MS Hellhounds Saga: Children of Mars - Lore (Discontinued)


Runs with Axes
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    In the far-flung future of 2068 AE (or as you may know it 4242 AD) Mankind has spread across the stars, near and far and its weapons of war have kept pace, for a time. But such matters, large and grand will be covered in your history index, as will the fall of the Terran Dominion and the decline and loss of knowledge that followed. Of the rise of the major factions and petty despots. Such does not matter to you. Or at least it shouldn’t.

    For you were a prisoner, to the one thing that matters still, birth and worth. Or maybe you foolishly decided upon this path? Either way you were born on Mars. As Mankind’s first attempt at terraforming, mixed results were had upon the red planet. Though it was far from a worthless world. In a bid to ship out its industry from polluting Mother Earth, Mars became heavily industrialized, a cold, temperate world with mostly deserts and salty seas with the occasional crop field and freshwater river. For Mars, living up to its ancient name has two exports and two exports only, tools of War and the manpower to fight said wars.

    You were born along three billion others, in the dense spires and hive complexes of Mars, be you from a white collar or upper class that decided to slum with the slummers, or the downtrodden masses. For on Mars there are but two paths for the vast majority, work in the mines, forges, factories and Shipyards, or join the Military. Said military is known as one of the finest in the galaxy and artificial gravity exposes the Martians to one to two g’s gravity so they do not falter so easily off the small red planet.

    The Military is further divided into two categories, The United Earth Dominion Military, sent to join the forces of the Sol Sector with the other first steps of mankind, or the Free Privateer Divisions. It is through service one can escape Mars, to either pay in the bounty allotment set, to live and retire aboard the great Star Cruisers, or to find a planet in olden age to call home.

    You have landed with scores of others to the Free Privateer units that service the various conflicts raging across the Galaxy, many are the sons and daughters of mars that have fought in the space corps, the Aerospace forces, the infantry, tanks, artillery or just logistics. For your life till your years or stipend to the Dominion are up, you will serve aboard one troop ship, which will in turn be attached to one troop cruiser. It will be your home, with brothers in arms, the families some may have, and what few brave merchants set up shop to pass off wares and trinkets from across the Milky Way. While the Earth Sphere may take up half of the pay your unit earns, you are still given a wage to spend as you see fit, you are not a slave after all.

    And ah, there is one more branch of Service, The Mobile Suits Division, or MS for short. Machines of war and skill, some whose technology was lost in the collapse of the Dominion, machines that are worth more than the meat filling the seats. Armed with wondrous weapons, bipedal in nature, a reflection of man that turned war up on its head. From scout walkers that stand to 15 to 25 feet tall (4.5m’s - 7.6m’s), to line units that stand up to 80 feet tall (24-25 meters) and the massive titans that are anywhere from 100 to 200 feet tall(30-60m’s). Countless worlds have built them, templates differ, and Mars is one of the few worlds that can still produce them, based on hundreds of templates. These are weapons that can when deployed in a team affect the outcome of a battle or even a war in a few deployments. These units are the most prestigious, the most well payed, and the most dangerous.

    And what do you know, while fate may have made you the unwanted child of an Ancient War God, it has also made your score parameters land of proficiency to be selected into an MS Unit. Or in this case the 15th MS Team “Hellhounds” of the First MS Division. A decorated unit whose existence dates back to 875 AE.

    And now is the Annual return of the 70k ton Troopship, Olympus Folly with its 900k ton Cruiser, Silent Night, and assorted escorts. Today, you get to leave Mars and see worlds untold. Provided you survive, don’t be cheap with your machine and hope the forge master assigns you a lucky unit that has seen service for three hundred years or a new production model from a reputable template. Though if you are a convict that was given the option to serve, check the service record to see how many pilots that MS has lost.

    …. Or maybe you are one of the “older” veterans coming to see the fresh meat, afterall, the fleet makes this journey every year or two. With fresh recruits being seventeen to nineteen and frontline veterans being up to thirty-four and all points in between, typically the state of a unit can vary wildly, though there are at least a couple veterans in service.


    Interested? In the course of this RP, the RP will have a “slice of life” as close as military star cruiser life, can offer with missions and battle assignments for the MS team on a number of worlds and terran types. These may be limited to” fighting” run of the mil infantry and tank formations in distant tundra worlds, to fighting the pissed off 150-foot-tall titan of some Warlord who’s City you have laid siege to. Either way the missions may/will fold into grander campaigns and may ultimately leave the players with some hard choices to make in regard to Mars and Earth, one which can unfold into an epic campaign that could end badly or be a smashing success. Political intrigue and the sway of the pilots over the commanders can determine much, win the attention of Lords or Presidents in high places. Or the burning hatred of other Non-Martian Free Privateer Divisions. What? You thought Mars was the only War world? Heh.
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  • MARS- The Red planet, well now Red, Brown and some blue, a harsh climate that demand the strong, eith mines and oribtal shipyards most of its 3 billion inhabitants call hive cities home in the crater regions, depends heavily upon Earth for agricultural goods in exchange for its resources. The first planet we see on our journey.

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