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Realistic or Modern ๐“’๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ถ๐“ผ๐“ธ๐“ท ๐“๐“ฌ๐“ฎ๐“ผ || Main Thread


/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.


millie's house


Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Ash couldn't believe that Smoke brought up his stripper ex wife. But then again, he could wholeheartedly believe it, because it was just the thing Smoke would do. She was obviously hurting, and when she felt that way, she wanted other people to feel the same. It's how she'd always been, and in a way, Ash was the same. Just a little more on the physical side. When he was feeling distraught, he usually picked fights, too. But not with words; with his fists. He'd lost more than one fight that way, being too lost in his own emotions that he didn't know how to deal with. It wasn't like he was going to go sit with a therapist and talk about them, after all, or even a friend. He was a guy, and in a gang, for god's sake. What kind of gang member would he be if he talked about his emotions? Fat chance in hell with that one.

Maybe it was fate that Millie had become just that: a therapist. He hadn't quite connected those dots yet, but maybe one day he would. Shutting down the conversation about his now ex wife, he glanced over at Millie, appreciative that she didn't ask questions. She had to be curious, and he wouldn't blame her if she was burning with questions. But she said nothing, and the conversation filtered back to the gifts. Seeing what she'd given him really stirred feelings in him that he was unfamiliar with. More shit he didn't know how to handle, but wasn't going to think about right now. So as he usually did, he shoved the feelings aside, looking over at Millie for a few seconds before he leaned in to kiss her cheek. He thought about changing directions and going for her lips, but at the last minute changed his mind. Had he chickened out? No, absolutely not. That wasn't something Ash did.

Glancing over at his sister and Bear, he asked Millie if they were a thing, but she didn't seem to know either. At mention of Ink, Ash scoffed, laughter following the sound. "They were the definition of toxic." He rolled his eyes, drumming his fingers on the makeshift bar. "She needs someone who can handle her, and Ink needs someone who... well, isn't Smoke." Shrugging, Ash let his gaze slide back to Millie, a knowing grin on his face. "But what about you, hm?" He leaned closer, resting his elbow on the bar and his chin on his hand. "Anyone special in your life?" His lips widened into a grin, though there was something a bit darker in his eyes. He didn't want there to be anyone, but the jealousy was one of those emotions he just didn't deal with. And now he'd opened the can of worms, so he had to wait for the answer.

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Milana had seen several toxic relationships in her life, both on the parts of her clients as well as her friends and even herself. In many cases, she thought that maybe growing up in a stable household with happily married parents had had a bad effect on her. She found their lives mundane, annoyingly so in some cases, and therefore craved the unexpected. Her first boyfriend, the one that Ash had scared off from taking her to senior prom, hadn't exactly been the best guy. He tried to pressure her into things she wasn't necessarily ready for at the time. So maybe the older Valencia's appearance at prom hadn't been such a bad thing at all. Hell, that night was one of her favorite memories, forever captured by the framed photos that he now held. There were a couple of others in college that for the most part were uneventful. Smoke and Ink, however, had always been at each other's throats. They seemed to consistently be in a cycle of crazy fights and intense make-up sex. Maybe now it was finally over.

And then there was Ash, the king on non-commitment. Yet, now Millie finds out that he had been married at some point? That didn't seem right. Ash was the type of guy to go after what he wanted whenever he wanted, regardless of the consequences. That included women too. From what the blonde had seen over the years, he was a toxic force in and of his own right. So what could have possibly led to the decision to get married? Millie could psychoanalyze his choices all she wanted, but it wouldn't help anything. Because she knew Ash well enough to know that if she brought up any of her thoughts, he would shut down or make a joke or even get mad at her. So, the blonde therapist kept her thoughts to herself, let the potential conversation about Ash's ex-wife past. Maybe he would tell her about that experience someday, would trust her enough to reveal more of himself than just the fuck boy facade he wore proudly.

Turning her attention back to Ash from where she had been watching Smoke and Bear, Millie found Ash looking at her with a grin on his face. Taking a sip from her gin and tonic, she tilted her head curiously. "What?" But she most certainly wasn't prepared for what he asked next. Truth be told, in the past year or so, she had taken a break from dating. Maybe it was because her last relationship had ended that great. Or maybe she wasn't quite sure what she wanted then. But, at least for a while, Millie had been living the 'single and loving it' lifestyle. It was only recently, like in the past couple of weeks, that Millie had redownloaded the dating apps and started swiping again. Ash leaned a bit closer, and she felt her heart begin to race a bit. "What, are we gossiping school girls now?" the therapist shot back, sarcasm dripping from her words. For some reason, she didn't want to talk about this subject with Ash. But he had asked, so... "Not really. I'm going out with this guy in a couple of days though. Hopefully, Tinder in this town isn't as terrible as it used to be."

the good girl


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

For a moment, he just stood there, holding the red velvet box in the palm of his hand. His heart was unintentionally beginning to race, and he could feel a flush crawling up the back of his neck. Jason wasn't the type to get nervous, not usually anyway. He could stare down the barrel of a gun and not flinch, could take a hit from someone twice his size, and still fight back. But that moment was something that he wasn't as used to anymore. There he stood, in front of a beautiful woman that he may or may not have feelings for, giving her a Christmas present that he picked out himself and truly believed she would like. It was something that just reminded him of her, and those were the best types of gifts, weren't they? While Jace was away on that trip with the other gang members, he tried to keep Smoke from his mind. Moreso because he was still grappling with his thoughts on his job and mission versus the budding feelings he was beginning to have for Shotgun's daughter. Romance had never been part of the plan, and neither was sleeping with her. But now that he had, that he knew her so deeply, he was hooked.

Smoke looked up at him, and Bear felt lost in her dark chocolate eyes. She pulled open the ribbon, tossing it aside as she opened the box with ease. That nervous feeling overtook him once more, and the brunette man wondered if he had made a mistake. Smoke was strong and spicy and rough around the edges. Would she like something like a necklace, something so feminine? But he didn't have to wonder long as a small gasp escape her lips. All that nervousness dissipated immediately, leaving a feeling of confidence and happiness in its place. Her soft words fill his ears, saying his real name and not the nickname he had been given as a joke. Something about it sent a spark through him, and he wanted to kiss her right then and there. But instead, Smoke handed the box back to him and turned away, a gesture meaning she wanted him to place the necklace on her. "Of course," Bear answered softly, removing the piece from the box and setting the latter on a nearby side table.

Holding the chain between his calloused fingers, he unhooked it and placed the piece gently around her neck. His fingers trailed across her skin, wanting to pull her closer before she turned back around to face him. Jace offered her a smile, noticing the blush but deciding not to comment. Instead, he glanced over at the bag she had brought with them. "Don't feel stupid, I'm sure it's amazing," he said, pulling out the tissue paper and peering inside. "Is this..." he began, pulling out the soft material to examine it. In his hands, he held a Care Bear onesie, particularly of Grumpy Bear. Jace let out a light laugh, a grin turning up the corners of his lips. Turning his gaze back to Smoke, her words caught his attention and turned his smile softer. Slipping the onesie back into the bag, he took a step towards Smoke, loosely wrapping his arms around her. "I promise," he answered quietly, looking down at her before pulling her into a hug. After a moment, he leaned down close to her ear with a teasing grin, "I love my gift, by the way. If you're lucky, I might even let you take it off me."

the cop


  • filler tab!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • how she's feeling...

    "Let's celebrate"


the leader's daughter

Love was not a word that came easy to Smoke. In fact, the only time she used it was when referring to her family but never had she ever said to any man she loved him. She was even extra careful when it came to that. The L-word packed a huge kick and a lot of burden she was not ready to carry just yet. Men tried with her, confessed their love to her in many ways and she appreciated the compassion and occasional gifts, flowers, and pleas but that word never left her lips, not even when she was drunk. There was one time she thought that maybe Ink was the first and the last man to ever hear her say it. As much as commitment sucked, the idea of having someone to come home to, share the little tidbits of the day, laugh and cry together, it somehow started to sound appealing. Smoke would never admit that out loud. Not even to herself, especially not in front of her family. Her father would start looking for a suitable man to ask for her hand in marriage and really, for such a huge dangerous dude, he could sometimes be a horrible sap, and Ash would die laughing after delivering his mocking lines.

There was a gentle side to SMoke but there were not many people to witness it. Living among the criminals and bikers taught her to hide her weaknesses and toughen up. That didnโ€™t mean she was not a girl at heart. It just rarely came up to the surface. But now, looking at the piece of jewelry in front of her, her eyes glimmered and when she looked up at the man who gave her such a pretty thing, the corners of her lips went up in a charming smile, almost unseen before. The crystal was cold on her skin and her fingers wrapped around it, holding it in place until Bear fixed the little clasp on the back of her neck. Receiving something so gentle and even romantic, Smoke started to feel really stupid for her own gift and when she turned around to face him again. Her eyes went slightly more open as he went through the wrapping. With the first sight of the soft blue material, she cupped her own face, grinning like a fool. โ€œIt is.โ€ she laughed softly when the whole onesie came out of the bag.

Jasonโ€™s arms wrapped around her after the vulnerable words slipped out of her lips and the hug grew tighter. His promise sounded in her ears and she gripped his shirt, clinging to him as if he was the life raft. Something broke in the brunette whenever Bear was around and she noticed. He made her softer, gentler, more feminine somehow and now, seeing him after such a long time, she didnโ€™t want to spend so long without her friend, her confidante, her guardian angel. His next words, though, curled her purple-painted lips in a sultry smirk. โ€œAnd if youโ€™re lucky, your gift might be the only thing Iโ€™ll wear.โ€ she whispered, teasing his earlobe with her tongue. โ€œYou know, we couldโ€ฆโ€ she started when a loud bang came from the outside of the room. โ€œFucking idiots.โ€ Smoke mumbled. โ€œHow about we grab a bottle and stay here for the rest of the night, hm?โ€ she sighed, looking up to meet his eyes again. โ€œOR did you want to dance with me first? Or kiss under the mistletoe?โ€ she grinned, placing her hands on his neck.

?coded by uxie?

  • how he's feeling...



the hot-head

The scrapbook was the only reminder that there were blank pages not only in that book but also in Inkโ€™s life. When Juni left, he wanted to throw it away, thinking she was gone for good and that there was no way they would ever get a chance to finish it. He had it in his hand many times, ready to throw it away, he even held it over the fire but never let it go. Something inside him stopped him from disposing of it, something in his soul made him clung to that book as if it was the most precious possession. But still, every time he looked at it, Juniโ€™s face resurfaced in his mind and he couldnโ€™t bear the idea of losing his best of the best friends. And since he could neither look at it, nor get rid of it, Ink tucked the book deep in his shelf among other books he never touched. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Or so they say.

Now, it seemed that life gave him another chance and Brady hurried not to waste it. And seeing Juniโ€™s eyes when she unwrapped her gift was priceless. Ink immediately knew he did the right thing. But then he opened his present and he almost choked. It was perfect. The picture would have been enough but the fact that she went so far as drawing him a tattoo design, it was just way too sentimental. Sentimental in the best way. And what he did nextโ€ฆwellโ€ฆ Ink stopped caring. The shitshow with Smoke was over and everybody knew. As far as Brady was concerned, he was a free man and could do anything he fucking wanted. And he yearned to kiss Juni so he did it, pulled her in for a firm hungry kiss and held her at his lips until he satiated the most urgent hunger.

Juniโ€™s hand on his chest radiated warmth which then entered his body and once their lips parted, Brady felt slightly breathless. When she asked what that kiss was for, Ink grinned and pointed up, over their heads where a green bundle was hanging from the ceiling. โ€œThat. And I also wanted to do that, mistletoe or not.โ€ he shrugged and still held her close. โ€œNow, before all of this. Were you running away or was that a welcoming committee for me?โ€ he grinned. โ€œI sure hope it was the latter. How about we go get a drink and I can tell you more about where I want to put this?โ€ he laughed, waving his gift in front of her eyes. โ€œMaybe you could get something as well. You know, something to match it with me?โ€ he asked her as he turned her to lead her to the bar. With his arm slung over her shoulders, Ink noticed another couple there. โ€œYou guys are on a date or what?โ€ he grinned at Millie and Ash. He cautiously looked around, trying to locate Smoke but it seemed she was not anywhere around. He really wasnโ€™t interested in more drama than their fucked up relationship already casued. But it was better safe than sorry.

?coded by uxie?

/*left side*/

escape the ordinary.


big house


Ink [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ; Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Something about Ink's gift made Juni feel as though this could be a new beginning for her. The scrapbook paired with the kiss caused her heart to pound in the best way possible, and she never wanted the moment to end. She only spotted the mistletoe when he pointed upwards, her head tilting backwards to see what he was looking at. It was clichรฉ but not, and a grin still broke out on her face as she stared at the greenery. At his question, she looked back at him. She didn't have the words to answer his question, but it seemed she didn't need them. Not anymore. "Let's go." She nodded, looping her arm through his as they turned to head for the bar. They ran into Millie and Ash, and Juni gave Millie a questioning yet knowing look.

Now that she had a pretty good reason to stay, Juni ordered an Angry Orchard cider, looking over at Brady standing beside her. "So tell me where you want to put it." She nodded towards his gift, the picture she'd drawn for him. He had some spare skin available, but not much, and she was intrigued as to where the picture would go. But really, she was just also happy that he liked it and even wanted to get it permanently etched on his skin. She had a couple of tattoos of her own, a black flower on her wrist outlined in white ink, and then vines around both of her thighs. She'd never wanted to be covered like Ink and some of the others, but she did like them. And the idea of getting a tattoo with Brady made her excited. Her brain was already churning with ideas.

She saw him glancing around the room, but refused to let the idea that he might be looking for Smoke ruin her good mood. She thanked the bartender with a nod and smile when he sat her drink down in front of her, lifting it to her lips to take a sip. "How was... the trip?" She asked, realizing during her question that she wasn't exactly sure what to call it. She wasn't privy to internal knowledge for the Aces, but she knew a little bit thanks to her ability to listen and be observant. "Was everything okay?" She asked then, her voice softer. She truly hoped everyone had managed to come back, and that no one had gotten seriously hurt or worse. Her thoughts drifted to her brother, and she felt her heart twist like it usually did when she thought of him. Especially during the holidays.

/*do not remove credit*/


/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.




Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Same as Millie, Ash was no stranger to toxic relationships. He'd seen them pretty much his whole life, starting at home and extending into the life he'd chosen for himself. Sure, as a kid he couldn't really help who he was around, but after he saw those types of relationships (mostly thanks to the Aces) he thought it was normal. It wasn't until a little later in life he'd realized that it wasn't, but there was a reason for him being divorced and currently single. He wouldn't and didn't mind having someone share his bed for a night or even a couple of nights, but it was rare that things went further or longer than that. He guarded his heart, but there were also other things at stake, like his father being the leader of the Aces. If Ash brought the wrong person into the fray, some serious shit could go down.

So he just didn't get serious with anyone. Someone might say that he'd never found the right person, or that maybe she got away. This thought flickered in his mind as he looked down at the photo in his hands of him and Milana at prom, a prom he was way too old to be at. But there he was, because even back then he'd known he had to make it up to her. It was his fault se was dateless, and at the last minute, too. But things had worked out for the best, because they'd had a great time, and judging by the smiles on both of their faces, it had been better than they could have imagined. Forcing himself out of his reverie, he shoved the thoughts aside that Millie was the one who got away. Because that just wasn't how things worked with Ash. Right? There was no way...

And there his mind went again. In an attempt to distract himself, he asked Millie a question, though maybe it wasn't the best one. He heard the sarcasm in her answer but just let it roll off his shoulders. "Could be." He shrugged, straightening. He nearly choked on his drink when she said she had a date in a couple of days, and he had to keep himself from snapping his head in her direction. "Tinder sucks." He shot out instead, biting back further negative comments. "Who is it?" Not that it was any of his business, but in his mind, he needed to know who to go after if they hurt her. His grip had tightened on his drink, and he glanced down at his hand, forcing himself to loosen his grip. "I mean, just in case shit goes south." He shrugged again, ignoring the fact that he was digging himself into a hole. Hearing a familiar voice, he glanced over at Brady, smirking when he saw his arm around Juni. "Back at you, brother."

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As soon as those words passed her lips, the tension between Millie and Ash seemed to thicken. Despite him straightening and moving a bit away from her, she could tell by the way he nearly inhaled his drink and shot back "Tinder sucks" that he wasn't too pleased with the news. The blonde therapist had to refrain from rolling her eyes at that. What gave him the right, after all? Whatever had happened at prom between them, he made it clear by burning her out of his life for five years that it had meant very little if anything to him. She bit the inside of her cheek and pushed her now empty glass across the bar, raising a hand to the bartender. "Another one, please. Make it a double," she said, offering him the polite, sweet smile that was an automatic response for her. It took everything in her not to immediately chug the new gin and tonic as it was placed in front of her, instead sipping on it through the straw.

Millie stiffened, turning her blue gaze back to Ash as he asked who the guy from Tinder was. From their short conversations and his profile, he seemed to be an alright guy, if not a little plain. His name was Spencer, and he said that he worked a simple 9 to 5 as a business consultant, with some traveling here and there. He enjoyed football and hiking, had a labrador retriever named Hugo, and worked out regularly. His favorite food was pizza, and he had a hobby of woodworking. Everything about him seemed... normal, for lack of a better word. But, Millie knew all too well what Ash could do with that kind of information, prom being case and point. The look in his eyes was intimidating, and though she didn't want to tell him, she almost felt like she was compelled to. But before Milana could, Ink and Juniper joined them at the bar. Saved by the bell.

Millie smiled at Juni and Ink, pulling them each in for a quick greeting hug before taking another sip from her drink. "A date? Come on, Ink. You and I both know what kind of 'dates' Ash has, and I'm certainly not going to be the nameless girl in his bed at the end of the night," the blonde therapist responded in a teasing tone, emphasizing the word 'date' as her eyes flickered from Ink to the male Valencia. She caught Juniper's look and smiled more softly at her friend, shrugging one shoulder in response. Juni had been there for her through it all, had been her sounding board when she couldn't figure out why Ash cut her out of his life and needed someone to talk to about. Hell, Juni had even been her shoulder to cry on a couple of times before she got tired of wasting tears on someone who didn't seem to care that much about her anyway.

Thankfully, Juniper directed the attention to a different topic. Maybe not the best, considering that the Aces were a criminal organization and this so-called "trip" they took couldn't have been anything good, let alone legal. At least Shotgun had been kind enough to let them come home for the holidays, that it wasn't more important. She hadn't heard from any of her clients that someone had gotten hurt, or worse. But if they had, it would be just like an Ace to keep it under wraps, to not show any emotion and process it with violence rather than talking it out. So, would she really know if someone had? Probably not. "Were you sent anywhere fun?" Millie added to Juni's question in an attempt to lighten the mood, "Somewhere with good weather and delicious food, I hope?"

the good girl


โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Jason knew he was on borrowed time, that whatever he had with Smoke could all come crashing down soon. As much as he wanted to ignore those thoughts, they kept cropping up in the back of his mind, a sick reminder that what he truly wanted couldn't be his. At least, not under the current circumstances. When all of it started, the mission and the undercover identity, he had thought he was loyal to justice. But, was justice really what those pencil pushers at the State Department were in search of? Or was all they truly wanted a scapegoat, someone to put the blame on and make the public believe was truly evil instead of finding the true culprits? More and more each day, it seemed like the latter was true. They kept pushing him to find something to bury the Crimson Aces, something to make sure they all went down and would only see the four walls of a dingy cell for the rest of their lives. They didn't want justice for Alicia.

On the other hand, it seemed as though the Aces were the ones in search of true justice. Yeah, they were all criminals with blood on their hands. But that blood was the blood of people just as bad if not worse than they were. They went after those that threatened them, that hurt their own. That seemed like true justice, however warped and twisted, to Jace. He was at a crossroads, needed to make a choice. And every day, it became clearer that that choice would be Smoke and the Aces. But it was a catch-22. If he chose the Aces and rebelled against the State Department, his name would be on the 'Most Wanted' list, his face on the 5 o'clock news with his real identity and background. The Crimson Aces and, more importantly, Smoke would know that he was a Fed sent to bring them down. Either way, it seemed like he would lose everything if his secret got out or he did want he wanted to do. There was no happy ending for him.

And so, maybe the best option was just to get as much time as he could, and bite the bullet when it came to it. He would stay in that moment, sucking in a sharp breath as Smoke's tongue found his earlobe, fully willing and capable to do whatever was about to follow her words 'You know, we could...' But Aces were nothing if not rowdy, and the commotion outside had begun to trickle into their refuge. Bear let out a low chuckle, grinning as he glanced out the door into the rest of the party. "You know, for an intimidating guy, Shotgun sure knows how to throw a holiday party," he said with a grin, turning his attention back to her. Smoke's arms found their way around his neck, and his dipped to the small of her back, pulling her body flush against his. He gently pushed back until she was pressed between him and the doorframe, leaning down to place his lips against hers. It was a hungry yet soft kiss. Pulling back after a moment, Jace glanced up, signaling to the mistletoe hanging from the doorway with a sly grin. "Checked one off the list. How about we just do all three?"

the cop


  • filler tab!

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • how she's feeling...



the leader's daughter

Feelings were hard for Smoke. She never really felt anything real to any man unless it was her father or brother. And sure, she and Damon barked at each other like crazy, they had this sort of relationship that it almost felt like a competition which sibling will rile the other one up more. Smoke liked to think she was winning that one but in reality, the race was more than narrow there. And yet, deep inside, Smoke had deep feelings for her brother, she loved him and wouldnโ€™t let anyone hurt him. It was that typical sibling theory of โ€œno one will kill you but meโ€. But no one else was ever able to get under her skin. She went from one bed to another and never stayed for long enough to risk catching feelings. Quite frankly, whatever she had with Ink was the longest relationship she ever had and it looked like it did.

Being around Bear was easy since they were friends basically ever since he joined the Aces. Smoke witnessed his journey from nothing but a pawn to becoming her own bodyguard. Maybe it looked like nothing and many joked that she had her own lackey but it was not like that. Smoke never asked him to do anything for her, she didnโ€™t consider him her servant. Quite the contrary, she was a very capable young woman, not afraid to get her hands dirty in any sort of way. To those who knew how things work with Aces, it was clear that Jace now achieved a pretty high level of trust since Shotgun entrusted him with the safety of his own daughter. If Shotgun trusted you enough to let you guard Smoke, it was pretty certain that you were going to get far higher in the hierarchy soon.

โ€œMy father is a family man, you know.โ€ Smoke laughed after Jason mentioned the party. โ€œAces are his family. So he threw them a party. Itโ€™s simple really. We always loved Christmas around here as itโ€™s the only time of the year when truly everyone is at home. I was afraid you might miss it this year.โ€ she practically purred, savoring how his hardened muscle felt pressed against her body. There were several options for them now and Smoke listed them but for a moment, it seemed that despite the noise ruining the soon-to-be steamy moment, they were going to return right back. Her back bumped against the doorframe and his lips covered hers in a kiss which she was only too happy to return. Smoke almost squealed when it was over as it seemed too soon but the grin on Bearโ€™s face grabbed her attention. Her eyes found the mistletoe and lips curled in a smile. โ€œWouldnโ€™t pin you for a romantic but Iโ€™m not complaining.โ€ she told him, moving her hands to his face. โ€œFine, letโ€™s go. You owe me a dance then. And a drink.โ€ she laughed and opened the door to rejoin the party. โ€œYouโ€™re not planning on fighting tonight, are you? โ€˜Cause I have a different idea how to end tonight and taking care of black eyes and bruises is not included.โ€ she teased, lacing her fingers with his as they were weaving through the crowd.

?coded by uxie?

  • how he's feeling...



the hot-head

No official labels were put on anything just yet and Brady didnโ€™t even think about it just yet since it was way too soon. But he could already tell that being with Juni was completely different than being with Smoke. Those two girls were like heaven and hell, couldnโ€™t have been more different and one would for sure wonder how they could even be friends. Not now, of course. But before, during high school. The two of them and Millie used to be inseparable and so loyal to each other it was almost unbelievable. Ink had no idea what happened and why they went their own ways, hating each other so passionately it was destructive to say the least. The night at the bar was nothing if not the perfect proof. But tonight was about joy and having fun. No fighting allowed.

After the kiss under the mistletoe, the most clichรฉ tradition of Christmas, Brady offered a drink and the couple walked over to the bar. Smoke was, thankfully, nowhere to be found and only Millie and Ash hung around. There were also a few more Aces scattered around the bar but Ink didnโ€™t care about any of them. At least not now. Juni ordered a cider and he himself asked for a beer, grinning widely at Ash. Ink was in the family for long enough to know his sort of brother had this little weakness called Milana Antonov. Why else would he take her to the prom anyway? Not that Ink cared, he only knew because he took Smokeโ€™s friend who had broken up with her boyfriend a week before the prom and Smoke begged him to help out. Since when was Brady Walsh a good guy anyway?

His hand reached for the bottle and he took a deep drink, emptying half of it in one go. โ€œIโ€™m thinking here.โ€ he answered Juniโ€™s question and drew a circle on his chest with his finger where he wanted to place a tattoo she created for him. โ€œThereโ€™s just enough skin for it over here and it will be close to the heart. That way, I can have you close by all the time.โ€ he winked, revealing bits and pieces of his sensitive soul to her. But only to Juni. But soon both Juni and Millie changed the topic of their talk and asked about the trip. Yeah, surely it was a trip. Brady let out a dry laugh and brought his beer to his lips again. โ€œMhm, good weather sure.โ€ he rolled his eyes looking at Millie. โ€œAnd we also had Michelin chefs cooking our food, it was a total vacation, wasnโ€™t it, brother?โ€ he smirked at Ash as his free hand found Juniโ€™s waist. Now that he let her know how he felt about her, Ink felt no need to hide it from anyone else. But the smile on his face had a little sour tinge, considering the job he had been sent to was everything but fun. โ€œIf weโ€™re lucky, we wonโ€™t have to go on any trip anytime soonโ€ฆ Anyway. You guys wanna play some pool or whatever?โ€

?coded by uxie?

/*left side*/

escape the ordinary.


big house


Ink [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ; Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Juni was still torn about being back here, especially when she thought about her brother. Most of the Aces made it clear that they thought of Robbie as a traitor, and maybe he was. But he was still the only blood relative that Juni had left, and the fact that she didn't know where he was or even if he was still alive ate her up inside. She'd been trying to do her own research on her down time, trying to figure out exactly what had happened, but it was hard when most were so closed off to her. But the fact that she had a few people on her side helped. Like Millie, who never judged anyone for their wrongdoings or the doings of people around them. It was what made her such a good therapist, just like Juni's want to heal made her a good nurse.

Ash seemed indifferent, though he definitely didn't treat Juni like the scum of the earth, so being with the two of them and Ink over by the bar made Juni feel slightly more at ease. Ink had told her he wanted her design close to his heart, and the words touched her own. Then his arm slid around her waist and she felt her heart skip a beat or two, but she tried not to let it show. She asked about the trip, and even though they all knew it was far from a vacation, Millie went along with Juni's line of questioning. Ash made a few comments of his own, and those paired with Brady's words brought a slight grin to Juni's face. "Well if that was the case, then what the hell are you doing back here?" She teased, finally allowing herself to look over at the tattooed man next to her.

Just looking at him made her heart race, especially when she remembered how his lips felt on hers. She automatically looked around for Smoke, but the girl had disappeared. Which in a way was a good thing, considering Juni didn't want any drama right now. She wasn't completely innocent in the drama-fest between her and Smoke, and she hated it, but at this point she just wasn't sure if things between the two of them would ever be fixed. Hearing Brady's question about pool, Juni's gaze slid over to the tables, seeing that one was free. "Absolutely." She'd always loved the game, but she was far from good at it. "Teams?" She asked, looking first at Brady and then the other two. "Unless you think you're going to lose to us."

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/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.




Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Despite the hell that their trip had been, Ash seemed pretty relaxed. But then again, that's just how he was. Ashton Valencia wasn't usually the type to worry about things he couldn't change. Though if there was a way for him to change things, he was the first to act. Granted, that was usually with his fists, but nobody was perfect. Nobody had been injured or died on the trip, and they were back home now, safe and sound. That's how Ash was going to look at it. Plus, he was sitting here with Millie, and why wouldn't he enjoy that? She'd been quite angry at him for the lack of communication, but it seemed that things between them were on the up and up now. She liked the blanket he'd gotten her, so that was a point for him, right?

Of course, then she brought up tinder, and his mood soured slightly. Thinking of her going on a date with some fuckhead from that app made his blood boil, but it wasn't like he had a right to be angry. Or jealous. He still had questions for her though, but she got saved from answering by Juniper and Brady joining them. Still, his eyes darted to her phone as the conversation went on, his mind wandering slightly. He heard Millie's teasing comment which drew his attention away from the device, and he swiveled in the chair, looking around at the sea of faces around them. "From the looks of it, there's not going to be a nameless person in my bed tonight. I'm sick of looking at these faces." He smirked, winking at Millie, showing her that he took the teasing in stride.

Brady brought up playing pool and Ash was already in, even before he heard Juni's comment. "Oh, please. From what I remember, you couldn't ever make a shot." His lips curled into a grin as he stood from his seat, grabbing another drink before he headed for the open pool table. The tables were rigged so that they were free to play during events like this, but even if they weren't, Ash knew the trick to them. And he knew where the key was. So he pulled the lever to released the numbered balls, moving around to the end of the table to rack them. Humming under his breath as he did so, he removed the triangular outline from the balls once he was finished, setting it back into its slot under the table. Then he made his way to where the pool sticks were, grabbing one and moving to chalk the tip. "You wanna break, Millie?"

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As naive as Millie was about the majority of the Crimson Aces' endeavors, she wasn't so ignorant to believe that their recent trip had just been some sort of vacation. No, she knew that whatever they were doing, wherever they went, she would rather not know. Plausible deniability and all that. When she sat in her office, across from a client perched on a comfy sofa, they were both protected by client-patient confidentiality. Whatever the members of the Crimson Aces told her within the confines of her office, she was not legally bound to report anything to the authorities. And so she didn't. Not only because Millie didn't want to be put on the receiving end of the Aces' wrath. But also because she cared about what she did. The gang members that came to her wanted help, needed help. And she wasn't about to turn her back on them. Not when they needed her the most.

Ink's sarcastic response elicited an eye roll from Milana, and she took another sip from her cocktail. "Sounds amazing. Maybe next time you all will be nice enough to take us ladies with you," she answered just as sarcastic, shooting a wink at the dark-haired man. Despite their little back and forth, the blonde therapist knew that Ink would always have her back. He was her big brother, though their DNA was different. They tease and make fun of each other, sure. But Millie knew she could always ask Ink for serious advice were she to ever need it. She knew that, compared to the rest of them, she was the weak one. The innocent one. The one that needed protection. Sometimes, Millie wished that she wasn't the weakest link. She knew that, if she were ever to need to protect herself, she would surely fail. Why did she have to be so fragile?

Ash's words pulled her from her thoughts and she turned her blue gaze to him. She knew that smirk well, liked it though his genuine smile was better. It lightened the mood quite a bit, erased the tension that had been there moments before when he asked about her Tinder date. "Well, I know you don't usually sleep with the same person twice. But you might have to make an exception if you want to get some tonight," she shot back with a wink of her own. At the mention of pool, Millie threw back the rest of her cocktail and stood from her stool. "Yes! Let's play!" She wasn't exactly the best at the game. But it was something to free her mind and ignore those thoughts. Milana followed the others over to the pool table, peering at the cues lining the wall. She chose one at random, not really knowing if some had benefits over others. Poker was her game of choice, not billiards.

When Millie was a child, she spent a lot of time with her grandfather since her parents worked. He was a retired airplane pilot and Air Force veteran, the type of guy seen at a church in the morning and a pub in the afternoon. He was tough and intimidating, but with a teddy bear heart hidden underneath all that gruff. That being said, he had no idea how to care for a kid the societally 'normal' way. Instead, Millie went with her grandfather to the pub, hung out with him and his friends as they shared a few beers, and learned to play poker. But, despite being around pool tables from a young age, she didn't learn until she was much older. "Sure, I'll break," she answered Ash, the feelings of alcohol starting to make their way into her system. Milana moved around the table, sliding past Ash and brushing against him absentmindedly as she did. Leaning over the table, she lined up her shot and broke. None of the balls went in the pockets, but it was a nice break at least. "Who's next?"

the good girl


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Jason constantly wanted to know more about Smoke, what she was thinking at any given moment. In the beginning, it was so he could have an insight into the Aces and their inner workings. Now? Now, it was just because he found her fascinating. Their friendship had grown as he worked his way up the organized crime hierarchy. Being undercover for so long changed a lot about a person, Jace included. But when he started all of this, he was on the opposite side of the game, dead set on getting the revenge he wanted and avenging Alicia's death. As time went on, he lost sight of that, worked things out with a support system that had been lacking after the incident. Like it or not, the Aces were the only family he had ever had. And, despite the unconventionality and dysfunctionality that was the Valencia family, it felt more like home than anywhere else.

"A family man, huh. Somehow, I'm both surprised and not," Jace answered with a grin of his own. He let out a low chuckle when Smoke responded, reaching up to push a stray piece of her hair behind her ear. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Smoke," he said with a shrug, his tone rather suggestive. While he didn't necessarily intend there to be a double meaning to his words, the underlying message was still there. Maybe even a triple meaning. Smoke had no idea who he actually was. Or maybe she knew the true him and the department didn't know him. Either way, he was lying to someone. Leaning down to peck her on the lips, he took a step back to let her out. Dancing wasn't exactly his favorite pastime, but he would do it for her. Still... "Let's grab the drink first. I'm going to need a little bit of liquid courage if you want me to get out on the dance floor," Bear answered, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

She laced her fingers in his and led them through the crowd. He moved towards the bar, pausing only to raise two fingers to the bartender. Almost as if on cue, a glass of scotch with a single large ice cube was set down in front of him. Jace took a sip, savoring the smoky peat liquor. Turning his attention back to his brunette companion, Jason faced her. "I don't have any plans to fight, no. But if someone wants to toss something in my direction or yours, it's only customary that I defend us," he answered with a shrugging, a teasing tone dripping from his words. After a moment, a smirk turned up the corners of his lips and Jace added, "Though, you can't lie and tell me you don't find a split lip just the slightest bit sexy. Who knows, it might even spice up those so-called ideas of yours."

the cop


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  • how she's feeling...

    like making amends


the leader's daughter

Jason Dougherty was a guardian angel. Naturally, anything residing in his past or even present was hidden from everyone in the Aces so for Smoke, he was just that. Her protector. Someone she didnโ€™t even want at first because this girl was perfectly capable of taking care of herself under any circumstances. Her father and brother made sure there was no one to fuck with her, not only because she was the Valencia princess but because those hands of hers could wield any sort of weapon. Give her a revolver, sheโ€™d hit the bullseye every time but the real art came when she held a knife. Especially her favorite butterfly knife residing in the backpocket of any pants she wore. It was Shotgun who insisted his daughter needed a bodyguard and as much as Smoke fought him on the matter, Bear still appeared by her side. What the girl did not expect was ending up in intimate positions with the man, just like the one she was in now.

โ€œThen I want to learn them all.โ€ Smoke whispered as they kissed one more time and her dark gaze kept drowning in his eyes. Her fingers traced the stubble on his chin and for the briefest of moments, she considered leading him upstairs to the privacy of her own room so no one would watch them and she could indeed peel the Grumpy bear outfit off of his large tattooed body. Despite everything, the Valencia girl led a simple life. All she ever knew were the Aces and their way of dealing with matters. It was only when she met Millie that Smoke stopped being that rough around the edges rebellious asshole. Or rather, that side of her grew a little weaker. โ€œThen youโ€™ll have to let me lead this time.โ€ she laughed as the couple left the study and started making their way towards the bar. Right after Jace ordered, Smoke did the same thing and the very same glass landed in front of her.

โ€œListen, a split lip is hot, Iโ€™ll admit butโ€ฆโ€ she started, turning her face to nod at the bartender who served them. โ€œI think we had enough of these for a bit.โ€ A sheepish look graced her features, one that was so atypical for the dark girl. Her own conflict was heavy on her mind and now that some time had passed since the bar fight with Juni, she had enough perspective to see those reactions were uncalled for. Her index finger traced the rim of the glass as she stared in the distance for a moment. She and Jace truly came far from what they used to be. From a mere bodyguard and a princess to friends. And not just ordinary friends at that. He was her confidante and someone Smoke could trust with her life.

Holding the sip of whiskey in her mouth, Smoke looked around and her gaze stopped at the pool table where a small group gathered. She recognized the blonde locks of her best friend with her brother by Millieโ€™s side. And she also recognized the other couple and felt that unpleasant pang deep in the pit of her stomach. โ€œGive me a moment.โ€ she said all of a sudden, tilting the glass at her lips until it was empty. Liquor burned its way down her system and a soft sigh left her lips. She had to do it, it was inevitable. At least if she didnโ€™t want to spend nights on the edge of the fun. Still unable to face her demons alone, her hand once again found Jasonโ€™s and she walked over to the pool table. The second she appeared there, Ink tensed and stepped forward as if to hide Juni from his ex. With a scoff masking her anxiety, Smoke just shook her head and looked at Juni behind Brady. โ€œCan we talk?โ€ she asked, swallowing her pride. Maybe the others didnโ€™t even know what progress this was for the Valencia girl. โ€œJust talk, nothing else. Promise.โ€ she added, lifting her hands up in a mock defensive gesture.

?coded by uxie?

  • how he's feeling...



the hot-head

โ€œIf Iโ€™m taking you ladies with me, itโ€™s gonna be a place weโ€™ll all enjoy, Blondie.โ€ Ink sent Millie a flirty wink, reaching for his beer. He and Millie had a long history of friendship and Ink cherished every memory. The girl was definitely not a born and raised Ace but in the course of years, she became way more like them. Smoke brought her over and Millie started to hang around, later even without her best friend. Ink noticed her and at first, he was convinced that a girlie like her was going to get hurt in a place like their compound. He made it his mission to keep an eye on her. Although no one would dare to touch her while she hung out with any of the Valencias, Brady still lurked in the background with his hawk eyes set on the girl. And naturally, it was him who offered her the first cigarette and poured the first shot. And they never even thought about anything but being friends. To Brady, Millie was a little sister he never had and she would always be.

Now as the little group was standing at the bar, throwing witty remarks at each other, after a very long time did the man feel like he was in the right place. Maybe it was the toxicity he and Smoke created, maybe something else and maybe a combination of several factors but Ink was growing restless and couldnโ€™t find his place in the world. It almost got to the point of him getting on his bike and bidding adieu to this place. At least for a little while. And then Juni returned and suddenly, things started to make sense, the puzzle was slowly coming together and when those soft luscious lips crashed against his, Ink was only too happy he didnโ€™t leave and miss this beautiful reunion. With Juni by his side and a couple of friends who were more like siblings, they all walked over to the pool table.

With his beer in one hand and Juni in the other, Brady watched Ash prepare their table so they could play. โ€œYouโ€™re gonna lose so bad, Valencia.โ€ he snickered and set the bottle down, reaching for a cue for himself and Juni. Once Ash was done with the chalk, Brady reached for it and rubbed it all over the cue top. Ash asked Millie to break and she was very much up to the challenge. It was a good break, alas, no ball ended up in any of the pockets. โ€œMy turn.โ€ Brady smirked and walked around the table, scanning it, assessing every ball to see which shot would prove to be the most beneficial. โ€œSolids or stripes, baby doll?โ€ he asked Juni with a foolish grin and waited for her answer. Once he got it, he leaned over the table and poked the cue ball just right so that the desired ball made its way to the pocket. โ€œThatโ€™s how youโ€™re supposed to play the pool, college girl.โ€ he laughed, poking fun at Millie.

Brady made one more successful shot but the third failed. โ€œGah! I shouldโ€™ve made that!โ€ he cussed and walked back to Juni, letting the Ash and Millie team take their turn. He literally just cozied up by Juniโ€™s side when his radar captured a threat and he looked to the side to see Smoke walk over with her loyal lapdog. Instinctively, he took a step forward, hiding Juniโ€™s small figure behind him. Smoke gave him one of her legendary scoffs which had always had his skin crawl but didnโ€™t do anything except that. Smoke repeated her request and Brady looked at his girl. โ€œYou gonna be alright?โ€ he asked, pulling her in a hug and kissed her forehead. Once the girls were gone, he looked at the man who gave them quite a few good bruises before. โ€œYou can take Juniโ€™s place until she gets back. If you want to, that is.โ€ Ink shrugged. โ€œWe still have a match to finish from the other day.โ€ he added and looked Bear straight in the eyes. Maybe if Smoke could bury the hatchet, so hฤ‡ould he, right?

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/*left side*/

escape the ordinary.


big house


Ink/Smoke [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ; Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


It would be a lie to say that Juni didn't feel like something was missing while she was away from this place. She'd thought that she needed to get away, to make something of herself. And in that respect, she had. She'd become a nurse and worked in a place that would terrify most people, but thanks to her upbringing with the Aces, she had a backbone and wasn't afraid to show it. But after work, what did she do? Always the same thing. She'd go home, put on the TV for background noise, and sit on her couch until it was time to go to bed. She didn't go out, she didn't really have friends. And she didn't have Ink.

It was almost strange to admit that now, considering she'd come back and he'd been in a relationship with Smoke. That relationship had gone up in flames, and the blonde nurse couldn't help but wonder if she'd been part of the reason why. The rational part of her tried to reassure herself that that wasn't the case; anyone could see the toxicity of their relationship from a mile away. But the last thing Juni wanted was to create waves, even if her just being here did that. Smoke didn't want to be her friend anymore, but thank god Juni still had Millie. And Ash, apparently, which she was grateful for. But now she had more, and she loved every second of it.

Millie set the game off by breaking, though none of the balls went into the pockets. "Still better than I would have done." Juni laughed, lifting her gaze to Brady as he moved to line up a shot. "Stripes, always." She held onto her cue as she leaned against the opposite side of the table, her eyes on the shots he made. One, two, and... "Better luck next time." Juni relaxed against him as he moved to stand beside her, though she tensed when she felt him do the same. "What is it?" She looked up at him, though movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. Smoke.

For a moment, when Smoke asked if they could talk, Juni thought it was a trick. She hated thinking that of her former best friend, but after what had happened at the bar, could you blame her? "I-" She started to say before Ink asked if she was gonna be okay. Looking up at him, noting the sincerity in his eyes, she nodded. "I'll be fine." She promised, flattening her hand against his chest. "Be back?" She wanted to kiss him, but with Smoke right there, she also didn't want to set the girl off. "Okay, come on." Separating from Brady, Juni started off towards a sliding door that led out back where there wasn't as many people. Turning back to Smoke, Juni hesitated, unsure what to say. And then one question slipped out. "Do you hate me?"

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/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.




Millie/Bear [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat Smoke/Ink [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ]

/*right side*/


Ash wasn't very happy to find out that Millie had a date with a rando off of tinder. Who the hell even used tinder, anyway? Okay, alot of people, but that didn't mean that Millie had to. Ash had even tried it out himself, though the app had quickly disappeared from his phone. He found that he barely checked it to begin with, and as a social creature, he didn't have a problem going to a bar and finding a girl to bring home. He had that bad-boy-with-a-motorcycle thing going on, and he used that to his advantage more than once. Was it fair to say he'd used that on Millie too? Maybe. Maybe not.

Things had always been different with Millie. She wasn't someone he just wanted to be one and done with. But on the opposite side of the same token, he wasn't the settle down, white picket fence type, either. Though he'd never asked, he just assumed that was what Millie wanted because he assumed that was what every girl eventually wanted. It was built into their DNA to settle down, get married, make a family. But it just wasn't in Ash's DNA. Or if it was, he'd buried it deep under layers of alcohol, hookups, and fighting. To him, the Aces came first-- well, when he wasn't putting himself first.

He set up the pool balls in their perfect triangular formation, offering for his beautiful teammate to break. She did so, though she didn't make a shot. Ash just grinned at her, though that grin turned into more of a sarcasticly annoyed face when Brady started sinking shots. "Yeah, yeah, yuck it up you idiot. You'll miss eventually." And sure enough, he did, which just caused Ash's grin to return. Tossing his stick in the air, he reached out and grabbed it, moving to snag the chalk from the edge of the table. He eyed the balls on the table as he chalked the end of his cue stick, looking for the best possible shot.

His eyes flicked up when he heard a familiar voice, and to say he was surprised to see Smoke and hear her words was an understatement. For a moment, he just stood there, until she and Juni disappeared into the crowd. "Are we taking bets again?" He asked, looking at his companions. "No? Fiiiine." Scoffing, he nodded to Bear and then lined up his first shot. He sank four balls before he missed, straightening and pointing the end of his cue at Bear. "Juni! Damn, you got uglier. Guess it's your turn, though. You got stripes." He grinned as he moved back towards Millie, nudging her shoulder with his own. "We got this in the bag, Mills."

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While some playful trash talk was shot back and forth, Millie knew that the game was all in good fun. They were all friends, for the most part anyway. The blonde rolled her eyes at Ink, her eyes sliding between him and Juniper. The other blonde was undoubtedly one of Millie's best friends, tied with Smoke. She could honestly say those two women knew her better than anyone else in her life, her parents included. She tilted her head curiously at the interactions between Ink and Juni, a soft smile turning up the corners of her pink lips. While Milana had always loved Smoke and Ink, it was plain to see that they were toxic to one another. It didn't take a therapist to see that they were in a vicious cycle, one that neither of them could seem to break out from. And as much as she tried to softly suggest that, neither of them seemed to want to listen. So, she just kept on being a good friend, there when they needed her.

But Juni and Ink? That seemed to be much more fluid, more natural. He almost seemed gentler when she was around, less "bad boy biker without a care in the world" and more "sensitive man that had caught the feels." Millie knew better than to point that out, not because she thought Juni would mind. They had shared plenty of talk about boys and girls in the past. But because Ink had always been a bit reckless, and she didn't want him to overreact. Most importantly, they both seemed happy, happier than they had been in a while. And that made the therapist just as happy. So when Smoke approached, it put her a bit on edge. Milana wanted to be the trio they were back in high school again, three women with unbreakable bonds. But, it seemed as though she just wanted to talk, and so a little bit of hope filled her heart. Maybe this was it, for what she had wished for so long. Her blue eyes followed them for a moment before returning to the game at hand and their new player.

Jason had never quite made sense to Millie. She had said it once and she would say it again: she didn't trust people she couldn't read. And that man had some sort of mask that her therapist brain couldn't quite figure out. It scared her a bit, but she kept her thoughts to herself. After all, she had no reason to feel that way other than her gut. At least Ink didn't seem to want to rip his head off. Shooting a smirk in his direction, she easily responded, "It's been a while, I'm a little rusty. Don't worry, I'm warm up soon." Taking a sip from her gin and tonic, the blonde rolled her eyes at Ash. He certainly knew how to ruin a moment. "You didn't learn your lesson from last time?" she asked, sarcasm dripping from her tone. He took his shots, making a few before missing and returning to her side once more. "If you say so, Ash," the blonde responded, taking another sip from her drink. At least he seemed to have forgotten about the Tinder date.

Bear took his shots, sinking another three striped balls for their team in place of Juni. He grinned in her direction, nodding for her to take her turn. For the most part, the smile seemed genuine. But she couldn't be entirely sure. Milana nodded, throwing back the rest of her double gin and tonic, setting the empty glass on a table behind her. "Alright, time to even the score," she said with a slightly seductive smirk. Sliding around the table, she leaned over the table and took a moment to line up her shot. With a quick motion, the solid yellow ball slid directly into the corner pocket. Changing position once more, the blonde decided to go for a rather difficult shot, one that required her to bank the cue ball off the edge of the table. Her gin-clouded mind told her it was a good idea. So, without second-guessing, she made the shot and sank a second ball, and missed the third. Shooting a wink over at Ink, Millie grinned and said, "Looks like I'm not so rusty after all."

the good girl


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Flirting with Smoke was so easy, so natural. They had this great chemistry that drew him in, and he felt better about himself, felt happier when she was around. And all of that certainly translated to the bedroom. Between the sheets with Smoke, there was nothing but pure chemistry between them. So much so, that Jason would rather stay there forever than go back into the real world. But alas, that wasn't possible. He had jobs to do, and even though one of them could technically be done in Smoke's bed, he didn't think his authority figures on both sides would appreciate that too much. Hell, he wasn't even sure if Shotgun knew about their somewhat clandestine relationship. Sure, there were no labels or anything on it. But, they had been spending more and more time together, beyond him just being a bodyguard. Someone was bound to say something to the leader Valencia sooner or later.

Taking another sip from his scotch, Bear looked over Smoke's face, listening to her words. He offered her a softer smile, nodding his head. "Fine, fine, I'll keep my fists to myself for a while," he answered, wanting to lean over and press a kiss to her temple, but not entirely sure of her opinion on the more intimate forms of PDA. Whatever the case, it would have to wait. Smoke looked around the room and Jason followed her gaze to see Ink, Juni, Millie, and Ash at one of the pool tables. She downed her drink, and Jace felt slightly inclined to do the same. But before he could, her hand was in his and she pulled him towards the pool tables, glass in hand. If he were being honest, the brunette man half expected some sort of argument to occur, either between Smoke and Juniper, or Smoke and Ink. There was a bit of tension and awkwardness. But ultimately, he was surprised. Ink didn't immediately try to smash his face in, and Smoke and Juni seemed to have somewhat of an amicable conversation. Was there something in the water?

As Smoke and Juni walked away, Jason found himself standing there alongside the other three. Not sure what to do exactly, he finished off his scotch and placed the empty glass down. He felt Millie watching him but ultimately didn't acknowledge her. He didn't want to humor her analyzing eyes. Instead, however, Jace looked up sharply with Ink's voice, meeting his gaze evenly. "Yeah, I can take a couple of shots for her," he answered with a nod, honestly surprised again that night. Jason grabbed a cue from the rack, one that fit his larger stature well. He waited for Ash to take his shots, letting out a low whistle as the older Valencia sank four balls into the pockets of the green felt pool table. "I didn't realize this was a serious competition," Jace said with a grin, looking up at Ash's cue. "Stripes it is, good Sir." He lined up his shots and took a few, sinking three and missing his fourth. Not a bad show. He smiled over at Millie, knowing she was up next, and watching her take her shots. "Damn, Ash. I didn't realize your girl had such talent."

the cop


  • filler tab!

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  • how she's feeling...

    like making amends


the leader's daughter

The fact that Bear was ready to fight for her was strangely touching. Smoke was not a sugar doll, she didnโ€™t need men fighting her battles for her and she never wanted a knight in shining armor to come and save her because she was perfectly capable of doing that herself. Her own fists were hard and skilled enough to send a mother fucker to the hospital for a week or two. And yet, there was something so chivalrous in the way Jason was ready to defend her that Smoke would make an exception for the first time and allow a man to fight for her. What she felt she adored the most was how Jason was always Bear around everyone, a harsh, tough guy who could dislocate the jaw of a guy within seconds but with her, he was a soft and gentle teddy bear, melting the heart of the icy princess of the Aces.Smoke almost felt like she could abandon her old ways with him and for the first time ever try and actually date someone. If he wanted her, of course. Because for now, they had their fun, a roll in the sheets, a few kisses here and there. But was it enough to say they could be a couple?

The Christmas party was no place to be thinking about the arrangements of private life. Smoke wanted to just have fun. But once again, life got in the way and her eyes, while scanning the room, found a small group formed at the pool table. Thoughts of dancing with Bear left her head and a spur of the moment idea replaced them. Her hand slipped in Bearโ€™s and soon, the two were making their way towards the pool table. It was clear the group expected trouble. Or at least Ink was, judging from the way he protectively positioned himself in front of Juni and his features tensed. But Smoke didn't come to fight, quite the contrary. In a more than civil way, she asked Juni to step outside with her for a moment though she also basically expected the blonde to send her to hell. To her surprise, Juni agreed and walked to the back where the girls could talk in private.

Smoke didnโ€™t have any big speech, this was not a planned moment. Even if it was, she was not the one to deliver speeches left and right anyway. However, Juni was faster this time and spoke before Smoke, asking if the brunette hated her. โ€œI used to hate you.โ€ Smoke answered after a long moment. โ€œI used to despise you for leaving me alone here.โ€ she added and wrapped her arms around herself as if creating some sort of armor. โ€œI guess I was jealous you got to leave this place and I never had a chance to go with you. I was lonely, my best friend was gone, my other best friend left too, Iโ€ฆโ€ It was one of those rare moments when Smoke was out of words. โ€œI think I was just hurt and seeing you back was just the trigger for all those suppressed emotions. I guess what Iโ€™m trying to say isโ€ฆI should have handled it betterโ€ฆโ€ she sighed, finding it extremely hard to say the apology phrase. Those were the words which had never left her lips, Smoke had no idea how to apologize. But at least, she was trying. In her eyes, it was definitely a progress on her side.

?coded by uxie?

  • how he's feeling...



the hot-head

Watching Juni and Smoke disappear away from the prying eyes was making Ink nervous. He hated the idea of not knowing what was going down between them. Especially after their earlier escapades at the clubhouse and Smokeโ€™s fiery nature. He knew Juni could stand her ground and return every blow Smoke gave but this was the last place and definitely the least suitable time for another fight. Shotgun made great parties, especially the Christmas ones when his family guy spirit was fully kicking in, and he had already witnessed a fight between Ink and Bear, there was no way in hell this guy could live through another one, especially if it featured his own daughter. Ink tried to distract himself from it by offering Bear Juniโ€™s place for now but the small meeting in the other room remained heavy in the back of his mind.

Ash asked about bets but no one was too eager this time, knowing how it ended in the clubhouse. Even Ash himself realized it was not one of his best ideas and moved on, addressing Bear instead. The newest contribution at the table took his shot and sank three balls to which Ink nodded in appreciation. This might have been a victorious trade then, although he had no idea how well Juni played. So far, everyone placed quite a few good shots but Millie was definitely the greatest surprise at the table. She walked around and sank the balls like she was playing pool for a living. The two she sank disappeared in the pockets with an ease unseen and Ink whistled in admiration. Bear praised her and Ink nodded. โ€œI guess we should have gone to college two, gentlemen.โ€ he teased and reached for his bear, tilting the bottle at his lips.

It was his turn now and he took a few more sips before setting the bottle back down. โ€œToo bad Iโ€™m better than you, Miss Antonov.โ€ Brady winked at her and scanned the table to find himself a good strip shot. One was offered to him on the other side of the table so he walked there, trying to squeeze past Ash. โ€œOutta my way, sugar.โ€ he laughed, nudging the older Valencia with his hips as a joke. โ€œOr you want a lap dance from me?โ€ There was an extremely beautiful chance to tease Ash for his accidental marriage but Ink decided to keep his mouth shut. The bro code stated a few things and considering Millie was there, Ink knew he needed to be a good wingman and not sink a chance for his brother. But the bro code said nothing about kicking his ass at the pool so Ink leaned down, aimed and sank another ball instead of Ashโ€™s chance with Millie. Two more balls followed and the fourth one was too complicated to land in the pocket successfully. โ€œDamnโ€ฆโ€ he mumbled. โ€œThat shouldโ€™ve been a shot.โ€

?coded by uxie?

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