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Realistic or Modern Looking for partner for literate Adoption RP


Elder Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My requirements:
  • Please don't join the RP, and then drop it right in the middle. It bugs me when people only post once, or post a few times and then just leave.
  • Please be advanced. At least four paragraphs per post with good spelling, grammar, and detail. I can make exceptions at times. This is a big thing for me. I get annoyed when people can't similarly match my post lengths. If you 'typ LIek diss' and don't use decent capitalization and punctuation, or use long run on sentences I'll most likely drop the thread or ignore the request to RP with me. Everyone makes mistakes, and I understand that, but if you can't manage basic grammar then please don't ask to RP with me. If you can't think of what to reply with, PM me and I can add a bit more. I would prefer you to match my length. Also, so I know you read this, tell me your favorite color when you express interest. Otherwise you will be ignored.
  • Be active PLEASE. I'm back online most every day after a break. I haven't Rped in a while due to real life issues, and I understand you might need to drop. If you do please PM me first.

The Plot:
I would play the parents (Eva and Kennedy) and their adopted children (Jupiter, Hugo, and Ronan), and you would play the twins that they adopt.

Eva and Kennedy met nearly ten years ago. Two transgender women who performed as drag queens in a local bar, Kennedy had fled home to get away from her abusive brother, and Eva was kicked out by a father who didn't support her transition. They fell in love, and several years later, took in three queer teenagers who had been abandoned by their families, Jupiter, Hugo, and Ronan.

Deciding that they wanted to adopt again through a more traditional route, and a few weeks later they visited with a social worker at a foster home. The couple took a seat, and explained to the agent that they were looking to adopt a young child so they could enjoy the experience of raising a child. The agent had pulled out the files of multiple children and was discussing which one they thought would fit the best in their household when the door to the woman's office opened, revealing two children.

Approximately twelve years old, they appeared to be twins, mangy and dressed in flimsy clothing that was barely suitable for the cold winter winds blowing outside. While the agent quickly moved to talk with them (it appeared that they'd been left with a new home a month or so prior and had ran away to come back to the facility), and Eva and Kennedy knew immediately that they needed to take these children, whose timid demeanor reminded them so much of Hugo, their youngest son.

The social worker explained that the pair had been rescued from an abusing household many years ago, and not a a single household they'd been placed in since had been suitable. They were close to needing to be separated to find homes. She warned that the twins might be difficult to care for due to all of their issues, but Eva and Kennedy signed the papers anyway.

The next week, the twins arrived at their large house, looking just as ragged and dirty as the last time the couple had seen them. The children were timid and wary. The couple were determined to help the children work through their trauma and provide them with a good proper home where they could finally be safe and loved.

My Characters:


Age: 30

Drag/burlesque performer, show director

Transgender woman

Unlabeled, prefers to answer the question by simply saying "Kennedy"

Physical Description:
Her eyes are light brown. She is 5'11. Her hair is light brown, straight, and reaches the middle of her back,

Eva is soft spoken. She is gentle and patient, but easily bruised. Rather than yell, she tends to cry when she is angry.

Eva was born Eric Robins. Her mother Halle was a military nurse and Eva was extremely close to her. They did everything together. Eva's father was much stricter and no nonsense and was a military man--how he met Eva's mother. Eva was forced into strict gender stereotypes by her father, and they never felt quite right to her. It didn't hit her that she was transgender until she was around fifteen, when she finally found out that there were people like her in the world. Even after that, she was hesitant to come out. After all, no one had ever explicitly told her she was different. She had to figure that out on her own, and the idea terrified her. Shortly after she had finally accepted herself, her mother contracted a strange illness from pricking herself with a used needle, and was dead within a year. She wouldn't even let Eva touch her for fear that she would catch her illness. Poor Eva was absolutely devastated. She then finally came out to her father. It did not go well. He cut her off and stopped speaking to her completely, kicking her out of the house. She fled to her favorite drag bar, where she met Kennedy Piane, who was performing that night. The pair went home together in what was meant to only be a one night stand but quickly turned to something more. Shortly after, Eva began performing, and the pair bought the bar from the owner who had planned to close it. Their time performing allowed them to befriend a small group of queer kids who also had poor home lives. Eva and Kennedy took pity on them. The small group of three became very close to the women, and were basically adopted by them. Now they all live together, Eva and Kennedy being surrogate parents to them. Eva is very motherly and protective over her adoptive children.


Age: 29

Drag/burlesque performer, show director

Transgender Woman


Physical Description:
Her skin is brown, as are her eyes. Her hair is thick and curly, and she keeps it long. She passes extraordinarily well. She is tiny, at just barely five feet tall, a result of her mother's side of the family. All of the men were small, which ultimately helped Kennedy post transition.

Kennedy is fiery, and has a sharp tongue. She is more likely to stand up for herself than Eva is. She can be gentle when she needs to be--she is usually the one who Hugo is the most calm around. She is patient with her children.

Kennedy was born Keegan Piane, and was raised solely by her mother. She had a brother named Logan, who was younger than her by a year. Kennedy took no interest in anything masculine, and her mother never had any issue with it. She teased Kennedy often, calling her a little diva and suggesting that maybe Kennedy would be a model someday. Kennedy's brother was not nearly as accepting of her. He was embarrassed of her, ignoring her at school and in public, but at home he treated her like trash. He kicked her, punched her, and destroyed her things. Kennedy had never been a fighter, and fighting back often only got her hurt. He wouldn't stop, no matter what their mother tried to do to stop him. When she came out at nineteen, things only got worse. Her brother continued to hurt her. She saved up money, and once she had enough, fled the house, fearing for her life. She began performing, and shortly after, met Eva. The two became incredibly close and moved in together. Kennedy does not speak to her brother anymore, but is still close to her mother, and the two talk often. Upon meeting Jupiter, Hugo, and Ronan she became incredibly close to all of them, and now considers them her children. She loves them all equally, but is closest with Hugo. Shortly after her bottom surgery on a visit to her mother, her brother cornered her into the bathroom and sexually assaulted her. Eva is the only person who knows other than her mother, who caught them thanks to Kennedy's screaming and struggling. She doesn't talk about it, but suffers PTSD as a result.

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Age: 17

Student, performer



Physical Description:
They are about 5'8. Their hair, when left down, goes across their forehead in blonde bangs. More often than not it is styled into a blonde quiff. Their eyes are blue. They always have a girlish edge to them, and it is not uncommon to see Jupiter dressed in full femme just for casual daywear.

Kind, Responsible, flamboyant, protective of their brothers.

Jupiter's mother left when they were around five or six, and Jupiter was sent to live with their maternal aunt and uncle, both of whom were very strict Catholics. They both forced the kid into things they showed no interest in, all in attempts to make them more masculine. Their uncle often beat them in an attempt to toughen them up. Jupiter rejected nearly all of them, and always felt different from the other little boys in their class. Upon hitting puberty, their discomfort only heightened, and Jupiter realized that they didn't neatly fit into either box, not just in terms of their behavior, but in the way they felt about their body as well. They often longed to be rid of their genitals, and desired the feminine curves that almost all the girls they knew seemed to be getting. They didn't feel male or female. Around sixteen, they began sneaking out, putting on makeup, and going to drag shows to watch the kings and queens perform, hiding this from their aunt and uncle knowing that they would never approve. They began performing under the name Jupiter Bowie, but were embittered by their family's harsh treatment. It took them a while to open up to anyone, but they eventually grew close to Eva before going on to make more friends. They practically abandoned their birth name, Kevin, and all of their friends (most of whom were drag queens) began calling them Jupiter (or Jupe, Jupey, etc.) and referring to them with female pronouns. Jupiter finally felt accepted. The blissful period didn't last long, and Jupiter was caught sneaking out one night. Their aunt and uncle threw a fit, and even though Jupiter tried to explain how they felt, neither adult listened. They constantly nagged at Jupiter for "turning his back on god and choosing to be a sinner." They refused to call Jupiter by the name they preferred, and practically drove the poor kid insane. They became extremely cold toward them. Jupiter spent more and more time out of the house, and eventually fled to Eva and Kennedy after their aunt burnt all of their drag and feminine clothing in a bonfire in the backyard.

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Age: 15

Student, performer

Cis Male


Physical Description:
His hair is dark brown, left long on top and shaved on the sides. He is 5'4 and thin, on the lower side of average. His eyes are gray.

Optimistic and cheerful, often too much. He sees the best in people. His optimism leaves him with a habit of sometimes not realizing other people's stress or hurt. He has mostly recovered from his abuse, but still flinches somewhat frequently.

Ronan and his twin brother Hugo spent their entire childhoods being shifted from foster home to foster home, never knowing their real parents. Many of the foster homes treated them poorly, and the brothers were often separated even though they were supposed to be fostered and adopted together. He and Hugo are both very close, practically joined at the hip. Ronan is the more upbeat, positive twin. He and his brother are both gay, and this wasn't sitting well with their foster family at the time--strict evangelical christians. Ronan began to spend more and more time out of the house, experimenting with makeup and going to drag and burlesque shows. He began going out as a drag queen called Kyra Currie, and one night decided to take his brother out with him. The two felt at home at the shows, which was where they met Jupiter. Shortly after they met Eva and Kennedy, and were the first two to be taken in by them. The twins were grateful to be off the streets and with people who seemed to care for them. Ronan has mostly recovered from his abuse, but there are signs that he has been hurt, such as flinching when Eva or Kennedy reach for his face to fix his hair or his wigs. Other than that he is generally happy and very attached to his new family.

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Age: 15

Student, performer

Cis Male


Physical Description:h
His hair is dark brown, left long on top and shaved on the sides. He is 5'4 and extremely skinny as a result of malnourishment in his former homes. His eyes are gray. He has cystic fibrosis and needs regular treatment to prevent fluid buildup in his lungs.

He does not take to new people right away, and has a tendency to automatically view others as being out to hurt him. He is very attached to his family, and is terrified of losing them, to the point where he has developed crippling separation anxiety. He panics when around unfamiliar people, and is afraid of being shunted back into a life of uncaring foster families and abuse. He has been known to run off and hide when things get too tense, or when he feels an argument brewing. Otherwise, he is very kind. He suffers from schizophrenia aggravated by his previous abuse, and while regularly medicated for it often suffers paranoia and hallucinations, with episodes that occasionally result in his needing to be hospitalized.

Hugo's many years in foster care affected him deeply. He is not as positive or optimistic as his twin brother, and is incredibly cautious and hesitant. He has cystic fibrosis, which went undiagnosed until he was nearly ten as a result of neglect. He was unsure when his brother first began to take him to drag shows, but after a while he blossomed and became very social at them. He took the drag name Kasha Currie, the same last name as his brother's. Their foster parents at the time were much harsher on him than they were on his brother, beating him when his brother was out. He formed no attachments with any of his foster parents or siblings, and all he really cared about was his brother. He is still scarred from his abuse, both mentally and physically. He was this way with Jupiter at first, then Eva and Kennedy, but they showed him kindness and empathy, and he slowly opened up to them. They took him in along with his brother, and Jupiter soon followed. Hugo is very close to both of the older women, but is most attached to Kennedy, as he met her first.

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