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Multiple Settings {Hi!! Always OPEN!!} ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅᴀ' ꜱᴇզᴜɪᴛᴇʀ - Your charries' lost posts... (Adv/Lit)


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My Interest Check

But it's always gonna come right back to this...


So. You were so amped about a new RP. But it died. Sad feels. Yet again.
How many posts did it get to before 'ye olde RP fizzled-out-enthusiasm-death-rot' killed it this time? 5? 10? Didn't even get the first post out and the sus GM and/or RPers abandoned it?! Really?! Some other reason altogether?! Wait. No. A whole shwack-load of RP-killing reasons this time?! Again?!
Hmph. I can say I'm not surprised. It happens. It always happens don't it? So here you are again with a freshly crafted OC ready to go and, yet again, they go nowhere. Muse lain to waste, RP is dead in the water after all that build up... so why the hell do we write extensive backstories again...?! Right. Well, fear not, friends!! For this is the pseudo-RP your literally-born-into-the-grave-charries have been seeking all their non-starter lives!! In this re-alived thread you will be able to post whatever it is you wanted to get offa your chest regarding your charrie!!
So! What will you actually be doing in this thread?!

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Did your RP just die? Feelin Idle nuked? Feel like ya just need to post something about your charrie to keep the creative juices flowing?

Out of all the charries you made, don't you just have that one charrie that craves for you to just break them out one last time so you can make just one single post to let them be heard?

Well, if you're interested in giving them a voice, come on in and say Hi!!

Looking like we have someone interested! If you looking to just post for your charrie and flex some creative muscle come on by!
I just posted! And so can you! Feeling like you need to let off some creative steam? K soooo like then just come on in and check it out!

Are you waiting around to post something for your charrie? Like just get it offa ya chest and come post with us!

Looks like we gots someone interested! Maybe you have old charrie you been itching to post for some time now? Yes. Yes, you do! Come on down and scratch that itch then!

Do you wanna build a snowman? No. No you dont. you wanna write something for your charrie! Come on by and post something!

How are you? What are you doing this weekend? That's right! You're coming to post with me! Come meet me in the OoC k?

Yes, still open and yes, still waiting to see your amaaaaaaaaaazing posts in the Main thread! Come on by, say hi!! and get your posting game on!! Let's GOOOOOO!!

Uh-huh. uh-huh. yeeeeeahhh. i feel ya like i'm right there with ya. Sucks i know. Well cheer up cuz it don't matter that it died. You can still post for your charrie with me! Come on down and check it out!

Oh! k wait. So you have an idea for a post but no where to post it?! Well fear not friend for you are in luck today! For the very daring price of FREE you too can come on down and post with me!! Prob solved!

You should stop fishing for likes with your social media. Come join! You will always get a <3 from me when you post!!

What's that? Sooooo like you're new to RPN and just wanna start posting about something? Or like just anything?

Welllllll If you have a charrie you can do just that! With me! Come check it out!!

Sooooo... its long weekend and you're not doing an Easter egg hunt? Sad, sads amirite? Well cheer up and write about it! With me! Make a charrie and post about their sads and maybe even write about them doing an Easter egg hunt! Cuz why not!

Yeah. Yeah you feel the itch to post for your beloved charrie. But can't cuz the rp is dead. Well, fear not! You can post whatever you want for them in my thread! Come write with me!!

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