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Multiple Settings Soaring Sea, Tales of Marvuelo || A Political Fantasy Story


*Willingly Participates in Self Sabotoge*
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Kingdom of Marvuelo

  • Short Intro to Marvuelo

    Marvuelo is a country that is quite frankly, old as dirt. It’s history spans several hundreds of years being even older than Dukreus. The country prides itself in the nationalism forged through centuries of prosperity. Even when the dark ages hit and destabilized most of the word they maintained their composure and salvaged history itself even if it was backed into a corner thanks to a few countries who have now been stamped out. Marvuelo takes pride in work and play but even more so in balance between the two. So long as you’re willing to work you’ll live a happy life.

    Adaptablilty is highly valued as the kingdom changes depending on which ruler has the most power at the moment, and in true Marvuelan fashion this is decided through a series of challenges and games. But when the down times over get ready to work hard as research and qin are an everyday part of this country as it’s the second in place for leading technological advancements. After all they need to advance if they want to reclaim lost lands...

👀 Imma just put some interest in here

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