Other Is Anyone Else Writing a Book?


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Greetings fellow Roleplayers / Writers!

I have lately been writing a book that I hope to someday have published, and I was wondering if anyone else has the same dream?

I've always wanted to become a best selling author of a book or maybe even a series.

Right now I am working on a book / novel about a Magical Kingdom where the Fairy Tale folk live. The Magical Kingdom was created by the Good Witches of the North, South, East and West (before the West Sister went bad). The Wicked Witch of the West curses the Magical Kingdom and it's up to a Knight named Mercury to collect ingredients for a potion that he hopes will right the Magical Kingdom once more to its original state.

I am working on chapter 9 currently and Mercury is discovering something horrible while looking for the first ingredient to the potion the Good Witches need to create to right the Magical Kingdom!
What kind of story is this? Is a more calm, slice of life kind of story? Or is it more of an adventure kind?

Also, who’s your target audience?
It's a fairy tale adventure that's more for young adults and up. Like eighteen and up.
I see. The naming struck me (and please don’t take this the wrong way) as a little childish, so I thought it might’ve been for younger audiences. It also struck me as something that might be neat as a calm slice of life kind of thing, but it could certainly work as a lighthearted adventure. Nothing wrong with it of course, but thought it might be useful feedback to think about.
No offense taken.

It's meant to read as a fairy tale so that's why the wording is kind of what it is if that makes sense.

I guess.

Also, since I replied might as well answer your question. I’ve thought about writing a book and long ago tried doing it, but ultimately the reality of time, unstable form of career and oversaturated market hit me. I still intend to write one day, but for now I’ve stuck to short stories until I’ve established some kind of stable financial source and career.
I actually finished the first draft of a manuscript about a month ago. Letting it sit before I go over the second draft. I also have two half written manuscripts I dropped I may one day go back to.

I'm writing for a underrepresented audience so I don't expect to be big. I'm writing it for me. Nobody is writing the kinda stories I wanna read so did it myself.
Yeah! I actually self published my first one last year and I'm figuring out if I want to do that or go a more traditional route with my second one
I find it really admirable when people settle down to write a book. I've often been told I should write a book because I've been a part of so many random adventures.
I think a fairy tale book sounds fun to write! Chapter nine woah that's pretty far! You know how many chapters your aiming for?

Good luck!

I've been trying to write a book. I have the story and characters and everything all set in my head. But for some reason every time I sit down to try writing something my mind just goes blank and I can't get more than a paragraph on the page before my brain goes "garbage, toss and try again another day."

So, yeah. The struggle is real. XD

Someday! It'll happen. I know it will. It's just not time, yet.


- GojiBean
First drafts are always garbage. The first draft is for the writer. Have fun and don't worry about showing it to anyone else. Second draft is when you kill your darling. Edit the shit out of it until it's good!
I'm presently 16 chapters into a story, which, is nowhere near done since I havent even gotten to the main point. I am a very slow writer but I am at least fairly consistent. I've been writing for a bit over a year now.
im in the process of writing a book as well, i have the plot (mostly) planed out, the world building all built, the characters fleshed out and arcs pinned down. But the minute i sit down to write, my focus and writing abilities go out the window. I have four(ish) chapters written alongside various scenes that have been roughly blocked out and i need to write my way to.

REVO (still working on a proper title) takes place in a modern fantasy world, where there are many different races of various technological advancement and magical aptitude. One race in particular is infamous for its innate sheer magical ability and profound reclusiveness. Flurmere and its citizens live under a leader, with a swift fist of punishment towards anyone that is against him, preaching the belief that every Porcilavian has a obligation to become their Purest self so that they as a race may earn back the favor of the holy Lights and the title of Angels. Enter: A pair of ex-childhood friends. The first seen as a living disgrace with his sheer accumulation of Impurities and having of a "demonic" soul who's only grown more reckless over time. The other a blindly loyal follower of Flurmere's leader and enforcer of his rule who's always felt at odd's with herself and the beliefs she's under.
I am also writing a book thanks to the support of an old beta reader/editor. Though I am writing it for myself and for my mom who supported me with my writing and would still support me if she were still here. If I ever finish it, it will probably be a self-publish after having a bonafide editor look at it.

I have written personal works before but haven't finished one since I was 12. I do not include the poems that I have published within a collection of others' poems. I have been delving in webtoons and a lot of dark fantasy romance stories. At times I find myself growing frustrated at the plot and so I figured, hell, I write and I'm not bad at it so why don't I just write my own? The hard part is finding a good file syncher between devices as I write via PC, laptop, or phone. That and reminding myself that the chapter I am working on does not have to be perfect as it is a first draft for a reason. So far I have my characters, the world (recently finished the magic and religion system), and about 2 or 3 chapters. I have yet to decide how to format chapters... every new scene, focus, feeling, etc. I dunno.

I wish you and everyone else who is venturing into this path the best of luck <3

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