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Multiple Settings short, sharp & literate: the search thread for the busy roleplayer

Rusting Knight

New Member
Roleplay Availability
Hello, I’m Rust (she/he), a semi-new member of this site. I’m starting a new thread because I‘m looking for a new thing: a roleplay that’s involved, thought-out, and shows off quality writing… with replies of three paragraphs or less. I’m in my last year of high school, and I don’t have time for 1,000 word replies, but I do still want to roleplay. I’m looking for something that focuses on quality over quantity. Beyond that, I’m easy! I’m a friendly guy, I like romance and weird worlds, and I like to talk. That said, I’ve got a few rules…

  1. Please keep communication all on this site, at least initially, but if we get along well I have a Discord. I can reply once every day or so, but I’ve got no preferences around my partner’s availability. However, I live outside of America, so time zones might not line up.
  2. Ghosting happens - sometimes I’ll ghost, and I don’t mind if you do either. I tend to be pretty picky with partners in the first place; nothing against the people who message me, I just don’t see the point in starting a roleplay with someone I don’t think I’m compatible with, even if they seem talented and cool.
  3. I play characters of any gender in any pairing - I prefer female characters, but I’m looking to practice writing men. I’m also fine with no romance. For obvious reasons, nothing over PG-13.
  4. I like communication! It’s the best and easiest way to keep the momentum of a plot and roleplay going. This involves OOC chatter, getting enthusiastic about worlds, stories and characters and trying to be comfortable with each other.
  5. I prefer PMs initially over comments on this thread. Please let me know what you’re interested in, anything you’d like to pitch, your triggers, a writing sample, inspirations for story & aesthetics, anything you want!
  6. My preferences for length is, as stated in my intro, three paragraphs or less. I could be into a beefier starter, but again: quality over quantity. That said, I want quality! I love writing, I spend more time than I should on my original stories, and I want to roleplay with someone who also has a love for the craft.
  7. I’m not interested in slice of life stories, as I find it difficult to keep myself interested. I find it easier to establish either an immediate or overarching plot in the planning stage. On the other hand, I really love worldbuilding.
  8. I’m seventeen. If you’re not comfortable roleplaying with a minor, come back in a year.
  9. The inspirations indicate the style I’m looking for and what I find interesting in a genre - I’m not looking for a fandom roleplay. Italics just indicate the bulk of what I’m craving, as opposed to just filler chatter.
Writing Sample:

The train carriage was almost empty; it was late, and most passengers drifted off at the busier stations. Georgia was twisted into a futile attempt at a comfortable position: wedged into the back of the seat, head against the scuffed grey wall, feet dangling off the seat beside her. If she craned her neck she could see a bird’s eye view of familiar houses and darkened construction sites streaking past. Pain from twisting her head to the side mingled with the ache from her too small shoes, and the strain the full moon left in her body. Through the thick wool of her coat her phone buzzed. The train passed by a highway, cars rushing about the black tarmac, headlights shining pinprick bright. Georgia ignored the text like she had all the others, preoccupied with checking her teeth for traces of blood. New habits had ground their way into her nerves, in recent months.

As the train drew away from the city, and then the inner suburbs, the crowd thinned until it disappeared. All the empty seats stood out like the gaps where teeth should be, their bowling alley carpet seat covers muted under the shabby plastic of the strip lights. An electric thrill ran its way up and down Georgia’s nerves, lighting up the fog of exhaustion in her skull. The other passengers drooped like puppets put away after a show, greyed-out by the long day. Exhaustion had congealed in the air and muffled every sound, leaving only the snoring of the old lady a few seats down. She reminded Georgia of her grandmother.

The train pulled into another station. Nobody was waiting at the platform, though the vending machines stood lit up and waiting. Georgia felt like she had whisked herself away from every other living being in the world. All the other passengers seemed like ghosts compared to her. She pressed her fingers against the old bite mark on her calf, feeling its warmth through the fabric of her pants. It felt nice to have a secret caged in her body, hidden away. Jazz played from the cheap wired earbuds she wore, from the album her mother used to play on long car drives.

Once it escaped the outskirts of the city, the train seemed to gather speed. Georgia imagined the sleek metal trailing sticky threads like the train had burst through a spiderweb. Out the window the night showed low yellow grasses and green puffs of trees, listing and wavering in a strong breeze. Georgia wished she could feel the wind against her skin and the cold air burning her nose. She kept her red coat buttoned to her throat, pillowing her head on the scratchy fabric. Time felt like it had distorted, drawing itself long and thin, stretched between her hands like strings of chewed gum. A fresh, relieved feeling settled into her chest as she drew further away. Boredom never intruded on it.

What I’m Looking For:
  • A far future, Sci-Fi story exploring anything from a murder mystery in a cyberpunk city to a galaxy-spanning political conflict.
    • Inspirations: Cowboy Bebop, The Divine Cycle from Friends at the Table, The Hainish Cycle, Ancillary Justice, Altered Carbon, Pacific Rim, The Locked Tomb Trilogy, Wolf 359, Alien, The Thing
  • A weird, wild fantasy world with plots ranging from fetch quests to court politics to dragon hunting. I like my fantasy stories detailed and personal, with a focus on people over saving the world. The setting can vary, though I prefer to experiment beyond a Tolkein ripof. If you want a post-apocalyptic dreamworld I’ve got you, and if you want a post-apocalyptic nightmare I’ve got you too.
    • Inspirations: The Wizard of Earthsea, The Last Unicorn, Legend of Zelda (Breath of the Wild, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess), Over the Garden Wall, Hollow Knight, The Dark Tower, Berserk
  • A noir-inspired, modern mystery involving shadowy conspiracies, strange “coincidences“ or a plain old locked murder. This could be combined with horror (psychological, supernatural or otherwise). I just love the vibe of mysteries; set in a small town, or a bustling and very strange city, or somewhere entirely different. I’d prefer if we hammered out the overall plot for this style of story before beginning.
    • Inspirations: Every classic noir you can think of, Lemony Snicket books, honestly IT by Stephen King, Disco Elysium, I Am In Eskew, Mindhunter
  • Anything else that you want to pitch, if you think we would be a good fit!
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bump! tbh kinda craving a cheesy lesbian romance right now, so i’m taking back everything i’ve said about slice of life stories

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