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Fandom The New Avengers - The Next Generation CS Thread



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Roleplay Availability
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This is where you all will be posting your character sheets!

Henry Hex
  • 01
    Henry James Hex
    Henry Hex
    date of birth
    October 31st

    Henry is 6'0 and 175 pounds. He has blue eyes, short brownish black hair that he styles depending on his mood, and pale skin. He is slightly muscular and has a lightly toned six-pack. His wardrobe consists of the same three colors: navy blue, black, and grey. On casual days he wears solid-colored t-shirts, jeans, and black boots. When he has to go to events, parties, meetings or any place where he has to dress up, he chooses to wear the classic black suit and tie. For more elegant, high end events he wears colors like maroon, black, and white. Usually with either gold or silver detailing.

    When others hear about Henry and his wealth they always automatically think he's a bratty, snobby, and spoiled rich kid who gets what he wants when he wants. But that's wrong. In actuality, Henry is caring, kind, gentle, strong, creative, and friendly. He is always looking to help others out by either giving his own time to help around the world or donating large sums of money to charities and building schools, homes, hospitals, and much more.
code by @Nano
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Name: Ianthe Kaiser (EE-an-thEE Kye-zer)

Alias: Diรกstasi (Itโ€™s just Dimension in greek, might change this idk)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Panromantic-demisexual

Mbti: INFJ

Just a colored sketch for now.

Backstory: Ianthe was born to a Greek mother and a German father, she was originally born in Greece, then moved to Germany after turning 5 years old. A few weeks after arriving at their new house, Ianthe started having dreams of a strange woman dressed in white and blue trying to converse with her. One night the woman was finally able to speak in the dream. The woman was a very powerful deity who chose Ianthe as the receiver of her power. However, the deity was weakened as she was about to die. She was only able to give Ianthe a fraction of her spatial abilities. After that night, Ianthe would go on thinking that what happened in the dream wasnโ€™t real.

However a few years later in middle school Ianthe started to randomly fall through portals she was subconsciously creating and would end up inside a pocket universe that she had also created. It took help from a magic user to get her unstuck from her own dimension. This is when she realized that the portals and dimension all came from her own creation. Overtime of experimenting and learning about her ability she has come to almost master it.

Powers/Abilities: Pocket Dimension manipulation, description from superpower wiki: The user can create, shape and manipulate pocket dimensions, small personal worlds, changing what they are as well as manipulating everything within the pocket dimension. The user can also store things in that pocket dimension, not to mention manipulate the overall size of the dimension.

Applications/capabilities of ability:
- Teleportation via portaling through a pocket dimension and opening a portal out of it elsewhere.

- Object storing inside pocket dimension.

- Trapping opponents into pocket dimension.

- Creating / destroying pocket dimensions.

- Severing limbs via putting portal to pocket dimension around opponents limb and closing it.

- Portal creation (to pocket dimensions only).

- Nigh omnipotence when inside her pocket dimensions (can basically move the dimension around like a puppet, teleport to anywhere in it, stronger than anything that may be trapped inside etc.)

- Creating simulations (inside of pocket dimension).

- By opening an entrance portal and an exit portal through a singular pocket dimension, she can take things from specific locations by sticking her arm through the portal without having to be at the location completely or can use it to spy on others by sticking her head through.

- Thereโ€™s a limit to how expansive she can make a pocket dimension, it canโ€™t go on eternally.

- As of this moment, she can only have 4 pocket dimensions open at a time.

- When a pocket dimension is closed / destroyed, everything that was trapped / stored in it gets thrown back out into the current reality/dimension that Ianthe is in.

- The teleportation isnโ€™t necessarily instant since she needs to open a portal, walk, or drop through it, then hop out another one so it takes at least 2-4 seconds to do that. (Dropping through/ out is faster, so Ianthe usually opens portals under herself.)

- Bigger portals take more concentration to make, so like say a portal the size of a dragon would take lots of brain power and control to make, and it will not appear as fast as human sized portals.

- She can only create up to 2 portals at once, could be two openings to different pocket dimensions or an opening and exit from one pocket dimension.

- Spatial Magic users and others that can interdimensionally travel most likely cannot be trapped inside her dimensions since they can just portal themselves out.
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Name: Clarissa Barton
Nickname(s): Cliff
Current assumed name: Clarissa Milani
Alias: Hawkeye
Age: 25
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: gay
Hair: Ashy blond, cut short and sometimes dyed purple
Eyes: brown
Skin: lightly tanned
Build: slender and athletic, muscular in a wiry sense (stronger than she looks)
Height: 180cm
Tattoo(s): one just below her ribcage on the right hand side. It says 'Always Aim True' and below that in smaller writing is three names- Clint, Kate, Barney (the order is the order in which they died)
Scars: calloused hands, scarred knuckles, burn mark on her shoulder, jagged scar across her knee and a selection of other smaller scars across her body
Distinguishing features: left handed, wears hearing aids
Cliff is a fighter first and foremost, nothing about the world is easy for her. She's used to having to struggle to be listened to, to be respected, to be seen as more than just 'that deaf girl'. She refuses to let her disability define her and does not take shit from anybody about it. Underestimate her at your peril, she can read lips better than any hearing person. She doesn't want to be coddled or pitied, she wants to be seen as an equal.
Cliff is determined and tenacious, when she sets her mind to something, she puts her all into it. She works hard, sometimes harder than necessary to get the job done. Whatever the world throws at her, she will get back up from it and struggle forwards even when it seems hopeless. She can't stop, she won't stop. 'Bartons never give up' is a mantra her father thought her and one she tries her darndest to live by.
To understand Cliff's story, you first need to understand Barney Barton's. The older brother of Clint Barton (aka Hawkeye), the two had a love-hate relationship through-out their lives. Both brothers were immensely competitive and this need to one-up each other only grew when the brothers ran away and joined the circus. Clint joined SHIELD, then became an Avenger (and the first deaf one at that) and in response Barney's attempts to one-up him reached a whole new level. He became almost like a sort of nemesis to Clint which put Barney on SHIELD's radar- they labelled him as a rogue agent and a credible threat. Clint died a few months after Tony did, slaughtered during a battle and stricken with grief Barney simply vanished, dropping of the grid. Most assumed he'd died and with the rets of the Avengers dropping like flies, there were bigger priorities than the disappearance of Clint's troublesome brother. He was assumed dead and the world simply moved on.
When Barney did resurface, many years later, he had a whole new fake identity and a daughter in tow. Like Clint, she'd been born almost entirely deaf. She had enough hearing for a cochlear implant-external aid combination, but it wasn't an ideal solution. Even with the advances in technology and medicine the implants were only a passable solution. ASL and lip-reading were something Clarissa learned from a young age. Barney never stayed in one place for too long, for fear his past would catch up with him, so Cliff spent her childhood travelling both in America and Europe. Barney rejoined the circus and travelled with them for a number of years. Those circus years were the happiest of Cliff's life, she was taught acrobatics and archery, showing the classic Barton aptitude for both, and performed regularly in shows.
Cliff was eighteen when she put her foot down. She wanted to stay in one place and live a normal life. She'd decided she wanted to become a doctor and through hard graft and long hour studying she earned herself a place in medical school.
And for two years, everything was fine, Cliff was studying under an assumed name (the surname Barton still attracted attention from the wrong sorts all these years later), Barney was working a (mostly) legitimate job and the two were living in a fairly comfortable apartment. Then came the earthquake. One of the most violent the region had ever seen, parts of the city were reduced to little more than smouldering piles of rubble interspersed with fires. Everybody banded together looking for survivors and the medical students worked alongside the paramedic crews and doctors, treating the wounded and dying. Barney joined the teams of people searching through the rubble and ruined buildings for survivors. He didn't see the building collapse coming, didn't have time to get out and was crushed beneath thousands of tonnes of rubble as the structure collapsed. His body was pulled from the rubble almost a week after the event.
Now alone in the world and overwhelmed by grief, Cliff did the only thing she knew - she threw herself into her work and her studies. She doesn't wants to be a hero, she just wants to be a doctor and help people that way. Recently she's started treating people who fight in the underground rings and the various homeless in her spare time and doing it free of charge. This isn't a hero thing, just her helping others in the only way she knows how.
Powers, Abilities and Weaknesses
Powers: none

Master sharpshooter- trained with a variety of bows
Sniper: Cliff can use a sniper rifle and is fairly proficient, but she prefers her bows. Guns are just so..... impersonal
Extremely proficient with throwing knives
Medical knowledge- specialising in emergency paramedic treatment
Fluent in ASL, can also read lips
Eyesight better than the standard 20/20
Learned some escapology during her time with the circus, she's pretty good at getting out of ropes and ties, handcuffs are more problematic- she'd have to dislocate or break a thumb to do it
Hand-to-hand combat, Cliff know Muay Thai and practices kickboxing, though she's also picked up a selection of dirty fighting tricks over the years. Hand-to-hand isn't her strongest fighting position so if she does need to square off, she'll fight dirty and end it quickly.

Caffeine Addict
Frequently overworks herself
Semi-insomniac- she doesn't sleep great and tends to work non-stop until she crashes out
No healing ability or superhuman physique, everything hurts her (not to mention that she makes an awful patient and refuses to let anybody treat her)
Her deafness, particularly if she loses her hearing aids in the middle of a battle
Struggles with her mental health- low self esteem, a certain amount of survivor's guilt and depression
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Name:Yuki Asuka (prefers to go by Asuka)

Vigilante name: Kite (as in the bird)

Power: wings

Her wings are silver and with cobalt blue marking. When her wings are fully extended she has a wingspan of 502.92 cm or 16.5 feet and could reach up to 550 cm (about 18-19ft) by the time she finishes school.

She can harden the feather on her wings that can act like a shield if attacked during which can use her feather as blades if she plucks them after she hardens them or if they fall out while she has them hardened naturally. She will only resort to plucking them if it is in an emergency as it's quite painful to do so, even though she has an above average pain tolerance.

Asukaโ€™s wings are similarly designed like a common swift (bird) which gives her an edge in speed when it comes to level flying.

Her bones are hollow but are reinforced so they do not break in the middle of a fight unless the force of the attack exceeds 7,500 newtones of force since it only takes 4000 to break a normal human bone.

Asukas' power also has inhanced her eye sight alowing her to see great distances with little trouble like that of a bird. When looking at her eyes you will black marking in the corner of her eye near her nose that run over her eyelids just above her thick eyelashes causing her to look like she is wearing really well done black eyeliner. She also has tail feathers that help her turn sharply.

Her top speed in a deadlevel fight can reach a max speed of 70mph she does not reach this speed unless she needs to escape. Flying at this speed in closed spaces can be dangerous because if she miscalculated she could end up break bones or worse.

She is able to hide her wings and ear tufts by absorbing them in to her body which in turn looks like tattoos, and it has taken her years to beable to do this with little effort.


Her primary weakness is fire as it can destroy her feathers very quickly and can prevent new ones from growing if it damages the skin from which the feathers grow from.

Ice is a second due to the fact it can keep her ground if it's stuck to her feather as well as causing hypothermia.

Like most humans guns, bows and arrows, and knives can cause injuries or death if hit in the right place

Knockout gas, tranquilizers, and pepper spray to the face can take her out of a fight with little to no injuries . Pepper spray will cause her a good deal of pain.

Nationality: Japanese but moved to America


Gender: female

Orientation: Graysexual Demiromantic

Height: 165.2cm (5'5" ft) tall

Equipment and Appearance:

her small utility belt. She tends to keep helpful supplies ( like gauze and salve as well as some flash bang and some smoke bombs for a distraction.

Ear tufts
Wings and tail

Asuka stands at 165.2cm (5'5" ft) tall. She weighs 53.5kg about (117lbs) being a little above the normal. Asuka has waistlingth feather-like silvery hair that she will keep in a ponytail, braid, or bun while in school making it look shorter than it really is. with her hair is out of the way you will be able to see her feather ear tufts that match her wing color. When she lets her hair down it reaches her waist while also framing her heart shaped face and slightly hides her ear tufts. Her skin is a light sun kissed tan with a pink crescent moon shaped birthmark on her right shoulder.

She also has ear tufts to help keep her ears from the wind when flying at high speeds.

Asuka has blue gray eyes that seem to change to a more blue or gray depending on her mood with exceptional eyesight and her eyes are framed by long thick eyelashes and her black eyeliner like markings. She has an athletic hourglass-like figure due to her training.

hard worker
Very mischievous
Very protective over the people she calls friends and family.
hot tempered
can be lazy
likes to mislead her opponents into believing she is basically harmless when she is not

Background and Family:

Asuka was born to a normal family that had a great dislike for those with powers and she looked to be a normal human until she reached the age of 4 when she started to show signs of having a an ability which she hid. The first sign that showed was when her ear tufts first started to grow in which it itches and hurts at the same time. It took a few days before we were fully in. At the time it looked like grayish white down on a newly hatched bird . Asuka knew of her families dislike of superpowered users so she hid them for as long as she could until her wings made a very painful entrance into her life. Due to how her wings formed she could not handle the pain and it ended up that she passed out. It was how her mother found her passed out on her bedroom floor covered in dry blood and bird down.

After that day her life got a whole lot harder has her older brother and sister bullied her while she was ignored by her father and tormented by her mother. When she hit seven her birth family had had enough of her living with them so dropped her off at an orphanage. Just before the left they told her that she was not their daughter or sibling because they did not have a freak like her in the family nor did she deserve them. It was a while later that she learned they moved out of the country and were not planning on ever coming back. Asuka did not understand why they hated people with powers. Thanks to the trauma her ex-family put her through she had became less trusting of others for fear of it happening again. Two years went by before a rich childless American couple came to the orphanage looking to adopt. The first few time the came they did not see her but around the forth time took notice of her because Asuka did not approach them to gain attention or affection from them like most of the children there instead she stood off at a distance almost out of sight. They grew curious about her and eventually asked the orphanage caregiver about the little girl that stood off at a distance. The orphanage matron eventually told them her name as well as what happened and how her pervious family treated her. The couple was horrified at what they heard and asked if they could begin the adoption paperwork for Asuka and a little boy called Kai who was two years old. His birth mother passed away due to complications after he was born and his birth father did not want him.

During the adoption process they spent as much time with the two children as possible so that there were still people out there that would love them and care for them. It was a rough road for Asuka due to her distrust and fear. The couple did not give up and even went as far as to get her counseling to help her recover from her trauma.

Seven months and adoption court later the adoption was finalized and her name was changed from Hina Miaka to Yuki Asuka while her now little brother was known as Yuki Kai. The couple continued to take her counseling before she felt comfortable enough to agree to do family counseling.

When she hit 12 she started to lose the down feathers on her wings and ears and started to get her flight feathers in at first it scared her but she now had enough trust in new family that she could ask for help with what was going on. The couple was more happy to help with her during the growth of her flight feathers as well as prevent blood feathers. Once all her new feathers were in they increased her training so that she would have strong wing muscles as well as how to use her power. With the help of her new father whose power allowed him to fly and her new mother had an ice ability which was able to help the little brother out as well as her. With her new family she is now in a happy, stable, and loving family in the USA.

Statistical Analysis

Power: 3-6
Speed: 4.5-6
Technique: 3.5-6
Intelligence: 4.5-6
Cooperativeness: 3-6
Cameron Hunter
Captain Marvel
  • i
    full name
    Cameron Jones Hunter
    Cam, Cammy
    date of birth
    June 23rd
    Pink Kree
coded by natasha.
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basic info
Eilastra, Ashryn
    Eilastra, Ashryn
    Astra, Ash, Ryn, Dragoness
    Neutral Vigilante - will join the New Avengers
    20 years old
    BIRTHDAY + Astrological Sign
    October 29 + Scorpioth
    Female + She/Her/Hers
    Fighting for what is right - is sometimes the hardest thing to do.
    5โ€™0โ€ | 0 cm
    100lbs | 45.359 kg
    Australian & A+
    Ebony black with copper highlights
    Heterochromia: one sea-foam green and one Amethyst purple

    Ashryn is an Australian girl with a sweet, exotic voice. Her voice tends to lean towards chiming crystals and is soothing to listen to, and if you listen close enough you will hear her native Australian accent come through (especially when annoyed might I add). Ash has knee-length ebony black hair with copper highlights in it and exotic almond-shaped eyes which are a stunning two-toned Sea-foam green and Amethyst purple. Her purple eye tends to be covered by bangs and she often wears her hair in a braid which when back reaches her lower back.

    Ash has large hawk-like wings, but the catches are that the tops of her wings are covered in crimson and silver scales. She has a dusting of crimson scales along her arms and legs but when tapping into her abilities will gain a soft dusting under each eye in a crescent shape and along her collarbones. The undersides of her wings are vulnerable as they are not covered by the scales and instead are soft downy and primary feathers. Her wings when she folds them into her back they appear to be a cloak. Her outfit consists of leggings under a long skirt, heeled boots, and a tank top. When she shifts fully, scales cover her skin on her arms and legs with a necklace of scales around her throat, her ears grow pointed and her hair takes on an iridescent shine.

    Her skin is sun-kissed tan and she is lithe and athletically built. She has sharp canine teeth and wears an Impala Lily flower necklace made from Apatite (for the center), Amazonite & Garnet (for the petals - 3 of each). This necklace means the world to her and was passed down to her by her mother before she died. She weighs 100 lbs. and is a petite 5 feet even in height.

    FC: Jessica Green

    My trust is something that is earned, not given freely.
    Ashryn is a total sweetheart once you get to know her. She starts off extremely cold and calculated, with a closed mind to anything and everything around her. She will protect those she looks after with the (pardon the pun) protective mother dragon side. She can be extremely quiet and loyal once you get to know her but also extremely cautious as well. She is shy and tends to keep to herself with a saving others streak. She may or may not allow herself to be captured by any group if only to protect those around her. She is fiercely vigilant and oftentimes can overwork herself on occasion, most times ending up patrolling late at night to be sure her 'territory'/home is safe.

    Ashryn is super intelligent and is a total bookworm, she adores reading. One of the very few things which helps calm her and keep her anxiety under control. She adores fantasy books or any textbook on animals or medicinal herbs. Ash is one to hide her intelligence under the guise of being a bookworm, and she tends not to try unless absolutely necessary. All in all, this gal is unique in her own ways, but underneath the cool exterior, she is a giant sweetheart.
code by Nano

*waves* Hiya Gansuki :)
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Name: surgess blood skull
Alias: sister skull
Age: 21
Gender: female
Pronouns: she her
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: (will show picture)
Backstory: her own father a king anf a interdimensonal being from the 4th realm the realm of other world demons. Demons different then those on earth. He abandoned her in the 6th realm the realm of humans. Where humans were mean to her. Turn their backs. Looked at her in PITY but never helped. She was but a child fending for herself. In a strange new world. Unable to speak at the time. So unable to ask for help. All she could do was growl. Give kitten eyes. Whine and stuff. Everyone called her a freak. Walked away. Now that she can somewhat speak the human language though it's still confusing for her. She swears revenge and promises to make every last human pay. Though a side of her holds onto the fact that maybe not all humans are bad. A very small part of her.
Powers/Abilities/Weaknesses: shadow demons summoning. Hells blood contract (a way to swap places with Demons she summons). Shape shifting. And lastly but not least, shadow magic.
Name: Henry Stewart
Alias: Steel Guardian
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Backstory: Henry grew up feeling different. His father, a middle manager at some greige business company could never understand his gifted son. He made great strides in the sciences, in particular engineering. Since he was 12, his homework had been too advanced for his father to keep up with. So Henry found a new role model, one he had saved the world. He watched the old vids of Tony Stark. How his armor moved, what it could do. When he was 15, he did a mathematical mock up of the power requirements and thrust limits of the suit. Graduating MIT at 17, he continued studying the tech, looking for a way to recreate it in a modern way. It took him three years to build and modernize his powered armor, but eventually he took flight. It started out small. Random encounters here and there. Henry was more interested in the science than the heroics. Happy with his accomplishments, Henry meant to pack the suit away. But when his best friend was gunned down, Henry put on the suit and hunted down the gang responsible. After, SHIELD approached him with an offer. To use his gifted mind to help other people. To be the next Iron Man.
Super Intelligence: Henry has an advanced mind. As such, he is able to process, understand and utilize data quicker than the average person.
In the suit, he has enhanced strength, durability and can fly up to Mach II. He also has access to repulsor technology.
Outside of the suit Henry is fairly average, physically. While his mind is sharp, his body is fragile. If his suit shorts, or is damaged, Henry is fairly useless in a fight.

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