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Da Chibi Mudkip
A kid's dad worked at a shoe factory, and worked most of the day. His parents were very strict on him sometimes. One day, the kid was at his dad's shoe factory! He was allowed there for the day, and messed up everything. His dad's friend at the factory made the boy a shoe! It was a very good shoe, indeed. Yet, the boy had accidently destroyed it, and the man who made it took him a long time to make. The boy ran out of the factory and hid where they were constructing an expansion. He sat down under a window and heard a noise from the dirt behinde him. He turned and tried to open it and saw a board game titled 'Noshea'. Later at night, he finished dinner and his parents went to bed, and it was his bed time aswell. He snuck up, and called over his friend. They played Noshea. They did not know the secrets. You roll a dice, and your piece moves it self. Then you pick up a card the number it landed down, and it will say a thing like "The creatures of the night, soar high, never come out of day." Which ment, bats. Bats came out from the chimney. This game took many years for them to finish.

And now YOU have found the game, it is up to YOU to finish the board game.

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