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Help Code duplicating random lines/commands?


you'll find your flame
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
OK, let me preface this by saying that I am by no means a BBCode expert. I know a very small bit from my time on feral front, but it has expounded far beyond what I am familiar with. However, I'd like to think I know the basic idea.

I'm just trying a very BASIC code for my interest thread. Tabs and some border/scroll control for the interest of mobile users. That's about it. But very strange things are happening.

Every time I think I have it down in my code storage, the preview is looking nice, everything seems to be in working order, I save it. But then something changes that I did not touch. Some extra bold commands are added to random places, although they're technically where they should be (meaning not in the middle of words or sentences). I delete it, thinking maybe, just maybe, I missed something. I save it again. Everything looks good.

I go to post. I copy and paste the code into the thread. I preview. Fix up anything weird. Preview again. Everything looks good. I hit 'post thread.' Suddenly, the same thing happens again. Random lines are bolded. New tabs are added that I didn't put in. Commands are duplicated and added to the bottom of the thread.

I... don't know what's happening. Is my profile possessed? Is there some sort of glitch or bug I have no clue about? Am I asking too much of the code????

Here is the code itself for the interest thread. I've tried to fix it up as best I can, but I don't even know if maybe it will change upon the posting of this thread. I am very much at the end of my rope here. (edit: the code did, in fact, change upon the posting of this thread. I'm doing what I can now to clean it up, but it may still not be the exact same as what I wanted. But, again, it's simple, so you can probably tell what I wanted to do even if it's messed up.)

[COLOR=rgb(26, 188, 156)]hello, hello! thank you for checking out my interest check!! i'm rawry, my pronouns are she/her, and i have been roleplaying for over a decade! i consider myself a semi-literate writer, with an average of around 2-3 paragraphs on any given day, sometimes higher if i'm really feeling it. i don't expect a matching length from my partners, just a few quality sentences at the least and good grammar c: as i am 22 years of age, i will only write with ppl 18+ years old. in terms of response time, i am [I]currently[/I] unemployed so i will probably respond quickly, but i do not hold my partners to the same standard! however, because of that i'd prefer replies at least once or twice a week. i really would prefer an explanation if you need to suddenly stop; it is fine to suddenly stop if you need, but i would rather not sit around waiting if it can be helped.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(84, 172, 210)]i prefer slightly pre-structured plots so we can have a good idea of where to head, but i don't need every detail explained. please have a collaborative spirit if you want to rp with me, as i love to come up with ideas with my rp partners. also, i like to be friends! i love to talk outside of the rp about the characters, send songs i think fit the characters/scenarios, and occasionally draw any scenes i might like! all in all, i'd just really like to be chill with ya if you want to write with me c:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]i prefer romance plots but am good with anything as long as it is interesting enough! i write any genders and any combination of gendered pairings. i also almost exclusively roleplay in fandom content unless someone posits a really interesting original idea to me. i doubt all of my fandoms are listed here, so if you think i may be interested in something not listed here, don't be afraid to send me a message to see! [B]Fair warning, I tend to take creative liberties in interpreting how to write some characters. Please be flexible in terms of how 'accurate' i may be in writing the character. [/B](this can be discussed beforehand if you're seriously concerned) Doubling or not-doubling is dependent on the fandom; i'll let you know once you reach out. ALSO, if you are interested in oc x oc, please lmk and i'll send you my ocs for that particular fandom![/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]i have no trigger topics so, as long as we abide by the rules of the website, i'm willing to explore anything.

if, after all of that, you think we could be a good fit, please check out the fandoms! or, if you have an idea for one of the tropes/topics i have listed, shoot me a message! i'm ok with either a pm or a response to this thread.[/COLOR]

[U]Muse Identifiers[/U]
Normal - no muse, I could be persuaded if you have a good idea
[I]Italics - low but possible muse[/I]
[B]Bold - good muse
[I][B]Both - I really fuckin wanna rp it[/B][/I][/B][/CENTER]


[tab=TV Shows/Anime][border=0; padding:10px; height:500px; width:500px; background:transparent;overflow:hidden][border=0; padding:0; height:100%; width:100%; overflow-y:scroll; padding-right:75px]

[B]Star Wars[/B]
[*]good with pretty much any era after the prequels.
[*]oc x oc preferred
[*]wants: clone trooper x jedi, ex-sith x jedi,civilian x jedi, ex/inquisitor x jedi, bounty hunter x civilian
[*]can write: anyone (inexperienced, i've never roleplayed any star wars characters before)

[I]My Hero Academia[/I]
[*]ocs preferred
[*]i can try my hand at canon, but i am not up to date with the manga or the anime, so the plot can't hinge on canon events. i am more than happy to engage in canon x oc or canon x canon if that doesn't bother you!
[*]wants: student oc x student oc, pro hero oc x villain oc, pro hero oc x ex-villain oc, ex-hero oc x villain oc. Kirishima, mostly, for myself
[*]can write: any of the main heroes, students or pros. (side characters like Mount Lady or Hagakure, i am not confident in.) no canon villains but i can create one !

[*]not much experience writing
[*]know next to nothing abt the world or League of Legends as a whole
[*]mostly would be down for a ship thread of some sort, or maybe an AU

[*]canon x canon preferred
[*]good with ocs but i'd need a good idea for an rp
[*]wants: zutara, kataang, sukka, zukka, korrasami, Bolin
[*]can write: anyone

[I][B]Soul Eater[/B][/I]
[*]ocs preferred, just bc i love the world
[*]but i'm honestly perfectly fine with canon as well! though i'd prefer canon x canon myself.
[*]wants: maka x soul, tsubaki x blackstar, maka x crona, meister x weapon, witch x teacher
[*] I can write: anyone 

[I]Beastars (manga included)[/I]
[*]ocs or canon
[*]wants: legosi x haru, juno x louis, louis x legoshi, juno x haru, bill x els, predator oc x prey oc
[*]can write: anyone

[*]canon preferred
[*]wants: catradora, scorptra, entrapdak, scorfuma, glimbow, basically any canon ship or ship that makes sense lol
[*]can do: anyone

[B]Steven Universe [/B]
[*]canon or oc
[*]canon x oc friendly
[*]wants: homeworld gem x homeworld gem, homeworld gem x crystal gem, crystal gem x crystal gem, any canon x canon that makes sense, its just a shipstorm over here, but i really would love to do lapidot
[*]can do: anybody

[tab=Video Games][border=0; padding:10px; height:500px; width:500px; background:transparent;overflow:hidden][border=0; padding:0; height:100%; width:100%; overflow-y:scroll; padding-right:75px]

[B][I]Mass Effect[/I][/B]
[*]prefer oc x oc
[*]wants: species difference, fish out of water, literally anything, Tali'Zorah ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
[*]can do: anyone

[B]Breath of the Wild/TOTK[/B]
[*]canon or oc
[*]canon x oc friendly!!
[*]wants: oc x oc, zelink, miphlink, zelpha, sidlink, revalink, its a whole orgy in here, new chosen one au (link dies and replaced by new hero)
[*]can do: anyone

[I][B]Sonic the Hedgehog[/B][/I]
[*]canon or oc
[*]canon x oc friendly!!
[*]wants: oc x oc, essentially any ship that isn't problematic, i am a CRACKSHIPPER in this fandom, if you like a ship i probably love it too, no matter how niche.
[*]can do: anyone in mainline games or IDW comics. no one from Archie :( i haven't read them

[*]oc preferred
[*]wants: octoling oc x squid oc
[*]can do: anyone

[tab=Miscellaneous Fandoms]

[I]Warrior Cats[/I]
[*]oc exclusive
[*]honestly if I ever participate in Warrior Cats again it will be divorced from the actual canon book events. we would just be taking the world or the idea of the world and making our own stories in it. 
[*]wants: forbidden romance (different clans, medicine cat, etc.), iiii don't know i haven't done this in forever, i don't have any ideas lol

Rise of the Guardians
[*]oc or canon
[*]wants: Bunny, North
[*]can do: any

[tab=Tropes, Topics, and Themes I Like ๐Ÿ‘]
[B][I]Reformed Villains[/I][/B]
[I]Chosen One
Alternate Universe
Fates Worse than Death
Ancient Superpowers[/I]
[B]Love Triangles
Enemies to Lovers
[I]Found Family
Slow Burn[/I][/B]

Last edited:
I'll be honest- I don't see anything wrong with your basic tags, like [b][/b] or [i][/i]. Where I spot the issues is with your [border][/border] tags, as you open two when your tab starts and then only seem to close one before the tab ends. You need to make sure that, however many border tags you open in a tab, you close the same amount before you close the tab.

(You should also make sure to close the font tag at the end of the code, just to make sure it all stays neatly contained).
Some extra bold commands are added to random places
Usually I find this issue when I have an open command somewhere. It's one of the most annoying things about coding on RPN because it just adds the command to every line. The only way I've learned to avoid this issue is to always be in "BB code" mode and never switch to the normal text format. I think the problem may come from switching back and forth honestly. I don't think there's a problem on your end, it's just how the site translates between the two modes. ):
I'll be honest- I don't see anything wrong with your basic tags, like [b][/b] or [i][/i]. Where I spot the issues is with your [border][/border] tags, as you open two when your tab starts and then only seem to close one before the tab ends. You need to make sure that, however many border tags you open in a tab, you close the same amount before you close the tab.

(You should also make sure to close the font tag at the end of the code, just to make sure it all stays neatly contained).

I've tried adding a second "border" to the code, but the same thing is still happening. Same with the end font tag. The moment I saved it added another layer of code in a random spot.
I think I'm just going to try rewriting it from the ground up and seeing if it works then. Maybe there's just an open command somewhere I'm missing.
[COLOR=rgb(26, 188, 156)]hello, hello! thank you for checking out my interest check!! i'm rawry, my pronouns are she/her, and i have been roleplaying for over a decade! i consider myself a semi-literate writer, with an average of around 2-3 paragraphs on any given day, sometimes higher if i'm really feeling it. i don't expect a matching length from my partners, just a few quality sentences at the least and good grammar c: as i am 22 years of age, i will only write with ppl 18+ years old. in terms of response time, i am [I]currently[/I] unemployed so i will probably respond quickly, but i do not hold my partners to the same standard! however, because of that i'd prefer replies at least once or twice a week. i really would prefer an explanation if you need to suddenly stop; it is fine to suddenly stop if you need, but i would rather not sit around waiting if it can be helped.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(84, 172, 210)]i prefer slightly pre-structured plots so we can have a good idea of where to head, but i don't need every detail explained. please have a collaborative spirit if you want to rp with me, as i love to come up with ideas with my rp partners. also, i like to be friends! i love to talk outside of the rp about the characters, send songs i think fit the characters/scenarios, and occasionally draw any scenes i might like! all in all, i'd just really like to be chill with ya if you want to write with me c:[/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]i prefer romance plots but am good with anything as long as it is interesting enough! i write any genders and any combination of gendered pairings. i also almost exclusively roleplay in fandom content unless someone posits a really interesting original idea to me. i doubt all of my fandoms are listed here, so if you think i may be interested in something not listed here, don't be afraid to send me a message to see! [B]Fair warning, I tend to take creative liberties in interpreting how to write some characters. Please be flexible in terms of how 'accurate' i may be in writing the character. [/B](this can be discussed beforehand if you're seriously concerned) Doubling or not-doubling is dependent on the fandom; i'll let you know once you reach out. ALSO, if you are interested in oc x oc, please lmk and i'll send you my ocs for that particular fandom![/COLOR]

[COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]i have no trigger topics so, as long as we abide by the rules of the website, i'm willing to explore anything.

if, after all of that, you think we could be a good fit, please check out the fandoms! or, if you have an idea for one of the tropes/topics i have listed, shoot me a message! i'm ok with either a pm or a response to this thread.[/COLOR]

[U]Muse Identifiers[/U]
Normal - no muse, I could be persuaded if you have a good idea
[I]Italics - low but possible muse[/I]
[B]Bold - good muse[/B]
[I][B]Both - I really fuckin wanna rp it[/B][/I]



[tab=TV Shows/Anime]

[border=0; padding:10px; height:500px; width:500px; background:transparent;overflow:hidden]

[border=0; padding:0; height:100%; width:100%; overflow-y:scroll; padding-right:75px]

[B]Star Wars[/B]
[*]good with pretty much any era after the prequels.
[*]oc x oc preferred
[*]wants: clone trooper x jedi, ex-sith x jedi,civilian x jedi, ex/inquisitor x jedi, bounty hunter x civilian
[*]can write: anyone (inexperienced, i've never roleplayed any star wars characters before)

[I]My Hero Academia[/I]
[*]ocs preferred
[*]i can try my hand at canon, but i am not up to date with the manga or the anime, so the plot can't hinge on canon events. i am more than happy to engage in canon x oc or canon x canon if that doesn't bother you!
[*]wants: student oc x student oc, pro hero oc x villain oc, pro hero oc x ex-villain oc, ex-hero oc x villain oc. Kirishima, mostly, for myself
[*]can write: any of the main heroes, students or pros. (side characters like Mount Lady or Hagakure, i am not confident in.) no canon villains but i can create one !

[*]not much experience writing
[*]know next to nothing abt the world or League of Legends as a whole
[*]mostly would be down for a ship thread of some sort, or maybe an AU

[*]canon x canon preferred
[*]good with ocs but i'd need a good idea for an rp
[*]wants: zutara, kataang, sukka, zukka, korrasami, Bolin
[*]can write: anyone

[I][B]Soul Eater[/B][/I]
[*]ocs preferred, just bc i love the world
[*]but i'm honestly perfectly fine with canon as well! though i'd prefer canon x canon myself.
[*]wants: maka x soul, tsubaki x blackstar, maka x crona, meister x weapon, witch x teacher
[*] I can write: anyone

[I]Beastars (manga included)[/I]
[*]ocs or canon
[*]wants: legosi x haru, juno x louis, louis x legoshi, juno x haru, bill x els, predator oc x prey oc
[*]can write: anyone

[*]canon preferred
[*]wants: catradora, scorptra, entrapdak, scorfuma, glimbow, basically any canon ship or ship that makes sense lol
[*]can do: anyone

[B]Steven Universe [/B]
[*]canon or oc
[*]canon x oc friendly
[*]wants: homeworld gem x homeworld gem, homeworld gem x crystal gem, crystal gem x crystal gem, any canon x canon that makes sense, its just a shipstorm over here, but i really would love to do lapidot
[*]can do: anybody




[tab=Video Games]
[border=0; padding:10px; height:500px; width:500px; background:transparent;overflow:hidden]

[border=0; padding:0; height:100%; width:100%; overflow-y:scroll; padding-right:75px]

[B][I]Mass Effect[/I][/B]
[*]prefer oc x oc
[*]wants: species difference, fish out of water, literally anything, Tali'Zorah ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
[*]can do: anyone

[B]Breath of the Wild/TOTK[/B]
[*]canon or oc
[*]canon x oc friendly!!
[*]wants: oc x oc, zelink, miphlink, zelpha, sidlink, revalink, its a whole orgy in here, new chosen one au (link dies and replaced by new hero)
[*]can do: anyone

[I][B]Sonic the Hedgehog[/B][/I]
[*]canon or oc
[*]canon x oc friendly!!
[*]wants: oc x oc, essentially any ship that isn't problematic, i am a CRACKSHIPPER in this fandom, if you like a ship i probably love it too, no matter how niche.
[*]can do: anyone in mainline games or IDW comics. no one from Archie :( i haven't read them

[*]oc preferred
[*]wants: octoling oc x squid oc
[*]can do: anyone



[tab=Miscellaneous Fandoms]

[I]Warrior Cats[/I]
[*]oc exclusive
[*]honestly if I ever participate in Warrior Cats again it will be divorced from the actual canon book events. we would just be taking the world or the idea of the world and making our own stories in it.
[*]wants: forbidden romance (different clans, medicine cat, etc.), iiii don't know i haven't done this in forever, i don't have any ideas lol

Rise of the Guardians
[*]oc or canon
[*]wants: Bunny, North
[*]can do: any


[tab=Tropes, Topics, and Themes I Like ๐Ÿ‘]
[B][I]Reformed Villains[/I][/B]
[I]Chosen One
Alternate Universe
Fates Worse than Death
Ancient Superpowers[/I]
[B]Love Triangles
Enemies to Lovers
[I]Found Family
Slow Burn[/I][/B]




I think that fixed it! I think the problem was I had a ton of extra end tags laying around ( lots of end borders when there was no starter and one open bold command) so once i cleaned that up that seemed to fix it. Thank you guys for your help!

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