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Ways to personalize your profile and edit options.


Lost in my field of paper flowers
I was thinking about ways to maybe customize your profile, like a background or a color theme on the whole site. Just to make it more fun when you look at a person't profile and so you can see more about their personality. Though I was also thinking about an option to turn it off, just so you don't have to look at other profiles that are way too screamy. On my old site there was a way to customize the profile like this:

The link to the picture

And I was also thinking about an option that we could set our font for a rp so it is the same in every single editor and so that you don't have to change it over and over again. Maybe even an option that automatically gives you a few layouts?

Those are just a few ideas though.
Vbulletin (our old forum software) allowed for profile customization. I personally like this feature myself although I never styled mine. It allowed users to express themselves & have a "landing page" that they were comfortable with.

The problem we currently have is this won’t be a simple permission switch. This will become a costly site add-on that is not a necessity for improving the role play experience. I am not saying this won’t happen. I know we are not the only site that wants it. I will suggest this through the forum software site.


In regards to default fonts in the post editor, I need to do some research on how our forum software caches posts & user accounts. It shouldn’t be too hard to add but may take me some time!

Thank you for your suggestions.

Your friend

GgAcE said:
Vbulletin (our old forum software) allowed for profile customization. I personally like this feature myself although I never styled mine. It allowed users to express themselves & have a "landing page" that they were comfortable with.
The problem we currently have is this won’t be a simple permission switch. This will become a costly site add-on that is not a necessity for improving the role play experience. I am not saying this won’t happen. I know we are not the only site that wants it. I will suggest this through the forum software site.


In regards to default fonts in the post editor, I need to do some research on how our forum software caches posts & user accounts. It shouldn’t be too hard to add but may take me some time!

Thank you for your suggestions.

Your friend

I understand that it can get expensive and that is a bit of a turn down, though I love the fact that you took time to actually suggest it. I did love that option and I know it isn't always possible. I just thought it could be nice to actually do it. But the most important thing is that this site stays alive. I know that my old site started to use tiny adds to get that option and I didn't mind them because they were silent and they gave us that opportunity. But then again some people don't want adds on a site.

And Great! I think many people will love the option to choose your font and that it always stays the same to what you like.

Thank you for your time,

you're awesome.

Advertisement was something that I found to be extremely useless. We made about $6-10 a month which doesn't scratch the surface of the sites overall cost. Since the removal of ads, the support from our donators has been AMAZING. This allowed us to purchase other modifications necessary to our mission.

As the site settles back down onto even grounds, we will re-introduce some of the less needed but fun to have features. By all means, I can get you in touch with a developer if you want to fund the add-on but a price tag for an add-on like that is pushing about $250 for single user use. Funding that we can apply in other areas is unfortunately how it’s seen at the moment.

I certainly won’t close the chapter on EITHER of these suggestions. Don’t be surprised if you see them implemented in the future.

Your friend

That would be awesome and I'm a student so I can't afford much yet, but I will donate once I have college finished. I don't think I'll be giving up roleplaying soon.

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