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Fandom [ga ~ ta ~ ri] Character Profiles



The Purple Soul
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
R24dfda86ece3aeb5c27a732ded9de4e0.pngCREATE YOUR CHARACTERR24dfda86ece3aeb5c27a732ded9de4e0.png

Full Name (No naming scheme, go wild!)
Age (Between 15 and 17)

Appearance (HS-Styled sprites would be appreciated, but other styles similar in nature will do as well)
Shirt Symbol
Associated Color
Text Color (May or may not be the same as associated color, this color is used during online chats and dialogue)
Current Outfit (Just a summary of what they're wearing to start off)

Favorite Number
Favorite Material
Preferred Messaging Service
(Can be Pesterchum, or something entirely made-up, or heck, just outright Discord)
Online Username (Does not have to follow pesterChum rules unless chosen service is PS)
Interests (Two major ones, and two minor ones)
Current Fetch Modi
Strife Specibus
(Can be nothing when story starts)

Close Family (Who they live with, no limit, family members can have proper names)
Home (As detailed as possible, please)
Location of Home (Anywhere on Earth, but vaguely described, real places are allowed)
Schooling (High School? Homeschool?)
Relationships Outside of Family and Other Players

(Only any important events from their past)

Worst Fear(s)
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Age 16

Shirt Symbol: Lightbulb
Associated Color: #004182
Text Color: #85888e
Current Outfit
A gray beanie, with a dark gray jacket w/ white trim, with baggy jeans and lace-and-velcro combo shoes.

Favorite Number: 80
Favorite Material: Silver
Preferred Messaging Service: Quickserver
Online Username: Hydraroll404
- Video Games/Coding (Major)
- Mysteries (Minor)
- Comic Books (Major)
- Weather Patterns and Formations (Minor)
Current Fetch Modi: Cyber Modus (Items become data-chips inside of Modi Card)
Strife Specibus: Axekind

Close Family
- Teo, his father and captain of the Feathered Serpent.
- Khuma, the only animal on board, being a trained rescue dog.
- Cinnabar, his aunt, who works on engineering and mechanics.
The only information he's given you is that he lives on the sailing ship his family runs called the Feathered Serpent...
Location of Home
Currently located in the Sea of Japan for trade for a few months. Close to Hokkaido bays.
Schooling: Homeschooled.
Other Relationships: Not able to make any others except for online friends.

He doesn't open up much...
Worst Fears: Sea Monsters, Loneliness, Failure, Giving Up
Sara Bellum
Age: 16
Shirt Symbol: Iron
Associated Color: #B8312F
Text Color #B8312F
Current Outfit: Short sleeved Black Shirt sporting the symbol of her newest favorite metal band, Iron Apocalypse. Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse don't have anything on the real deal, they should probably burn their studio down in concession to the true new face of Metal. Like, how much more metal can you get than Iron Apocalypse? Not very much!

Anyway, the rest of her outfit's a pretty standard gray sweatpants just in case she suddenly needs to pump some serious Iron, and a pair of black boots with red trim on the bottom.

Favorite Number: 266- The absolutely legendary nickname for Iron Apocalypse's Drummer, who has the benefit of being the most absolutely ripped metalhead Sara's ever seen before. Honestly, IA should just slap him dead center in the middle of every poster they make from now on.
Favorite Material: Sara's fond of pretty much all metals, but does tend to lean towards Iron whenever given a choice.
Preferred Messaging Service: Mixed Messenger, because why have one chat client when you can have three dozen at once?

Online Username: PumpingHeart

Interests: Muscle-Men, Amassing Wealth, Heavy Metal, Cyber Crime

Current Fetch Modi: Firewall Modus- All Cards are password protected by codes that are a minimum of twelve-digits each with one number, one capitalized letter and one special symbol requirements. You may only try the password five times before the card enters a thirty-minute cooldown time. Alternatively, the firewall can be surpassed if and only if hacked open by a cyphering legend, making it also a handy training tool for aspiring Cyber-Criminals.

Strife Specibus: Keytarkind- In honor of Metal, Sara's destroyed so many keytars that she's actually gotten fairly good at using them as a weapon.

Close Family: Sara shares her home with her older brother, but he's usually never home. He's too busy being a super badass Criminal who gets tons of chicks and makes tons of cash breaking the law. Besides him, Sara does have to look over her younger sister, who's stubbornly refused to speak to literally anyone after Sara stole a candy bar from her six years ago. She'll break one day, and Sara'll be waiting to hang that over her head for the rest of her natural life. Besides actual relatives, Sara keeps a live Cobra named Bob. She initially tried convincing her Super Criminal Brother to buy her something Bigger like a Tiger or a Crocodile, since they were way more metal and strong. But she settled on the Cobra after he yelled at her for being an idiot, and it's still kind of Metal. Of course, the moment Bob gets too big she's stuffing him through someone's mail slot.

Home: Sara has explained that she lives in an Apartment Complex that rests right on the Poverty Line of Mumbai, because there's lots of crime opportunity nearby. But she never really leaves the house so its not her problem, its the delivery guy she calls over's problem.
Location of Home: Mumbai, India
Schooling: She went to school up until the incident, then her family moved to Mumbai and she did most of her learning online. After becoming a super Cyber-criminal she realized that manipulating her scores was way too easy and stopped really paying attention halfway through Highschool. Although, if you were to check official reports she's pretty much at a college level.

Relationships Outside of Family and Other Players:
Delivery Guy- Sara orders a lot of things online, and many times the same Delivery Guy ends up bringing her her orders. She wishes the delivery company would send someone beefier, but her hopes are dashed more often than not.

Pay Pig- Sara's convinced some sad loser online that she's an emotionally needy young woman who just needs the support of a knight in shining armor... preferably one with an incredibly loose wallet. Although Pay Pig gives her nowhere near as much money as her other exploits nets her, having him send her nearly his entire paycheck every month is still pretty damn fun.

Brutus- Across the street from her apartment, one of the less-fortunate neighbors has an extremely metal looking pet dog they keep chained to a pole in their front lawn. The thing roars at pretty much everything that passes by and has generally been a menace to anyone with sucky windows. He's so adorably Metal that Sara can't help but cheer him on whenever he tries to claw through the fence to get at someone or something. Sometimes, she'll even toss down some of Bob's food just to watch Brutus maul it apart.

Background: After being lovingly abandoned by their parents for Financial reasons, Sara and her sister fell under the care of their totally awesome Older Brother. Though he claimed to hate having to take care of them, he kept watch over the two on the side whilst continuing with his much more fun life of crime on the side. Sara always tried following his example, and would intimidate and bully her way through her first years of school. And hey, she was pretty good at it. Maybe she would've been able to get even better at it if she never had to deal with the Incident.

But no, she ended up losing function in her legs and her brother moved them to Mumbai soon after. Even though she was bound to a wheelchair now, Sara was determined not to let that stop her from attaining her one true dream, so she figured... Hey, people can still be super criminals online. And so it was, that she would go on a spree of Cyber-Crime that only grew more and more expansive the longer she went, getting better and better over time. Soon she was amassing tons of wealth through her exploits, and on the fast track to recognizing her dream.

Worst Fear: Lullabies, Hooking up with a String-Bean, Losing the Internet​
Phoebe Lee
Age: 16
Phoebe Lee.png
Shirt Symbol: Alchemical symbol for Phosphorus
Associated Color: 3FEE8F
Text Color: 3fd182
Current Outfit: A black pleated skirt with a petticoat, a white t-shirt with a phoenix painted on it, her signature bright green hoodie, platforms boots and a light-up cat ear headband. Also, Phoebe normally spends a few minutes doing her eyeliner and fake-freckles.
Favorite Number: 7, it's just a cool number! It's the number of days in a week, it's the number of colors in the rainbow (kinda)! It's also the number a 6 year old Phoebe decided on...
Favorite Material: Plastic, while Phoebe uses tons of materials when crafting--wax, metal, various types of fabric--Her favorite is plastic! It's just so useful! It's lighter than clay, more durable than foam or paper and easier to work with than metal!
Preferred Messaging Service: Discord! Mostly because of how convenient it is. Tons of people have discord and there's a billion servers to join!
Online Username: xXPhoenix-FlareXx
- Alternative Fashion (major),
- Witchcraft (major),
- Flowers (minor),
- Video Games (minor)
Current Fetch Modi: Kandi Modus- Every captchalogued item turns into a kandi bracelet that the user can then wear or store in another container. All of the beads have weird hard to read characters on them that are the captchalogue codes. To uncaptchalogue an item the user just needs to snap the bracelet. This makes large inventories incredibly annoying to sort and very very loud. And since the bracelets needs to be snapped or broken, it's very convenient to keep scissors on hand.
Strife Specibus: Phoebe has yet choose her strife specibus. After all, why would she need to fight anyone? She's thought about getting some cool prop weapons, but never wanted to commit to a specific Strife Specibus. What if she regretted it later??

Close Family
- Lora Johnson (Mom) and Edward Lee (Pa), a pair of fairly sweet parents that just want to keep their daughter of of trouble. While they were a lot stricter with Ciana they mellowed out a lot and let Phoebe do whatever she wants.
- Ciana Lee, Phoebe's older sister who moved out a year or two ago. She was a star student with a bright future and is now a fairly bitter adult trying to climb the corporates ladder. Ciana loves her little sister, but she thinks Phoebe is much to childish for a 16 year old.
A small, 2 story house on the edge of a small forest.
Location of Home
A small suburban town where everyone vaguely knows each other. While no one knows everyone by name, it's very noticeable whenever someone moves or when something big happens. Rumors tend to spread very fast. Around the edge of the towns there's a large forest and lake.
Schooling: Currently in her second year of highschool. She's a pretty good student despite spending very little time studying. General consensus at her school is that she's "smart, but super weird."
Relationships Outside of Family and Other Players:
- Aunt Rhoe, a family friend who runs a flowershop. Phoebe vists very often, and often helps out at the shop.
- Posie (arson_possum2), Phoebe's best friend. The two of them met online, but they've met up in person. The two consistently trade DIY accessories and clothes that they make.
- Ryan, Phoebe's only friend at her highschool. They share a love of online fashion and aesthetics. Ryan is a pretty shy guy, but his cautious attitude balances out Phoebe's relentless energy and tendency to break rules.
- Ophelia, An old friend of Ciana. She taught Phoebe a lot of stuff about witchcraft.

Phoebe grew up in a small town with her mom, dad and sister. While she always had tons of friends and people to socialize with when she was younger, soon she went from “that fun hyperactive kid” to just a weird kid. And while she wanted to hang out with Ciana and all of her friends, Ciana was years older than her, and preferred hanging out with people her age.

So Phoebe spent a lot of them on the internet. Sure she wasn’t old enough to be on most of the sites she was on, but it was easy to lie about your age online! There were so many cool people online and so many interesting things she had never heard of before! It made her lack of irl friends hurt less, and it gave her something to focus on, something to do all day other than study and read.

Then one day Phoebe’s parents sent her off to boarding school. A fairly prestigious one that Ciana had also attended. There were strict dress codes, and uniforms, and schedules and worst of all, no internet. It was horrible. After breaking the rules several times (mostly by accident) and trying to run away (not by accident), she got her parents to unenroll her and take her back home. To this day, it was one of the worst periods of her life.

The rest of her life has been pretty normal, with a few interesting things sprinkled in. The con that went wrong. Starting a small etsy shop. Meeting up with her online best friend. Almost drowning once or twice. Oh, and that one time she almost burned the house down. Still Phoebe wouldn’t consider any of that particularly odd, however her definition of odd is very different from most people’s definition of odd.

Worst Fear(s): Isolation, Silence, Hydrophobia, Moving, the death of her favorite social media sites


  • Ysdj3IH_4x.png
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Full Name Leo Eady
Age 17

Appearance downloads.png
Shirt Symbol
Associated Color #CCCCCC
Text Color #54ACD2
Current Outfit A blue and black shirt, grey jeans with a black chain and blue and black sneakers

Favorite Number 82
Favorite Material Gold
Preferred Messaging Service Pesterchum
Online Username PoisonBullet
- Sketching (Major)
- Strength training (Minor)
- Model building(Major)
- Gold prospecting (Minor)
Current Fetch Modi Ringtoss: All the items in the user's sylladex are represented by pegs and whatever peg they throw one of the three rings they get when opening the syladex across is taken out.
Strife Specibus Kusarigama

Close Family
-Thea, his mother
- Janus his dad
- Bear, the family cat, a rescue
Home An one story three bedroom house with a kitchen, bathroom and garage.
Location of Home Galena , Illinois
Schooling High School
Relationships Outside of Family and Other Players
- Phoebe, the neighbors' six year old kid.
- Rhea, his girlfriend
- Sam his best friend and fellow model builder
Background Leo's life was pretty average for the most part, except for the part where he started a minor fire due to trying to toast buttered bread when he was eight. No one was hurt and his parents managed to both extinguish the fire and unplug the toaster before things got out of control but it still affected him.
Worst Fear(s) Going blind, getting electrocuted, fire
Full Name: Osvald Stephanus Vincentius Avitus Lucan Daedalus Salt.
Age 17 years old

Shirt Symbol
The symbol of Salt, is a extremely simple thing, as seen above.
Associated Color
Text Color Simple black type font.
Current Outfit He wears nothing else but above, any footage of him in anything else, aside from his standard silk pjamas, is to be confescated and burned accordingly along with utilization of anti mematic devices to remove memories of any such event.

Favorite Number Zero, a thing that was only truely given shape and essence in 4 B.C.E, and later rediscovered later by philosophical discussions taking place in india some years later. To give nothingness a place, is a thought that escaped so many throughout the years. It is simple to imagine now that it's ingrained in our works, but to give value, to nothing, metaphysically, was a feat Osvald considers worthy of appreciation.
Favorite Material Silk, it lasts long, is durable and has been a long standing favorite of those with an eye for quality throughout the ages.
Preferred Messaging Service Zoom
Online Username OsvaldSalt
Collection of fine objects of historical value, monetary value or simply value given by Osvald in question.

Osvald is a large lover of music in all forms, and in general keeps his ALL CONSUMING LOVE OF KARAOKE hidden at all times save for a very select few whom he has sworn to secrecy, through some produced documentation that may have been hidden in a quick pop up before they were able to witness the event in any capacity.

Punishment for disobeying this nondisclosure clause is a slapping with a rolled up newspaper and a stern frown in their general direction.

Finance: Yes, he makes money, yes hes sort of like that Richie Rich type of kid from the movies, let us move along.

Spoiling those of whom he calls friend, while it may be a form of bribery to continue being his friend despite his obvious character flaws and issues with communicating in a matter one would find fun to be around, he is extremely generous to those who he considers friend.

Current Fetch Modi: Briefcase Modus, A highly technologically advanced modus that allows one to materialize anything withing the modus within a briefcase, which is also summonable to the hand with a command word.

Strife Specibus: MachinegunKind

Close Family

Unfortunately, he has no living family aside from a particularly stubborn pet jellyfish
Geronimo, a jellyfish that has lived in the family Aquarium for possibly close to a century, and will live even longer still. He(?) does not care about the world outside of the aquarium, and has survived despite all the odds. Osvald has never been stung by him(?) and generally the two consider each other passing familial acquaintances. Well, Osvald does, geronimo barely is cognizant of anything. Still, the jellyfish is fun to poke on the bell at times. And is strikingly large.
Mother: Esmeralda Salt, Deceased.
Father: Osvaldo Stephanus Vincentius Avitus Lucan Daedalus Salt, deceased, the o is the only thing preventing Osvald from being the second Osvald.

Home A luxiously expensive mansion that Osvald has truely no true need of. Theres rooms he hasn't entered in years, places he truly considers haunted and is teamed by a handful of maids, they have been on leave for sometime now for the holidays. What? You didn't think Osvald would allow that? Hes no devil thank you. The halls and rooms are decorated with various kinds of crystaline artpieces made from various kinds of large crystal deposits.

His room has the best he can find in terms of applicances, and is an apartment all on it's own in truth. his family's business, that which he is the sole owner of due to a classical murder plot orchestrated by some of his mother's side of the family ended with the whole generation going the way of the ghost.

Location of Home Switzerland, hidden in a deeply wooded area.

Schooling Private school


He was born rich, his family owns immence Salt plantations around the world and regularly fields deep dives into places of historical interest in hopes of rebuilding our knowledge of the world prior to ours. The Salt family is old as sin it's self and may have been there since the first one. His life, is shockingly simple, he was trained as the sole hier to the family fortune and business, therefore he needed to be ready for the time he would taker the reigns no matter when it would occur.

The unthinkable happening, was more or less a common thought around the household, the Salt family has long since been in the business and truely, whats one or two, five, possible attempts on their lives over petty things like money throughout the family line eh? His relationship with his father, due to this, was strictly business, ever since he was but a child. hell, he still have the first contract his father made him sign when he was but a few minutes old.

Now, when his mother's side of the family attempted to wrest the family fortune, and their lives, away, the day he had been long since been training for arrived. For this didn't come as a suprise, it was damn well near perfectly planned even. His convenient leave of absence from the family home, the pleasant surprise visit from extended family, the large and totally not secretly placed explosives in the vault that had been cleared out just minutes before the arrival of the offending party, the wills perfectly written to ensure no issues in transferal of property to their sole son.

The fact the explosion erupting from within the opened vault took out the whole offending party and his parents. The gun shot wounds upon the bodies of the assailants were just passed off as shrapnel of course, in no way did the Partiarch and Matriarch of the family have a prolonged gunfight with the assailants who happened to be family backed by a mercenary company that most definitely wasn't hunted down to the last after the situation settled by Salt family agents.

in truth, Osvald understands why his father and mother did what they did, he understands his role in all of this... he only wished his father was a little less showy about it all, sure, lureing them in was the best strategy, but... Well... Feigning weakness was the best way to convince harmlessness. Now if only they didn't end up damaging so much of the property with this show.

Worst Fear(s)
Losing composure and control. Anything controlled can be dealt with, to know your enemy and to know yourself is key to winning a hundred battles. its the 101st battle however, that he fears.
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