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Fantasy Genshin au.

We are still creating character ideas but so far it's hydro and electro
Coolio! I have a couple of ideas for both that might work? Just let me know which one catches your interest!

TW: Mentions of Death

1. Reina: A well-mannered shrine maiden from Inazuma. Vision: Hydro. Weapon: Bow. Reina was caught in an unfortunate accident saving her younger sister and brother. Her eyes have since been damaged and, while she can still see (though blurry), she relies on her pet bird to help lead her way.

2. Quyin: A young man of strict nature from Liyue. Vision: Electro. Weapon: Polearm. Quyin was born to a common family that didn't have much wealth. Even then they were constantly hounded by gangs for all they had. When Quyin's family perished, he decided to leave his past and now works as a conman businessman.
Coolio! I have a couple of ideas for both that might work? Just let me know which one catches your interest!

TW: Mentions of Death

1. Reina: A well-mannered shrine maiden from Inazuma. Vision: Hydro. Weapon: Bow. Reina was caught in an unfortunate accident saving her younger sister and brother. Her eyes have since been damaged and, while she can still see (though blurry), she relies on her pet bird to help lead her way.

2. Quyin: A young man of strict nature from Liyue. Vision: Electro. Weapon: Polearm. Quyin was born to a common family that didn't have much wealth. Even then they were constantly hounded by gangs for all they had. When Quyin's family perished, he decided to leave his past and now works as a conman businessman.

Both seem good. Currently, the first one catches my interest more.

* Aoki Reina

  • req.

    Sister, Brother

    * n.name(s)
    Aoki Reina
    * d.o.b.
    * p.o.b.
    * n.name(s)
    Lady Reina
    * question



    Shrine Maiden


    * height
    5' 2"
    * weight
    120 lbs
    * build
    Human, Medium
    * hair colour
    * eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡

Awesome! I'll finish developing her character sheet then! Do we have an idea of when we are starting or we just chilling for now?

we're currently waiting for a few people who are interested to appear in the ooc thread. Otherwise, the only person we're waiting for is our gm ( Hyena Hyena ) ^w^
dont mind me taking hydro teehee

Amon Serapis
Amon is a person who cares very little for other people who closed himself off, usually relying on only himself and believes everything can be solved by him and by him only. He hates interacting with others, thinking that they only hold him back. Against his foes, he holds nothing back and is always on the defensive. But under that, he's fairly intelligent as the head of the Sumerian Desert Exploration Team, as the Sumerian Deserts are a dangerous and unforgiving place where he is relied on as a leader and strategist of the small group.
Amon has dark skin with long brown hair which is tied into a bun. He's fairly tall standing at six foot three, while also being fairly built. He usually wears loose clothing in neutral or muted colors, which is usually accompanied by a sling which holds his polearm, while also wearing a belt that usually has a water canteen and a map of the Sumeru desert which he filled out his own. He also wears a scarf, where his vision is currently hung.

(visual aid of him with his hair down)
Amon was born in Sumeru as the only son to a prestigious family who was known for being the best of their classes during their time in the Sumeru Akademiya. So of course, Amon was also forced into a box that he thought he originally wanted. He took up classes like the classification of species, cartography, and his parents' most valued subject, Biology. Of course, after a certain age he started to realize his desire thanks to his friend, Seth. Seth wasn't much of a sit in class kinda guy, so he was usually doing all types of field work where he brought Amon along to see the Sumeru Rainforest. Eventually, Seth's field research would bring him and Amon and a small group of adventurers to the Sumerian Desert.

The field research was going smoothly at first, Seth was tasked to observe the Primal Constructs loitered around the Sumeru desert. It was going smoothly, Amon was there to check Seth's notes while he was making a map of the Sumeru desert. But things in the Sumeru Desert is unforgiving, and nothing is safe forever. Their group was attacked by Eremites, where their supposed "protectors", had ran away in fear after seeing the eremites surrounding them. Seth and Amon had learned a bit of combat during some of Seth's field research, and so they took out their respective weapons, Seth using a polearm and Amon with a sword. A grueling fight would ensue, where Seth and Amon are able to incapacitate the few eremites that had attacked them. In a twist of fate, one of the eremites had been hiding and prepared to throw out an attack against Amon. Seth saw it, and he blocked the attack, which led Amon to be safe, but Seth was not as lucky. He was hit straight through the chest, and had died.

Amon attacked the final eremite, killing him with only red in his eyes. He broke down crying, having just lost his friend, as a bright light shone upon him. A vision appeared in front of his eyes, falling into his hands. He hated it. To him, the vision was only a reminder of his friend's death, and it was given to him by Celestia to spite him. He dropped out of the Akademiya shortly after, and cut all ties from his family after the death of Seth. He now lives in Aaru Village, but he frequently visits Sumeru City so that he can leave flowers at Seth's gravestone, usually changing the flowers every few weeks.

Other Information
  • He hates the Adventurer's Guild, calling them untrustworthy and useless because they left him and Seth during Seth's field research.
  • He uses a polearm which was Seth's signature weapon.


Since that's most of the visions taken, I'll dm our gm to get things moving along 😌
dont mind me taking hydro teehee

Amon Serapis
Amon is a person who cares very little for other people who closed himself off, usually relying on only himself and believes everything can be solved by him and by him only. He hates interacting with others, thinking that they only hold him back. Against his foes, he holds nothing back and is always on the defensive. But under that, he's fairly intelligent as the head of the Sumerian Desert Exploration Team, as the Sumerian Deserts are a dangerous and unforgiving place where he is relied on as a leader and strategist of the small group.
Amon has dark skin with long brown hair which is tied into a bun. He's fairly tall standing at six foot three, while also being fairly built. He usually wears loose clothing in neutral or muted colors, which is usually accompanied by a sling which holds his polearm, while also wearing a belt that usually has a water canteen and a map of the Sumeru desert which he filled out his own. He also wears a scarf, where his vision is currently hung.

View attachment 1164493
(visual aid of him with his hair down)
Amon was born in Sumeru as the only son to a prestigious family who was known for being the best of their classes during their time in the Sumeru Akademiya. So of course, Amon was also forced into a box that he thought he originally wanted. He took up classes like the classification of species, cartography, and his parents' most valued subject, Biology. Of course, after a certain age he started to realize his desire thanks to his friend, Seth. Seth wasn't much of a sit in class kinda guy, so he was usually doing all types of field work where he brought Amon along to see the Sumeru Rainforest. Eventually, Seth's field research would bring him and Amon and a small group of adventurers to the Sumerian Desert.

The field research was going smoothly at first, Seth was tasked to observe the Primal Constructs loitered around the Sumeru desert. It was going smoothly, Amon was there to check Seth's notes while he was making a map of the Sumeru desert. But things in the Sumeru Desert is unforgiving, and nothing is safe forever. Their group was attacked by Eremites, where their supposed "protectors", had ran away in fear after seeing the eremites surrounding them. Seth and Amon had learned a bit of combat during some of Seth's field research, and so they took out their respective weapons, Seth using a polearm and Amon with a sword. A grueling fight would ensue, where Seth and Amon are able to incapacitate the few eremites that had attacked them. In a twist of fate, one of the eremites had been hiding and prepared to throw out an attack against Amon. Seth saw it, and he blocked the attack, which led Amon to be safe, but Seth was not as lucky. He was hit straight through the chest, and had died.

Amon attacked the final eremite, killing him with only red in his eyes. He broke down crying, having just lost his friend, as a bright light shone upon him. A vision appeared in front of his eyes, falling into his hands. He hated it. To him, the vision was only a reminder of his friend's death, and it was given to him by Celestia to spite him. He dropped out of the Akademiya shortly after, and cut all ties from his family after the death of Seth. He now lives in Aaru Village, but he frequently visits Sumeru City so that he can leave flowers at Seth's gravestone, usually changing the flowers every few weeks.

Other Information
  • He hates the Adventurer's Guild, calling them untrustworthy and useless because they left him and Seth during Seth's field research.
  • He uses a polearm which was Seth's signature weapon.
Hydro buddies!
ok so i literally keep forgetting that i gave him an electro vision and NOT hydro that is 100% mb LOL
okay so lowkey, i forgot this. i'm sorry-
TW: mentions of t+rture and lots of gore hehehe :3

so my oc is Merria, a calm and quiet Dendro vision holder who is also a former Fatui harbinger, having been tortured by the god forsaken bxtch Dottore, she left the Fati for good, wearing bandages all over her due to The Doctor's experiments om her, she'd become extremely wary and she developed trust issues, unable to help it too, she stutters and feels afraid when talking to someone new, choosing to stay alone and live her life peacefully. Merria, after al, still strives for revenge, so she follows any string that leads to avenging herself, no matter how long or slim.

Appearance: will arrive soon hehe--
Voiceclaim: Lynette/Anairis Quinones.

sooo she's a Fontainian, btw. if it was modern time, when Aether/Lumine are here, she'd be the fourth sibling to Lyney, Lynette and Freminet. she'd have a lil crushie on Rizzley Wriothesley too!!
I just remembered the weapon Memory of Dust exists and reading through it and it's lore suddenly I have a bunch more material for my half-Qilin character. Super excited! ^^

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