Trivia โ€” Was a med tech in the Airforce from 18-22. Has a mild cat allergy. Loves sour fruit. Had no idea Eli was living in the complex. Has a high tolerance for alcohol but doesn't like drinking. Does not encourage anyone to join the military. Has a couple of betas that he adores. He still wears his wedding ring. He worries that he may lose his hearing permanently. Doesn't think anyone wants to be with him.

HISTORY (TW: C*ncer, Death and Child Loss)
The oldest of Layla and Victor Nasir's children, he has always been considered the golden child. He has had perfect grades since elementary school, was devout to the church, and never caused any problems. He would set the table, help Eli out with homework, do yardwork for the neighbors, and generally be the 'perfect' child. He never seemed to do anything wrong, and while that made his parents oh-so-happy, it caused unnecessary pressure to fall onto his shoulders. The need for approval and love from his parents went unnoticed as he did everything he could to make them happy. He tried his best as a child to help Eli through their rough patches, but it didn't seem to work. Layla and Victor were so transfixed on their youngest that Val's needs and wants began to fade into the background.

He felt unwanted and unneeded by those in his family, so a permanent smile seemed to form on his face and he never uttered a complaint. Even when he struggled in school due to overworking himself with extra classes and trying to protect Eli from those that tried to bully her, he was drowning silently and nobody looked in his direction. In high school he felt hopeless and like there was no way out. He felt trapped in his town and life, which was very overwhelming for a 16-year-old. So when a recruiter came to their school to talk about the military and its benefits, he couldn't help but be curious. Looking into it, Val viewed it as his ticket to freedom and a way for him to live a different life. In actuality it was no different from his life at that point, except there was more verbal and physical abuse that went on, however, he ignored it.

His parents protested it for a bit but with his exceptional scores and the recruitment office practically begging him to join, they couldn't deny their oldest. So he left. He fled his life, leaving behind Eli and effectively missing the hell that formed in the wake of his absence. When he entered the Air Force, it was not peaches and rainbows but it gave him a sense of belonging and something to work for. He climbed the ranks, found a position that he enjoyed, and went to school to prepare for a career after his service. Val did end up getting a girlfriend before his deployment, Odessa, and in typical fairy tale fashion, they fell in love fast. Eli actually moved in with her shortly before his deployment as Val had found out about what happened to his younger sibling and he wanted to help them out by giving them a place to stay. When he left the country, he thought he had a life that would be better than what he left behind.

His service in Qatar wasn't the best but he didn't get shot at and helped those who did run into whatever trouble. He made good friends and genuinely enjoyed doing what he felt was something of sustenance. Once his deployment was finished, he very quickly married Odessa and they fell pregnant. It was an exciting time for him as he was forming a family that he truly wanted and needed. However, this was at the expense of his relationship with Eli as they quickly left and never said another word to him after the pregnancy was announced. This caused there to be a lot of tension and stress as Odessa was upset by Eli cutting them off without warning. Val tried to look on the positive and assumed Eli would reach back out when she was ready. But nobody was ready for their future.

Odessa lost the baby and it was an incredibly tragic time in their lives. She rarely left the bedroom and when she did she was a shell of her former self. Val did everything he could to support her through the loss and they did their best to lean on each other. But their streak of bad luck seemed to never end. She had been diagnosed with cancer and the reality of what their life had become ended up crashing down on them. Endless treatments, and the smell of sterile hospital rooms and tools, it was sickening for both of them. Neither of them said anything as Odessa slowly withered in front of his eyes and they did their best to focus on her getting out and getting back to their married life. It never came. While watching the sunrise together in the hospital room, Odessa quietly passed as she said she wanted to rest her eyes.

The funeral was painful but beautiful, and Val felt like his world was no longer in existence. He felt like a ghost, surviving only on autopilot. He went through the motions of grief and did what most people did, trying his best to cope and move on. This consisted of him getting a new job in a new city so he could move and have a clean slate. There was no cleaning his slate though. it felt forever stained and as if he was not entitled to the life he wanted and had within his grasp for mere years.
Last edited:
SAUDADE / noun.

Full Name โ€” Elinora Keziah Nasir
Nicknames โ€” Eli, Kezie, Kez
Age โ€” 24 years old
D.O.B โ€” March 5th, 1999
Gender โ€” Non-binary
Pronouns โ€” She/They
Sexuality โ€” Bisexual Demiromantic
Nationality โ€” American
Occupation โ€” Middle School Teacher (Homeroom + Science)
Languages โ€” English, Arabic, Spanish, ASL (still studying)
Unit โ€” #325
Social Media Handle โ€” @eli.kezz

Height โ€” 5'8"
Hair โ€” Natural black, kept long with an undercut
Eyes โ€” Warm dark brown
Build โ€” Mesomorph
Body Mods โ€” Various ear piercings, septum piercing, navel piercing, multiple tattoos (hip, spine, sternum)
Scars โ€” Two scars on their right wrist from previous surgery, one on the back of their neck from an accident when they were in middle school
Face Claim โ€” Cascina Caradonna (Enter Sceptre)
Physical Ailments โ€” Right wrist, previously had surgery on it after an accident. Has bad flare-ups where she has to wear a brace.

Description โ€” Thick untamed hair that tumbles down broad shoulders, freckles and moles dotting across their skin like constellations. Kind brown eyes feel like sunlight on your face when you connect with them, being able to notice the way they crinkle up slightly when laughing or smiling, it being a rather endearing thing. Full eyebrows sit just above those warm pools, showing the most animated expressions, often raising or furrowing within a few seconds. Rolling hills of muscles expand across the entire body, hours of work and dedication carved into them, almost in an attempt to destroy whatever gendered construct they were born in. A lack of curves, just the way they like, clothes hang on their body without constricting it, allowing them to feel free to express themselves safely and in any way they want.

Eli is someone who has always been taller than her peers during childhood. She was a bit more broad and athletic than the other girls, something that was constantly pointed out and teased over. Body hair and build, it was always under scrutiny. The desire to see them in a dress or skirt, something pink and frilly, well, it was uncomfortable and they hated it. As an adult, Eli has much more control over how they present their appearance and she doesn't miss a chance to do so. Unshaven since graduating high school, she often does things to go as genderless as possible, enjoying the androgynous feel they have discovered. This is most apparent in how they dress, often opting for loose pants or shorts, sleeveless shirts or tank tops (occasionally binders), and very muted masculine tones. Their hair is usually down or messily pulled up into a bun, makeup never applied, and fingernails short and unpainted, it is rather euphoric for her now that she's living alone.

Mental Ailments โ€” Depression, PTSD, social anxiety, panic disorder, and ADHD

Vices โ€” Eli isn't someone who has much fluidity when it comes to her opinions, beliefs, and morals. Once you do something to cause them to raise an eyebrow at you, it's over. They are critical of the choices people make but also the choices she also makes and the things she creates. It's difficult when the world feels it's been against you your whole life. Because of this pressure, they are a very paranoid person, constantly thinking that someone is going to do something to them or that something will happen to put them in an unsafe situation again. This tied with their insecurity over themselves and their identity/life, it's easy to see that her confidence can easily be shaken by things going south. As she has grown, Eli has essentially tried to counteract their shortcomings by becoming rather combative to those that pose a danger to their sense of safety and security, which can lead to verbal arguments if it escalates.

Virtues โ€” When it comes to other people or animals, it's very clear that Eli is incredibly protective as she will go to great lengths to ensure that someone is okay and feels safe. This has caused her to be a bit of a 'mother hen' if you will as they will fret about people close to them if they feel like something is wrong. Surprisingly quite humorous, Eli is one to crack jokes at appropriate times and has an overall comedic timing that seems to be pretty entertaining to most people. Even though they don't have very faithful relationships on either side, they are someone who is very romantic. She loves all things romance and seems to thrive when doing said things for potential partners. Not necessarily always understanding of everything, she does her best to support people in whatever endeavor they are doing as she knows how difficult it is to be unsupported in life.

General Description โ€” When someone first sees Eli, the first thing they will notice about her is the slightly shy smile playing on soft lips and a mess of dark hair falling across warm pools of honey. They have a laid-back attitude and aura, which makes them easy to approach, but one will quickly find out how awkward she is when dealing with strangers. Fidgeting her fingers, and biting her lip, it will be hard for Eli to hold eye contact and often they will end up rambling or talking quickly due to their nerves in social situations with strangers. It will come as a surprise to many to find out they are a teacher and a rather successful one (aka her students love her). Their anxiety tends to seep out in crowded areas where it feels like lots of eyes are on her, picking apart what she's doing and what her appearance is. In certain situations where they are overstimulated and overly anxious, they can get a bit defensive in order to protect themselves before quickly leaving the situation.

However, upon deepening a relationship with Eli, you will find that she's a very entertaining person to be around. Between her vast knowledge of movies and video games, they have a fun sense of humor to boot. They take life in stride and do their best to focus on the present and not the future. She is known to catch feelings rather quickly, but commitment is something that they struggle with. Whether it's choosing a partner that will cheat on her or she does the cheating, most relationships end up as failed due to infidelity. Still, it's hard to deny the charm that seems to radiate off of Eli when they are in that sort of mood. But since she knows that breaking up can effect friendships as well, she does her best to not date in their social circles anymore... but that habit can be hard to break.

Likes โ€” Early mornings, the ocean, nature, helping people, working out, video games, making music, going to plays

Dislikes โ€” Sleeping in late, thunderstorms without rain, overly sour food, conflict, bad breakups, getting sick, being late, hospitals

Hobbies โ€” Making music, playing video games (streams it), playing guitar, working out, kickboxing

Education โ€” High school diploma, BA in Middle Grades Education

Trivia โ€” They go by Miss Eli or Miss Nasir at school as they are worried about their employers firing them for being nb and queer. Currently has a service dog named Noctis in training (he has a year left). She is no contact with her parents and extended family. Doesn't like going to church. Currently collecting guitars and video game consoles. Has a fear of infidelity in relationships (for either person). Often gets panic attacks when sitting in a car and thinks people are looking at her. They struggle with infidelity from getting with partners that cheat or they cheat themselves (her therapist thinks it's how they cope with their ex's death).

HISTORY (TW: Homophobia - Transphobia - Religion)
Born as the second and last child between Layla and Victor Nasir they were spoiled from the beginning. An easy baby and toddler, there were really no complaints from either parent or even her older brother as Eli grew up. Their parents allowed them to wear whatever they wanted and play with whatever toys they liked, at least until she reached around seven years old. At seven, Eli requested to join a sports team but had no interest in playing with the girls. They felt like it wasn't right for them and preferred playing soccer and baseball with the boys, which naturally caused issues within the family and school as it just wasn't allowed. So they put her on the girl's team and hoped for the best. Eli played their best and did well in every sport they participated in but they definitely felt uncomfortable and tried to be as respectful to the girls as possible.

This sort of thing never really occurred again until school dances and crushes became prominent and asked about that Eli started to argue with their parents. They hated wearing the feminine clothes they were forced into, and so lots of fighting started. She rebelled as much as physically possible, at one point cutting off their long hair in a desperate attempt to feel more like themselves and not so suffocated. Their actions resulted in frequent church visits, staying late, Sunday school, and talking to the pastor on Fridays and Saturdays after sports. It was overwhelming. Eli was able to find comfort in her close friends and Val, but it wasn't enough to save their mental state. By the time she hit 8th grade, Eli was very much aware that they were not a girl, at least not in the way everyone else was. But knowing how their parents felt about it, they kept quiet at home. At school though, Eli stopped going by Elinora and by Eli or Kez, which was rather freeing for her at the time.

As they shifted their friend group to a more lowkey queer one, fellow students started to take notice and began to react in a way they deemed to be correct. Harassment and bullying were very common for any LGBTQ+ students attending the school as it was a Christian private school. It was pretty tame at first, mostly just snide remarks, notes being left in textbooks, etc, but it did begin to escalate when Eli got a sort-of girlfriend named Cleo. The two had been walking home from school after staying late due to their club when a group of students cut them off and began to confront them about their relationship. There was lots of taunting and prodding, hoping that one of them would snap or simply just cry. Eli was the one to snap and eventually escalated the encounter into a physical fight. Slurs and other things were thrown their way and as the fight progressed, eventually two of the student pushed Eli and she went down the hill, landing on the paved path below. This accident caused a severely broken wrist and a large cut on the back of their neck. They needed surgery and multiple stitches to fix both injuries.

Because of the fight, all students involved got detention for a week and a large parent-teacher conference to decide what to do with future interactions. This was when Eli was forcibly outed by the staff and students to her parents. This would later manifest in a strict schedule and for Eli to be pulled out of sports to limit their amount of 'quality time' with girls. Their sexuality was never truly discussed, simply swept under the rug as time moved on. High school was generally quiet as Eli wasn't allowed to join any sports or clubs as their parents wanted to monitor her and her friends. Because there was no progress or solution for Eli, their parents ended up sending them to a religious camp during the summer of their junior year. It was hell on Earth.

Because of this, when Val finished his basic training he invited Eli to move into an apartment with his girlfriend as he was unable to live with her anymore due to moving into the base dorms. They had to get permission from Layla and Victor, but luckily they didn't contest it as it was a request from Val. So she moved a couple of hours away and enrolled in a new high school for their senior year. They were pretty quiet and didn't really talk at all as they had suffered a lot while at the summer camp. Nobody really knows what happened outside of Eli's therapist. When she graduated, she fully cut contact with her family aside from Val and came out as bisexual and non-binary. It was terrifying but it helped them feel a lot better and more secure in their body.

Living with Val's girlfriend, Odessa, was really fun. She was super sweet and fun, liked to do things with Eli, and helped them navigate stressful social situations without any problems. Their friendship was close and it was easier to cope with the stress of life while relying on each other. She found comfort in Odessa's company and when Val deployed, they dealt with their stress and sadness together. Unfortunately, it turned into something more than roommates or friends being there for each other. The two fell into a relationship, one that they didn't dare to label or speak about. It was passionate and painful at the same time, but it was the first time that Eli had ever fallen in love. A secret that no one could tell, Odessa made them swear to take it to the grave as she said she would never be okay to come out. That was enough for Eli. So for seven months, they were in a place of forbidden bliss but the guilt ate Eli from the inside. She couldn't justify being with Odessa but she couldn't and wouldn't stop herself.

The only thing that caused them to stop the affair was Val coming back to the States and Odessa falling pregnant shortly later. At this point, Eli moved out and got a roommate as they finished college. Her friendship with Odessa fell apart and contact with Val was strained. That's why it was such a shock to hear about Odessa's passing years later. They were 22 at this point. She went back for the funeral but didn't stay longer than a couple of days. Depression and guilt consumed them which caused them to struggle to finish their degree, but thankfully she was able to. Graduation was nothing to celebrate and they decided to move to a new apartment complex closer to the school they were hired at.

She's been living at the new complex for a while and seeing a therapist regularly to deal with her issues. They got approved for a service dog but he still has another year before he is able to move in with her and be her service dog. So until then, Eli is simply coping and trying to move on with their life. However, it seems like things have been getting worse once again after finding out Val has moved into the complex as well.

Layla Nasir โ€” Mother โ€” Played By: Antje Traue

Victor Nasir โ€” Father โ€” Played By: Khaled Al Nabwy

Valentine Nasir โ€” Brother โ€” Played By: Tamino Amir

Odessa Nasir โ€” Sister-in-law โ€” Played By: Mikey Madison
'the love that remains'
coded by ukiiyo

Full Name โ€” Elinora Keziah Nasir
Nicknames โ€” Eli, Kezie, Kez
Age โ€” 24 years old
D.O.B โ€” March 5th, 1999
Gender โ€” Non-binary
Pronouns โ€” She/They
Sexuality โ€” Bisexual Demiromantic
Nationality โ€” American
Occupation โ€” Middle School Teacher (Homeroom + Science)
Languages โ€” English, Spanish, Arabic, ASL (still studying)
Unit โ€” #325
Social Media Handle โ€” @eli.kezz

Height โ€” 5'8"
Hair โ€” Natural black, kept long with an undercut
Eyes โ€” Warm dark brown
Build โ€” Mesomorph
Body Mods โ€” Various ear piercings, septum piercing, navel piercing, multiple tattoos (hip, spine, sternum)
Scars โ€” Two scars on their right wrist from previous surgery, one on the back of their neck from an accident when they were in middle school
Face Claim โ€” Cascina Caradonna (Enter Sceptre)
Physical Ailments โ€” Right wrist, previously had surgery on it after an accident. Has bad flare-ups where she has to wear a brace.

Description โ€” Thick untamed hair that tumbles down broad shoulders, freckles and moles dotting across their skin like constellations. Kind brown eyes feel like sunlight on your face when you connect with them, being able to notice the way they crinkle up slightly when laughing or smiling, it being a rather endearing thing. Full eyebrows sit just above those warm pools, showing the most animated expressions, often raising or furrowing within a few seconds. Rolling hills of muscles expand across the entire body, hours of work and dedication carved into them, almost in an attempt to destroy whatever gendered construct they were born in. A lack of curves, just the way they like, clothes hang on their body without constricting it, allowing them to feel free to express themselves safely and in any way they want.

Eli is someone who has always been taller than her peers during childhood. She was a bit more broad and athletic than the other girls, something that was constantly pointed out and teased over. Body hair and build, it was always under scrutiny. The desire to see them in a dress or skirt, something pink and frilly, well, it was uncomfortable and they hated it. As an adult, Eli has much more control over how they present their appearance and she doesn't miss a chance to do so. Unshaven since graduating high school, she often does things to go as genderless as possible, enjoying the androgynous feel they have discovered. This is most apparent in how they dress, often opting for loose pants or shorts, sleeveless shirts or tank tops (occasionally binders), and very muted masculine tones. Their hair is usually down or messily pulled up into a bun, makeup never applied, and fingernails short and unpainted, it is rather euphoric for her now that she's living alone.

Mental Ailments โ€” Depression, PTSD, social anxiety, panic disorder, and ADHD

Vices โ€” Eli isn't someone who has much fluidity when it comes to her opinions, beliefs, and morals. Once you do something to cause them to raise an eyebrow at you, it's over. They are critical of the choices people make but also the choices she also makes and the things she creates. It's difficult when the world feels it's been against you your whole life. Because of this pressure, they are a very paranoid person, constantly thinking that someone is going to do something to them or that something will happen to put them in an unsafe situation again. This tied with their insecurity over themselves and their identity/life, it's easy to see that her confidence can easily be shaken by things going south. As she has grown, Eli has essentially tried to counteract their shortcomings by becoming rather combative to those that pose a danger to their sense of safety and security, which can lead to verbal arguments if it escalates.

Virtues โ€” When it comes to other people or animals, it's very clear that Eli is incredibly protective as she will go to great lengths to ensure that someone is okay and feels safe. This has caused her to be a bit of a 'mother hen' if you will as they will fret about people close to them if they feel like something is wrong. Surprisingly quite humorous, Eli is one to crack jokes at appropriate times and has an overall comedic timing that seems to be pretty entertaining to most people. Even though they don't have very faithful relationships on either side, they are someone who is very romantic. She loves all things romance and seems to thrive when doing said things for potential partners. Not necessarily always understanding of everything, she does her best to support people in whatever endeavor they are doing as she knows how difficult it is to be unsupported in life.

General Description โ€” When someone first sees Eli, the first thing they will notice about her is the slightly shy smile playing on soft lips and a mess of dark hair falling across warm pools of honey. They have a laid-back attitude and aura, which makes them easy to approach, but one will quickly find out how awkward she is when dealing with strangers. Fidgeting her fingers, and biting her lip, it will be hard for Eli to hold eye contact and often they will end up rambling or talking quickly due to their nerves in social situations with strangers. It will come as a surprise to many to find out they are a teacher and a rather successful one (aka her students love her). Their anxiety tends to seep out in crowded areas where it feels like lots of eyes are on her, picking apart what she's doing and what her appearance is. In certain situations where they are overstimulated and overly anxious, they can get a bit defensive in order to protect themselves before quickly leaving the situation.

However, upon deepening a relationship with Eli, you will find that she's a very entertaining person to be around. Between her vast knowledge of movies and video games, they have a fun sense of humor to boot. They take life in stride and do their best to focus on the present and not the future. She is known to catch feelings rather quickly, but commitment is something that they struggle with. Whether it's choosing a partner that will cheat on her or she does the cheating, most relationships end up as failed due to infidelity. Still, it's hard to deny the charm that seems to radiate off of Eli when they are in that sort of mood. But since she knows that breaking up can effect friendships as well, she does her best to not date in their social circles anymore... but that habit can be hard to break.

Likes โ€” Early mornings, the ocean, nature, helping people, working out, video games, making music, going to plays

Dislikes โ€” Sleeping in late, thunderstorms without rain, overly sour food, conflict, bad breakups, getting sick, being late, hospitals

Hobbies โ€” Making music, playing video games (streams it), playing guitar, working out, kickboxing

Education โ€” High school diploma, BA in Middle Grades Education

Trivia โ€” They go by Miss Eli or Miss Nasir at school as they are worried about their employers firing them for being nb and queer. Currently has a service dog named Noctis in training (he has a year left). She is no contact with her parents and extended family. Doesn't like going to church. Currently collecting guitars and video game consoles. Has a fear of infidelity in relationships (for either person). Often gets panic attacks when sitting in a car and thinks people are looking at her. They struggle with infidelity from getting with partners that cheat or they cheat themselves (her therapist thinks it's how they cope with their ex's death).

HISTORY (TW: Homophobia - Transphobia - Religion)
Born as the second and last child between Layla and Victor Nasir they were spoiled from the beginning. An easy baby and toddler, there were really no complaints from either parent or even her older brother as Eli grew up. Their parents allowed them to wear whatever they wanted and play with whatever toys they liked, at least until she reached around seven years old. At seven, Eli requested to join a sports team but had no interest in playing with the girls. They felt like it wasn't right for them and preferred playing soccer and baseball with the boys, which naturally caused issues within the family and school as it just wasn't allowed. So they put her on the girl's team and hoped for the best. Eli played their best and did well in every sport they participated in but they definitely felt uncomfortable and tried to be as respectful to the girls as possible.

This sort of thing never really occurred again until school dances and crushes became prominent and asked about that Eli started to argue with their parents. They hated wearing the feminine clothes they were forced into, and so lots of fighting started. She rebelled as much as physically possible, at one point cutting off their long hair in a desperate attempt to feel more like themselves and not so suffocated. Their actions resulted in frequent church visits, staying late, Sunday school, and talking to the pastor on Fridays and Saturdays after sports. It was overwhelming. Eli was able to find comfort in her close friends and Val, but it wasn't enough to save their mental state. By the time she hit 8th grade, Eli was very much aware that they were not a girl, at least not in the way everyone else was. But knowing how their parents felt about it, they kept quiet at home. At school though, Eli stopped going by Elinora and by Eli or Kez, which was rather freeing for her at the time.

As they shifted their friend group to a more lowkey queer one, fellow students started to take notice and began to react in a way they deemed to be correct. Harassment and bullying were very common for any LGBTQ+ students attending the school as it was a Christian private school. It was pretty tame at first, mostly just snide remarks, notes being left in textbooks, etc, but it did begin to escalate when Eli got a sort-of girlfriend named Cleo. The two had been walking home from school after staying late due to their club when a group of students cut them off and began to confront them about their relationship. There was lots of taunting and prodding, hoping that one of them would snap or simply just cry. Eli was the one to snap and eventually escalated the encounter into a physical fight. Slurs and other things were thrown their way and as the fight progressed, eventually two of the student pushed Eli and she went down the hill, landing on the paved path below. This accident caused a severely broken wrist and a large cut on the back of their neck. They needed surgery and multiple stitches to fix both injuries.

Because of the fight, all students involved got detention for a week and a large parent-teacher conference to decide what to do with future interactions. This was when Eli was forcibly outed by the staff and students to her parents. This would later manifest in a strict schedule and for Eli to be pulled out of sports to limit their amount of 'quality time' with girls. Their sexuality was never truly discussed, simply swept under the rug as time moved on. High school was generally quiet as Eli wasn't allowed to join any sports or clubs as their parents wanted to monitor her and her friends. Because there was no progress or solution for Eli, their parents ended up sending them to a religious camp during the summer of their junior year. It was hell on Earth.

Because of this, when Val finished his basic training he invited Eli to move into an apartment with his girlfriend as he was unable to live with her anymore due to moving into the base dorms. They had to get permission from Layla and Victor, but luckily they didn't contest it as it was a request from Val. So she moved a couple of hours away and enrolled in a new high school for their senior year. They were pretty quiet and didn't really talk at all as they had suffered a lot while at the summer camp. Nobody really knows what happened outside of Eli's therapist. When she graduated, she fully cut contact with her family aside from Val and came out as bisexual and non-binary. It was terrifying but it helped them feel a lot better and more secure in their body.

Living with Val's girlfriend, Odessa, was really fun. She was super sweet and fun, liked to do things with Eli, and helped them navigate stressful social situations without any problems. Their friendship was close and it was easier to cope with the stress of life while relying on each other. She found comfort in Odessa's company and when Val deployed, they dealt with their stress and sadness together. Unfortunately, it turned into something more than roommates or friends being there for each other. The two fell into a relationship, one that they didn't dare to label or speak about. It was passionate and painful at the same time, but it was the first time that Eli had ever fallen in love. A secret that no one could tell, Odessa made them swear to take it to the grave as she said she would never be okay to come out. That was enough for Eli. So for seven months, they were in a place of forbidden bliss but the guilt ate Eli from the inside. She couldn't justify being with Odessa but she couldn't and wouldn't stop herself.

The only thing that caused them to stop the affair was Val coming back to the States and Odessa falling pregnant shortly later. At this point, Eli moved out and got a roommate as they finished college. Her friendship with Odessa fell apart and contact with Val was strained. That's why it was such a shock to hear about Odessa's passing years later. They were 22 at this point. She went back for the funeral but didn't stay longer than a couple of days. Depression and guilt consumed them which caused them to struggle to finish their degree, but thankfully she was able to. Graduation was nothing to celebrate and they decided to move to a new apartment complex closer to the school they were hired at.

She's been living at the new complex for a while and seeing a therapist regularly to deal with her issues. They got approved for a service dog but he still has another year before he is able to move in with her and be her service dog. So until then, Eli is simply coping and trying to move on with their life. However, it seems like things have been getting worse once again after finding out Val has moved into the complex as well.

Layla Nasir โ€” Mother โ€” Played By: Antje Traue

Victor Nasir โ€” Father โ€” Played By: Khaled Al Nabwy

Valentine Nasir โ€” Brother โ€” Played By: Tamino Amir

Odessa Nasir โ€” Sister-in-law โ€” Played By: Mikey Madison
Last edited:

Aria, 22
Fashion Designer

About me (scroll)
Hey there! I'm Aria Lee and I'm applying for Unit 222 - if you're seeing this we're probably gonna be neighbours! Feel free to call me Ari if youโ€™re a nickname person. Iโ€™ve only just moved to the city and itโ€™d be great to get to know everyone else that lives here.. Who knows, maybe Iโ€™ll stop by with some treats if I'm able to get an apartment here.

I have a little business making clothes at home and one of the reasons Iโ€™m wanting to move in is so I can have space for it all. My biggest hobby (aside from baking and dancing) has gotta be cosplaying which fits hand in hand with what I do for work - if youโ€™re interested in that sorta nerdy stuff Iโ€™m @Leeria on all socials. I do happen to be on the lookout for a cosplay buddy! Sometimes I post little poems of mine that are quite embarrassing so actually, you know what, maybe donโ€™t follow me.

Visage (scroll)
I have long, naturally straight, dark brown hair and I'd say my eyes are closest to hazel than anything else. I'm a little more tanned than your average South Korean girl (at least if you visit Korea) and, being a former dancer, I like to keep on top of my fitness at the gym - if you know any good gyms around the area I'd appreciate recommendations! Side note - all my friends say I look exactly like Hannah Kae Kim, but I personally don't see it at all haha. What do you think?
My Basics
๐Ÿ“ 5'4"
๐Ÿคธโ€โ™€๏ธ Active
๐ŸŽ“ College Graduate

๐Ÿท Yes
๐Ÿšฌ No
๐Ÿƒ Yes
๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท Korean

๐Ÿ’‹ Hopeless Romantic
๐Ÿผ Want Someday

โœจ Saggittarius
๐Ÿ’ž Pansexual
๐Ÿฅฆ Veggie

My Likes
๐Ÿ‘š Fashion
๐Ÿ“– Reading
๐ŸŽต Music

๐Ÿฐ Baking
๐ŸŒ† Exploring new places

๐Ÿถ Animals
๐Ÿ’ƒ Dancing
๐Ÿซ‚ Empaths

๐Ÿฅณ Raves
๐ŸŽฎ Gaming
๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™€๏ธ Cosplaying

My Dislikes
๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ Spiders
๐Ÿ’ฌ Dishonesty
๐Ÿ‘บ Narcissism

๐Ÿ˜  Discrimination
๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™€๏ธ Cliques
๐Ÿบ Beer

Persona (scroll)
I didn't want to be biased so I asked my sister to write this next part honestly about me, this is what she texted: "I'll list three vices and virtues about Ari. First off, she'll have everyone believe that she's this confident social butterfly but what people don't see is her social anxiety. She'll spend too long planning out a conversation beforehand and worrying that she'll seem weird, and even when things go fine she's always harsh on herself afterwards worrying that she messed up and ruined the first impression.

Its defo down to the bullying she experienced in high school, which is actually partly responsible one of her positives - Ari doesn't have a judgemental bone in her body. In fact, I don't think I've heard her say she hates someone unless they're a reeeaaal A-Grade piece of work. She'll root for the underdog and anyone that's misunderstood no matter what. She's also accepting of everyone and sees the best even in people that don't deserve it - putting too much faith in the wrong people has backfired for her in the past.

My sister sadly has had a few depressive episodes over the years. Even though it doesnโ€™t happen frequently, when she gets like that she wonโ€™t step foot out of her bedroom or text people back, let alone do anything she enjoys. It usually lasts a week or two, the worst one being about a month. It's like she completely forgets that there are people that love her and refuses to let anyone in to prove it - I think sheโ€™s scared of becoming someoneโ€™s burden and mistakenly thinks she has to go through things alone.

Okay, when sheโ€™s not going through something she's literally always up for a crazy adventure. Her impulsivity (mostly) makes her a great person to hang with. If you turned up at 3am and asked to go skydiving together in Sweden? Sheโ€™d jump at the chance without hesitating. Pun intended. Whether thatโ€™s a good thing or a bad thing is up for debate lmao. Either way, one thingโ€™s for sure about her โ€” you can rely on her no matter what.

One thing I have to mention about Ari is her fear of abandonment. With that big olโ€™ heart of hers, whenever she falls in love with someone, she falls real hard, and well.. Not many people seem to like that. Her worst depressive episode was down to someone she really cared about walking away without notice, but sheโ€™ll kill me if I go into too much detail about that. After that god-awful time I donโ€™t really see her trusting all that quickly anymore.

When it comes to friendships she totally still trusts wholeheartedly but she's way more cautious with love these days and would probably rather ignore her feelings than be hurt again. I guess she's learned the hard way that vulnerability isnโ€™t always a good quality. Last but not least, Ari is loyal to a fault - what a surprise! If you're privileged enough to be someone she cares about, you're never going to be left behind. Being her sister, I love that about her. I don't think she's ever not had my back when I needed her. Was that three each? I think it was."
History (scroll)
I was born in South Korea as my birth name Ahri, living there for most of my childhood with my big sister, my dad and my mom. When I was ten my dad scored this killer job opportunity in Spain. Can you imagine? We finally got the chance to go abroad! The only catch? None of us had a clue how to speak Spanish.

Let me tell you, adjusting to a whole new country as a kid was rough. But you know what? It made our family bond stronger than ever. My sister became my ride-or-die during those times and after a year things werenโ€™t half bad. Just when we were finally settling in, bam! Dad's job had us packing our bags again right in time for high school, this time our destination being the US. Talk about timing.

Unlike my sister, I only knew some basic words and phrases in English when I was thirteen. And let me tell you, the kids my age weren't exactly welcoming. Imagine having the first complex vocabularies you learned in another language be racial slurs, directed right at you.

At fourteen, I was sick of it. Sick of being laughed at and sick of being scared to go to school. So I joined the school's dance team, hoping that being a part of something like that would be a good opportunity for me to fit in. I wasn't immediately talented or anything but Iโ€™m an extremely fast learner - I didn't need a translator to copy the choreography, and the girls in the team were soon helping me learn so much English, even if it was mostly for the benefit of the performances. Aside from the people that had already decided they hated me and weren't willing to change that, through dancing, I was actually able to make some friends aside from my sister. I could finally express myself.

Since I was a little girl I always dreamt of being a performer. I wanted to be this badass singer in a girl band that people looked up to, much to my parents' disapproval. The dance team was probably the closest I'll ever get to that dream. Lifeโ€™s funny like that. Making it big as a musician in the US is way tougher than it is in Korea anyways, and Iโ€™m here to stay - if my application gets accepted, that is. After graduating college with a degree in fashion design I now make clothes for a living, which is nice because I love expressing myself through fashion too. Itโ€™s a small business and Iโ€™m no doctor or lawyer, but it puts food on the table and it doesnโ€™t make me want to smash my head against a wall, so Iโ€™d call it a win.
Aria's Location
United States of America
0.0 Miles Away

๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ท Lived in Daegu, South Korea
๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ Lived in Madrid, Spain
My Anthem
Corona - Punchnello (Feat. Crush)
Ari's Top Artists on Spotify

Sleeping With Sirens


coded by Sugarnaut
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Allison Kincaid
Unit 459


    unit 302.

code by birth of venus.
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  • home (filler tab)

Electric Guest

This Head I Hold

Full Name: Nalani Emery
Nickname(s): Nala
Age: 27
D.O.B: January 24th, 1995
Gender: Cis-Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: American
Occupation: Bar owner. Works at his own bar. Probably something on the side, but he wouldn't mention it either way.
Unit #318
Social Media Handle:

Black curls unkempt on the man's head bounced about as he danced, emotionless, in the middle of the floor- The remainder of the rave having fizzled out a bit before. His eyes plainly reflected the flashing lights in all of their technicolor glory, hardly distorting the lights with their own dull color. He found himself borderline motionless, a translucent plastic cup sloshing the last of its lukewarm liquid on his knuckles before they found themselves dropping the cup into a trashcan and meandering outside the dark building. His voice grumbled, a little raspy, when he asked the outdoor bouncer if he could bum a cigarette in exchange for a dollar bill he found crumpled in his loose jacket's pocket. Nala made it halfway back to his apartment before he remembered what he'd done. And he dropped the cigarette into the storm drain across the street from his door before he cared.

Weight: ~180
Height: 6'2''
Body: Medium-build, though he does not appear particularly muscular or toned, he is deceptively strong. And combative.
Style: Dark, muted colors and more casual than anything. Dark, tapered pants or joggers with t-shirts aplenty.
Ailments: Suffers from some mental illness. Undiagnosed. Physically, scarring underneath tattoos. From what, you ask...?
Body Modifications: Full sleeve tattoo, flowing into shoulder piece on right arm and right shoulder; descends to some script underneath his collarbone. Who knows what it says. Small gauged ear piercings, with one in each lobe, black. Rear helix ring, silver. Left nostril ring, silver.
Face Claim: Zac Hart
Other Descriptions: Can be volatile, moody. Stands straight, confident, but not stiff. Deliberate and controlled body language.

Music, show-tunes to djent, it's all about the vibes
His cat, Mika/Mimi
Drinking on the job
Owning a bar
Free Love and Often
Folgers, insert lack of care for seething judgement
Emotional honesty with himself
Political figures and authorities
Singing loudly and pretending to be in a cover band
Jogging and hiking
Street art, often illegal

Unless you spend relentless amounts of time getting to know Nala and proving time and time again that you are somehow trustworthy, he will never confide in you; though he'd listen to you and whatever your ailments were until you were out of breath.
What's a savior complex? Nala couldn't tell you. But he can tell you that your feelings and troubles are somehow more important and valid than his own. Self-sacrifice is near his identity's core, most likely due to his brother's death- er... Murder-
Vengeful. A professional grudge-holder, Nala can let seething loathing get the best of him for years on end.
Addicted to God-knows-what. Non-stop crisis mode in his youth quickly drove Nala to seek out psychoactive substances at a young age. His current fascinations are cocaine and marijuana. Oh, and cigarettes. Whatever's on sale.

. He's loud and he knows it. From blaring music in his apartment to expressing his few and far between emotions. Dance parties are always an option. Raves, more like.
Joyful. His joy is typically contagious, despite his past pains and sufferings. It's a point to build up those around him, though often to his own detriment.
Confident. Seemingly fearless, Nalani walks a fine line between confident and cocky, strong-willed and reckless. He gets what he wants when he wants it. After years living as a part of the underground, you figure out how to command conversation. And more.

Though he's intelligent and deeply intuitive, the closest thing to an education he has is a falsified high school diploma he framed in order to go through a few college classes. He dropped out nearly immediately. Much of his social learning comes from mimicry in his youth- a sure-fire way to survival, though it's no doubt damaging.

Nala grew up on the streets of Manhattan with his brother Maleko. They were orphaned at a young age when their father left them behind upon the death of their mother. Maleko, who was 8 years older than Nalani, kept the boy alive and well- primarily by drastic means. Maleko joined up with an... organization- doing their bidding until he was accused of double crossing a leader. He was murdered- Upon Maleko's death, Nala was forced into drug running and other nasties. Though he hated his day-to-day existence due its plague of violence, he made decent money as a drug runner, and more. He eventually found his way out of the City's messy drug gangs, choosing to move to Charlotte, North Carolina. He'd read in a magazine on a one-way flight to New Orleans that it was a premiere up-and-coming tourist destination. And appropriately far from New York City. He booked a flight to Charlotte soon thereafter, figuring his way about the city and managing on the streets, deliberately, for a time before purchasing his own bar and applying for apartments. Money clearly a non-issue, he figured he'd splurge on a space large enough to accommodate guests. And a place where he could give the cat her own room.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • basics

    Rhodey Rhodes

    you shook me all night long


    full name

    Jameson Tyler Rhodes


    Rhodey, Rhode/Rhodes

    unit #

    222 (or any 1 bedroom)





    date of birth

    August 7th 1999

    place of birth

    Augusta, ME


    Graduate Student, English Tutor




    Blind (Stargardt's Disease/Juvenile Macular Degeneration), Mild Anxiety, Episodic Migraines

    social handle


โ™กdesign by natasha., coded by uxieโ™ก
  • This was the price for the strange life she had chosen, but she had gone into it with eyes open and there was no profit in regret.
    Jackie Quinn
coded by natasha.
Last edited:
  • paranoid android

    Nacharee "Natalie" Newell
    date of birth
    april 19th, 1997
    cis female (she/her)
    asexual (panromantic)
    live musician
coded by natasha.
Last edited:
  • riptide
    unlike pluto
    Vincent Noah Kirby
    date of birth
    Cis Man
    Dispensary Employee
coded by natasha.

Isabella, 24
Izzy or Isa
FC @aliyahsinterlude

Izzy is someone who prides herself on her outwards appearance. Easier to work from the outside in right? Growing up she never got to explore in fashion but always had a love for it. Sense entering adulthood she's found her sense of style. Taking inspiration from the Y2K, Bimbo, and some grunge aesthetics. A mini skirt is a must! (Most pants are the devil incarnate) Pair that with some fishnets or tights. Up top she love Bralettes, Graphic Tees/Tanks, more fishnets, knitted tops. Add a puffy jacket if its chilly. Make sure something Cropped, Cut or Tattered. Boots big enough to crush the hopes and dreams of your enemies. And she'll never forget to accessorize, the details make the fit come together! So why not add a faux-fur hat or earmuffs, belts, jewelry, and nails. She loves a dark nude lip and eyeshadow to match the fit. Izzy loves to switch up her hair at ease and has opted have a shorter cut, so they and easily change it up with a wig.

Izzy has amorphous blob shape on the back of right thigh from when she was flung off a horse. A small notch on her right ear from bullet. She also a had a scar on left palm from when a knife she was using slipped.

My Basics
๐Ÿ“ 5'7"
๐Ÿ”ฉ 152 pnd
๐Ÿ’ผ Influncer

๐Ÿšบ Cis
๐Ÿ“ She/Her
๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Pansexual

๐Ÿ’‹ Single
๐Ÿ™ Agnostic
๐Ÿ  #110

โ˜€๏ธ Leo
๐ŸŒ‘ Aquarius
โฌ†๏ธ Pisces

My Likes
๐Ÿ’„ Make-up
๐Ÿ‘— Fashion
๐ŸŽง Earmuffs
๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฟ Clubbing
๐Ÿน Drinking
๐Ÿ›๏ธ Shopping
๐Ÿ“ท Photoshoots
๐Ÿฅก Takeout
๐ŸŽฒ DMing

๐Ÿ›๏ธ One Night Stands
๐ŸŽฎ Video Games

My Dislikes
๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ Mansplaining
๐Ÿšœ Country Music

๐Ÿณ Cooking
๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง Her Family
โญ Jeffree Star
๐ŸฆŒ Hunting For Sport
๐Ÿฆ‹ Moths

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ Her Accent
๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ Being Alone

๐Ÿ•ฐ๏ธTalking About Her Past
๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ Jogging

An ENFP Izzy loves to be with people, and going out on the town for some bar hopping. The life of the party, she's the one dancing on top of tables, your personal hype woman. She also does love a more casual night, be the a game/movie night. Izzy just wants to make people laugh and feel welcomed as she spent so long feeling like an outsider. Prone to anxiety if her friends leave her out of things she can sprial and think the worst. A romantic, but terrified of commitment as she doesn't want to be hurt, so she opts for hookups. Much more of nerd then one might expect, she love anime, gaming, fanfics, and Dm-ing. She's been embracing that side of her as of recent. Learning to be nicer to herself, to give herself the love she gives her friends.
Isabella Maryanne Perkins was born to a strict catholic family in Montana. The middle child of 5 and the only girl. Izzy was 5 and Half when her mother passed from Lung Cancer. Izzy took it the hardest out everyone, she really loved her mother and was always a little scared of her father Roger. With her mother gone her father tried to raise her as one of the boys. She worked more on the farm getting her hands dirty, something she didn't mind. What she did hate was the family hunting trips, she never liked taking an animals life, especially sense it was just for sport. But it was a huge source of bonding for her family, so she swallowed her pride and learned her way around a gun. When she was about 11 she was hunting with her older brothers. They two brother always liked to goof off and roughhouse, however something went wrong and gun went off. This would end up nicking Izzy right ear, making lose her lose her hearing on her right side. Izzy would swear off hunting and would stop for a few years. As Isabella got older she started to develop feelings, this absolutely terrified her when she started forming them on girls. She was always told that people like that were. evil, wicked, and would be sent to hell. Isabella got older and these feelings wouldn't go away. She knew herself, she knew she wasn't demonic, but she knew she wouldn't be safe around her family if they ever found out. Eventually her father did find out, and all hell broke loose in that house that night. The two got into a physical fight and where never the same. Isabella started saving up money so she could one day leave. When she was 17 in the middle of the night she hit the road in an old pick up truck leaving her family and life behind. She would traveling for a around three years. picking up odd jobs and living out her car. It was great but better than what she had. When she was 20 she had found a group of friends who really helped her find herself, one of them set her up on their couch and Izzy was able to get on her feet. She ended finding out about twitch and started gaming on their becoming a semi-popular content creator, however she mostly known for her tiktoks about her style. Now 24 she moved out wanting to be closer to the city.
Isabella's Location
Right Behind You
420.69 Feet Away

๐Ÿค From Big Timber, Montana
My Anthem
Hot Damn by Ivy Levan
Isabella's Top Artists on Spotify
Megan Thee Stallion

Rina Sawyama
Remi Wolf

Lil Nas X
Isaac Dunbar

coded by Sugarnaut





  • #110

    Worrying does not take away tomorrowโ€™s troubles.

    It only takes away todayโ€™s peace.


    Piano Peace

    character name & username

    Quinn Caragh Devlin - @theycallme_red


    Red, Kara (rarer)

    age & d.o.b.

    25 years old - 05/08/1997

    gender & orientation

    Cis-Femme & Pansexual

    ethnicity & nationality

    Irish-American, completed the naturalization process last year

โ™กdesign by natasha., coded by uxieโ™ก


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