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Son Nellie

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
That's right, guys, gals, and NB Pals! (as well as all in-between or outside those genders)! I'm looking for a Creepypasta RP! I can play MxM, MxF, MxNB, FxF, FxNB, NBxNB, and all other potential pairings! I only ask one tiny favor... I ask you play Jeff the Killer for my OC, Red-Eyed Executioner. I'm currently working on a character form doc, but I'll be happy to tell you about her if you show interest in Roleplay. I'm comfortable RPing with any age, but I am 18+ myself.(Not to be creepy or anything. Romance RP does NOT equal me being attracted to you.)

-Follow all RPNation Rules
-Please let me know if you lose interest.
-I don't do preset plots. I like to have lots of room to worldbuild and explore the path our characters take
-Doubles Friendly! If you want a character for your OC or another character, let me know.
-Please don't shove all the NPCs on me...
-I will send you RP-Related Memes

Aside from that, feel free to hit me up!

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