2019 Writing Event Warmth of a Past


Temporal Aurielian Guard
The sound of water dripping beneath had dazed me, sending me into the seas of myself. It’s warmth comforting me as I droned away. Levitating through time and I morphed into the past. I was no longer hearing the water, but hearing all that I remember from simpler days. Queue a sudden collage of scenes where the sun was shining as bright as ever, and where the gold was so vibrant it’d blind you. The first series of scenes definitely detailed the bulk of what I remember, my mother’s old poodle, an old lime green Gameboy color with the light missing, and eating Heinz colored ketchup on hotdogs at the picnics that’d be set outside on a wooden table. I remember the old pool my grandparents had on their land. I remember the fun I had battling my brother and sisters and cousins with nerf guns. Foam swords, water balloons, all the good stuff. Even water guns… don’t ever forget the time that my parents put little old me into a speedo… yeah, a speedo. It’s definitely hard to forget that, or that my dad used to look like a Matthew McConaughey clone. Not that I remembered that as a child, but remembering photos of him definitely made me remember.

Skip a few years and new neighborhood new antics. Especially the time I was thrown off the roof of my house by my older siblings onto a trampoline, voluntarily of course. Don’t worry… I survived and had fun doing it. The same neighborhood where I was also crying about not wanting to eat pizza crust... I think we can all relate to that. Honestly remembering that neighborhood brings lots of good memories back. I used to play with this kid a few blocks down that would play Beyblade with me. Since not many others would. He was older, which made playing with him short-lived due to life but I enjoyed that a lot. The old school Beyblades had a lot of activity. The kids down the street also had a lot of activity, especially the one stupid enough to stomp on an upright nail… yeah, it sounds as painful as it was to watch. And honestly, not surprised I remember that.

Can’t forget about learning about the Playstation 1 during that neighborly life, either. Spyro was too amazing for little me to stop messing with it. Used to go over to this kids house and steal away his playtime...poor kid probably found me annoying. But at least it introduced me to consoles, and after that, I grew up envious of the fantasy worlds others had created.

Exploring these scenes had made me escape into my own fantasy, after all. The sound from the water had started to slowly fade in again, but alas with time had eagerly waited to catch me off guard. The extremely cold water shocked me out of my internal ocean, and alas there I was again in the shower staring at the drain. I smile and chuckle remembering these old days, they molded me into who I am today. I can’t help but cherish them.

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