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Help Newbie BBcode user, directions needed.


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
I want to spruce up my interest check to better convey the kind of roleplay I had in mind. To give you a picture it's a mind controlling prion disease type scenario. I was thinking of making an ARG like thread where the first thing an user sees is a sort of PSA from the government like:
  • stay indoors
  • keep doors locked
  • keep drapes closed
  • boil water
  • cook raw food
  • make a trauma pack
  • instructions on how to handle infected cadavers (human or animal)
You get the jist. I will make images that evoke the feeling of a PSA, but I need directions where I can structure my tab appropriately so I can play around and see what fits.
To be honest I'm not too sure what you're asking for here? If you're asking how to make tabs, I'd start with the BBCode Guide. If it's something else, could you be more specific?
There is no command like that in simple BB code format. You would have to create div boxes within each other to get what you're asking. I don't know if any coders are currently taking requests though to help.
There is no command like that in simple BB code format. You would have to create div boxes within each other to get what you're asking. I don't know if any coders are currently taking requests though to help.
Thank you for the information. What matters is that it's technically possible. I'll see if there are some yt tutorials or a relevant thread.
Thank you for the information. What matters is that it's technically possible. I'll see if there are some yt tutorials or a relevant thread.

Yeah, it's possible :)!

I'm not the best at BBCode but I'm sure Alteras Alteras or someone from Helper Helper can give you some advice when they get a chance.
I would suggest practicing by tinkering with already made code that relates to what your looking for
For example, this placeholder has text over a gif, which is essentially the same as text over an image (replace the gif link with an image link)

While not exactly what you're looking for, dissecting this (or any) code will help understanding code in general.
A lot of the big coders that come through RPN typically have some experience with HTML and/or CSS, from what I know CSS is how a lot of the more complex stuff is done
While not exactly what you're looking for
As you said, not exactly what I was looking for but the link is much better than what I found off site and it is very close to what I want to do. I'm still working on the pictures and my current interest check is filled with placeholders, so I'll show you the results once I finish everything. I really appreciate your help and I hope I can have some results to show in the near future.

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