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Fantasy V.A.G.E. ( A 1x1 VillainxHero Rp)

Wolf only had enough time to turn his head before Liliana was on him. The surprise on his face was shadowed by the hood and his temporary mask. She grabbed his shirt and tossed him against the wall letting out a small “oof” as his back hit the wall. He felt her forearm press against his neck, and he instinctively reached up to push it off him, even just an inch so he could breathe. He locked eyes with her, if looks could kill he was sure she was doing it nice and slow making sure he felt every ounce of pain she could inflect. She began to rant and rave, telling him the risk she was taking to him, how she’s been wanting to strangle him, how if something were to happen no one in her life would know where she was. Wolf was taken aback, he had never seen her like this before, she always seemed to calm and collective. Yes, a little cocky at times but it never got to her head that she would make mistakes that could cost her, “You expect me to feel sorry for you?” Wolf suddenly says as he pushes back against her. He got in her face as he continued, “The world isn’t going to bend at your will just because you want something! Who the hell do you think you are? Just because you have powers you think everything is just going to fall in your lap. Let me tell you something Love, the world is a cruel place that will eat you up and spit you out. If you don’t keep that in mind you are just going to be another chalk outline in the streets!” It was as if Declan’s life flashed before his eyes as the words left his mouth. Everyone he cared about, the tragedy he accidentally survived, everything that led him to this moment flashed through his mind as the two sworn enemies stood in silence.

That’s when Wolf saw an opening. He quickly shoved Liliana away before a chain wrapped around her waist and pulled her away with such velocity it forced her through one of the walls of the room kicking up dirt and drywall dust into the air clouding his vision for a moment. Normally he would be cautious when he couldn’t lay eyes on the agent, especially when she was angry, however, he didn’t hear her move and was surprised to see her on the ground still when he walked through the hole. He knew she had a high pain tolerance so simply throwing her through the wall wasn’t enough to keep her on the ground like that. Which probably meant she was mentally defeated. If this was a month ago, he would reveal in this form of victory taunting her relentlessly and maybe tossing her around with his chains. However, he didn’t feel like doing that as a ping of guilt sat on his heart, so this is what you do to the women you “love”? he shook his head as he steps closer into the room, “is this what you look like when you don’t get your way, agent?” He says before he crosses his arms, “pitiful, like a spoiled child who didn’t get the toy they wanted.” he half turned towards the hole he created but kept his eyes on her, “I expected more from you, much more.” With those words said he turned around once again and walked off this time keeping his ears open and his ability at the ready just in case, she tried to attack him again and was disappointed when she didn’t.

He stepped out into the cool air, jumped to the top of one of the buildings and walked his way towards the building where he stored his clothes and bike. He felt the guilt rise up once again as the image of Liliana laying on the floor appeared in his mind. Did he go too far? Push her too far? He did have these feelings for her and yet he still taunted her, toyed with her. Should he separate himself from her? This job got a lot harder since the kiss last week. These feelings, he hasn’t felt like this since falling for…He heard a faint rumbling that cut through his thoughts. It didn’t take him long to figure out what it was and where it was coming from. He pulled out his phone from his pants and opened the screen, the brightness flash banging his eyes after getting used to the darkness. He read the text several times and each time he stopped himself from text back. Should he text her back? He just left her on the floor in the building and now he’s going to go there and play hero? Pretty pathitic of you, Declan he shook his head as his fingers tapped on the buttons of his phone, this is a bad idea, you’re missing the plot he was about to push send when she suddenly sent him the address where she was at. He recognized the address as it was the same place he just left her don’t do it, Declan. You’re just getting too involved, do your job and move on Declan quickly typed ‘I’m on my way’ before quickly getting changed into his normal outfit you’re seriously missing the plot Declan…

Declan made sure to take the long way to get to Lily. Getting to her too fast could cause her to become suspicious, although the streets where empty with how late it was so getting there too fast would still be realistic, right? He turned the corner and slowly drove down the road looking left and right trying to find her before he saw a lone figure standing near an alleyway, her gaze on the ground and then at him when she heard the engine of his bike getting closer. He stopped in front of her and jumped off his bike. He barely took off his helmet when Liliana suddenly rushed him and hugged him tightly. He was caught off guard before he slowly wrapped his arms around her and held tightly, making sure he didn’t accidently hit her with his helmet since she didn’t give him time to put it down god you’re such an asshole, Declan He felt her tremble a little and he rubbed her back to try and calm her down, “Are you ok, Lily?” Wow, you really are an asshole he suddenly heard soft sobs and felt her balling up the fabric of shirt under her fist as if she was trying to keep herself from cry, “Lily,” he says softly before he buries his head in her shoulder and just holds her. He didn’t have the words to comfort her. How could he? He was the one who caused this wasn’t he? And now here he was trying to play the part of caring boyfriend…or friend, “I’m here, Lily, I’m here.” He says as he rubs her back, “I got you.”

Once she got herself under control Declan led her back to his bike and waited until she got on before he handed her his helmet. Surprisingly, she didn’t fight him and just put it on as he got on his bike. She knew the routine; she wrapped her arms around his midsection and tapped him giving him the signal she was ready. Declan nodded and gave her hand a squeeze, it didn’t mean anything, but he felt he had to do it. The drive was nothing worth writing home about, he did take the freeway as usual, cruising through the empty freeway and missing two of the exits before taking the third which would add ten minutes to the drive, but he was sure she didn’t mind, she liked riding his bike after. Declan slowed to a stop as they reached the parking lot of her apartment building. He kicked down the stand and turned off his bike before tapping her hand to signal it was safe for her to get off. She didn’t react, in fact, she didn’t even move. Even when Declan turned his head to look at her she stayed in her position, “we’re here Lily.” He calls to her, his hand tapping her hand again but this time running his thumb along the top of her hand, along her knuckles. He saw her shoulders rise and fall before he got off and took off her helmet. She handed him his Helmit, “thanks.” He says but found himself grabbing her hand instead of his helmet it was holding. The non couple locked eyes for a moment, “Lily, what happened?” he asked a ping of guilt as he already knew the answer so he decided to change the question a little, “this week has been weird.” He chuckled trying to insert some humor, but it fell flat.

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“Is this what you look like when you don’t get your way, Agent?” His words echoed in her mind just as if the world was nothing but an empty room. "Pitiful, like a spoiled child who didn’t get the toy they wanted.” He wasn't wrong. V.A.G.E. Had her as their golden child, one of the best agents they had and put her so high on a pedestal that now it finally hit her that she wasn't as high and mighty as she once thought. Villains didn't play by the rules, they weren't going to work with her even if it meant it would help them in the long run. “I expected more from you, much more.” Wolf slammed the nail in the coffin so hard that she was sure that the wood had split in the process. Even a Villain expected more from her than a seemingly spoiled child. "He's right..." The words came softly from her mouth as she felt like she could kick herself in the ass. Never before did she have an issue like this... But maybe her lens that she had been using was only one way and was only black and white... Maybe there was more to it than what meets the eye. Wrapping her arms around herself, she waited outside the alley with her hood down and her cloak covering her body Perhaps I need to refresh myself... Reflect... Look at everything that's changed around me... Nothing was the same as it used to be, she had Tiffany to worry about, Declan to... Well... Figure out. She wanted him, she really did. But yet she was keeping him at arms length and only bringing him in when it was convenient for her. That wasn't right.

Blue hues lowered to the ground, sometimes lifting to make sure nothing caught her off guard. The only time she did notice something different was the sound of an engine filling the air. When she had looked, she knew instantly that it was Declan. Who always dropped everything for her, would always be by her side like he said he would. James was cruel. Really, really, cruel. The man that she was falling in love with stopped in front of her and got off his bike before following that up with removing the helmet. The agent did not spare a second the moment his helmet had been removed. She had thrown herself into his arms and held him tightly as if he was going to float away from her as all the emotions finally crushed her and her body trembled here and there. He really did show... I know he told me he was on his way I just... I'm so stupid... It didn't take long for her eyes to blur up before tears began to race down her face and soft sobs escaped her lips. It seemed like she was starting to realize that maybe she was more fucked up than she had thought. Maybe she did need to reflect a hell of a lot harder than before. Fingers grasped the fabric underneath her hands as she could feel Declan's head being buried into her with his soft voice. He was seriously her kryptonite. "Declan..." Even as his name went past her lips, she had only grasped tighter and cried even more.

It took a hot minute to control herself, pull everything back into its box that it spilled from and shut it tight for now. It was almost as if Declan knew that she was ready as he slowly pulled from her and guided her to his bike. One of the favorite things in her life was riding with him while he rode at dangerous speeds. He handed her his helmet and as much as she hated when he did this, he did it for her safety. It was kind of him every time she didn't have her own at one point. But she didn't hate it any less. They mounted the bike, followed the usual, and were off. The ride was as good as it always was, making her feel free with the wind brushing her skin and her hair flowing through it. But this time, it didn't feel as exhilarating as it had before. Though it did give her time to think a little bit before they stopped. When she looked, they were already home... That was too fast... So fast that she wasn't ready to leave Declan's side even after he parked. His touch was soft, trying to give comfort to her before he got up and helped her pull the helmet off and when she held it out, he grabbed her hand instead and she moved said-helmet onto the seat in front of her. Butterflies fluttered in her core while their gazes locked Even when driving without his helmet to get that messy look, he still looks handsome. The agent thought before he asked her what happened and then tried to make light of the situation.

Declan tried, she would definitely give him that. He even got a small smile out of her as her hand had squeezed his a little "I... Mmm..." It was almost as if there was a cotton ball in her throat, making it hard for her to admit she forced a meeting with Wolf. Before he could speak, Lily pulled up her other hand to stop him and let out a gentle sigh and forced herself to spill the beans "I... I tracked down an accomplice of Wolf... He gave me the address that I gave you because I demanded he meet up with me." Eyes dropped down a little bit towards the ground "We met up... He took precautions of course but I wasn't going there to fight. He's the whole reason why I started to... Look into the incident. The Island." Looking back to him, she drew in a breath and paused for a moment before releasing it "I tried to get some answers since everything at V.A.G.E. is red taped. Im as high of a level as can be for my role and it still isn't enough." Reaching for his other hand, she grasped that one too "I didn't... I'm sorry I didn't tell you...I should've... I've been planning this for a full week and it was all for nothing. I just needed something. Needed anything to get by it. Just information from the source alone." Lifting her eyes to lock with his golden ones, her expression was soft and remourseful.

James had done so much between going behind his back, shoving him away, leading him on... It was selfish and she was very ignorant. Spoiled. That's what she was. As much as she hated the word, it didn't make it any less truthful. Stepping closer to him she pressed her gentle lips upon his cheek because lets face it, he came out here for her and it was late at night. He didn't have to and on top of it all... He deserved it. Actually he deserved far more after what she's pulled. "I'm spoiled rotten, Declan. I don't ask for help, I expect answers when I demand them and throw a tantrum when I don't get them... He was right." Lilliana's forehead rested against his shoulder as she used it as an advantage to hide her face "I'm like a child all over again. When I thought I had it all figured out... I didn't." It had been so easy to talk to him, open up to him. When she got too comfortable she got scared and closed up like a clam. "He didn't need to beat me up with his fists, his words were sharper than a knife if I'm honest. Probably thought he'd never win like that before." Pulling her hands from the comfort of his warm ones, she pulled away slightly and cupped his face in her hands while her blue eyes looked over his features. "I'm not the woman everyone thinks I am. This badass, this flawless being who always brings justice..." This night was really starting to get to her. This is why she drank wine at night, to just calm down. To think. To process.

"Enough about that..." Thumbs brushed against his cheeks softly as the continued "I've also hurt you. I've avoided you for a full week after the night at my apartment." A dusting of a blush came up to her lips "And... I shouldn't have. I loved everything in that moment. The way you held me, the way you kissed my skin...The way you kissed me." Lily's face got even redder as she almost seemed to hide it by looking away "I'm really sorry." Everything spilled like a child spilling their drink. It just went and that was it. Those hands of hers went to slip down to his chest, feeling his heart thump against her palm. Maybe she should head inside, let him go home and sleep. Who knows how long he's been up for at this rate and they had work in the morning. Luckily Jeannie had off as she was currently watching Tiffany back in the apartment. "I wouldn't...Expect you to still want me after that...After all this..." Wow she really was acting like a teenager. What the hell happened?
Declan listened as Liliana spoke, retelling the events of what happened hours ago between her and Wolf, events he had already known because of his secret identity as said Wolf. He knew after their discussion he left her beaten and broken in the abandoned building, calling her a spoiled brat and disappointing. He felt guilty when he left her behind in that building but now the guilt was eating him alive seeing her now, As Declan, her Not Boyfriend. She looked into his eyes when she said she should of spoken with him about her plan, "yes, you should have." he suddenly says, "Lily, what you did was dangerous, what if something were to happen to you? Tiff would of been sad and I...I...don't know what I would of done..." god, the guilt was eating him alive. Pretending he was some concerned boyfriend after he himself was the one who threw out the insults that was currently breaking her. He knew when he started this he was going to have to play both sides but he wasn’t expecting this, he wasn’t expecting her.

She closed the gap between them and kissed his cheek before she continued, he placed his hands on her waist and kept her close. She agreed with him that she was spoiled, things had gone her way for so long that this plan of hers going sideways broke that confidence that he admired both as Declan and as Wolf. However, what surprised him was when she brought him up. She brought up how she had hurt him by avoiding him and admitted she loved the kiss they shared a week ago and apologizing before finally finishing off by saying she wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want her. Before she could finish her words, he pulled her into a kiss. No shoulder teases, biting that 'spot' he found that day. He just wanted to kiss her lips and allow the smell of strawberry intoxicate him just like that did that night of their first kiss. The kiss wasn't passionate, it wasn't meant to be, it was his way of saying no matter what happened or how stupid she felt he still wanted her, regardless.

Declan broke the kiss and rests his forehead against hers, "you talk too much, Lily." Declan says jokingly and smiles at her as he places his hand on her cheek and brushed her lips with his thumbs, "No matter what decision you made, dumb or otherwise, it doesn't make me want you less. Yes, you should have told me where you were going if not for my sake, then for Tiff's. You are her sister and if something where to happen to you she'll have to move back with her oh so great parents and I wouldn't be able to stop it...or..." he stopped himself and shook his head, "never mind, it's getting late, Lily, and I'm sure Jeannie and Tiff are waiting for you." as much as he didn't want to end this night he knew it was probably best for her to get some sleep and hopefully get someone her spunk back after beating her down with words.

However, before he could take a single step towards the building she stopped him telling him she wanted to be with him some more. They couldn’t just stay outside, “well…” he started as he rubbed the back of his head, “ok, we can…uh…we can go to my place then.” He says looking at Liliana waiting for her to respond to see what she wanted to do if she didn’t want to go to his apartment, “or see if the café is open? I doubt it’s open…maybe a late night diner…oh wait…” he checked his pockets and sighs “fuck, I forgot my wallet…um…we can do…” he trailed off as he tried to think of what they could do this late at night instead of going to his apartment since it made it seem like he was trying to do…something in her vulnerable state.

The Agent's eyes had widened as his lips crashed into hers to stop her from talking any more than she had. The way he had embraced her and the way he guided their kiss had given so much comfort and felt like it could wash away all her worries within milliseconds. Those same blue eyes closed as she returned the kiss, wanting to just get lost in this moment and forget everything that happened before he came to get her. However, the good things had to come to an end and the warmth of his forehead against hers continued its assault of comfort upon her. Declan's words hit her just as hard as Wolfs' had. What if something did happen? Tiff would have to be sent back and... While she was unsure what he was going for next, she could assume she knew what he may have said next You wouldn't know what to do without me? The words never left her lips, but she had hoped that maybe this thought was correct. That's when her partner went to walk towards the building and her hand had shot out, grasping his hand tightly with a somewhat worried expression as her heart picked up in pace. "I... No... I'm not ready to go back..." Dammit she had made him come out here and even the short time they spent from the drive wasn't enough for her.

Was James being greedy again? Absolutely. No doubt that this was her being selfish. "Can we spend a little more time together...?" I feel like such a damn child... Such a childish request. "I've done enough damage and all I could think about is just staying with you." It felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest, it was so loud she could barely even hear. That was till he suggested going back to his place and of course she was perfectly fine with that. After all, he'd been to hers twice so far. What would be the difference going to his? He then panicked and began to search for his wallet as he mentioned the cafe and trying so hard to find something else to do. This moment reminded her of the first day they met where he was so clumsy with the papers, dropping them everywhere and trying to be professional. Lily's lips tugged into a closed smile before she started to laugh and her full smile came into view. When he had asked what she was laughing about, she easily responded "Nothing, nothing. Just... You reminded me of the first day we met. That's all." James continued to giggle as she brought her hand to her lips "We can go to your apartment. That's fine." Anything to prevent him from getting a heart attack.

"Though, this time I don't want the helmet on." That's when it happened: The pair was going back and forth about wearing the darn helmet but Lilliana was being stubborn about it. "Declan, please. I don't want to wear it. Let me just feel the wind at its full glory. No one is out and you drive just fine. We'll be safe." Why was it she was continuously beginning to feel like a child the more she asked and begged him for things? This was the last thing that she would want to do. But then again, Declan has really been taking away many of her firsts. It shouldn't be a surprise at this rate. "Just this once? Please." She said, giving him one of her unintentional puppy eyed look before he caved and put the helmet on his own head. There was a sense of joy, a sense of pride in winning against him. Even if she had cheated a little bit. Now I get to feel entirely free this time. I get to know how it feels to ride without a helmet. Letting him get onto his bike first with his helmet, she got on the back and immediately fell into their same routine of safety checks before he drove off with the motorcycle revving in the air. That's when her eyes began to slowly widen, the wind being far louder than before but yet felt so good upon her skin. The night sky making the air cool and the only thing lighting the area was some lights and eventually just nothing but darkness on the highway as soon as they got there.

Lily knew that the rule was to keep her arms around Declan, but she couldn't help but want to continue pushing herself to feel this win. After all, she was sure he'd never let her have it again. While one arm remained, the other went out to her side, feeling the wind through her fingers and blowing her sleeves absolutely everywhere. So this is what it felt like? Despite the chill biting her skin, she loved how it felt and wished that she could use both hands to throw out to the sides. This is amazing. This...This is why I didn't want it to end... Not tonight. I just hope he feels the same. Eventually the agent did find her way back up against him, her arms wrapped around him and keeping her in place as that smile seemed to be plastered on her face of content. Soon their ride came to an end and he had parked next to a building that looked similar to hers but not exact. It was clear it wasn't just some brick building with some shabby apartments. It actually looked quite nice. He was a transfer after all. As soon as he gave the all clear, she got off the bike and tried to fix her hair a little bit before deciding to just let it all fall out of the partial bun she always kept it in. Then once Declan was ready, she grabbed his hand and walked with him in the lead straight to his apartment "So this is where the famous Declan lives."

While she had been teasing him, it would be her first time at his place. Usually they were at the cafe, her place, or just the agency but now... She was going into the den of Declan himself. A home said a lot about someone, so she wondered what would be found within. As he guided them up to his floor and to his apartment, he put the keys into the door and unlocked it. While he allowed her to walk in first, she was careful and slowly she removed her shoes and put them to the side. This was shortly followed by her removing her cloak and revealing the black and silver-colored outfit. In all honesty, she seemed almost like an assassin with how it looked on her. Carefully, she folded it up in her hands and looked over her shoulder and up at Declan. "Nice place."

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While Declan rambled on, he caught the very faint sound of laughter coming from her stopping his rambling. He glanced at her and blinked, “What’s so funny?” he asked before rubbing the back of his head as she explained he reminded her of the first day they met. As much as he would of loved to claim he was getting into character to drop her guard him dropping his bag, knocking over a pencil holder, and struggling to keep his papers from spilling out of his hands wasn’t an act, “Not the smoothest introduction was it.” He says with a chuckle. She told him she was ok to go to his apartment and he nods, “alright,” he says as he steps over to his motorcycle and climbs on before handing her the helmet. He blinked for a moment she denied the helmet, “come on, Lily, you have to be safe.” She denied it once, “Lily, wear the helmet.” The two non-couple went back and forth for a moment before she grabbed his hand and spoke softly. Of course, Declan gave up and sighed, “alright.” He tells her, “But you better hold on tight!” he said trying to sound stern before he sighed “god damn puppy eyes.” He says.

As he placed the helmet on his head he waited until he felt her arms around him and gave him a pat to signal that she was ready. Normally he would start out smoothly, but this time Declan peeled out and took off fast hitting the road and not slowing down. He knew Liliana enjoyed their bike rides together and he will admit he got slightly nervous when he felt one of her arms leave his midsection. However, he didn’t make a stink about it. He could feel the joy from her as the wind blows against them, the road, scenery, and lights pole flies by them in a dark blur. The only time he slowed down was when he got closer to his apartment building and stopped. He waited until Liliana got off first before he joined her and took off his helmet and put it in his backpack. Once he was ready Liliana grabbed his hand, such a natural thing that he didn’t react instead he linked their fingers and pulled her to the building, “the only famous thing about me is our first interaction.” He joked before pulling her close to him and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

Not surprisingly, the lot was empty of people, giving the two not couple their privacy as Declan, with his arm around her shoulder, has not moved his arm from her shoulder. The only time he removed his arm was when they finally reached his door, He opened the door with his keys and opened the door before moving to the side to let her inside first. He waited until she took off her shoes and took more steps further in before he followed her inside, doing the same and walking in, “Atlas accommodation the first month of rent,” he says with a chuckle, “So I got the most expensive apartment I could find since it’s not on my dime.” He placed his hand on her lower back as he led her to his couch and offered her a seat and asks, “you want anything to drink? Water? Soda? Juice?” as he walked towards the kitchen giving Liliana a chance to check out his living conditions.

His apartment is a spacious, modern loft. Its sleek, contemporary design and a sophisticated, somewhat industrial aesthetic. The space is large with high ceilings, exposed beams, and large windows that provide a view of the cityscape. There seemed to be stairs going to the second floor with guard rails around the edge but she couldn’t see where the stairs led. Declan came back with Liliana’s choice of drink before offering it to her and sitting down by her side. He took a drink of his drink before setting it down on a cup coaster. He looked at the beautiful women sitting beside him and just looked at her reaching out his hand and brushing her hair out of her face before running his thumb along her cheek, “are you ok?” he asks, “I guess I should of asked you this sooner but, you’re not hurt or anything are you?”
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Lily looked over the apartment, taking in the simple but yet sophisticated design of it all. While everything was open, she could gather the bathroom was probably snuggled in somewhere and the bedroom... Actually was it perhaps up the stairs? Her blue eyes lifted up to the loft and tilted her head slightly Would a bed really just be there in the open? The agent thought before his voice chimed in along with the warmth of his hand that pressed gently against her lower back to guide her straight to the couch. "Water is fine, thank you." She replied while taking a seat and slowly sinking into the furniture. While she didn't expect his apartment to look like this, it still was pretty to look at. Especially when it was different compared to her own style. Perhaps she should get a place with something similar design... It felt...Unique but cozy all at the same time. But surely it would remind her of Declan every single day had she done something like that. So perhaps it wasn't the best idea. Those blue hues continued to look around, almost as if she was trying to familiarize herself with the room. There was comfort, but alongside that was also safety. As if nothing could possibly go wrong in this moment.

Hands reached out gently as Declan presented her drink and took a seat beside her. Quietly she took a gentle sip of the water he had given her and suddenly she tensed up when a hand brushed her cheek. Immediately her body had relaxed and her gaze rested upon her partner with a gentle smile "You're so kind, Declan..." Lily said softly before moving for a moment to place her own glass down on a coaster and returned to his hand that she gladly leaned into "I'm okay. We're durable people. Getting kicked through walls is kind of our thing." She joked lightly as a sigh left her lips "The only thing hurt is my pride and ego but I'll live. " He cares so much. He shows it all and yet I push him away... The thought unintentionally hurt her, but it was true. Why can't I be like you, Declan? Just openly care for someone like you do? Slowly her eyes opened back up and gazed at him so softly that she was sure that she may have looked saddened. "I was selfish to think I could try to make a deal with the Devil. As I've said before, I was there because he knew information I couldn't get into. Everything is blocked even with my status and..." What the fuck was her status at this point?

Everything she once knew was starting to crumble before her as her viewpoint had been shattered to nothing. It was time to pick up the pieces and remove those that didn't match any longer. "He's the one who tipped me off from the way beginning. So I thought going to the source would be easier but...Obviously it wasn't." Lifting her hand, she gently placed it on top of his, holding it to her cheek. "I'm going to have to go to someone else who can get me the information. I'm not a hacker where I could just hack the system to uncover some secrets. But this time...I want you to come with me instead of me going alone. We're partners." Even though deep down she knew that they were more than just that. She was scared of that feeling but it was also addicting any time she was near Declan. The moment they shared that night when she thought he was gone, the moment in the office... He pierced through everything. Now here he was, touching her so gently. Caring for her not as a father figure like Carter, or best friend like Jeannie... But more than that. Never would she let someone touch her like this before, but now? That was nothing. "I'm not going to do it this week...Probably next week where Jeannie could watch Tiff again, but I do want to get to the bottom of this. There are things that went under the radar and-" Her eyes lowered because she realized that she was being selfish again. It was all about what she wanted wasnt it? "Nevermind..." Normally this would be that time where she would take care of it herself.

But after just telling him they can do it together because they're partners... She couldn't just drag him by the neck and expect him to jump on every choice she made. Even when it came to Tiff, he jumped with her. But she wanted it to be what he wanted. Not what she wanted. "I'm sorry... If..." James sighed and avoided his gaze, glancing at the large windows of the apartment out towards the city. "If you don't want to do that, I understand. I'll find a different way if you don't want to come with me. I shouldn't be dragging you around like this. You're human too. You have your own choices." Was she really that bad of a person? What happened to the Lily who held an iron fist? Cared for her team but yet always tried to lead them to victory. Was she just delusional? Probably. Maybe. Wolf in the end more than likely helped her without even knowing it. Ruining what she thought was perfectly black and white when there was gray mixed within that needed to be fixed. To be looked into. To see the shit that she missed right underneath her nose. I feel like such a child. Is this because my childhood was nothing but what I made it to be? No boyfriends, only Jeannie, focused on my work and my teacher-crush for a short time... Did everything I miss just catch up to me now? How immature. That's how she felt. She was an older woman but yet acted like a child fresh out in the world. Disappointed in herself, she could feel her heart tugging towards the one person that gave her comfort. And he was right here.

Turning back to him, she scooted closer and hugged him the best she could from her position, but yet said nothing as she could feel his arms slowly moving around her. Declan gave her what she had been missing: A Partner. Someone who she could open up to. Someone who wasnt a best friend who knew everything about her. While at first she was unsure of a partner being at her hip... It made things so much better for them. It was almost like they taught eachother different things without even realizing that. "Declan," Lily's voice came out almost like a whisper "thank you for staying my partner even through everything we've done so far." And I hope to continue being your partner for the future. She silently added as her heart thudded against her chest while feeling achey at the same time. She was missing compassion, empathy, and appreciation... And he was helping her learn that once again.​

Declan smiled softly as Lily's words washed over him, his hand still gently cradling her cheek. He could feel the tension in her body ease with his touch, and he cherished these moments where their connection felt palpable. Declan had always admired Lily's strength and determination, but he also knew that her walls were built high, protecting her from the vulnerability she feared. Yet, here she was, letting him in, piece by piece. He took a deep breath, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her cheek before he spoke. "Lily, you're not dragging me anywhere I don't want to go. We're in this together, remember? Whatever you need to do, wherever you need to go, I'll be there by your side. We're partners, and that means we face everything together." Declan's words were laced with sincerity and determination. He wanted Lily to understand that she wasn't alone, that she didn't have to bear the weight of the world on her shoulders. He knew how hard it was for her to ask for help, to rely on someone else, and he wanted to be that person she could trust implicitly.

You’re really something, “Declan” beating her down, insulting her, and completely shredding her confidence and now look at you, wooing her with your words when she comes to you for comfort.

That was the issue when portraying two different people, one side was his true self, and the other was the fake. However, it’s been harder and harder to tell which was which now as he found himself actually caring for the women sitting beside him. It wasn’t because she was hot or because she seemed easy to manipulate, there was something about her that snuck in and began to make him care for her more than he should.

Love? You? No way, you already lost one love why would you fall again? The only thing that matters is the mission, weather she could be used as a pawn or something to keep your bed warm is up to you, but you are not in love “Declan”.

The problem with having two personalities was you forget which voice was yours. Where these his thoughts? Or someone else’s? the voice of an angry man who wanted to watch the world burn? Or was it his guilt trying to prevent him from reliving the possibility of losing another? Which ever it was all he could do was look at the women who bravely let down her guard to show him her true self. His hand gently brushed against her cheek before brushing his thumb on her lips. The two non-couple stayed looking at each other for a moment before Declan moved closer to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him, her head resting on his shoulder.

“Wherever you go, I’ll follow.” Declan says after Liliana told him she wanted to take him along next time, “we don’t need another late-night phone call or a surprise babysitter for Tiff.” Declan joked giving her a slight squeeze jokingly. He heard her thank him, and it took him aback. She thanked him for being her partner after everything and he couldn’t help but smile, “it’s nothing.” He says before placing a hand under her chin and lift her head to look at him, “in all honesty, I don’t see myself going anywhere any time soon…” they locked eyes for a moment as he found himself brushing her lips with this thumb, or at all is what he wanted to say but didn’t as his lips met Liliana’s.

The kiss started like any other romance movie between the two protagonists, however, when Declan attempted to break the kiss, he found himself entranced and this time deepened the kiss. Declan’s arm stayed around Liliana’s shoulder and kept her close while his other fell from her chin and to her thigh. It was like being back at her office where one “wrong” move and this could turn to something much more intimate and Liliana didn’t seem to mind, following his steps and even moved to sit on his lip and deepening the kiss. It would have been easy to take this to the next level to use her urge to get closer to him, but he stopped himself. He couldn’t, not when she was in this state all because of him. It was difficult but he broke the kiss and kept her close, his forehead against hers, “it’s..uh..it’s getting late.” He finally spoke, “if you want, I can sleep on the couch and you can take my bed.” The two went back and forth for a moment before she finally convinced him to go with her. He got up and offered her his hand before leading her towards his bedroom, her hand still in his.

They walked up the steps and she found herself in another small hallway with a door at the end. When they walked in the bedroom and he watched as Liliana explored a little, “pretty basic huh.” He says with a nervous chuckle. Why was he so nervous though? It wasn’t like he never had a female in his room before. While they got ready to sleep Declan was having internal confliction, Normally he slept in just his boxers but now that Liliana was here he wasn’t sure if that was a good idea, It should be fine if he just slept in his pj and shirtless right? They both had their own night ritual and before they knew it, it was time for them to go to bed. Declan sat at the other end of the bed and laid down as the light turned off. For a moment they didn’t say anything, maybe it was setting in that they were sharing a bed. As Declan was stuck in his thoughts he didn’t notice Liliana was inching her way backward towards him and before he knew it her back was pressed against his front. Declan blinked and was about to speak up when he felt her grab his hand and wrap it around her waist. At first Declan didn’t move or speak. It wasn’t until she seemed to settle into her sleeping position that Declan let out a ‘hm’ and laid his head down, settling into his own position and kissed Lilian’s shoulder, “Good night, Lily.” He says as he squeezes her hand and pushes her body closer into his.
MangoGoGo MangoGoGo

Declan's attention was so addicting she was sure that she'd die without it. The way he traced patterns upon her face, brushed his fingers on her lips and gave her the exact words that she needed to hear to feel better. It's like he knew exactly what to say, when to say it. Always he gave her reassurance on their partnership and she was always afraid that there were limits to what they could do as partners. Gazing at his face, her heart fluttered seeing that smile upon his lips after her thanks. Is this what mother felt like when she met father? The Agent wondered, feeling his fingers cupping her chin with his soft touch. While he leaned closer, she could feel her heart start to race, a gentle blush running across her lips as those blue hues closed and met him halfway. Every time she found herself in his grasp with her lips locked onto his, the world faded away and left just the two of them alone in it. Declan had dug himself so deep that there was no way she could get rid of him even if she tried. All it took was one week to realize that it hurt more to pull away than to give into him. He's done nothing but give her beautiful memories that -aside from Jeannie- were the best memories she could ask for.

The sparks were starting like a live wire, she could feel it in her core as his hand pressed against her thigh. All it took was a simple move to set it all off. Her body craved that, wanted everything to just collapse before her very eyes and give into the temptation that was pushing her so greatly. James moved into his lap, her head tilting slightly as their kiss got even deeper and at this point both of her hands were cupping his face, fingers gently brushing against the skin beneath them. Eventually she felt his lips pulling away from hers and as much as she wanted more, she knew better than to keep going. Though it was starting to seem like that Declan had more control than herself, which was pretty funny considering who practically raised her to have more control. Lily's forehead rested against his, keeping her eyes closed while she listened to his voice. While she hated the idea of kicking him out of his own bed, she was fine with having him with her. He didn't have to go through great lengths. Even if it was treading a dangerous line that they seemingly loved to do almost all the time at this point. "No, you can come to bed." She said softly while her hues opened back up.

The pair bounced the ball back and forth, it was becoming a pattern at this point as she was telling him he could use his bed still, while he was saying he was fine with the couch. She wouldn't admit it to his face (At least not yet) but she wanted him to hold her. To just fall asleep next to her and make her feel safe for the rest of the night. Protect her from anything else that could strip her down to the bone. Eventually she won this fight and it was another medal on her belt. There was evidence that while he was burrowing himself into her heart, James had been doing the same. Before she couldn't ever win something like this, not when they had first met. But now? They caved for eachother and gave the other what they wanted. Carefully removing herself from his lap, he got up and offered his hand out to which she reached out for and grasped his hand before getting up from the couch and following him to the bedroom. Blue orbs looking over everything as they walked. Declan had good taste, even if he didn't think so. He has style. It's modern, but rustic, but also has that city feel to it mixed in. His colors...He could use a little bit more. Maybe a blue? Perhaps gold? Lily thought to herself as she looked out the window on the other side towards the city.

Since she had been at Declan's place without not only a set of clothes to change into, but basically anything else you'd need for a sleepover. They had to compromise and while his shirts were just a bit bigger on her and exposed a shoulder, they fit enough and his pants surprisingly fit her. But that was because of the string keeping them up. He claimed that the shirt he was letting her borrow was just an old one he hadn't worn in a long time and simply had a coke logo on it. It was faded, but it was still clear what brand was on that shirt. His pants...Well...Those are ones he definitely had in the rotation of his clothes but if she didn't wear those, she'd be wearing shorts and she really didn't want to do that. Standing in the bathroom, she was making her her hair was clear of any other debris and pulled it out from the partial bun she kept it in. Showing the length of her own hair being quite long and that's why she kept it in a bun all the time. There were streaks of blue that at first would seem artificial, but if one were to look closer when her hair was down...It came directly from her roots. That was thanks to her mother and her quirk for that. Eventually she emerged from the bathroom and she got into his plush bed, crawling underneath the blankets and snuggling right into them as she could pick up the smell of cinnamon between the sheets.

Why the hell did he have such a good scent to him? The silence was strong and the only thing she could hear was her own heart pounding in her ears and just barely the breathing of Declan who was right there. Glancing over her shoulder to kind-of look at him, he seemed to be staring off into space. Would this be okay? Eyebrows furrowed as she slowly scooted over, not sure if she wanted to face him or face away from him. She opted for away because then he couldn't look at her face or feel how warm it was getting. Her back met his chest and she got a little too confident as her hand searched for his. This would all end tomorrow so why not make the best of it? Lily carefully pulled his arm around her waist and she once again snuggled into his blanket. It was quiet for a second before she heard a small sound come from Declan, making her face become hotter as she hid it despite him not being able to see. It was just a natural reaction at this point. His lips brushed her shoulder and her stomach had twisted in knots before he said his last words for the night "...Goodnight, Declan." Her voice was soft and eventually exhaustion hit her a lot faster than anticipated because as soon as her eyes closed she could feel herself delving into the darkness.

For some reason after what felt like forever, those blue hues opened back up slowly to be met with the darkness of the night. ...Shouldn't I be asleep? What time even is it..? It's still dark out... While she would've reached for her phone, she couldn't because she had still been trapped within Declan's grasp. Not that she minded that of course! I...I shouldn't be awake... Lifting a hand to rub her eyes gently, she took a deep breath and somewhat stretched before nestling back in her spot. There was something that tickled the back of her mind and she wondered how deep of a sleeper that he was. Biting her lip gently, she shifted in his grasp and naturally draped a leg over one of his while she listened for any signs of him stirring. Breathing remained the same, he only simply took a deep breath and turned his head away. A small smile tugged her lips while she took in his features, even in the dark he was still beautiful and the night sky itself made him look mysterious. I don't regret accepting you as a partner... You came in like a wrecking ball and I envy that about you. Every time they were together, it felt like they were an unstoppable force. He was quick, she was hot (literally), and they both packed a punch. They had eachothers backs and when they weren't together...It felt like there was this worry of "What if"s. The worst kind of worry. Reaching her hand out, she gently brushed a finger against his cheek and spoke softly enough that she hoped he wouldn't wake from it. "Out of all the people you could've been paired with... I'm glad it was me, Declan..." A soft smile tugged her lips and she snuggled right into his side and found herself easily slipping back to sleep beside him.​

It took a moment for Declan to feel comfortable enough to sleep, He was very much aware of who he was spooning. Liliana fucking James, the top agent of V.A.G.E and his not girlfriend. His mind raced as he tried to figure out their relationship. Are they a thing? Not a thing? Was all this for fun? Probably not that last bit seeing as Liliana didn’t do stuff like this for fun. Yet, she was the one who wanted to share a bed and she was the one who initiated this position so maybe there was something to them being a thing. His eyes were closed but his mind was running at a million miles a minute. Until he felt a slight squeeze of his hand, almost like Liliana could sense his apprehension. That’s when he started to relax. Whatever the case she was here in his bed holding his hand over her and stayed close. He let out a soft breath and brushed his lips in her shoulder one last time before attempted to fall asleep, not because he wanted this night to end but because he wanted to see her in the morning. This was too good to be true and only seeing her in the morning would let him know he wasn’t dreaming.

Ever since that event Declan has been cursed with nothing but nightmares. The screams, the sound of incoherent voices on the radio trying to relay their situation, his breathing, and the sound of metal as his foot hit against the floor of the battleship. He knew where he had to go but the more he ran the more he saw his destination just move further and further away until his dream ended with his phone alarm waking him up. However, this dream was different. This time he stepped out of an elevator to a nearly empty office. Standing near one of the desks, her back turned towards him, was Liliana. He casually walked towards her, and she turned to face, that beautiful smile on her face the moment she laid eyes on him, “Morning Declan.” She spoke and Declan responded and judging by her smile he must have said something smooth. He raised his hand and placed it on her cheek, his face turning a slight tint of red before grabbing his hand and smiling, “Declan, we…we can’t be like this in the office…what would the others think?” Declan could feel his mouth move but couldn’t hear his voice and once again Liliana smiled, “I guess that’s true…but…aren’t you forgetting something?” Declan felt confused when suddenly the back wall suddenly fell and he was meet with a blinding light, screams of voices from a nearby radio, “something…important? Unforgivable?” Declan took a step back, his eyes locked on to the familiar blinding light, “the reason for the blood on your hands?” He heard Liliana talk before looking at her. Her cheek where he had placed his hand was now covered in blood. As the light got brighter and brighter Liliana’s appearance began to change until she looked like…

Beep Beep Beep

Declan’s eyes opened quickly as he let out a quick and surprised breath. He took a second to check his surroundings before he reached over to his nightstand and quickly hit…a button…stopping the annoying beeping sound. He let out a low sigh before looking at the woman in his arm. At some point their position changed. Now Declan was laying on his back while Liliana slept on his chest, one of her legs around his own under the sheets and his hand on her lower back. She stirred awake because of the alarm and Declan’s movement, and she smiled at him greeting him, “Morning.” He said back with a yawn trying to hide the fact he had a bad dream by placing his free hand on her cheek and brushed her lips with his thumb before he kissed her. It felt natural. Like this was something they did every day, or maybe that’s something he wanted. The kiss didn’t last long just a good old fashion good morning kiss, before she pulled away and looked at each other, “how’d you sleep?” He ran his fingers along her jaw line and cheek and drew circles with his other hand on her lower back. He was surprising comfortable with Liliana in his arms that he forgot about his phone until the second alarm went off, “ah, damn it.” he says as he reaches for his phone again and this time makes sure he turns it off. The second alarm was his ‘ok, this time I have to get up’ alarm. He groaned and looked over at Liliana, “as much as I would love to stay here, we do have to get to work.” He chuckled knowing full way Liliana shared his own thoughts about getting out of bed, but she eventually did, and Declan sat up. And stretched out his arms. The two got out of bed as Declan looked over at her, “Go ahead and take a shower first, I’ll cook up some breakfast,” Liliana and Declan met up at the foot of the bed before Declan placed his hands on her waist, “how do you want your eggs?” he says as he places his forehead against hers. She didn’t answer right away as they swayed side to side. Even though they had to leave for work soon it didn’t stop her from taking her time to answer and to be fair he was in no rush. When she finally answered he gave her a smile and says, “alright, I’ll have it done.” He leaned in for a kiss but stopped by placing a finger on her lips, “Go wash up, I’ll have breakfast ready when you come down.” He gave her a wink and walked out of his room and towards the kitchen giving her some privacy.

Declan couldn’t remember the last time he cooked food for someone else. He’s lived alone for so long that he almost forgot why he was cooking the extra eggs and Beacon and sausages for. Declan was lost in thought as the dream ran through his mind. This was the first time Liliana appeared in his dream but even so, the dream still ended the same, incoherent voices from the radio and a bright familiar light. Declan let out a sigh as he watched the eggs cook you are seriously missing the plot here he thought to himself I came here for revenge and now I have a women, a top agent, in my room, what the fuck he let out a breath before picking up the eggs and placing them on the other plate get her out of here, get started, Marc is still out there and… he heard the door open and he looked up and saw Liliana coming down to meet him in the kitchen and he smiles at her, “hey you.” He says as he slides a plate towards her as she takes a seat, “scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausage, just like you wanted. He snapped his fingers as he quickly turned around to his fridge, “Oh! Almost forgot!” he pulls out two juices and puts them on the counter, “forgot to ask what kind of juice you wanted, you feeling orange or apple?”

After she had fallen asleep for the second time that evening, her position hadn't moved. There was something about Declan that gave her so much security and relief that the slumber felt like that perhaps she was like a brick. There was just this safe space that felt so undisturbed and she could sleep for ages and not have a problem in the world. While the woman was in her dreams, she heard a gasp but thought nothing of it before a sound of a constant beep was driving her crazy. That sound alone began to force her to stir and return to the waking world. While the agent's eyes fluttered open, her blue-eyed gaze met Declan's and she could feel a small smile tugging her lips "...Morning." she said in response, though her voice had been groggy and she was sure that he had never heard her this way. Lily's voice had always been clear and to the point, but yet at this moment she seemed to be so vulnerable and more...Human than V.A.G.E. Agent. Once again his touch had caused her to lean into it, and his lips had only sealed the deals that they had yet to make. "I slept very well actually. More than I ever had." She admitted while his hand ran along her face and the other pressed against her lower back. I could stay here for hours... It's so comfortable and warm and...It's just nice talking to you like this, Declan.

That damn phone went off again and he immediately turned it off before looking at her. "Maybe I should've chosen a day where we had a day off, hmm?" Peeling herself away from him, her back met the mattress and she began to stretch out her limbs in every way possible to shake off being in a bed for hours. A small noise even left her lips in the process before Lily finally got out of the bed and once again did another stretch. Why did it feel good to inhale so deeply and stretch in the morning? The world may never know. But it was one of the best feelings in the world. They then came back together at the foot of the bed, with his hands upon her waist that gave her butterflies. Instinctively her arms went around his neck and she began to sway with him as their foreheads met. These are the small moments she was beginning to treasure with him. The more they continued to happen, the more she got greedy. There was a want for more with him, but yet there was just one string keeping her back and she wondered if it was even possible to move forward with Declan. There was something there, she could tell. Even with her stupid actions, it was still here sparking every time they were alone and touched even in the slightest. I know one thing: He's something I want in my life and not just temporarily... Lilliana thought.

Eventually she did answer his question though, "You don't have to... But if you insist," The agent began "I like them scrambled please. Thank you." Offering him another one of her smiles, she noticed him coming closer but suddenly his finger was on her lips as he pushed her to take a shower. While she didn't have much to wear she'd just have to opt for what she had yesterday and change back at the agency. Giving him a gentle nod in response, Lily then went to take a shower and of course she had stood under the water for a little while as she thought about being in Declan's apartment, sleeping in the same bed as him, and even cuddling him so much that her leg was intertwined with his. Her pale cheeks turned red and her palms pressed against them "...This is so immature of me. I blush as if I'm in high school." While saying this out to no one but herself, the agent was convinced he wouldn't hear her, not unless he was at the door for whatever reason. The shower took a little while longer before stepping out and drying herself down. While she liked warm water, her body needed at least a chill to prevent her from accidentally overheating with her powers. It sounded tedious but it was relatively simple in all honesty. The agent put on her clothes, hung up her towl on a hook and then proceeded to leave the room by pulling the door open.

"Hey." She said in response with another one of her smiles as she took a seat. The plate was placed in front of her within seconds with Eggs, Bacon, and sausages on it. Even if he did take charge in making breakfast and giving her no choice in the matter, he delivered so graciously and it made her heart practically skip a beat. When he snapped, her eyes lifted up to him and he turned to the fridge "Orange Juice always goes best with breakfast." Lily pointed out while waiting patiently as he poured her the juice and brought it over. He's been nothing but good to me... Should I.... Maybe I shouldnt... Her thoughts continued to swirl, arguing back and forth within her mind as Declan finally took a seat with her and they began to eat together. It felt weird to her just eating with someone like this, first thing in the morning in the comfort of his own home. For as long as she could remember she'd eat countless breakfasts by herself and now she had Tiff who she fed like a princess and now was in Declan's home eating with him. It almost felt like whiplash. So many fast changes and she wasn't 100% sure if she was ready for whatever other mysteries that were about to be thrown at her. "Thank you, Declan. For everything you've done for me. I really do appreciate it." The agents gaze was soft as she finished the last bit of her breakfast and while they could probably spend all day together, they both knew they had to go to work. Jeannie really wasn't gonna be happy with the fact that she was left with Tiff the whole time...


"Are you kidding me? Tiff was amazing with her Aunt Jeannie! Don't sweat it! I took her to school and made her a cute little lunch baggie." Said Jeannie with a wave of her hand "I did however, see you come in here with Deeecllaaann~ Did you call me over to babysit because you were having a little date with him?" Wiggling her eyebrows, she elbowed Lily who shook her head.

"I'm glad Tiff was good for you. Thank you for being so flexible too. I just had things to take care of last night." She brought her mug to her lips that held some tea as she did needed a bit more than just orange juice to keep her running.

"Like being with Declan?" Jeannie said with a grin. "What did you do? Where did you goooo? Come on I want all the details."

Raising her eyebrow slightly, she sideglanced her best friend and sipped her tea before speaking "We just had a sleep over. He found me last night when I was doing some extra work."

A gasp left the woman's lips before she lowered her voice "Did- Did you guys sleep together? Oh my gosh, Lily no way. Did you guys actually-" A finger was pressed on her mouth.

"No, nothing like that, Jeannie. It was a sleepover. That's all." That consisted of him spooning me when we went to sleep and those heavenly kisses on my shoulder. Then in the morning I was intertwined with him. Those details were kept secret though. "Knowing where your mind goes, I can confirm I had done nothing of the sort." Even if those sparks were so strong that they were hard to resist. The agent silently added.

"You know Lily, I just think you guys need to date at this point. The tension is so thick that I could practically touch it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She took another sip I feel it too. The sparks always getting stronger the closer he is.

"Yes you do, I can see it on your face! Look at you, I can tell when you're flustered."

"I'm not flustered."

"Then explain your red cheeks!"

"The heat from this tea is a little hot."

"That's a lie and you know it! You dont even know when you're too hot even for me to touch! You don't feel nothing near that little tiny heat."

"My insides are sensitive too you know." Lily replied almost smugly.

Huffing, Jeannie crossed her arms and tapped her foot "Fine. Since you won't tell me anything about last night, how about your birthday? Did you plan anything this year? Or did you skip out on doing something again?"

Ah, that's right. Her birthday was coming up and it seemed that Jeannie always reminded her when it was getting close. While practically everyone remembered their own birthday, Lilliana simply forgot hers cause it wasn't that important in her mind but her best friend always made a big stink about it and made the same speech every time. How without her, Jeannie wouldn't have a best friend, wouldn't be in V.A.G.E. It was a whole thing and it was surprising how it never changed and was practically word-for-word every year. "Jeannie, you know I don't plan anything for my birthday. I don't even really eat cake either. You know parties aren't my sort of thing and even then I need at least-"

"A drink or two in your body before going partying." Jeannie finished, moking her along with her hands waving about with each word "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. And that's why we always get you like, a cupcake or something! It's not that big and its like your own little personal cake that no one cut into." She leaned forward on her desk "C'mon Lilliana. I already have a present in this noggin, I just need you to be on board with doing something at the very least! It'll be a great surprise I promise!" The girl grinned as she waited in anticipation of her best friend's reply.

With a sigh, she placed her mug down "You know we have similar conversations in the past and this is no different from them. Even if I say no, you're still going to do what you do on my birthday. Whatever it is... But please don't let it be like that Banana incident please...That was horrible..."

A nervous laugh escaped her lips "Haaa....Yeah... That was pretty bad...Luckily that was a few years ago even though it feels like yesterday..." Rubbing the back of her head, she then bounced back "You're right though! I won't listen and I'll still do things! It's your special day and you get to be treated like a princess and everything! I'll get you a little crown this year and we'll put it on your head!" With that said, she gave her a thumbs up and skedaddled. If she was caught slacking first thing in the morning who knows what Carter may do.​

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