• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Do no harm. - waiting room



youโ€™ve got me by the skin and bones
this is the temporary waiting room. please feel free to chat and ask questions!

once the applications are accepted, the ooc will move to discord. the deadline for applications is april 30th!
My character is going to be in his 6th year of residency, and just be over it all...

Also, First!
Tired Bed GIF

My mood right now.

I wanted to post here sooner, but my brain has been exhausted by my job and my toddler decided she wanted to get sick this week but it's the weekend! Happy weekend guys!

My name is dolphins (sorry I'm still trying to get used to that). My old username I used everywhere referenced Cheese, so I'm used to everyone calling me Cheese lol. I'm old as in my thirties, mother to a three year old, two huskies, and an angry black cat. I live off of caffeinated drinks and maybe occasionally eating food if I remember. I play a lot of video games in my spare time, or watch medical dramas (ayeeeee), or I recently got back into a reading fantasy novel binge.

Lovely to meet you all!

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