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Realistic or Modern Looking for a one on one RolePlay


New Member
// Please note that this RolePlay will hold triggering content and it is also clean. //

Ami, a young girl at the age of ten had just escaped her kidnappers after five years of abuse and torment.
She was quite small for her age, being malnourished and covered in cuts, bruises and burns.

When no one was watching over her, she was able to sneak into a car and start it up as the driver left them in the engine.

As she drove, it was pretty much open area so she was able to escape but when she got to civilisation, she crashed the car and passed out.

Police and ambulance services were called and she woke up days later in hospital, having broke her arm and leg due to the accident.

(you continue from here. Please try match my style. Thank you.)
*Amy slowly wakes back up from being unconscious for about 2 days,there she was surrounded by people, Some news reporters say*
News reporter 1: "whats your name little one?"
News reporter 2: "what happened?"
*Amy didn't want to answer so she just stayed silent*
(you can continue )
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