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Multiple Settings The Adventures of Felicity (Through RPNation)

What button should I press?

  • Modern

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fantasy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sci-Fi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fandom

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Okashi Yuki

The Abnormally Sweet Sugary Gumdrop

After many hours of browsing through the Internet, Felicity found a peculiar website. Clicking on it, she was greeted with a web page showing many thousands of members who made collaborative stories together. Eager to be part of the community, Felicity signed up to join in on the fun. After an hour or so of posting, she decided to take a short break to have a nap. Laying in bed in her PJ's, Felicity Fell asleep. However, When Felicity awoke, she found herself in a room of pure white. In front of her were the words

"Welcome to RPNation"

along with four buttons.


There will be two votes on this story. One in the polls and one in the thread. The polls will affect the major story actions. The ones in the thread will affect minor actions, such as eating something. The most suggested or most liked thread suggestion will be used.


Felicity is a mortal like you. She can get injured, poisoned, sick, ect. If she takes too much damage, she will die. Each action she take will decrease her hunger by 1 point. If hunger reaches 0, then each action she takes will reduce her health by 1 per action. Please look after her



I will be drawing a picture of the results. Showing you how Felicity reacted to your votes and suggested votes. I will update Every second day to allow people to vote and post. Prefix will change depending on story.

(re-Writting this post)
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Quality will improve. I promise.


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