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Futuristic The Forgotten Frontier: The Team (Characters)


Harbinger of War, Chaos, and Poptarts
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Use the following for a character, add what you want but try to add what’s already here.



Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Clothing (Current):
Hair Color:
Alien Features:
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc:

Vices: (At Least 3)
Virtues: (At Least 3)
Traumatic Memory:

Planet of Origin:
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: (Anything that doenst fall into the last 2 categories)

Name: Eddie Gears
Species: Enhanced Human
Callsign/Alias: E29
Nickname: Gears, “Engi”
Pronouns: He/Him

Eddie is largely normal, with his only strange feature being the neon green eyes, he possesses an athletic build but prioritized cardio.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Clothing (Current): Light Armor with Blue Jumpsuit underneath
Build: Average height with some muscle
Alien Features: None
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: None
Scars: One Along Eye
Cybernetics: Robotic Arm

Temperment: Eccentric, quick to anger at times
Vices: Paranoid, a touch Insane, Hot-Headed
Virtues: Quick To Adapt, Friendly, Brave
Fears: Betrayal
Likes: Explosions, Cats, People
Hates: Traitors, Doctors, Dolan
Traumatic Memory: Betrayal by his Crew

Planet of Origin: Earth
Allegiance: Himself
Weapons: (Spoiler)Titanium Bo-Staff, Rapid Fire PlasmaRifle, Grenade Launcher
Gear: Land Mines, Grenades, Wrist Computer, Toolkit

Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: 21st Century Pocket Watch
Alignment: Chaotic Good

History/Backstory: Eddie was one of the few humans directly exposed to a Cosmic Storm, trapping him and the inhabitants of a immigration ship on a desolate moon for a decade, while also being an infant. By unknown means, he was the sole survivor. He was extratced by a merchant ship, being adopted onto the crew. A Dolan survivor took his place one day, convincing the crew to Capture Eddie, only for him to escape before an Alpha Team could capture the suspected Dolan. Eddie managed to escape on a drop ship, only to be shot down, barely surviving the crash, trapped on a colony devastated by a Dolan Biological Weapon. Eddie managed to rebuild his craft and create the alias Eddie Gears, with his original name unknown.
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Name: Bentus

Species: Artificial Intelligence

Callsign/Alias: -ERROR-

Nickname: -ERROR-

Pronouns: Her/She

Overview: IMG_0079.jpeg

(500km long)

Human Appearance: IMG_0597.png

Overview: Evolving

Temperament: -ERROR-

Vices: (At Least 3): cold, calculating and ruthless (until the emotion core is installed)

Virtues: (At Least 3): -ERROR-

Fears: -ERROR-

Likes: -ERROR-

Hates: -ERROR-

Traumatic Memory: DEATH

Description: -ERROR-

Planet of Origin: Kharak

Allegiance: -ERROR-

Weapons: -ERROR-

Gear: Anti-matter reactor core, Quantum Communication Array, Starforge bay.

Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: (Anything that doenst fall into the last 2 categories): -ERROR-

Alignment: (what’s the difference between this and allegiance?) -ERROR-

History/Backstory: Bentus was the last great harbor ship of a civilization from a bygone time
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Name: Lee Everett
Species: Human
Callsign/Alias: Captain
Nickname: Captain Everett
Pronouns: He/Him

Overview: Lee’s physique is that of a retired soldier, and although he does his best to keep in relative shape, and age has begun to take its toll on him.
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Blue
Clothing (Current): Captains uniform, well pressed.
Build: Athletic, but has put on some fat
Alien Features: None
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: Tattoo of his original unit from the war (On Arm)

Overview: Lee is an excellent and disciplined captain as a result of his upbringing and time in the war, a patriot and good leader.
Temperament: Calm, warm and inspiring to others.
Fears: Death of his crew
Likes: Order, Good-Morale, His Crew
Hates: Pirates, Dolan, Laziness, Jerry
Traumatic Memory: Death of his unit

Planet of Origin: Earth
Allegiance: Earth United Force
Weapons: Standard Issue Officers Pistol (Well Maintained)
Gear: Emergency Tool Kit
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: Pocket Watch
Alignment: Lawful Good

History/Backstory: Lee was born to a hardcore patriot, his father being overbearing in wishing to mold the young boy into his own image, and run their business. Lee ran away from home and enlisted in the military, fighting the Dolan before the crashing of his transport, being the sole survivor. Lee was found at the end of the war, joining the final battles and being a member of the search team who found The Obelisk. Since then he has retired and pilots transport ships instead of combat shuttles.
Name: Sal Re
Species: Mist
Callsign/Alias: Gloom
Nickname: Sal
Pronouns: She/Her

As a mist, Sal is a ghost like alien, able to manipulate her features, but has the consistency of mist without specialized clothing
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: Pink
Clothing (Current): Mist-Cloak
Build: Slim and Athletic, but small stature
Alien Features: Mist like body
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: None

Temperament: Calm, Calculating.
Vices: Cowardly, Unhonourable, Gambling
Virtues: Intelligent, Adaptable, Skilled at manipulation
Fears: Water
Likes: Training, Quiet, Being Alone.
Hates: Morons, Cyborgs.
Traumatic Memory: None

Species: Mist
Planet of Origin: Gralos 7
Allegiance: Herself
Weapons: Mist-Blade (Natural)
Gear: Grappling Hook
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: None
Alignment: True Neutrul
Name: CD-2736
Species: Automaton
Callsign/Alias: Talos
Nickname: CD
Pronouns: He/Him

CD is the average model of a Shu Corporation Combat Drone.
Hair Color: None
“Eye” Color: Blue
Clothing (Current): Outer Planetary Defense Force Uniform
Build: C Series Combat Form, with ballanced strnegh and speed.
Alien Features: Single eye, hence his “Cyclops” Model designation.
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: Painted on left leg “31s’t MudRats.”

Temperament: Violent, yet Calm (Mostly)
Vices: Bloodthirsty, Slow to Adapt, Obnoxios

Virtues: Will Follow any Order (Begrudgingly), respects commanders (At least in front of them), Compassionate (Only to children and small animals)
Fears: Deactivation
Likes: Explosives
Hates: Humans (Except his friends), other Combat Drones
Traumatic Memory: Ambush during patrol with his squad.

Planet of Origin: Mecha
Allegiance: United Earth Defence, Shu Corporation.
Weapons: Revolver, Heavy Repeating Rifle
Gear: Claymores, Landmines, Hacking equipment.
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: Dog Tags
Alignment: Chaotic Good

History/Backstory: CD is one of the models produced to work alongside humans for combat in irradiated or otherwise uninhabitable locations, suppressing rebellions in outer planets for years.
Name: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Callsign/Alias: Lockdown
Nickname: Bucket Head
Pronouns: He/Him

Wears Armor
Hair Color: ???
Eye Color: ???
Clothing (Current): Custom Made Briolanian Armor
Build: Athletic, hard to tell under armor.
Alien Features: None Visible
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: None Visible

Temperament: Quiet, Calm under Pressure
Vices: Anti-Social, Violent, Intimidating
Virtues: Loyal, Empathetic, Calm
Fears: None
Traumatic Memory: Various

Species: Human?
Planet of Origin: Unknown
Allegiance: Unkown
Weapons: Hybrid Rifle, Dual Pistols,
Gear: Jetpack
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: None
Alignment: True Neutral

History/Backstory: A Mercanary of some regard and reputation for stealth and open combat.
Name: Karfik
Age: 42 years old
Species: Callistan
Callsign/Alias: N/A
Nickname: N/A

Karfik can best be described as looking like a tall, vaguely human porcupine, with greyish-maroon skin, yellow eyes with wide pupils and quills where his hair would be. He has three fingered hands with sharp claws on the end, and 2 toed feet with toe spurs. Karfik furthermore has stripes on his body, inherited from one of his parents.

Karfik has a muscular frame, similar to the rest of his species. His legs are especially strong, meaning that he's a good climber. However, for a Callistan, he is very, very short. Whereas an average Callistan is 7 feet tall, he is 5 feet 11 inches tall.

Because of the world that Karfik lives on, his clothes are specialized. Specifically, he tends to favor short sleeved shirts with slats in them due to being used to cold conditions and having quills on his back as well.
Having been on the run for quite awhile, and a criminal, Karfik is not an open man and he is constantly on his guard. He has a tendency to tell half truths when he first meets someone, and he's of the belief that trust should be earned. Furthermore, Karfik on top of hiding his emotions, also hides his low self esteem. He believes that he's too weak to be anything but a lowlife, so he's embraced his work because he chose to commit a crime he enjoys.

On the other hand, being on the run means that he's very good at surviving tough situations, and he's able to use his environment to his advantage. He's not afraid to fight dirty, to use underhanded tactics. Know that if you earn his loyalty, he won't turn his back on you. He may be an amoral criminal, but he's not a traitor.



-low self esteem
-has trust issues

Planet of Origin: Jupiter
Allegiance: himself and those he's loyal to
Weapons: his claws, a pistol
Gear: N/A
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: (Anything that doesn't fall into the last 2 categories)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

History/Backstory: He is the black sheep of his family.
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Name: Walker
Species: Xyber
Callsign/Alias: Walker
Nickname: Walker
Pronouns: He/Them

Overview: Standing just under six feet tall at 1.96m Walker is a completely metallic organism that takes in environmental radiation through electromagnetic waves that attract the radiation to their core to power his micro-fission reactor that can act as an atmospheric cleanser when in proximity or in a small enclosed space. The light that is produced by the function of the micro fission reactor is an azure blue. This permeates throughout his body. Unlike their human models, the Xybers do not have reproductive organs. On Andoria 6 the planet is a living, technological organism that produced their species. Gender is based on size and features such as chest, hip and buttocks curvature.

The design resembles a human model, but the enclosed mechanics enable them to function in dusty environments without malfunctioning or getting dirty. Likewise, the metallic compound called Zecroynium is anticorrosive and doesn’t rust. In his body are trillions of nanobots that flow through his internal circulation system that constantly repair his body of any damage sustained so much so he can reattach severed limbs. The Logic center organized and operated their functions.

Their technological alien species allows Xybers to adopt most technologies to their own Logic Center. Whereas many other species require some kind of adaptive tech to be implanted to their body. Xybers can simply use their nanobots to adapt the technology in real time. Xybers do not require food, sleep, oxygen, or maintenance and can survive on most hostile planets without atmospheres or in the vacuum of space.

Hair Color: Irrelevant
Eye Color: Azure blue glow
Clothing: Duster jacket
Build: Slightly above average male human in peak physical condition
Alien Features: Entirely made of metal and tech
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: None

Overview: While quite intelligent and educated in most things, space travel or the criminal underworld of the galaxy. Walker can be reckless with his approach to something. His motto is if you can’t shoot it, stick a bomb on it and that should do the trick. Because he is more durable and stronger than most species of his build Walker can compete at enhanced human levels. Going well beyond what a top physically enhanced space marine would be capable of doing. They are particularly skilled at operating ships while their biological crewmembers are asleep in cryostasis for long distance or deep space travel. However, Walker has chosen the career of an Adjudicator. One who takes on jobs as an in-between. Contractors who mostly deal with criminals across the known systems.

Temperament: ‌Nonchalant, well spoken, can be abrasive but will be articulate doing it. Sometimes he seems as posh with the way he speaks. It’s an ongoing struggle to not have people. Walker’s known to muscle in on those who step out of line. But he respects leadership and authority when it’s earned.

Vices: Has too much fun demolishing things and killing bad guys. Likes to drink, though he is always sober. Plays poker way too much for his own good. (He’s got a great poker face.

Virtues: Loyal to a fault, smart, holds integrity above all else so he will always be there for his shipmates and friends.

Fears: Losing people
Likes: Alcohol and poker
Hates: Pirates and rules that restrict his freedom to do his job
Traumatic Memory: Losing a close friend from his military contractor days.

Planet of Origin: Andoria 6
Allegiance: UED (United Earth Defence Force)
Weapons: Hemlock multipurpose battle rifle, Mk 6 45 caliber smart pistol.
Gear: Bag full of goodies that go boom, duster jacket
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: Picture of his friend Vesper.
Alignment: Chaotic good.

Without getting into too much detail. Walker’s Adjudicator’s license is on suspension because of the events that took place in a star system near Sol. A prison system that was taken over by the very criminals it kept locked away. After taking an entire spaceport out of orbit and causing a continental catastrophe on an undisclosed planet, the Arbiters Agency suspended Walker, forcing him to take on military contract work once again.

/Cmnd/open/file/The Dryke Event
The Dryke event occurred in the Lyra prison system during the galactic year of 2997 Taken over by pirates, Agent Walker arrived at the Dryke Spaceport. After Walker's initial assault, the Adjudicator entered through the fourth level wall of the spaceport that was caused by a magnetic explosive.

According to the events as told by the Adjudication agent. A fire fight ensued in which several other explosions caused significant damage. As Agent Walker proceeded to the reactor level of the Dryke Spaceport, a large explosion caused the reactor to malfunction and fall from orbit.

The impact caused a continental level disaster across the slum world of Dryke 4-b. After damage assessment the chair people of the Space Criminal Apprehension Agency have issued a suspension on Agent Walker's Arbiter's License for a minimum of 7 years. Due to the circumstances of the Dryke Spaceport and Dryke 4-b. We have agreed to lower the suspension to 5 years and a cut in the bounties of all the wanted fugitives that were within the system that are now in custody to pay for damages caused by the event.
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Name: Moore
Species: Human
Callsign/Alias: VIP
Nickname: Suit
Pronouns: He/Him

Well Maintained appearance, little Muscle.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Clothing (Current): Custom Tailored Suit
Build: overall average with some muscle
Alien Features: None
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: None

Temperment: Demeaning, Annoying
Vices: Snotty, Greedy, Selfish
Virtues: Born Leader,
Fears: Death
Likes: Money, Success, Recognition
Hates: Poors, Idiots, Blood
Traumatic Memory: None

Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Earth
Allegiance: Himself
Weapons: None
Gear: None
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutrul

History/Backstory: An average guy who managed to get a high posistiion with the Shu Corporation
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Name: Gurgle
Species: Brolan
Callsign/Alias: Brute
Nickname: Gurg
Pronouns: He/Him

As a brolan, Gurgle looks similar to a Tera primate, with his fur being orange, and being quite large, even for his races standards.
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Blue
Clothing (Current): Power armor to further enhance his strength.
Build: prioritizes strength with speed being an issue.
Alien Features: Gorilla like features
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: None

Temperament: Kind and gentle.
Vices: Gullible, Weak-Willed,
Virtues: Trusting, Compassionate, Merciful.
Fears: Fire
Hates: Killing, People comparing him to gorillas.
Traumatic Memory: Death of his tribe

Species: Brolan
Planet of Origin: Gralor
Allegiance: His Friends
Weapons: Trench Gun, Warhammer
Gear: Medical Kit
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: Talisman
Alignment: Lawful Good
View attachment 1160574
Name: Gurgle
Species: Brolan
Callsign/Alias: Brute
Nickname: Gurg
Pronouns: He/Him

As a brolan, Gurgle looks similar to a Tera primate, with his fur being orange, and being quite large, even for his races standards.
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Blue
Clothing (Current): Power armor to further enhance his strength.
Build: prioritizes strength with speed being an issue.
Alien Features: Gorilla like features
Tattoos, Piercings, Etc: None

Temperament: Kind and gentle.
Vices: Gullible, Weak-Willed,
Virtues: Trusting, Compassionate, Merciful.
Fears: Fire
Hates: Killing, People comparing him to gorillas.
Traumatic Memory: Death of his tribe

Species: Brolan
Planet of Origin: Gralor
Allegiance: His Friends
Weapons: Trench Gun, Warhammer
Gear: Medical Kit
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: Talisman
Alignment: Lawful Good

Was wondering when we’d get a Jiralhanea
Name: Doctor Skylar Hummington
Species: Human
Age: 30
Callsign/Alias: Pacemaker
Nickname: Sky, grays.
Pronouns: She/They

Using a Picrew until I can finish drawing her. All credit to hunbloom

Skylar is of average height at 160 CM tall and on the lean side. She has light brown skin that's lost its glow weighed down by heavy eyebags and streaks of gray in her hair speaking of unmentioned long sleepless nights.
Hair Color: Black with some gray streaks
Eye Color: Gray
Clothing (Current): Physicians coat worn over a general model black nanosuit.
Build: Pear-shaped and on the thinner side, not a lot of muscle, but in enough shape to safely space travel.
Alien Features: None
Freckles: Across the bridge of her nose and cheeks.
Piercings:She has a small pair of silver studs in her ear lobes but no other piercings.
Tattoos: A tattoo of a caduceus on her forearm to identify herself as a medical professional in potentially hostile situations. The tattoo also serves as one of the few things left she has from her late mother.

Skylar is a genuine person, she works for the greater good and does her best to treat all of her patients equally and treat others with kindness. She's normally quite resistant to change and despises not having procedures or rule breaking. She's self-assured enough to push back against behaviors that go against the agreed upon code, especially those that will result in violence. That being said she's not unreasonable, if she can be convinced that an action will save lives, she might just turn a blind eye to it or on the extremely rare occasion aid. 99% of the time though she believes that rules and procedures are there for the good of all and it's egotistical to assume otherwise. So to get her to go against them requires a pretty damn good reason in her own words. Over all though she doesn't hold ill-will to those who do, she does genuinely want what's best for everyone and believes there's always none violent solution for every problem. She’s not naive though and understands that others disagree, she'll try to de-escalate when she can and when she can't hide and tend to the wounded after.

Temperament: Even-keeled, warm
Vices: Stubborn, uninventive, rules-stickler, pacifist, poor liar.
Virtues: Empathetic, patient, intelligent, hardworking, self-assured, kind.
Fears: Being unable to save someone she loves, Dolans (tries not to show it though)
Likes: Old earth movies, small animals, reading, energy drinks
Hates: Death, disappointing the people around her, breaking the rules.
Traumatic Memory: Her mother dying/ the first time she couldn't save someone.

Planet of Origin: None, she was born and raised on a medical ship.
Allegiance: Galactic Center of Medicine.
Weapons: Tazer gun.
Gear: Vitals cusp, advanced medical kit, reference charts.
Personal Effects/Sentimental Objects: The quartz crystal necklace her mom gave her when she got into med school.
Alignment: Lawful Good

Skylar, despite being human has never stepped foot on Earth. They were born on the ship Ascelpius to a pair of human doctors, named Andrew and Ji-a Hummington. Like her parents and one day Skylar themselves the ship was composed primarily of various typed of medical professionals and crew members with the mission of bringing advanced Healthcare to planets suffering from various medical deficiencies. As such she grew up learning about medicine and treatments for various different species organic and non-organic. This enabled her to excel in medical school and become a valuable asset for any intergalactic ship.

While in residency she returned to the very ship she grew up on eager to come back and work with their parents and for the greater good. It was because of this eagerness, this desire to impress their parents and prove herself that Skylar made a decision that she would regret for the rest of her life. She filed a request with the ship's captain and head of the medical staff to go on a solo mission to a planet still in the midst of a Dolan attack. The request was denied as it was deemed too dangerous. So being young and dumb and foolish Skylar did something they never would have dreamed of doing before. She broke protocol and made to sneak off there in a drop ship.

As one might guess she was caught by her own mother, and allowed to continue with the caveat that she come along with, not wanting her child to go in alone. And so the two left, unarmed, and unapproved. Only one returned, pale and shaking, scarred for life by blood that could never be returned, and the knowledge that they couldn't save everyone. Even when, especially when it mattered the most.

She never broke protocol from that day since.
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