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Fantasy ๐“ฃ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“ฆ๐“ช๐”‚๐“ผ ๐“ž๐“ฏ ๐“›๐“ธ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ (Quill & Lost)


platonic lesbian
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My Interest Check

Quinn knew the world was ruined, he had always known that. Those who had been lucky enough to be born into a royalty or nobility had a good life, while all others had to scramble for any ways to make a living.
He knew this well, being from a poor family. He knew he wasn't bad off, at least not the worse. At least his family had a home and a source of income, however measly.

The loud sound of a bell awoke Quinn from a dreamless sleep. He sighed and sat up, hitting his head on a shelf. "Augh." He groaned, ducking under the shelf and hopping off of the low bed. "Mio!" He called, stretching and walking towards the kitchen of the small house. Mio peeked her head out from under the counter. "Oh, hey Quinn. How's your head?" She asked, watching him rub his head. Quinn shrugged. "It's okay.." He responded, ducking under the counter. "What are you looking for?" He asked, nodding to the open cabinet.

Eventually, Quinn was able to get out of the house and leave behind the pain of seeing Mio being a help to the family by working at the bakery while he was only a low thief in the hierarchy. He sighed and walked to the tavern nearby, sitting near the entrance and waiting for some drunk to come out.

( Writingwithaquill Writingwithaquill )
So, perhaps Alexander shouldn't be doing this.. Skipping his lessons to venture into town, but really, he knew how to play the piano! He'd been taught the instrument for numerous years now anyways..

So there he was, wandering through the local's farmer markets, a broad smile adorning his face. He wore a brown, somewhat ruffled, cloak as though that would cover up his appearance.
As well as plenty of gold to spend on the cute little shops that adorned the town. Areas bustling with activity, ladies and men alike running around, a loud chatter amongst them about 'prices' or 'music' or other things of the sort.

Upon noticing a child who had been gazing longingly at a bag of strawberries, he happily handed them gold without much thought to it.

[ j.e.s.t.e.r j.e.s.t.e.r ]
Eventually, Quinn grew bored. Sure, there were a few people in the tavern, but there didn't seem to be enough that it would be worth his time. He got up, deciding to come back later. He looked around the market square, and to his surprise, saw someone vaguely similar handing gold coins to a child.

He didn't know it if would be worth his time, but maybe if he just..

Yeah, he attempted the pickpocket. On a royal, no one is very sure. Looking back on that moment, Quinn would snicker. But maybe, just maybe, he was be snickering and in a healthy living situation.

This one thing was all he needed..

( Writingwithaquill Writingwithaquill )
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