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Multiple Settings eunoia // ᴀ 1x1 ꜱᴇᴀʀᴄʜ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ


☼ + ☽


hello all! it's very nice to meet you! my name is squids, and i am back at it again with an updated search thread. i have room on my roster for a couple more partners and these days i'm just itching to write. my schedule is generally pretty hard to work around, but i am learning to make time for the things that i enjoy. as it stands, i am capable of promising a reply every one to two weeks, sometimes less sometimes more. i don't like to feel rushed or overwhelmed when writing, as it is something that i pride myself on and take very seriously. i do not do this casually; i only ever want to produce quality work for you to enjoy. furthermore, if that level of frequency is something that you simply cannot vibe with, i ultimately respect that and regret to inform you that i am not the partner for you.

here is a bit about me and my writing style:
  • squids // 23 // she/her
  • lapslocke (ooc and ic-- it's what i prefer because it's easier for me to read but if that bothers you please just say something)
  • i write in pm's exclusively
  • my replies usually tend to be on the lengthier side, between 5-15 paragraphs, sometimes even longer if i feel i have enough to go off of (or if i'm just that invested in the rp)
  • avid kpop and kdrama fan (most of my fc's will be idols and actors)
  • i love love love side characters!! it's fine if you don't bring any to the table, just know that my character will have at least four or five background characters waiting to be introduced
  • while i am open to doubling, it's not necessarily the type of thing i would go out of my way for
  • extremely ghost friendly!! please never feel pressured to notify me if you've suddenly lost interest. i completely understand and will not hold it against you.
  • while it's not necessarily a requirement for me, i am totally open to OOC chitchat!! i love making pinterest boards and playlists for our characters, and always appreciate it when my partner does the same.
  • if you'd like to see a writing sample, please don't hesitate to reach out!!
here are some things that i expect from you:
  • i will not engage in roleplay with any person under the age of 18
  • though it is not pertinent, i would prefer if my partner shared some similar interests with me.
  • please be open to worldbuilding!! i love taking the time to sit down with my partner and bounce ideas off of each other. having a good understanding of the setting and situation is crucial for me to be able to design complex and interesting characters.
  • i will not cover topics such as/pertaining to rape/non-con, underage, gore, etc at any time during our roleplay.
now on to the good stuff.......

friends-to-lovers // life lessons // childhood friends // witches // royalty // angst // slow burn // coming of age // lgbtq+ // unrequited love // forbidden love // magic realism // found family // soulmates

i can’t love you in the dark
muse a has chronic migraines. they have dealt with it all their life, and will likely deal with it for the rest of their life, too. muse b, muse a’s lifelong friend, is seemingly the only one who knows how to deal with them– probably even better than muse a. they are always prepared with a hot or cold compress, water, and even carry a bit of muse a’s medication for emergencies. muse a knows that they can always rely on muse b. that is, until one day muse b introduces muse a to their new partner, and muse a can slowly feel them start to drift away. suddenly, the migraines start to get worse and worse, and they don’t really know why. it takes them a bit to realize just how much they’ve depended on muse b throughout the years, and just how much they’ve come to need them at the end of the day (for more reasons than just to deal with the migraines).

betcha we are destiny (gonna get ya)
muse a hates christmas, and who can really blame them? dogged by hardship since birth, they haven’t exactly had the happiest childhood, and the holiday always seems to fall somewhere between hope and misery. now an adult, muse a is determined not to share their trauma with the rest of the world. that’s exactly why they agree to go to their good friend’s christmas party on christmas eve. after getting a couple of drinks in them, muse a is feeling sociable and pleasantly buzzed. they meet muse b, a colleague of muse a’s good friend, and hit it off immediately. muse b is charismatic and entertaining, just what muse a needs to survive the night. after some time talking and sipping spiked cider, muse a is feeling a little more than buzzed. muse b notices and offers to escort muse a to the couch so they can sit down, but soon after they embark muse a notices mistletoe above the door and halts in their tracks. this is surely a sign from the universe, and muse a is drunk and happy– they politely ask muse b to kiss them, as per tradition, and they are shocked to find muse b (who is sober, mind you) isn’t in any position to refuse.

this is what i can give to you (this is all i have)
muse a works for their local library. they process book returns and file them neatly away, back on the shelves where they belong. they take pride in their job, as it is simple and enjoyable– just the kind of thing they need to get them through school. one day, while muse a is checking returned books for damages, a note falls from between the pages of a specific novel. it’s a note addressed directly to muse a. shell shocked, they read it over. at first glance, it appears to be a simple love note, and it seems that this is just the beginning. almost sporadically, muse a begins to find notes addressed to them in random books. they’ve tried everything they can to trace them back to someone (anyone) to no avail. with all of their resources exhausted, muse a almost gives up on finding the author of the notes, until one specific day when a storm hits their region. muse a is usually the last to leave the library after their shift, and so it makes sense that no one else is there when the power goes out– or so they thought. after realizing they are stuck in the library, they discover muse b, a quiet and kind library-goer who always seems to fade into the background but has never gone unnoticed by muse a, and muse b seems to know a lot more about the notes than they’re letting on.

magic gets lost in the mundane
muse a is a broke college student just trying to get by. they are looking forward to graduating and putting this hellish chapter of their life behind them, but there is one thing standing in their way: extracurricular activities. in order to graduate on time at the end of the school year, muse a must join a club. they spend an entire week looking at clubs, only to find that none of them really suit their fancy-- that is, until they meet muse b, who is funny, beautiful, and just all around the person of muse a's dreams. they learn that muse b is also the president of their own club, and immediately agree to take a look. upon going to check it out muse a learns something else about muse b: they are absolutely insane. president of the 'paranormal society', muse b is full of conspiracy theories and weird beliefs, all of which they genuinely seem to think are true. already having half-promised that they'd join, muse a is invited to go on a retreat with them out in the middle of nowhere for some exciting 'cryptid hunting', and while they'd rather do literally anything other than go hunt a creepy monster that they know for a fact doesn't even exist, they way muse b is looking at them right now... well, they can't exactly say no.
code by birth of venus.
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bumping this!! ^^ hoping to get at least one taker

as a side note, i would also love to write something inspired by akatsuki no yona! i have a few ideas floating around in this noggin of mine lol so if you're interested feel free to reach out!!
is that 'yona of the dawn' you mean? my friend is a huge fan and though i haven't watched it i know somethings about it and love it! if you'd like a similar plotline. . . ?

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