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Multiple Settings Fluff On The Hunt [1x1 Ideas] [REVIVED]


i eat fish burgers
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
It's been a while since I checked on this. I usually look at other people's search threads for RPs rather than making my own, but so far I haven't seen anything that's piqued my interest. So! I decided to just revive this one and see If I get any takers.

A little about me. I've been roleplaying for around 8 years now. My usual writing length can vary depending on how inspired I am or the scene. Consistently, I can write 1-3 paragraphs. At most, I can probably go up to 7-8 when playing multiple characters or heavily describing a scene. While I like details, I'm not gonna write out 10+ paragraphs to describe one little thing. Nothing against people who do that, I just don't have enough patience to do that.

Anyways.. here's some rules n' stuff.



1. No controlling my character. Sounds simple, right? Well.. It's happened WAY too many times to me. This is my golden rule. If it's broken, that's an instant leave and block from me. Seriously, It's VERY frustrating when this happens. Especially when people make MC do something they would never do. PLEASE if you want my character to do something, ASK me. Don't just take the initiative and play my character for me. I'd gladly take your suggestions for my characters (as long as it's reasonable).

2. I am a furry. I mostly play anthro characters, but I also play humans and other non-human characters like robots, goblins, elves, etc. A good chunk of these ideas will include anthros. If you don't like that, then I may not be the right partner for you!

3. I'm cool with ghosting. I know it's hard to tell someone you're not interested anymore, so don't worry! I'll understand.

4. I don't really have triggers.. but I have some things that make me uncomfortable. For me, self harm, anything to do with suicide, depression, etc, are off limits for me.

5. A good few ideas I have include violence and death. So if you're not a fan of that, then I may not be the partner for you.

6. Let me know your triggers please. I really don't wanna accidentally upset you.

7. My main will usually be male. I'll play female sides, but I'm just more comfortable with playing as guys for mains. You're cool to play female mains if you want.

8. Be okay with anthros. You don't have to play as one, just be okay with them existing as they're involved in quite a few of my plots!

9. No flawless god characters, please. Flaws make characters interesting and god moding is just stupid.

10. I'm cool with doubling/tripling and so on!

11. I'd prefer you at least offer me a paragraph or two for length. You don't have to, but that usually inspires me to reply more often.

12. I'm most comfortable with MxM Or MxF pairings. However, I'm open to other pairings! Just ask!

13. Have FUN!

(I will add more rules whenever more come to me.)



Strikethrough = Not interested / Temporarily closed / All slots taken
* One star = Need convincing or a damn good plot for this.
** Two star = I'm cool with this, but not actively looking for it. Might need a little convincing.
*** Three Star = I'm totally down for this!
**** Four Star = Currently craving this!
(0/2) = All slots open
(1/2) = One slot open
(2/2) = All slots taken


High Fantasy (****)
Sci-Fi (****)
Time Travel (****)
Furry Stuff (****)
Genre Mashup (****)
Modern Fantasy (***)
Romance (***)
Low Fantasy (***)
Dystopia (***)
Horror (***)
Isekai (***)
Action (***)
War (***)
Adventure (***)
Comedic (***)
Victorian Era Fantasy (**)
Pirates (**)
Superhero (**)
Slice Of Life (*)
Realistic (*)
Fandom (*)

1. A Ritzy Roundabout [Sci-Fi | Action] (***) - Inspired by Lackadaisy! The year is 2625 and culture from the 1920s/30s have made a comeback! Cars, lingo, fashion, weaponry, and all that from the prohibition era have returned. Of course modified to fit the futuristic time. Even the violent mafias have made a comeback. Folks participating in this new Prohibition Renaissance are called "Ritzies". Humans, aliens, and mutants are all taking part in this trend. It's definitely a dangerous, yet exciting time to be alive! (0/2)

2. Professor Maxwell [Sci-Fi | Adventure] () - Heavily inspired by Doctor Who, this story follows an anthro cat travelling through space and time. He has nine lives and he's planning to spend all of them helping out the universe and experiencing all the universe has to offer. YC is the lucky or unlucky person who accidentally gets caught up in his affairs. (0/2)

3. Stolen Paradise [High Fantasy | War] (**) - A ship full of explorers come across an island chain. The islands are full of jungle, unfamiliar terrain, and some stunning views. It was paradise. Only issue is.. there are already natives living on the island. What will happen? Will the explorers try to co-exist with the natives or try and push them out forcefully? (0/2)

4. The Butcher's Game [Isekai | Horror] () - Heavily inspired by the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game & Dead By Daylight, six survivors have to escape from four psychotic killers. How will these survivors fare against the endless cycle of fear and death? (0/2)

5. Phasmology [Isekai | Horror] () - Heavily inspired by Phasmophobia & Demonologist, YC decides to get this niche VR ghost hunter game. It has no reviews, but from the photos and videos of the game, it seems pretty cool. So your character opens it up.. and gets sucked into the world. They find themselves trapped alongside three others, being forced to hunt ghosts. (0/2)

6. The Devil's Rising [Fantasy | Western] (***) - A classic western idea with outlaws and gunslinging galore. I don't have a solid idea for this, so it's very open to change and such! (0/2)

7. Mother Nature's Playground [Sci-Fi | Adventure] (***) - A group of settlers from Earth have arrived on an Earth-like planet called "Ares-23a". But to the natives of the planet, it's goes by the name "Sơryo" or "Land Of Death". What the settlers don't know about this planet.. is despite it's stunning and exotic views, it's plagued with some of the worst natural disasters. To make things worse, they're very frequent. Almost every weak there's a new massive disaster. The locals are used to it.. but how will the settlers combat this? (0/2)

8. More Nights At Freddy's [Fandom | Romance | Possible Horror/Drama] () - The Pizzaplex has re-opened! The gang is all back together. Freddy, Chica, Roxanne, and Monty! Bonnie and Foxy have also made a comeback in their brand new glamrock forms! With Bonnie joining Chica as a guitarist and Foxy on the drums, the gang is bigger and better than ever! Now with new and improved personality chips, the crew begin to feel a lot more.. human. So much so that.. well.. they want to live like humans. What kind of trouble will these colorful bots get themselves into? (For pairing, I'm looking for either Animatronic x Security guard or Animatronic x Animatronic. Doubling is preferred but not required. I'm thinking of playing as an Animatronic. Glamrock Bonnie to be specific.) (0/2)

9. Land Of The People [Dystopian | Action] (**) - YC is a journalist who gets special access to visit a notorious dictatorship. They even get special permission to interview the dictator himself! Though.. knowing the way things are, there is much more to this nation. Secrets to be uncovered. What will YC find out? (0/2)

10. Forbidden Love [Romance | Furry] () - Two people, a human and an anthro, end up meeting by accident. Both seem to hit it off pretty well and become friends fast. Though.. they eventually start developing something more than that. Unfortunately, they live in a society where anthro and human relationships are seen as taboo and many are VERY vocal about this. How will these two deal with this conundrum? (0/2)

11. Life Amongst The Ancients [Romance | Furry] (**) - It's the modern day and YC is an archeologist and historian. One day, they hear about a recently discovered ancient civilization that's survived for thousands of years. They've had very little contact with the outside world. How they managed to survive without being noticed until now was unknown. YC ends up getting the chance to talk to one of these people. Despite the language barrier, this person ends up taking a liking to YC and wants to hangout with them more. How will YC deal with this rather odd situation? (0/2)

12. Let's Punch Some Bad Guys [Superhero | Action | Modern] (***) - A classic superheroes with powers plot! YC suddenly wakes up with their very own powers! A small group of popular superheroes get wind of this and offer to train YC to be a part of their group. However, only a few days into training, the group gets called about an incident. A new villain is in town and the city is in trouble. Will YC be able to master their abilities before meeting this new villain? (0/2)

13. Murder Abord The McClayn [Sci-Fi | Mystery | Crime] (****): YC works aboard the ISS McClayn, a large private spaceship that only allows the richest and most important people in the galaxy aboard. On this particular trip, there is about 25 passengers and 15 crew on board

One night, a body turns up in the ship’s sauna. They had been stabbed numerous times. There was a deadly killer walking amongst them.. but who? (0/2)

14. Wartime Spooks [Modern| War| Horror] (***): During a grueling campaign in the land of Magras, YC and their unit begin to experience some.. strange and frightening events. It seems that combat isn’t the only terrifying thing in this war. (0/2)

15. Artificial Love [Sci-Fi| Romance] (****): YC stumbles upon a rare find at the junkyard. A robot! And a sentient one at that. Not many robots were sentient, so finding one like that was like hitting the jackpot. Poor robot was abandoned by their previous owner and was just left to die in a pile of trash.

YC takes them back home and decides to fix them up. Overtime, YC’s robo friend starts to naturally develop new feelings and emotions. Eventually.. they learn how to love and begin to see YC as more than just a friend. (0/2)

16. Ruin! Ruin! [Sci-Fi | War | Dystopian] (****): In the year 2960, the Earth is in a rough spot. It all started about 512 years back in 2448 when robots first gained sentience. When that happened, these robots began to feel and act like humans. They even began thinking for themselves. The United Federation Of Earth then passed a law that allowed robots equal rights to humans. A lot of humans were very upset by that and tensions began to rise.

Then around the year 2675, some alien species they met a few centuries prior began mingling with humans. A lot of humans wanted segregation, but the Federation refused and allowed the aliens to walk and socialize with humans freely. Tensions were rising higher.

The boiling point was around the year 2875. A new alien species was encountered while the Federation was exploring the galaxy for new Earth-like exoplanets. These aliens were very friendly and got along with the human delegates. The Federation loved them so much, that they ended up passing a law that allowed aliens to migrate to Earth freely.

This was the last straw for a lot of earthlings. So.. a massive civil war broke out on earth. The Federation Vs. The Rebellion. Nearly the entire world was a battlefield, death and destruction was everywhere.

During this time, some safe haven city-states appeared around the globe. These cities acted as shelters for those who didn’t want to be caught up in the war. Humans, robots, and aliens all lived within these cities.

None of these cities could compare to the City-State Of Mandarvo. It’s by far the largest and most well-equipped city in the warzone. They have their own formal military to defend against Rebels and have plenty amenities for refugees to enjoy. However.. there was something going behind the scenes. Many secrets hide behind the force field of Mandarvo. Will you be able to uncover them..? (0/2)

(That's all for now. Will add more as more ideas come to me!)


Some of these ideas are pretty rough and can do with some brainstorming. If any of these caught your eye, or you have an idea of your own that I might like, go ahead and send me a DM! Please try not to respond to this post. I'd get your message easier if you just DMed me directly!

Hope to see you there!
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If I might ask, does it involve strictly OCs when it comes to furries/anthros or can it involve certain fandoms and such?
Yes I do. Did you have an idea for that?
Yeah I have a couple of ideas alright 🙂
I realize they can be pretty barebones, and I'm not sure if they can be to your liking, but I'm sure we can work something out of either of them.

The first idea I have is a Sing RP involving Johnny and Ryan (the bengal tiger from the second movie). My idea is that it takes place shortly after the first movie, and Ryan is keeping Johnny company at his place since his father is still in jail, and they slowly develop feelings for each other. It's based on a headcanon I had in that they both already knew each other before the second movie, but Ryan had to move away shortly after they met. I don't mind RPing as either one of them, but I'm strongly leaning towards Ryan, maybe develop him some more as a character.

My second idea is a crossover RP involving Johnny and Nick (from Zootopia). The basic plot is that Nick is off-duty and feeling kinda bored when he spots Johnny nearby and decides to hang out with him for a while, yet he starts to suspect he's part of a criminal gang, but Nick can't decide whether he should simply keep it a secret from his fellow officers at ZPD or deliver him to the authorities, especially since he's growing fond of Johnny the more time he spends with him. For this one, I'm thinking I should RP as Johnny if you're fine with that, as I actually wrote as him a few times before.

Now I have to ask, is acting out-of-character allowed in an RP? By that I mean if a character says stuff or acts in a way that contradicts what's been established before about him or her in a movie/TV show/game/etc.
Howdy there! So, funnily enough, I actually was cooking up a Star Wars rp setting that essentially mirrors the setting of your first prompt. If you'd like I can explain the general idea for the rp. If not, I'd still be very interested in prompt 1 and have plenty of concept art (curtsy of pinterest) we could use to develop the setting.
Howdy there! So, funnily enough, I actually was cooking up a Star Wars rp setting that essentially mirrors the setting of your first prompt. If you'd like I can explain the general idea for the rp. If not, I'd still be very interested in prompt 1 and have plenty of concept art (curtsy of pinterest) we could use to develop the setting.
Hey there! I'm happy you tool an interest in Ritzy Roundabout! I'm currently just craving this idea in particular atm. I'd love to develop the setting with you. Shoot me a PM and we can discuss further!
Hey there! I was wondering if you'd like to do a slightly different version of Ritzy Roundabout? I'm really interested in that idea, and I'm up for the challenge.

My twist idea was that my character is a cybernetically enhanced, augumented supersoldier tasked with tracking down a particular mafia lead that's like her and gaining an insight into the situation all the while. Maybe your anthro character can be a Ritzie and try and get mine in on the fun?

If you're interested, please let me know.
Hey there! I was wondering if you'd like to do a slightly different version of Ritzy Roundabout? I'm really interested in that idea, and I'm up for the challenge.

My twist idea was that my character is a cybernetically enhanced, augumented supersoldier tasked with tracking down a particular mafia lead that's like her and gaining an insight into the situation all the while. Maybe your anthro character can be a Ritzie and try and get mine in on the fun?

If you're interested, please let me know.
Oooh! That actually sounds pretty cool! Shoot me a PM and we can discuss it further :))
Heya!!! Im very interested in number 10!!! I have some ideas and would be willing to discuss it with you!! Im also down to build a plot together or to share some of mine!!! If your interested please let me know!!!

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