Spooky Writing Contest 2017 The Candies I Received


Majestic Dinosaur

When I was still a teeny tiny girl, I didn't get to go trick-or-treating on Halloween. Me, and daddy, and mommy, the three of us lived in another country, and people don't go trick-or-treating there on Halloween. The culture is different, mommy told me one time.

It made me a little sad, because I see other little kids on television, going from door to door and asking for candy. I asked mommy and daddy once, why those little kids got to do it. They're in America, they told me. I was sad, and a little jealous, but that's okay. Mommy and daddy would play pretend with me on Halloween. They would shut themselves in a room in our house, and I would knock on the door, and they would open the door and pretend that they're strangers. I would say, "trick or treat" like the kids on the television, then mommy and daddy would hand me some candies. They would give me a lot of chocolates and sour gummies and all. My favorite was the caramels.

We played pretend every year except for last year. Last year mommy was in an accident, just a few days before Halloween. Daddy was sad, and I was sad, and we didn't play pretend on Halloween. Now it's just the two of us, daddy and me. But that's okay, because daddy is happier now, and so am I. Plus, daddy and I moved to America, where kids go trick-or-treating. This year, daddy told me, I could go trick-or-treating with my friends. And this year, we played pretend again.

Before I left the house on Halloween night, Daddy shut himself inside his bedroom. Just like always, I knocked on his door. When daddy opened the door, I said, "trick or treat" and held up my very first pumpkin basket. And just like always, daddy gave me some candies. He laughed and ruffled my hair before going to the kitchen to prepare dinner for when I come back. After making sure that he couldn't see or hear me, I closed his bedroom door and knocked on it again.

No one opened the door.

I tried again, this time saying "trick or treat". But still, no one opened the door.

It was dumb. I was hoping that maybe mommy would open the door. But that's okay. I have new friends to go trick-or-treating with now, so I'm not lonely.

My first time trick-or-treating with friends was fun. I dressed up as a witch, and some of my friends dressed up as princesses, and others were superheroes. I thought we all looked good. We went from door to door to door, and almost every house gave us candies. My friends knew it was my first time, so we walked for a long time and asked for lots of candies until my basket was all filled up.

When I got home that night, I counted all of my candies, because wowie! It was the first time that I've seen so many candies! There were 18 little packets of gummy worms, 37 fruit candies, 12 mints- I don't like mint all too much. Sometimes they're too spicy, and- Oops! I almost lost count! Then there's 54 chocolates, 23 pixie sticks, and another 23 candies with peanut butter in them. That's a total of... 167 candies! But I won't be able to eat the ones with peanut butter in them 'cause I'm allergic. That's okay though, because I have a bunch of other candies to eat.

That night after dinner, I went upstairs to head to sleep, but I stared at daddy's closed bedroom door. Nah. It was dumb. Mommy wouldn't open the door. Shaking off the silly thought, I went to bed.

In the morning after Halloween, I ate breakfast with daddy before going to school. Daddy told me that I should share my candies with my classmates.

"But they're my candies." I told daddy.

"You'll get cavities if you eat all of them." Daddy said. He was right though. The dentist told me one time that my teeth would fall out if I ate too many candies. I said okay, that I would share my candies with everyone. So after breakfast, I packed my notebooks, my homework, all of the peanut butter candies, some caramels, and a few chocolates, then headed off for the school bus.

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