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Game of Shadows


Three Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)

Whothagat dothagid othagi mothagiss,

Whothagat tothagime othagis othagit !

The incantation was whispered by the winds in the tongues of yore. It was heard more like a hiss, however, like the normal winds. In lands far the shadows rose and descended, swirling and swaying. Wrapped around the huge tree, extending on and below the surface of the earth like roots. The shadow tree cracked, red of flame seen inside instead of wood, hidden by another shadow. One of a man, a tall, slim man. The crow came from the distance, landing upon her master's shoulder. The figure stepped down, the shadows turned the dark tree roots before him like twisted stairs of older times. The shadow player stepped down, as he took his first step out of the tree a staff rose and flew like a running shadow towards his palm. In a flash of black it was in his hand. With it he walked down, standing before the tree, with a great grin on his face as the silver light of the white moon and that of the various stars like a chandelier in the dark sky of the night shone upon him, his insane laugh echoed in the uninhabited plains around.

"I'm back !" said he loudly before laughing once more.

The shadows have returned.


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