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Fandom Shimmering Shade (Always Open) - Neutral Characters


Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts

Are you tired of going through picture after picture? Do you just want to pick a cat, edit it, and make it your own? Well now you can!!

Lucky you, we have some people that like spending hours on end searching for cats for roleplays and you get to adopt them.

Another way to get a cat is to adopt a kit from a litter. Kittens you might get a chance to name if the owner said they would like you to, otherwise the mother picks the name.

These cats are in little detail so please add your own. Don't worry, DK here will post the pic for you if you are having issues.

All can post here, if you have siblings that you don't want to play, kits to a good home, a warrior that has a special connection to one of your own, and so much more.

Sometimes its too much for one person to handle.

No rules to doing this... Some cats are already exist in the roleplay so you cannot change their name or relations, but maybe personality.

Please clarify if cat is already used in roleplay.
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0 Moons

Power: Unknown

Family: Iceswirl ( Mother )


Scent: The smell of ripe fruit

Voice: Soft and Squishy, never consistent.

Appearance: ( With bright green eyes )


--- Double Post Merged, May 5, 2015 ---



0 Moons

Power: Unknown

Family: Iceswirl ( Mother )


Scent: Fresh Full grown Beech tree in the middle of spring

Voice: Soft and Smooth like a Beech Bark

Appearance: ( With White Paws and Tail )

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