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Fantasy The ticklings of a tadpole

Have been craving to use my characters baldurs gate 3. Open to ideas for an og plot or if u just wanna follow the story of Tav or durge just with some extra side characters all romance pairings are welcome, would love to see a Tav/durge romance (no not gortash he is a moldy old rat man)

Can double up if needed I'm good with playing

Astarion, Wyll, Karlach, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, halsin.

I am looking for someone responsive, please don't PM me and drop off for two weeks (that being said I get life happens, just leave me in the loop before you drop), length isnt a big problem as long as I'm given enough substance to work with, give me some slow burn with romance make the relationship seem a bit more real that way.

anyone is interested you can send me a pm or comment here

Characters in question that I bring

Posey Stubrut

Gender: Female

age: 30

Hometown: Baldur's Gate elf song tavern

Job: Professional thief

Sexuality: lesbian

Class: Rogue (mystic trickster)

Race: Halfling

Weapon of choice: Two crossbows, and a rapier

Love interest: Lae'zel, Durge

Intro: I'll bet you've heard a tale or two of me yeah? Posey Stubrut, crook, con, hero to some, and all together scoundrel I ran scams for the better part of my life in duo with my darling Rosie, a lovely bard i met during a break in, a few nobles groped and pilfered, some guardsman relived of their possessions, and rich rubes robbed of their gold, do it too much and someone is bound to try and stop your antics, Lord Maurivar Antius didn't enjoy being duped, after our fun and games... he took Rosie and pushed to sign for her execution.... If i ever see him again it will be at the end of my sword. With this damned worm in my brain I can barely think on revenge.... if I can get it out maybe I could make some profit....
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Pregoblin camp romance

Posey: I... need to confide something, nothin' serious I promise.

1. What is it?

2. Is it an elaborate story of one of your heists that sound untrue?

3. Wait let me guess... you're an idiot


2. Hrm.... making me regret this are you?

3. fake laugh oh you're so funny you are, now shut it and listen

I just got to thinkin' after... I've never really spoken to anyone about Rosey and my final moments together... you, you're different you are...

1. What exactly does that mean?

2. In a good way?

3. What's your point already?


1. Hehehe that I think you're an interesting character

2. Oh, in a very good way

3. Fine.... I'll come clean

I used to have a tradition, knife throwin' before a heist haven't done that in a while and I didn't want to ask someone like Astarion who, let's face it will try and cheat, I wanna do it with you later... because I trust you enough

1. Will there be a prize?

2. Why knife throwing?


1. Maybe.... what would ya fancy as a surprise?

2. It's what we were both good at... how about it?


1. You...

2. All the gold in your pockets that you loot for yourself

3. Nothing, the sadness on your mug will be a reward enough

4. Sure... that sounds fun

5. I'm gonna pass


1. after a brief moment of silence oh? Women of my stature get ya going?

In that case I'll find a nice secluded place where we won't be bothered....

2-3. Ugh, that's boring What do you really want.

4. Nice.... I'll come round later and show ya how it's done

5. Tch oh well maybe karlach will enjoy it more

Sergana Rolderog

Gender: female

age: 89

Home: Hut in the sword coast wilderness

Sexuality: bisexual

Class: Druid (Moon Druid)

Race: Dwarf

Weapon of Choice: quarterstaff

Love interest: Astarion, Durge or Karlach

Intro: My name is Sergana Rolderog, was not so long ago I was a young soul destined to be the next in a families line of talented smiths.... until I picked up my first hammer, I hit the peice wrong and some sparks hit through my mask and cut my lip.... since then I've been fearing taking up the hammer since, and decided to leave my family in search of Adventure, was not too long I found a select number of druids, I asked to learn their ways and.... though they didn't trust me at first at all, they gave me tasks to complete, I observed them, learned all that I could from the few willing to teach me... their leader saw how skilled I was at magic and and tending to their gardens, he decided to take me on as an apprentice, for a time that was my home, even started growing moss on my hair to have a little snack throughout the day, don't know how I ended up in this blasted ship.... I can cure many physical ailments.... but this is something different.... I'll need to find more druids and fast.... if anyone can help me free myself from this little pest... it's them, Silvanus Guide me to the answers I seek
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Romance start before goblin camp

After a night where Tav/Durge meditating with her, Sergana dusts her hands off picking moss from her hair, she looks up at you with a small smile

Sergana: Oak father's blessing on you... I wanted to thank you for sharing in meditation with me, it's.... nice to have company to share in nature's bliss

1. It was insightful, you definitely seemed more in tune with yourself

2. we should do it again sometime

3. I'm not exactly sure I was doing it right


1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, few people who aren't Druids or Monks tend to pass up the opprotunity of enlightenments such as this

2. I agree, I find you quite agreeable and there's feelings, stirring that I haven't felt in a long time, not since i was still smithing with my family

3. well, there's no wrong way to meditate

if you'd like may be pursuaded in other forms of Meditation, not many people understand that it's not just some religious pursuit, it is a way to find Balance in your mind, in a way many things can be considered meditation

1. So what do you consider to be meditation

2. Oh? anything can be considered meditation?

3. What are you getting at here?


1. Other than sitting cross legged listening to Nature? Well, i can write in my journal, hum some tunes, Talk with interesting people? *she has a soft smile as she finishes that sentence*

2. I hesitate to question what that tone in your voice is implying

3. Well I might as well stop beating around the bush.

Perhaps we could explore a new form of enlightenment together... it's been a while since i've been able to enjoy... all of Nature

1. a while?

2. I like what you're implying.

3. I'd rather stick with what we did before


1. I'm much older than I look, I started my bond with nature when I was just coming of age

2. Hah.... we'll see, I tend to bite...

Let's wait for the others to go to bed for the night, then I'll guide you through our session and we can enjoy our time together... in perfect harmony

1.1. I can't wait, until tonight then?

2.1. good bye


1.1. When the moon shines brightest.... i'll show you my truest self

2.1. Oak father watch over you.... until later that is

3. I can accept that, a tad disappointing but, i can accept that.

Myriam Ember-Foot

Gender: female

age: 28

Hometown: Neverwinter

Race: Tieflit (halfling/tiefling)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Class: Sorcerer (storm sorcery)

weapon of choice: Quaterstaff

Love Interest: Astarion, Durge, or Shadowheart

intro: My name is Myriam Ember-Foot, or Myri the Mutt as my friends call me, a fair traveler from Neverwinter, I was traveling to Baldurs gate in search of Lorroakan, I heard rumor a contract on a corpse stating he's looking for an artifact called the Nightsong, If I could just get that maybe I could haggle out more than just coin, my research has tracked it to a village outside of Baldurs gate.... sadly it wasn't before I hit the city limits that I was kidnapped and infected with the parasite... Well.... considering my alternatives with a hunter in purple chasing me, or try to face... him again... gods damned if I'm going to let this be my fate... this is the furthest I've been from home... and I've never felt more alone
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Pre goblin/tiefling party dialogue she has her tail curved lightly *perception check*

Myriam: ah! You! Yes I... I was looking for you! Uhm.... well the thing is... you're fun, knowledgeable... fairly striking.... and very nice to look at

1. *let her speak*

2. I do like hearing about myself

3. Speak sense

4. *leave*


2. Oh I could go on about that but.... I'd be repeating myself after a while

3. Right.... sorry

4. Oh.... uhm... ok

I just... i feel like we've gotten close you and me, you gave me this creepy book, you keep me away from demons and all that lot. I wanted to spend some time together, just us, in camp.... how... does that sound?

1. You're coming onto me?

2. Not for just a lovely chat I imagine

[Tiefling/perception check]. Is that why you have your tail like that? For easy access?

3. I'm flattered but my answer is no.


1. Uh.... well... yes to put it mildly

2. I.... oh gods I'm glad my skin is red uhm... yes

[Tiefling/perception check] tail? *looks behind her and blushes hard* th.... that's a thing?!

3. Right.... I'm sorry it was stupid of me to ask

1.1. I'll meet you later when everyone's asleep.

[Tiefling/perception] yeah, it's called the "fuck me tail"

[Tiefling/perception] you've been doing it for a while now I assumed that you were going to approach me like this


1. uh.... well good.... alright then I'll see you later.... gods I'm already ruining this aren't I....?

[Tiefling/perception] ... forgive me, oh gods, why didn't anyone TELL ME?!

Melodia Strauser

Gender: Female

age: ??? (50)

Hometown: Baldurs gate (she feels as though she has memories of Barovia)

Vampiric sire: Delilah Strauser (infected her mother before she was indoctrinated by absolutists)

hobbies: Painting, fine wine, philosophy, feeding

Race: Dhampir (half elven)

Class: Hex blade Warlock

Patron: weapon

Weapon of choice: twin scimitars (Night's Kiss and an off handed scimitar)

Love interest: Astarion, Tav (poly)

Durge Intro: I am enraged flooded with a thirst that must be satisfied... multiple thirsts, for the blood itself and the violence it brings, forsaken by all but my patron I wander aimless in a desperate hope to sate myself and dampen the urge that boils in my blood ever so..... to sink my teeth into one's flesh until it moves no more..... someone please... show me how

Non durge intro: *with a curtsie* Good evening... I am Melodia Strauser, daughter of Delilah Strauser marquis of Barovia, though if one is running from their noble lineage.... i would assume it would be unimportant.... My mother is a viscious, cold hearted fiend, years she lied to me, years she had tormented me, and for what? to put me in the arms of another Vampire? To up her status in the hierarchy? Everything she did she did for her own gain... I'll give her this, were it not for her cruelty, i'd have never sought out my patron... to have my body stained with its presence, and to carry this... fascinating sword it gave me... it figures once i get a taste of freedom i get abducted by monsters...
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Melodia on romance start before the tiefling/goblin party

"Hmm... look here for a minute" She looks at your face studying your features gliding her finger along your jawline "Your features look amazing, a strong jawline perfect cheek bones...."
1. I know I'm amazing.

2. Is there a point to touching my face?

3. *Stay silent*

1. Hah

2. Yes there is It's very hard to find a great muse... even harder to find a perfect one

1. Are you suggesting what I think you are

2. Muse?

3. Pretentious artistic gibberish is your thing huh?

1. Maybe.... just hear me out

2. The subject of an art piece they can be anything... from simple objects to friends... maybe lovers~

3. And condescending boorishness is yours....

Art can be a very good way of getting to know someone, sure we talk and gossip but.... you're a delight. I want to know more.... every bump... every crevice the perfections and imperfections... what do you say?

1. I like the sound of that

2. You.... want to draw me?

3. Just drawing me... you want nothing more?

4. No thanks

Melodia: 1. Lovely..... who knows.... I may not stop at drawing...

2. Yes.... will you? For me?

3. Cheeky..... maybe If I really like *everything* I see.....

4. Alas.... such a shame.... very well... I suppose I can sketch you in camp later while you walk by.... Or perhaps ill ask Astarion gods know he'd love seeing his face again, the little goose...

1-3: let's wait until we have time alone then... I will capture your beauty with my talent

1. Until later then

2. Excellent

Melodia: Sleep well.... my muse


she sits atop a fallen log near candle light, her very gaze as you approach caressing your body

Melodia: "at last.... we can begin"

she had a parchment in her lap a bowl of water at her side and a cloth, she gingerly took the pencil and looked back to your form

Melodia: "Just set up over there and we can get... comfortable with eachother"

1. *start undressing*

2. *take up your blade and armor*

3. *sit on the stone*

4. I'm.... having second thoughts


1. mmm... right into the deep end *very* daring

2. Bravado, if a bit egotistical

3. Modest... thankfully not boring

4. *sighs* very well.... you're not the first of my muses to get cold feet.... I guess i can find an owl to draw....

1-3. it takes her time in the hours of the night and eventually she stops..... she is just staring at you a smile slowly creeping on the corners of her mouth, with a sway in her hips as she walks over gently gliding her finger from the nape of your neck until she gently takes your chin

1. *let her kiss you*

2. *Let her feed on you*

3. Finally.... it feels good to move

4. are those fangs going to stay sheathed?

5. *slap her hand away*


1. *she kisses you as you make love*

2. *she feeds on you as you make love*

3. "Not just yet.... Lie back.... and I'll reward you for your hard work...."

4. "Tch no fun..... As tempting as you are... I'll resist"

5. "*sigh* very well.... enjoy your night... alone"


the next day

Melodia: *holding you tight as the sunlight reflects off her pale skin* "good morning...."

1. you're a light sleeper.

2. sorry i woke you.

3. How far did you get on that drawing?


1. "with the noises you made how could i sleep?"

2. "I should get up anyway.... I'm sure we can be more productive through the day"

3. "Almost finished it... I can show you After it's perfect"

"Come now.... as much as i adored our night, we should really get going.... before the others come over and catch me getting lost in those perfect eyes...."

Post romance

Melodia: Hello.... don't try to get sneak peaks of the portrait, it's not done yet, though.... I suppose i can be privy to some light distraction toying with the real thing

1. I'm intrigued by that offer

2. Absolutely here to distract you

3. I.... think we should leave our fling as it wa

1. I knew you would be.... Until tonight

2. I hope you're intending to do more than say poke me with a stick while i gaze at the stars

2.1. Maybe I'd be able to think of something more pleasing

2.2. I don't know, the stick seems very enticing right now

2.1. I'm sure you will..... My lovely muse

2.2. *giggle* cute.... though if you try that i'll stab you with the stick....


3. oh really?

3.2. Yes really, once was enough


3.2. tch such a shame... at least we enjoyed one night of passion with a.... Lovely specimen as yourself... i will still finish the portrait the least you can do is appreciate that

Romance convo picks

I'd like to talk about us

Melodia: hmmmm~?

1. Can I kiss you?

1. Hehe... of course you can, *she takes your jaw in her hand, gently biting your lip as you kiss* all you have to do is ask.

Post side quest kiss

1. I'd like to talk about us

Melodia: I'm listening my muse

Good route: 1. May I kiss you?

Bad route: 1. Will you feed off me my love?

Good ending: always.... *melodia wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you into a dip as you kiss, gently biting getting rid of her thirsty debuff* I just needed a taste my sweet...

Bad ending: a generous offering. *she grabs your throat, licks along your jawline and bites your neck, giving you the bloodless debuff, and her the happy buff* exquisite

2. What are we to you

Melodia: well.... other than a transactional relationship? Hmm.... I'd be willing to keep this going and find out

Good end: you're someone who sees me for who I am.... faults and all.... and I adore you... faults and all... I don't know what I did to deserve you

Bad end: do you have to ask..... I love your wicked blood... you are enough to sate my thirsts forevermore in body and spirit.... don't worry... when you die I'll mourn you.... until the next pretty thing comes along, before that though... you are mine, and I'll toy with you how
Hey, I love Baldur’s Gate! Are you still looking for someone?

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