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Realistic or Modern LF: MxM Professor x Student


New Member
Roleplay Availability
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(Wanna preface that the student would be of age!! This is college, not high school.)


I have a specific scenario in mind I'm itching to try out. Professor x Student, where the student is of course, of age. I have a specific character as well (he'd be the professor, but I can surely switch the roles and make a new character if you'd like), and can surely send over his bio to anyone interested.

I don't have many requirements, just that you are able to provide at least a paragraph. You don't have to write me an entire novel (though I definitely wouldn't mind if you did). I work a 9-5, but I'm on my phone quite a bit so replies shouldn't be too far in between.

Send me a PM if this catches your eye!

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