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Do RP ideas have to approved to be played? or is it just to see who would be interest


EMT Extraordinaire
So do you post your ideas in the RP ideas thing to be approved to be officially played? If so, who does that? Admins, mods? And why would they have that whole process, is it to see what other would be interested, or that your idea isn't totally boring? :8D:
It's not to be approved or disapproved by staffmembers, it's merely to see if people would be interested in joining the creation/rp so that you don't spend time making it and not see it take off.

Nobody will force you to make an rp idea - thread either before making a rp, but it is advised. :)

Cheers :)
As Carl, said it's more for refining your RP. You do not NEED to post an idea but it lets you know who is interested & with the the replies, allows you to make tweaks to only better the experience.

I look forward to seeing your ideas.

Your friend

:3 thanx! another question, where exactly do you rp? is there a designated area where that is done or what? and what about the signups? I am quite curious...
The Roleplay section, on the main page of the 'Forum' in 'Member Role plays' and basically they're sorted out in categories;




Video Game


Just make your RP in the proper category and all else is fine,

and In each of these categories there are sections: "Character Sheets" (where you would post the sign up) and "Storyline & Ideas" (If an RP has background information)

I think i answered everything...


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