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Realistic or Modern Black Side Wild


Magic Eight Ball
Grim submitted a new role play:

SNAFU - Warfare Without Warning

A Roleplay focused on the global threat network, the individuals that work in that environment and the people they effect.
(Modern Warfare, Intelligence and Espionage, and the Homefront)

Currently being written

Also if anyone wishes to assist in the writing of this project feel free to drop me a PM and we'll kick it from there.
Read more about this role play...



With the collapse of The House of Saud of Arabia in July of 2018 and the civil war that later followed. The once oil producing state of Arabia dissolved, and the effect rippled directly across the rest of the Middle East, cleaving much of the world's supply of oil.The collapse of the oil producing states of the Middle East caused many of the European powers reliant on imported oil to decline. China heavily reliant on oil, began multiple excursions into the Middle East securing small fractions of the oil fields of fallen states. The Chinese were only met with disaster as their excursion forces were destroyed by the various militia groups in the Middle East forcing the superpower into economic collapse.

In 2020 the remnant oil producing members of NATO signed a new pact on the distribution of oil between the few remaining states. Concurrently the three major oil producing states of South America formed a super state known as The Liberated Republic of America and began aggressively expanding into neighboring states. As the Liberated Republic expanded NATO responded with the deployment of a naval task force to assault the coast of Brazil and secure beachheads for offensive operations inland.

As of December of 2021, the NATO task force was successful in securing critical areas of the shoreline and established forward bases of operation. However, the Liberated Republic forces had begun their offensive into Mexico pushing north towards the United States of America.

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