World Building Brainstorming a Post-Apocalyptic Cyberpunk World.


Apocalyptic Wonder
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Not sure how to explain it but I've gotten this Idea stuck in my ahead along side several others but this is predominantly up there.

I've been really into the fallout franchise for years and titles like "Wasteland" or "NEO Survivor", Just the Idea of settlements and factions vying over for radioactive wastelands, rebuilding or scavenging nuked cities of old, find ancient technologies that seem so alien but were once made by man have always been so interesting to me.

Lately I've been combining it with a more "Cyberpunk" tone.

I've had a small story about "Tech-Hunters" running around on my desktop for a few months now, The gist is that these few "Brave" souls head into the Post-Nuclear destroyed cities of old, Bunkers, Labs you name it- of course you've the bandits, chrome-heads and the Radioactive fauna to deal with.

The Idea is that the "Augments" and technology left within these ruins are worth more than anything that could be made in modern time, Specifically the Augments; the chance to upgrade your frail human form with Pre-War Cybernetics. Better eyes, hearts, lungs, new integrated weapons, rad filters. Of course the best Tech-Hunters just so happen to be chromed out the wazoo that the frail Fleshies that start out find themselves mostly Mercenaries or scavengers.

But now there is a new competition as the Bunkers the rich and powerful had fled into hundreds of years ago have reopened and the Mega-Conglomerates of old have returned to stake claim to the New World.

Now the Poor souls are stuck between, Cannibals, New World Orders and Highly Advanced Pre-War Companies.

What's a poor bastard to do?

I'm mostly posting in here to help myself brainstorm the topic, Companies, cybernetics, Important characters that appeared over time ect. ect. And too see if such a world would be better just as a written series or perhaps a roleplays of sorts?
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Pre-war Companies / "Countries"
(The Ones at Fault)

Russ Conglomerate: Created by Igor Ali Fedorov, this russian superpower that was an Amalgamation of Several Super-Companies would supersede the government in it's Height of power and be the one to kick off the Nuclear War.

The Free Cities: The free cities resided within the Northern America's in the lands that used to be that of the United States and Canada, The cities were very loosely governed becoming quite the cesspit for the lower class and ruled tightly by the fist of the Mega-Corporations that would call them home. First Cities nuked in the War were the massive population centers of City-04 and 06.

KRT: a Megacorporation that originated in the Peoples Republic of China at first it was believed to have Originated with legal Origins but quickly would come to find it was nothing but a More Legal front for the Illicit operations of the Triad that would quickly become a Global level player that not even the Original Republic could put down. Hoping to gain ground when the war kicked off the KRT would quickly attempt a Operation to take russian territory before they realized they too were being bombed.

United Companies of Eurasia *UCE*: The Various Super-Companies of Europe and Western Russia would coalesce much like that of Eastern Russia into a shared work-force that would become a Staple for the Old World. Originally a Neutral party in the war the UCE would quickly be pulled into the fray when one of the Nukes Internal-Computers "Errored" and Landed in the Capital city of the UCE.

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