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Fantasy Legacies: World at War - OOC

Doing great man, just celebrated reaching another year of life recently, and summer's feeling great so far. I'm learning how to play basketball with my brother. My floater is cleannn trust (we haven't won a single 2v2)

What about you, homie? Anything new?
nope, not really lol same ol same ol for me
nope, not really lol same ol same ol for me
I feel you man, it'll be like that at times. If you want, you could maybe pick up a new hobby! If you have time, of course. I know youre a working man. BUT if you find the time, you could do something different.

Maybe hit the beach too. It's mad hot so it's definitely a good idea to splash in some water.
I feel you man, it'll be like that at times. If you want, you could maybe pick up a new hobby! If you have time, of course. I know youre a working man. BUT if you find the time, you could do something different.

Maybe hit the beach too. It's mad hot so it's definitely a good idea to splash in some water.
i aint working anymore but yeah idk. cant really think of hobbies lol
SharkBark SharkBark
Since we've got radio silence from Alpha, do you wanna continue the Seiryoku arc till she comes back since it's just our characters in there.
AlphaBlueWolf AlphaBlueWolf SharkBark SharkBark
How we doing?

This is your monthly check in from your friendly GM.
SharkBark SharkBark
Since we've got radio silence from Alpha, do you wanna continue the Seiryoku arc till she comes back since it's just our characters in there.
Well, color me unradio silenced!

I'm doing good. A bit swamped with end of the year stuff. I'm going to a school dance tonight, and then I have various other 'end of the year let's bust their balls with final projects and assignments' work to finish over the weekend, plus some events with the program. Getting more involved this year has been a blast, but it can also get a little overwhelming, draining, and stressful. Luckily the summers almost here. My school has this policy where if you have a certain high-grade average you get exempt from your finals, so final week is basically a free week for me and an end to school, besides for one final I might have to take. Not sure yet on that. Administration gives teachers free reign to lower the average we need for exemptions, and one teacher of mine is debating on lowering it. If she does I'm completely free for finals week, and I'm praying ya'll 😭 🙏 lol After that, I have this week long thing with that school program I mentioned at the end of June and then I'll be free and clear. Might pick up a chill summer job, but otherwise I'll be good.

Anyways, despite me replying to the little check in (sorry that took so long my bad), if you guys wanna continue with Seiryoku I'd be completely fine with that. I know I've left you guys hanging for a good bit right as Shark's come back and rearing to go. Irl stuff keeping me a bit busier than I thought it would and leaving me drained of motivation when I do have a free period. I think when I'm home for the summer I'll be more active again, and I might jump in with a post or two if I can before then.
Well, color me unradio silenced!

I'm doing good. A bit swamped with end of the year stuff. I'm going to a school dance tonight, and then I have various other 'end of the year let's bust their balls with final projects and assignments' work to finish over the weekend, plus some events with the program. Getting more involved this year has been a blast, but it can also get a little overwhelming, draining, and stressful. Luckily the summers almost here. My school has this policy where if you have a certain high-grade average you get exempt from your finals, so final week is basically a free week for me and an end to school, besides for one final I might have to take. Not sure yet on that. Administration gives teachers free reign to lower the average we need for exemptions, and one teacher of mine is debating on lowering it. If she does I'm completely free for finals week, and I'm praying ya'll 😭 🙏 lol After that, I have this week long thing with that school program I mentioned at the end of June and then I'll be free and clear. Might pick up a chill summer job, but otherwise I'll be good.

Anyways, despite me replying to the little check in (sorry that took so long my bad), if you guys wanna continue with Seiryoku I'd be completely fine with that. I know I've left you guys hanging for a good bit right as Shark's come back and rearing to go. Irl stuff keeping me a bit busier than I thought it would and leaving me drained of motivation when I do have a free period. I think when I'm home for the summer I'll be more active again, and I might jump in with a post or two if I can before then.
Ahhh gotcha.

You live!
Its alive, its alive!

Boris Karloff Film GIF by hoppip
Ayyyyyy, happy birthday Shark!
Thank youu 😎
Well, color me unradio silenced!

I'm doing good. A bit swamped with end of the year stuff. I'm going to a school dance tonight, and then I have various other 'end of the year let's bust their balls with final projects and assignments' work to finish over the weekend, plus some events with the program. Getting more involved this year has been a blast, but it can also get a little overwhelming, draining, and stressful. Luckily the summers almost here. My school has this policy where if you have a certain high-grade average you get exempt from your finals, so final week is basically a free week for me and an end to school, besides for one final I might have to take. Not sure yet on that. Administration gives teachers free reign to lower the average we need for exemptions, and one teacher of mine is debating on lowering it. If she does I'm completely free for finals week, and I'm praying ya'll 😭 🙏 lol After that, I have this week long thing with that school program I mentioned at the end of June and then I'll be free and clear. Might pick up a chill summer job, but otherwise I'll be good.

Anyways, despite me replying to the little check in (sorry that took so long my bad), if you guys wanna continue with Seiryoku I'd be completely fine with that. I know I've left you guys hanging for a good bit right as Shark's come back and rearing to go. Irl stuff keeping me a bit busier than I thought it would and leaving me drained of motivation when I do have a free period. I think when I'm home for the summer I'll be more active again, and I might jump in with a post or two if I can before then.
Dang, you're school's still going? My summer started last week.

Broo I only got exempt from one exam and you got exempt from majority of them?? Awesome. smartass...😒 (jk)

Enjoy that school dance! Man, those are fun. They'd be even better if I could actually dance 😭

SharkBark SharkBark
Since we've got radio silence from Alpha, do you wanna continue the Seiryoku arc till she comes back since it's just our characters in there.
Alright man, go ahead with that Death Knight post. I've been dreading it for the longest because I know Heath is about to get his shit absolutely rocked, but just put me out of my misery man 😭😔

I have a plan tho
Oh well I guess it'd circle back to Julianna's attack after the death knight so... she gets a roll too lol

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