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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Hello folks!!! What's up? the aroura borealis! Or, at least it was yesterday. too cloudy today. still, oh my goodness!!
I've been away from this site for a while, trying my best to get through my classes and my work, and the spring slumph has left me with little motivation. but now, things are in a much more solid condition, and that, combined with exposure to some fun new pieces of media (X-Men 97, any movie with Conrad Veidt in it) that are now going to be my whole personality for the next year, have really given my creative energy back. so hopefully, I'll just get my head in the game and finish my stats for the sheet for this.
Hello folks!!! What's up? the aroura borealis! Or, at least it was yesterday. too cloudy today. still, oh my goodness!!
I've been away from this site for a while, trying my best to get through my classes and my work, and the spring slumph has left me with little motivation. but now, things are in a much more solid condition, and that, combined with exposure to some fun new pieces of media (X-Men 97, any movie with Conrad Veidt in it) that are now going to be my whole personality for the next year, have really given my creative energy back. so hopefully, I'll just get my head in the game and finish my stats for the sheet for this.
Rawr! Go Alex! =)
Good to hear from you. Hopefully things are going to continue to go well for you!
Doing great. I got to spend the night in my own bed, and could get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom without tripping over EKG leads and chest tube drains. It was wonderful. Today has been a bit tiring for me because I need to build up my endurance again, but that will come with time.
A vat holding six Mystic Leaches pg 115
Three Mind Slugs pg 116
*A Mental Incapacitator pg 153
*Three Forearm Blasters pg 153
*Two Net Guns
One Barrier Projector
A TW powered rail gun
Im eyeing one of the forearm blaster and this riffle tho ill need to look into the other stuff a bit

Personally, Raven would like to lay claim to one of the Net Guns and one of the three Forearm Blasters, but that is open to negotiation.
GunMan2 GunMan2 Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Let's divvy these up before we forget to do it?

Psychie? Does Dreamy know how to use the leeches and slugs or should we destroy them? (Or is there a third reasonable option? I doubt if just letting them loose is a good idea.)

Takuma: Forearm blaster and... what do you mean by "this rifle?" Do you mean one of Net Guns?
Raven: Forearm blaster and Net Gun.
Dreamy: Mental Incapacitator (Wisps of Confusion) and Barrier Projector (might be useful against vampires?).

If the above is true, this leaves the TW Rail Gun, a Forearm Plasma Blaster, and the leeches/slugs to stay in our vehicle for safe-keeping - that is, if everyone is onboard with this?

Maybe give the Forearm Plasma Blaster to Oleg or Rab for their protection?
I was referring to the rail gun but if anyone else wants it they may take it

P.S. What does the mental incapacitator do?
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Ah! The TW Rail Gun. O.K.! GunMan2 GunMan2

The Mental Incapacitator fires a spell called Wisps of Confusion that confuses small groups of enemies for short time. =)
Ah, not something i can use since he is a machine
Psychie Psychie GunMan2 GunMan2

Well, I don't see why Tak couldn't. I think he can use the Mental Incapacitator for the same reason he can use the Techno-wizard railgun - the items are just items. It's a matter of aiming and pulling a trigger.

Now what he can't do is recharge that rail gun. Cyborg or not, Tak lacks the ability to transfer potential psychic energy (P.P.E.). The Mental Incapacitator doesn't have this problem - it slowly recharges on its own.

But this is Psychie 's world. How do you see it, my fellow Game Master?
Now what he can't do is recharge that rail gun. Cyborg or not, Tak lacks the ability to transfer potential psychic energy (P.P.E.). The Mental Incapacitator doesn't have this problem - it slowly recharges on its own.
This is correct. A full conversion Borg lacks the ability to refuel the rail gun, but both Dreamy and Raven certainly can do it for you.
This is correct. A full conversion Borg lacks the ability to refuel the rail gun, but both Dreamy and Raven certainly can do it for you.
Thank you, Psychie! =)
Psychie Psychie 1. What Weapon Proficiency does the forearm blaster fall under please?

2. Does Dreamy know how to use the leeches and slugs?

So how does this look? GunMan2 GunMan2 Sherwood Sherwood
Takuma: Forearm blaster, Techno-wizard rail gun, and Mental Incapacitator.

Raven: Forearm blaster and Net Gun.

Dreamy: Barrier Projector and Net Gun.

Extra: Forearm blaster, 6 Mystic Leeches, and 3 Mind Slugs.
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Nice that probably means Takuma at least got some sort of protection from magic or can disrupt magic

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