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Fandom HP (Alice & Cedric / Medusa & Draco)



It finally was time for another school year. Cedric was excited as always. The best thing about school was his friends and well he was friends with almost everyone. Except the slytherins, but well the slytherins was only friends with the slytherins. So they didn't really count. But when it came to everybody else, they liked him a lot and was counted as his friends. And because of them he knew it was going to be a great year no matter what happened.

Walking onto the train station and platform 9 3/4 he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was his father. "Don't get too excited," he said with a grin on his face. Cedric grinned back as he hugged his father tight. His mother gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Go have fun, don't stand around with us old folks," his father said as he hit him on the back. Cedric loved his parents and he would miss them a lot. But Hogwarts was waiting. He gave them another hug before he entered the train.

He went into the compartment where his friends were. Putting away his bag and sitting down at the seat next to his best mate. Chatting with them as the train was getting ready to start. He laughed at his friends jokes and talked about the summer holiday. He had seen some of them over the holiday, but mostly he and his father had been travelling. His mother didn't enjoy travelling by portkey, so she was visiting her family most of the summer. He liked being an only child so he had is father all to himself. They were bestfriends and had the best time going around the world. He would miss that, but he was happy he had those memories to share with his friends. Nobody could compare their holiday to Cedric's.

Looking out the window as students hurried on the train. A lot of people was almost late and it got Cedric smirking. He could never imagine the humiliation if he lost the train. It would be the most embarrasing thing, trying to catch the train as everybody was laughing at you. He spotted a girl that was late. She was quite pretty. Black hair, pale skin, long lashes and puffy lips. Just his type. "Who's that?" Cedric asked his best mate. He laughed as he looked at Cedric. "That's Alice. Slytherin," he said shortly and continued the conversation with the others. Cedric sighed. Then she wasn't his type at all.


She was already sitting on the train. Always on time, or actually a long time before. She hated stressing and being late wasn't something she could handle. Everything was planned to every little detail, so she would be perfectly prepared for her first day back to school. She was a good girl and a good student. Perfect grades and well perfect everything. But when it came to her attitude, it was not perfect. She ended up in a lot of verbal fights. Because of her strong opinions and because she stood up for herself. Since she started attending Hogwarts she had been bullied. No one hit her, but they came with one comment after another. Nerd, preppy, good girl, teacher's favourite and so on. It was some of the words she was called. But she didn't care. She knew she was all of those things, but whatever they were just jealous.

She didn't tell anybody about these comments. They came mostly from guys and a few slytherin girls who wanted to be cool. Medusa didn't care, so why should she tell her parents. Her parents were busy with other things. They were creative souls. Always painting, writing or doing some other hippie stuff. They didn't really believe in school or education. Her mother always said the mind could speak on it's own and it didn't need input from others. She believed in books, so it made no sense. Her family was weird, and it was one of the reasons she was bullied. They had dropped out of Hogwarts and well everybody knew them because of that. It was embarrasing, but she just tried to pretend like nothing. And she loved Hogwarts, the teachers and learning, so nothing could stop her. Even if it at times was hard.

Her bestfriend, Brix told about her holiday. She had met a boy and they had a summer fling. Medusa tried to seem like she didn't care, but she was glued to the conversation. She had never been kissed. She knew she was kissable and pretty, but nobody at Hogwarts would even try. Because first of all most of the boys were lame and saying mean things. And Medusa was a bitch to them. So it was a zero chance of any romance or fling while she attented this school. She envied Brix and felt a big lump in her stomach. Daydreaming as her friend told about her romance. Medusa looked out the window and spotted Draco Malfoy. The worst boys of them all. The biggest bully. It felt like her eyes went red. She hated that boy. Clenching her fists as she soned out of the conversation.
Alice Yaxley was always quite punctual, but it seemed this morning was the exception. Her father, Corban Yaxley, was crazy about always making it on time, but unfortunately for her, Alice had left behind one of her textbooks so they had to return home once more. Her mother had passed away when Alice was nine years old so every year, it was solely her father accompanying her to the train station. As they finally found their way to platform 9¾, her father only had a quick moment to bid his daughter goodbye, or else the train would surely be running light. Corban Yaxley smiling was a rare occurrence, but most of the times he did so were at the sight of his daughter, whom he was so proud of. Her robe with the Slytherin emblem attached to the right and the signature green colour of her tie only made him prouder. Her father never had a doubt that she would be a Slytherin, but perhaps he had a shadow of doubt in his mind at one point, knowing his daughter was a kind girl.

"I've got to go, dad." She finally told her dad with a small laugh, frantically looking over at the big clock of the train station and realising the train would be leaving at any minute. Ideally she would arrive at least ten to fifteen minutes in advance, but now she probably had two minutes to get her arse on the train before it would be gone. Her father gave her a firm pat on the shoulder before allowing her to board the train with her beautiful Abyssinian cat named Darcy. Her cat was quite well trained, and Darcy absolutely hated the confinement of a cage, so she would simply sleep atop Alice's bag.

Being late also meant she did not have the time to locate her friends, and there was no way she would find them before the train would start moving, so as she made her way through the hallway with her worn leather duffel bag in one hand and her cat held in the other arm, she would quickly peek into every cabin window until she located one with space for her. Alice did not care for who else was in the train car, simply wanting to find a seat and anticipate the arrival to the Hogwarts castle. She let out a huff as she dropped into the plushy, soft leather seat, setting her bag down to the ground and leaning back, with Darcy crawling onto her lap and immediately curling up to sleep.

Alice then realised that she hadn't even acknowledged the people in her cabin; looking up, the first person her eyes landed on was Carson Orchids, a skinny and tall guy with defined black curls sitting atop his head. Then she looked over at a girl whose name she could not recall, then another boy whose name she did not know, before landing on a familiar face; Cedric Diggory. The look on her face was unamused, feeling quite tired, especially because she woke up early and still managed to be late. The eyebags were pronounced against her pale skin, the black eyeshadow decorating her eyelids only accentuating them. Her black locks were tied up into her signature half-up ponytail, with the shorter stray strands of hair drawing attention to her chiselled features. Most would define Alice as beautiful, but most were also quite intimidated by her. She liked it.

"Morning," Was all she muttered, her eyes on the Diggory boy for merely a second before they turned to face the expansive window. The sky was grey and gloomy, as though it might rain later in the day, which was to be expected of when living in the United Kingdom. She liked the weather, she always tended to avoid the sun since she was naturally very pale and therefore burnt easily. A sunburned face was not the cutest look.


The jet black Slytherin robes Draco wore clung to his body, a stark contrast to his platinum blond hair. Both his parents had accompanied him to the train station, though the atmosphere around the Malfoy family was a little more tense than usual. It was evident in the way Draco stood there with his jaw clenched, his eyes trained away from his family, and his fists clenched so tight that they grew whiter in colour. Draco had changed over the last year or so. He was unsure why, perhaps it was the doubt running through his mind regarding his deatheater future, or perhaps it was the fear that he was no longer living up to his fathers ideals. His mood was a tad sour, the need to wake up in the early morning only enhancing it. Taking a deep breath, he turned to face his father.

"Goodbye father." Draco finally uttered, his chin up high. His father reminded him to study hard and stay away from all the schools' mudbloods before he stepped onto the train. Crabbe and Goyle were late most of the time, but either way they would always meet at the exact same cabin so they could spend the train ride together rather than around some measly muggles or boring students. As he made his way through the hallway of the train, his eyes were focused on the number of each cabin, continuing forward until he finally encountered #31. He immediately entered it without a second thought, since almost everyone knew that train cart practically belonged to Draco and his gang, but momentarily stopped upon seeing who else was sitting there.

"Oh for Christs sake." He grumbled quietly to himself as he spotted none other than Medusa herself. "As if working on a project with you wasn't enough." He retorted, speaking to her but keeping his eyes away from the female. He was referring to the end-of-year project in History of Magic where the professor chose to randomly assign partners. Of all people, Draco and Medusa had been partnered together. Perhaps being forced to spend a little more time with her made him a tad less hateful toward the female, but his feelings for her were still quite negative. He simply grew up with the notion that he had to dislike anyone that was not a pureblood Slytherin. He fell back into the seat closest to the window, immediately getting comfortable by leaning back against the maroon material and staring outside the window, awaiting the arrival of Crabbe and Goyle to save him from the situation.

Even though he knew Medusa would sometimes spit comments back at him, they didn't phase him the slightest bit. It took a lot to damage Draco's iron-like ego, and a non-Slytherin surely could not even put a dent in it. He sat there quietly with his pale hands clasped atop his smooth-feeling robes.
Cedric looked a bit shocked at the girl sitting in the compartment with his friends. Of all the place she could sit, she had chosen here. It was understandable as she had been late and finding a seat at this time was hard. He looked curious at the cat on her bag. But turning as their eyes met. Everybody mumbled good morning to her, nobody really wanting to speak to her. We just didn't speak to Slytherins. If we did it was mean comments or talking about quidditch. They were our enemies. Everyone against them. He knew that was how the Slytherins also prefered it. They thought they were better than everybody else. So they didn't want to be seen with no one less then them.

His best friend bumped him in the shoulder, and smirked as their eyes met. Cedric knew just what he meant. Such a coincidence that he had asked what a girls name was and now she was sitting with us. Cedric rolled his eyes and shook his head. Turning away from him as Zandra Max asked Alice a question. "What's your cat's name? It so cute," she asked as she looked at the animal lying there. Everybody could see that Zandra wanted to pet him, but didn't dare before she had permission. And also the cat was sleeping so peacefully, it was a shame to wake it up. Looking so calm and not caring about it's surroundings.

Zandra looked dreamily at the cat. Everybody knew she was a animal person, her favourite subjects were care of magical creatures and well herbology. She was more a animal person than a human person. She loved everything about nature and everything that lived in nature. Zandra was a bit weird, but she was nice and easy to like. Cedric looked at her as a good friend. Zandra was pretty, but first of all not Cedric's type and she didn't really notice boys. She was too busy with the things she liked, that was fascinating about her.


Medusa jumped as the compartment door opened. She flared her nostrils as she saw him. Draco in the flesh. Looking over at Brix, she looked so nervous. Brix was scared of the Slytherins, and especially Draco Malfoy. Almost everybody was scared of him. But not Medusa. He was just a guy, an insecure guy who acted like he was tough. Medusa rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well, I did most of the work so you really shouldn't complain," she huffed at him. Taking out her notebook to draw. She had gotten her talent from her mother, no shock there. Her father was more the writer kind of guy. He was muggleborn and published his own books. Quite successful was her father as he earned some money from it. They weren't poor to say it in a nice way. But it was nothing to brag about, nobody in the magical world would be impressed by it.

She wasn't going to talk to Brix while he was sitting there. He wasn't getting anything that he could use against them. So Brix took out her book as a mutual agreement. While her friend was reading, Medusa was drawing silhouettes. Nothing fancy, basically just scribbles. She could do better than that, but she didn't want him to see anything. Her drawing book was like her diary. She drew her biggest dreams, wishes and longings. Nobody had seen in it, besides her. It was extremely private as it held some of her secrets and embarrasing wantings. She pushed the pencil too hard in frustration, so it broke. Sighing as she took out her pencil sharpener and stared into Draco's eyes while doing it.

Medusa had a permanent bitch face and she knew it. The few people who knew her, knew it wasn't always on purpose. She had it on her face when she was concentrated, but also when she was furious. It was very rarely she showed any emotion. Poker face was her thing. It was hard to get her really mad, upset or sad. Most of the time she was silent in stead of showing how she really felt. It was both a good and a bad quality. She couldn't remember the last time she cried. She had probably gotten so hard skin after all the bullying. It upset her parents a lot that she wouldn't open up to them. Medusa found it hard to keep it all to herself all the time. Frustrating to keep every single emotion inside, but it was her mechanism to cope with everything. She was sarcastic and mean instead of getting upset or mad. Her motto was that nobody could hurt her feelings.
// completely forgot that lucius malfoy is meant to be in azkaban by year 6, so that's going to be why draco is in a sour mood whoopsie

Perhaps a common misconception about Slytherin's was that they all had the same attitude; while most Slytherins let the fact that they are Slytherins get to their head, some aren't like that at all. Slytherins are ambitious and cunning, but being a bitch wasn't supposed to be one of their notable traits. Though Alice instilled fear in most students at school, she was usually always on the sidelines with her best friend, Lottie Bells, and rarely interacted with other students. While she may hold a bit of prejudice against halfbloods and muggle-born wizards due to her upbringing, she usually held her opinions to herself and was a tad quiet. Maybe it was also her somber appearance that caused intimidation. Who knew, Alice quite frankly did not care to prove people wrong. Even her father knew Alice was a little too kind considering her future Deatheater path.

Her slender fingers brushed across the top of the ginger-tinted feline, earning purrs from the cat. She did not expect someone to try and talk to her, since most were scared of her especially with the recent Deatheater incidents, though she hid the surprise on her face as Zandra asked about the animal. Alice tore her eyes away from the window and down to the cat for a moment before stopping on Zandra.

"Darcy." Was all Alice said as her eyes returned to the feline. The cat recognised her name and lifted her head up. "Go on," She gestured with her head, as if communicating with the cat. Darcy gingerly hopped off of her lap, landing on the carpeted floor with barely a sound. The cat approached Zandra, letting out the softest 'meow' possible in an attempt to capture her attention. Darcy was given to Alice as a gift from her father before the start of her first year. Her father knew well that Alice was bound to be a Slytherin, but would not fit in too well with Draco and his crowd. Alice held all the same characteristics as Draco and most other Slytherins, except for the 'bullying' part. She definitely viewed herself as a tad bit superior to others, but did not let that be known through her words. There was no reason for her to stir up even more rumours.

Draco's attention had left Medusa rather quickly. He knew he was in a sour mood that would only intensify his bullying, and as much as he adored picking on other kids to boost his ego, he knew his anger might cause him to take it a little too far. First year Draco Malfoy would definitely jump at the opportunity to bully Medusa, but with all of the incidents occurring in his family, he felt a little.. unmotivated. He was staring out the window, his eyes on his lone mother who stood there for just a minute or so longer before moving along to get home. His mother always appeared dull and stone-cold that he wasn't even sure whether the imprisonment of his father had the slightest effect on her.

He continued staring out the window, until he felt a gaze burning into him. He knew immediately who would be staring at him, and he slowly looked over in her direction, unamused by the look of anger written all over her face.

"If you're going to stare at me perhaps make it less obvious." He retorted, careless in regard to the judgemental look she had. Just moments after he said that, the doors of the train cabin opened and in waltzed Crabbe and Goyle. For gods sake, finally. The two boys took up the remaining space next to Draco, and he momentarily greeted them.

"Why are they here?" Crabbe whispered to Draco, who glared at him because his whisper was not quiet enough. He shrugged in response, unable to give them an answer. Draco knew he did not own this cabin, but most students knew not to step into cabin #31 because Malfoy and his crew were always there. Once again, if it were any other year Draco would have told Medusa off and told her to get out, but instead he remained silent, filled with thought.
//that's okay :) It's the triwizard tournament this year as well. Should we play that?

Cedric watched the cat and Zandra. Trying hard not to look at Alice. She really was his type. That black hair looked so sharp against her pale skin. Her lips looked so soft and her lashes was so full. He realized he had been looking at her. And turned away as quickly as possible. Knowing that it had been noticed. Ben, his best mate was busy talking to Carson and Diego. So they hadn't seen it. And Zandra was occupied with the cat. Alice must have seen it, because he had been studying her for a half minute or so. He sighed and tried to get into the conversation with the boys.

After soning out, he stood up. "I'm going for a walk, just to move my feet." Cedric was quite atletic so it was a good excuse. Everybody knew he was active most of the day. At home training for Quidditch and at Hogwarts playing Quidditch. Loved everything about that sport. A dream was to be an international player one day. Maybe it was high hopes, but it was nothing wrong about dreaming. He also loved traveling, so being an auror would be second on his list. Always having high expectations and demands to himself.

He walked down the corridor of the train. Walking by compartment after compartment. Stopping and leaning against the wall. Hoping he wasn't in the way for anyone. Looking as the landscape went by. Thinking about flying again. He really couldn't wait. The feeling it gave him was like nothing else. He was a good flier, he had to be to catch the snitch. Hufflepuff's captain was he as well. That made him very popular. A lot of girls crushed on him and the boys admired him. It could be a little too much sometimes. Everybody wanting to be around to talk to him. Sometimes he just wanted quiet and to be alone. He didn't get to be that a lot. Either he hung out with his friends, some girls tried to talk to him between classes or he was on the Quidditch field. It was nice standing here, just listening to the train tracks. He wasn't tired or anything. Just enjoying probably what would be one of his few moments alone this year.


Medusa gave Draco a fake smile as she started drawing again. She started drawing him. Really not caring if he saw that. Because it was a mean drawing. She didn't make him ugly, because he was not. But as she took a few glances at him, she knew he was in deep thoughts. His dad was in Azkaban, which he deserved. It looked like Draco was affected by it. He wasn't as mean and he wasn't really here. He was somewhere else with his thoughts. Looking worried and exhausted. Capturing all that in the drawing. "Here you go," giving him the drawing. Giving him no emotion what so ever when handing it to him. Starting to draw a new one, of Crabbe and Goyle like two pigs. Laughing for herself. Hiding the drawing, but she knew those two boys wouldn't understand. Maybe Draco would laugh of it? At least he used to make fun of how stupid they were.

She started coloring them. Deep in concentration. Brix took a glance up at her, she was not approving. She had always told Medusa that she needed to be more careful. Expecially around these boys. Telling her that she could get it trouble. But what could Draco do, except what he already was doing? He surely didn't hit girls. At least Medusa hope he didn't. Honestly she didn't care if he did. Because she could stand up for herself. She wasn't scared of him. Never was and never would be. So she would continue her comments and mocking, like they did with her. Nothing could stop her.

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