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My name is Charlie what's yours
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so I guess some information is important, I 15 (don't know my gender) live with a roommate 13 (F) and she forced me to lift waghts I kinda liked it but she said that we should do it more often saying I was a fatty I kinda agreed and she said we were going to do it on saturdays but today, when I woke up (well she woke me up) at 5:00 (today is Sunday) and took me out to the gym and she made me lift a 20 lbs whight 100 times. when we went back and I was hungry so I went to get a plate of bacon and eggs. but she went up to me and said "you should not be eating bacon your on a diet" and threw my bacon and eggs in the trash. I got mad and said "since when am I on a diet?" and she said "you're losing weight, you should only eat what I tell you" I got even more angry so here is a list of things that I can't eat according to her
  • no Mcdonals
  • no soda
  • no pizza
  • no pasta
  • no choclate
  • no eggs
  • no bacon
  • no cheese
  • no sugar
  • and absolutly no cinesse food
I'm so angry am I over reacting?
Update #1
Update #1
my roommate caught me eating a choclate bar that I had snuck into my room she took it out of my hand and yelled at me saying that I was getting diabetes
so I guess some information is important, I 15 (don't know my gender) live with a roommate 13 (F) and she forced me to lift waghts I kinda liked it but she said that we should do it more often saying I was a fatty I kinda agreed and she said we were going to do it on saturdays but today, when I woke up (well she woke me up) at 5:00 (today is Sunday) and took me out to the gym and she made me lift a 20 lbs whight 100 times. when we went back and I was hungry so I went to get a plate of bacon and eggs. but she went up to me and said "you should not be eating bacon your on a diet" and threw my bacon and eggs in the trash. I got mad and said "since when am I on a diet?" and she said "you're losing weight, you should only eat what I tell you" I got even more angry so here is a list of things that I can't eat according to her
  • no Mcdonals
  • no soda
  • no pizza
  • no pasta
  • no choclate
  • no eggs
  • no bacon
  • no cheese
  • no sugar
  • and absolutly no cinesse food
I'm so angry am I over reacting?
Oh HELL nah, you are not over reacting. That is the start of an eating disorder mindset. Lift weights because you enjoy lifting weights, not because your roommate called you a fatty.
While it's fucked up that your roommate is trying to impose an eating disorder on you (and likely has one herself), it's extremely funny to me that she specified Chinese food as something not to eat while leaving out other cuisines as well as McDonald's being forbidden but not other fast food joints. Like where is the consistency?

You should ignore her or set boundaries regarding discussions of diet and exercise. Go to the gym if you want to/enjoy it and eat what you want (within reason). Don't do something just because someone else is trying to shame you.

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