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Balthazar looked back at the inn, pondered for a moment, and figured it was best to help the others deal with whatever mess that Half-Orc made. "I believe that to be in our best interest, yes." Balthazar said as the halfling went past him. He began equipping himself with his quarterstaff as he continued on to enter into the inn.

wowbobwow wowbobwow Rage Rage
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From the first glance - the one of people who never been inside - nothing changed in the inn. It was the same mess, same dust and dirt, same rock they expected to see... and the goblin body with a bolt in its back they did not. However, those who looked inside, could notice that whatever their big friend did here, it left whatever untouched there was in shambles. The place was quiet, asides for the echoes of the grumbling half-orc, and devoid of life. Not even mice or spiders were seen around here, probably scared of a couple of giant rocks that landed in the inn, and running away, out of the building, and probably - across the mote.

The halfling looked around the place, confused over what all the fuss was about. There was a dead goblin, but that was hardly news. There were dead goblins all over the village at this point. Yenric still was not certain if all the bloodshed had been necessary and it nagged a him a little. The fact that his massive grey friend had been shot in the back did manage to ease his guilt a bit. "Are you in need of healing, Orok?" the cleric asked. His magical connection was dwindling somewhat, and he was feeling the exhaustion of too much casting, but he would extend himself for the half-orc if he needed it. He knew that he was a powerful warrior and an incredible asset to the group.

"And who the heck shot you? There is no one about ..." he said, doing a bit of a spin in the middle of the tavern.
Orok 'Fel-Hand'

Half-Orc Barbarian
Interactions: Waiting & Moving

Just as Orok stood in the middle of the room, his sense had been playing tricks on since he entered this damn town and he payed with it. Injury that was still in his body was annoying. More than annoying. Aggravating. Even touching it got Orok anger by it's feeling within his body.

But he had no more time to waste as he exited the room... He looked at the door but he entered the hallway and looked around as he cautiously moved around but he direction? He was heading towards the stairs in particular. Anything could happen but Orok woulnd't let him be defeated in such a manner.

He couldn't. His thoughts clouding his mind as he check around the corridor - Looking into a couple holes in which the Marksmen whom shoot him could've went but they must've been somewhere..... But where?

Mentions: kevintheradioguy kevintheradioguy (G.M.)
Kyria moved slowly through the inn, her eyes looking everywhere as she went. Every so often she would stop to listen. She didn't like how quiet it was.

When she eventually reached Orok, Kyria reached out to touch his shoulder. Letting him know she was there.

Rage Rage
Zi'on followed Kyria and Yenric as they went after Orok. Seeing his ally injured annoyed him. He preferred a good open fight, no sneak attacks or subterfuge "If need be, we can simply burn the tavern down" he said as he began looking for signs of the Half-Orc's attacker "It'll most likely be needing to be torn down anyway with the damage it received, though the loss of resources would be unfortunate"

"Still, it would force your attacker out at the least" he chuckled "No one likes to be set on fire"

Rage Rage Equusheart Equusheart wowbobwow wowbobwow
Receiving no answer to his question, Yenric figured that Orok was not in need of healing, despite the arrow wound. He suspected that the monstrous half-orc liked playing tough. He didn't mind. He was mostly just in aw of the huge man. He turned to Zi'on and chuckled. "You know, I knew a Genasi once who loved being set on fire. Can't imagine any goblins would like it though. You're right about that." He then spotted the open window at the end of the hallway. "Um ... big guy? I think your attacker slipped out here," he said, approaching the open window. He nodded to the open latch and then gave it a gentle push, making it swing on its hinges until it was wide open. He peered out over the sill to see if he could tell what direction a fleeing creature my have run in. "You're not going to find them in here!" He called out, convinced that the marksmen had fled.

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