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Realistic or Modern the mystery club (cs)


hello, and welcome to the character sheet thread for the mystery club! there is no exact set form/sheet in place so you are welcome to use whatevr sheet you want, whether it be coded or not!
;; winston

full name ;; winston jade allen
nicknames ;; win, winnie
gender and pronouns ;; Transmasc, he/him
age ;; 17
sexuality ;; homoromantic homosexual

height ;; 5'1"
weight ;; 115 pounds
hair ;; short, soft and fluffy. color varies since winston dyes his hair, usually some sort of mixture between a color and black.
eyes ;; warm brown
modifications ;; small wolf tattoo on right ankle , small tree tattoo on left wrist , also has a lip piercing, septum piercing, and ear piercings
most distinct feature ;; has fang veneers

likes ;; rain, staying up late, snow, meat, animals, winter in general, black and white movies, cookie dough, sweets, ghosts and mysteries
dislikes ;; being disturbed, summer, hot weather in general, blueberries, getting up early, bugs, clowns, heights
date of birth ;; august 12th
zodiac ;; leo
personality ;;
the best word to describe winston is... spontaneous. he can go from sitting down and being calm to being up on his feet and he can easily keep someone on their toes. he's pretty easy to get along with if you can handle that sort of thing as well as his enthusiasm. boredom tends to set in very easily for winston, he is the kind of person who needs something to keep him occupied. winston tends to goof off and is more on the comical side of things, trying to make people laugh and smile. he is also ambiverted with no lean, he can be outgoing with others and other times he just wants to not talk and be left alone.

role ;;
club owner + lead investigator

relationships ;;

headcanons ;;
-- dO not let him drive. Please.
-- Him... scared of ghosts? Never!
-- don't mind him he's just spinning around in a rolling chair
-- coffee runs every morning
-- Literally, he loves coffee so much
-- sweaters and hoodies are his friends
-- soft fluffy hair 101
-- someone please remind Winston to take off his binder.
-- spontaneous clothing style
-- loves rainy nights.
-- also loves sitting around the room after hours to share ghost stories.
-- Did I mention he loves cats?
-- clumsy. Slap a bandaid on him.
-- "yes we are taking on this case."
-- messy ponytails are fashionable in his opinion
coded by reveriee.
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  • Bait

    Tell me, how many times have you lost your voice to someone who isn’t even listening?

    Same Old Energy

    Kiki Rockwell

    character name

    Astrid Larson





    Zodiac sign



    Cis female (she/her)




    White Scottish & Swedish

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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You go home to your apartment, are you alone or lonely?
GTG by Freddie Dredd
· name
Lynn Haynes

· birthdate
April 1st

· gender

· height

Lynn is a very independent woman, she lives life how she wants to. Rarely does she do something she doesn't want to, stubborn and strong willed. But normally willing to at least here someone out before objecting. Since Lynn has always seen it as her way or no way in life. It can be hard for her to be a follower than a leader unless theres a goal in mind. WIP

A Newbie
code by low fidelity.
theodore lawrence.
the assistant • 17 •
— introduction.
theodore lawrence
male (he/him)
"straight" (bi, he just hasn't realized it yet)
june 7th

— appearance.
6'0 even
blonde and curly, kept short
lean, decently athletic

— persona.
theo's a golden boy- polite and charming, kind, outgoing, good-humored, always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it. he's also, as a result of his privileged upbringing, quite oblivious to the way the world actually works, and is easy to swindle. he takes on more responsibility than he ought to, and hesitates to lean on others for support. because of his tendency to try and take on other's burdens for them, he can come off as patronizing. straight-laced, he doesn't drink or do drugs, and he's always home before curfew. helping to found the mystery club is probably one of the most outlandish things he's ever done. though he'd like to pretend otherwise, he's a bit of a coward, and is easy to scare.
hot chocolate. sweets. cats, dogs- animals in general. the supernatural. english, poetry, literary analysis. basketball. running. swimming. the beach. warm weather. treating his friends.
lacrosse- played competitively throughout most of middle and highschool, hated it, was finally able to drop it when he helped found the mystery club. the supernatural. horror movies. confrontation. talking about his feelings. coffee. salads. math. calculating change.
"how much could a banana cost? 30$?"
"chivalry's not dead" [gets stuck holding the door open for a train of like 30 people]

— backstory.
theo grew up in the lap of luxury, to a pair of loving- if not somewhat distant and out-of-touch- parents. he and his three sisters wanted for nothing. he was a model student, well-loved by most of his peers, with an impressive list of extracurriculars, from volunteer work to competitive lacrosse.
in middle school, while sleeping over at a friend's house, he saw what he believed to be a ghost. this event was responsible for theo's enduring interest in, and fear of, the supernatural, which he was finally able to explore with the founding of the mystery club in high school. he uses his (very generous) allowance to fund the group's equipment and travel, an eccentricity which his parents permit, as co-ownership of a club is sure to look good on his college applications.
theo's mother is a doctor and health nut, his father a banker. his older sister, ana, plays on her college's basketball team. his younger sister thalia does dance, and alice, the baby of the family, is obsessed with dinosaurs. incidentally, theo happens to posses an impressive amount of knowledge about the parasaurolophos.

  • basics
    Rosie Depplin
    no < 3
    date of birth here.
    may 21
    country of birth here.
    usa georgia, atlanta
    current residence here.
    with her mom
    french dissent
coded by natasha.
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Loving others is the only individual salvation I know: no one will be lost if giving love and sometimes recieving love back.

Clarice Lispector

the rookie


full name

Caroline Vieira


Female (She/Her)


17 years old


April 11th


White Brazilian



Come, come shine more

Be a star above the sun



168cm | 5'6"


59kg | 130lbs

hair c.

Light Auburn

eye c.



Marina Ruy Barbosa


A dreamer at heart, Carol is nothing more than a teenage girl who wants the world. Carol can be described as a class clown at first, always trying to tease and play with people and being a little bit too talkative, she likes to socialize a lot, though her constant extraversion could prove annoying to some. Carol has a very clear determination to be considered part of the popular cliche, naive to what it means, she just tries to be cool and nice, trendy when she can be. Befriending her and acquiring her trust, Carol will essentially die for you, sometimes even being clingy and too forgiving in order to keep the friendship alive, she hides a lot of her feelings in an assumption that it wouldn't help anyone, one of those feelings is an essential loneliness of not really having any deep friends. Carol is also surprisingly understanding and supportive, maybe not a good advisor, but she will share a shoulder for as much time as needed. Secretly a tomboy, Carol does like having fun more than just talking, though she hides it in order to fit in more, as she feels pressure to do so, being blinded by teenage dreams of popularhood. Carol is sometimes petty, having a very short temper, her anger is like an explosion, big and instant, but it goes by quickly if left to simmer. As much as she may hide her feelings, Carol doesn't stand idly if she sees someone she considers accquainted to getting hurt, she's bold and loud when it comes to others and surface feelings.


Having the high school life of her dreams.


Being alone and excluded.


Consul - ESFJ-T


Caroline was always the golden child of her loving Brazilian immigrant parents, their dream of having a better future for both them and their coming daughter was about to come true, many trials have come across them and many sweatdrops were shed in their hardwork, but their hope was stronger than any desperation, and so, they thrived on and on for their daughter. Perhaps she was spoiled a bit much, but Carol was taught well by her parents, she was always told to be empathetic and to be responsible, especially in adulthood, those were the main things that drived her forward.

Though, Caroline was definitely scared of growing up, it sounded intimidating, to change from her current life, and so, Carol made it an objective to have as much as fun as she could before her days of being an adult very early on. It went very well in the start, Carol was a little less booksmart, sure, but she always tried hard and it worked out for her! She even got in a dodgeball team and in a baseball team on her childhood years because Carol happened to be very good at something she decided to join on nothing more than a whim.

But of course, as Carol grew and grew, and her friends separated, pressure started to fill in. Caroline couldn't help but always feel just a little different, from her country, from her hobbies, from how she is, not only that, but also pressure to make her parents proud. So as high school continued, Carol tried and tried to replicate what she saw in those movies, to become popular and make her parents not worry. She switched her more sporty lifestyle for ballet classes, she readjusted a lot of her manners to seem more composed, she changed a lot of things for the sake of social standing.
Of course, it failed horribly, and Carol now feels like she's wasting her entire school year and she will end up alone and a disappointment.
But just maybe, this flyer can be her key.



"SHE'S THAT POPULAR GIRL!!!... But, um, she's nice too! Though a little off-putting, bet she's just a lil' shy though!"

"...Won't forget that she defended me, it's probably a dumb thing for her, but still!"

Tom?... Terry?... Theo!

"He's pretty popular apparently!... I feel guilty over forgetting him sometimes, because he seems really really gentle, but man, I guess he just fades in well???"


"Our boss-kinda! Super cool! No thoughts on him yet but yeah! Nice!"


"...You can't be liked by everyone, but it's fine, it's ok! Maybe we just need time."

"...Just a stranger..."


Isn't sure about ghosts, may get freaked but will hardly run away.

A great aim and a swing, she can hit hard with a bat.

Very street-smart, intuitive and quick witted in conversations

Will always choose fight over flight if not stopped.

♡coded by uxie

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