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Fandom Whispers of Evil ( Character Sheets)


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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harry potter weather GIF

Okay dokey

This will be the character sheet thread!!!

I will be linking this in the ooc thread and then both in the interest check

I may open it up later to more than the 6 main characters

But here we go!

Here is the info , Needed:


hair color:
eye color:


Blood status:
Year at School:
Best class:
Worst class:
Special Abilities:




Background and Family:

This is just all the stuff I have on my own sheet!
You can add more in you like
I do plan on adding amortentia and a few others things eventually


Basic rules:

1 of each special abilities for the moment!
Taken Special Abilities
- Werewolf
- Metamorphmagus
- Veela
- parseltongue

Everything else open :)


Here is my oc for this rp


I look forward to seeing everyones ocs and I will react with a Heart if I read your OC's profile


Just remember that our group is supposed to be the bad guys :)

Excited to see everyone's ocs
Last edited:


cyrus grant pennington.




  • 01.



    cyrus grant pennington



    cy, mr pennington, the metamorph














    Cyrus stands at a height of six foot five, making him the tallest person people probably know (a lot of people speculate that he's a half giant, though this is disputed. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin.


    jacob elordi

♡coded by uxie♡


Full Name:Malaika Rania Odion
Name Meaning:Angel ,to gaze, born of twins
Birthdate:April 14th

Year: 6th
Wand:The wand core is a Veela Hair and the wood is Aspen. Flexible and length of 12 inches.
Pet: A white fruit bat named Kea

Blood Status: Half-blood (She’s part Veela)
Boggart:Her father
Preferred Classes:Care for magical creatures, transfiguration,potions, herbology

Appearance:A beautiful young woman with a heart shaped face and smooth creamy complexion. Skin which can compare to the richest of mocha coffee beans. Through the years her appearance has changed from that of a small awkward little girl to that of an almost adult who’s confident in themselves. Her stride is purposeful and powerful leaving no room for anyone to spot her flaws, that is if she had any. Her teeth are pearly white to match her hair color which is in fact dyed white. Her natural hair being a deep ebony color though she’s had her hair white since she was ten years old. The one thing most noticeable about her is her eyes which are a stunning shade of blue. They are her natural eye color despite many believing she also changes them with magic. She also has a small smattering of freckles that run across her nose and cheeks though they aren’t as noticeable unless you are up close with her.
Wardrobe:When at school she wears the school uniform which consists of pink robes with golden armbands. Her usual attire when not in school uniform consists of bright dresses or tight fitting jeans. The shirts range from simple tank tops to the top of the line designer shirts. (I’ll post images when I find what exactly she likes to wear.)
Scent:White chocolate and strawberries with hints of fresh soil
Height & Weight:5’5 & 137lbs
Body Modifications:Her nose and a couple ear piercings. She also has a tattoo.
Physical Disabilities:N/A
Faceclaim:Bee Melvnin

Malaika is a strong independent young woman who lights up a room just with her presence. She’s the life of the party always ready for a good time and encouraging others to break out of their shells.(when they are ready of course.) She is also very studious, always paying attention in class and one of the top students always ranking high on any exams. Lai is someone you can always depend on. She would break her back for her friends but she is also smart enough to now allow herself to be walked over. There’s almost always a cheerful aura about her but like anyone else she also has days of sadness or anxiety. Her thoughts drift to the past making her tense and jittery some days, usually causing her to snap at the smallest of things. This always puts her in a bad mood as one she doesn’t like snapping at her friends and two the thoughts of the past upset her. Malaika isn’t the jealous type she can be a little envious of at times but she doesn’t really get upset in a relationship when her partner talks or does something with someone else. She trusts that if they truly care about her then their intentions will lead them down a non cheating path. Though she will admit she is a bit on the softer side when it comes to love as she’s always wanted that fairytale type romance.
Positive Traits:
Neutral Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:Mix of ESFJ and ENFJ
Moral Alignment:Neutral Good
Temperament:Mix of Choleric and Sanguine

•Tending to gardens
•The fresh scent of newly made coffee
•Testing out new potions
•Going on adventures
•Meeting new people
•The scent of newly bloomed flowers
•Her father
•Being alone
•Silence (like utter silence no sound at all)
•Being judged
•When people question her eye color
•When her sister talks about her father
•Chewing on her thumbnail when nervous or thinking.
•Snapping her fingers when annoyed(which uh has caused plenty of problems)
•Humming songs when working
•Her father
•Her hands being harmed
•Being trapped in a cage again
•Something happening to her mother
•Not being able to run free
•Looking up potion recipes and testing them out
•Helping creatures in need that have been rescued from poachers
•Trying to fight poachers
Mental Disorders:N/A

•Ashanti Odion (Mother/Alive/Stepmother)
•Davu Odion (Father/Alive/MIA)(Dark Wizard)
•Mariama Izara (Older sister/Alive)(Dark Wizard)
•Nia and Hibo Izara (Niece and Nephew/ twins/alive)
Some might think that Malaika’s home life and childhood was all rainbows with sunshine. It was in the beginning when she was very little she remembered her mother and father’s smiling faces. There was peace in the home and laughter then one day it all changed. When Malaika turned 7 years old her father had gotten himself into some deep trouble. It came to light that Malaikas father was a creature poacher who had dug himself quite a hole in debt. So he took it upon himself to use everything to his advantage that would mean his youngest daughter Malaika. He would force her into an Animagus form and do his bidding and be his spy. Malaika would never forget that night the sound of her mother screaming and older sister sobbing as her father's face filled with a look she had never seen snatched her out of her bed. He took her outside, tossing her into a car before they drove for hours. It was frightening and the man who was supposed to comfort her was the one causing the panic to seep into her. The sky darkened even more as they arrived at a location of a run down building where Malaika would soon call home for the next several months. Her father forced her into a cage and started the ritual to become an animagus. If she tried anything to stop the process she was put into a smaller cage and left in the darkness until her father deemed she had learned her lesson. As the months passed Malaika began obeying if only to not be stuck into an even smaller cage again. Then one day it happened the sound of shouting and spells going off filled the air then she was there with her mother! Her mother Ashanti was there to save her after months of trying to find her daughter. Her father was soon arrested and taken away to the wizarding prison though because by this point he had high connections he was able to escape. His whereabouts are still currently unknown and Maliaka hoped to never see him ever again. Those nights would haunt her for years as well as the constant question of what was her Animagus form? Could she show them? Was it a large animal? She never did tell anyone or show them so it’s unknown even to this day if she has a form.(She does not have an Animagus form ). As she healed over the years and put her torment behind her she strived wanting to live life to the fullest extent. She also devoted herself to saving any animal or creature she could knowing what it was like to be in a cage. Malaika also studied hard at school and still currently does with her mother as one of the professors she knows she can’t slack off. Her days are now filled with happy memories with her mother, friends, animals, and all the new people she meets along her journey.

Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status:Single
Past Partners:N/A
•Can think for themselves
•Doesn’t cling
•Is supportive
•Keeps themselves clean
•Taller than her (if male)
•Same height or around the same height(female)(they are prettier I want to look them in the eyes 🖤)
•Overly possessive
•Loud for no reason
•Can’t think for themselves
Dominant or Submissive:Switch

Full Name:Malaika Rania Odion
Name Meaning:Angel ,to gaze, born of twins
Birthdate:April 14th

Year: 6th
Wand:The wand core is a Veela Hair and the wood is Aspen. Flexible and length of 12 inches.
Pet: A white fruit bat named Kea

Blood Status: Half-blood (She’s part Veela)
Boggart:Her father
Preferred Classes:Care for magical creatures, transfiguration,potions, herbology

Appearance:A beautiful young woman with a heart shaped face and smooth creamy complexion. Skin which can compare to the richest of mocha coffee beans. Through the years her appearance has changed from that of a small awkward little girl to that of an almost adult who’s confident in themselves. Her stride is purposeful and powerful leaving no room for anyone to spot her flaws, that is if she had any. Her teeth are pearly white to match her hair color which is in fact dyed white. Her natural hair being a deep ebony color though she’s had her hair white since she was ten years old. The one thing most noticeable about her is her eyes which are a stunning shade of blue. They are her natural eye color despite many believing she also changes them with magic. She also has a small smattering of freckles that run across her nose and cheeks though they aren’t as noticeable unless you are up close with her.
Wardrobe:When at school she wears the school uniform which consists of pink robes with golden armbands. Her usual attire when not in school uniform consists of bright dresses or tight fitting jeans. The shirts range from simple tank tops to the top of the line designer shirts. (I’ll post images when I find what exactly she likes to wear.)
Scent:White chocolate and strawberries with hints of fresh soil
Height & Weight:5’5 & 137lbs
Body Modifications:Her nose and a couple ear piercings. She also has a tattoo.
Physical Disabilities:N/A
Faceclaim:Bee Melvnin

Malaika is a strong independent young woman who lights up a room just with her presence. She’s the life of the party always ready for a good time and encouraging others to break out of their shells.(when they are ready of course.) She is also very studious, always paying attention in class and one of the top students always ranking high on any exams. Lai is someone you can always depend on. She would break her back for her friends but she is also smart enough to now allow herself to be walked over. There’s almost always a cheerful aura about her but like anyone else she also has days of sadness or anxiety. Her thoughts drift to the past making her tense and jittery some days, usually causing her to snap at the smallest of things. This always puts her in a bad mood as one she doesn’t like snapping at her friends and two the thoughts of the past upset her. Malaika isn’t the jealous type she can be a little envious of at times but she doesn’t really get upset in a relationship when her partner talks or does something with someone else. She trusts that if they truly care about her then their intentions will lead them down a non cheating path. Though she will admit she is a bit on the softer side when it comes to love as she’s always wanted that fairytale type romance.
Positive Traits:
Neutral Traits:
Negative Traits:
MBTI Type:Mix of ESFJ and ENFJ
Moral Alignment:Neutral Good
Temperament:Mix of Choleric and Sanguine

•Tending to gardens
•The fresh scent of newly made coffee
•Testing out new potions
•Going on adventures
•Meeting new people
•The scent of newly bloomed flowers
•Her father
•Being alone
•Silence (like utter silence no sound at all)
•Being judged
•When people question her eye color
•When her sister talks about her father
•Chewing on her thumbnail when nervous or thinking.
•Snapping her fingers when annoyed(which uh has caused plenty of problems)
•Humming songs when working
•Her father
•Her hands being harmed
•Being trapped in a cage again
•Something happening to her mother
•Not being able to run free
•Looking up potion recipes and testing them out
•Helping creatures in need that have been rescued from poachers
•Trying to fight poachers
Mental Disorders:N/A

•Ashanti Odion (Mother/Alive/Stepmother)
•Davu Odion (Father/Alive/MIA)(Dark Wizard)
•Mariama Izara (Older sister/Alive)(Dark Wizard)
•Nia and Hibo Izara (Niece and Nephew/ twins/alive)
Some might think that Malaika’s home life and childhood was all rainbows with sunshine. It was in the beginning when she was very little she remembered her mother and father’s smiling faces. There was peace in the home and laughter then one day it all changed. When Malaika turned 7 years old her father had gotten himself into some deep trouble. It came to light that Malaikas father was a creature poacher who had dug himself quite a hole in debt. So he took it upon himself to use everything to his advantage that would mean his youngest daughter Malaika. He would force her into an Animagus form and do his bidding and be his spy. Malaika would never forget that night the sound of her mother screaming and older sister sobbing as her father's face filled with a look she had never seen snatched her out of her bed. He took her outside, tossing her into a car before they drove for hours. It was frightening and the man who was supposed to comfort her was the one causing the panic to seep into her. The sky darkened even more as they arrived at a location of a run down building where Malaika would soon call home for the next several months. Her father forced her into a cage and started the ritual to become an animagus. If she tried anything to stop the process she was put into a smaller cage and left in the darkness until her father deemed she had learned her lesson. As the months passed Malaika began obeying if only to not be stuck into an even smaller cage again. Then one day it happened the sound of shouting and spells going off filled the air then she was there with her mother! Her mother Ashanti was there to save her after months of trying to find her daughter. Her father was soon arrested and taken away to the wizarding prison though because by this point he had high connections he was able to escape. His whereabouts are still currently unknown and Maliaka hoped to never see him ever again. Those nights would haunt her for years as well as the constant question of what was her Animagus form? Could she show them? Was it a large animal? She never did tell anyone or show them so it’s unknown even to this day if she has a form.(She does not have an Animagus form ). As she healed over the years and put her torment behind her she strived wanting to live life to the fullest extent. She also devoted herself to saving any animal or creature she could knowing what it was like to be in a cage. Malaika also studied hard at school and still currently does with her mother as one of the professors she knows she can’t slack off. Her days are now filled with happy memories with her mother, friends, animals, and all the new people she meets along her journey.

Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status:Single
Past Partners:N/A
•Can think for themselves
•Doesn’t cling
•Is supportive
•Keeps themselves clean
•Taller than her (if male)
•Same height or around the same height(female)(they are prettier I want to look them in the eyes 🖤)
•Overly possessive
•Loud for no reason
•Can’t think for themselves
Dominant or Submissive:Switch
She's so pretty
Name: Mercher Ester
Nicknames: Merch
Birthday: Febuary 13
Sexuality: Asexual
Age: 16


hair color: Blonde
eye color: Blue
height: 177cm
weight: 125 lb


House: Ravenclaw
Secondary House: Slytherin
Wand: 10 and a half inch, Beech Wood with a Unicorn hair core. Reasonably springy.
Blood status: Half-Blood
Patronus: Eagle
Year at School: 6
Best class: Arithmetics
Worst class: Herbology
Extracirculars: Magical Theory
Pets: An Owl named 6(Six)
Special Abilities: Parseltongue




Background and Family:

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