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Graded [Azuran City] *✧・゚Mystery at the Valeriana Manor*✧・゚


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Interactions (sort of): Lucian ( gmimperfecti gmimperfecti ), Tornado ( Darkbloom Darkbloom ), & Eriedeth ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )
Mentions: Lolory Lolory , Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo

Glacier looks over to Oakwell & Hyacinth, pondering the situation. He could attempt to interrupt, and delay Oakwell's attempt... yet, they were all going to reveal the truth anyway, so the effect of such an endeavor was questionable. Looking over to Tornado, Glacier spoke. "I believe I shall go to an upper floor... for I seem to have exhausted most opportunities on the ground; good luck..." With that, he'd make his way up to the stairs; perhaps more evidence was to be found up there.

Surprisingly, however, he stumbled into Lucian. He listened attentively as Lucian explained the lab. "Most intriguing... I shall alert the others to this, then." Waiting for any response from Lucian, Glacier would then turn around and make his way back, hopefully to rejoin Tornado and/or Eriedeth, and spread the information.
Lucian turned looking at any catkin behind him that might be causing a scene, “I’ll cause a big distraction.” He grinned and winked.
While he could probably finagle himself into the conversation, he doesn't really feel like attempting it. His act can fool servant girls, but real nobles? Nah, not likely. He leaves the room to go upstairs again to meet the others or go into a room that's more risky to get into. Surely the madam wouldn't mind him wandering around in her... Private chambers. If he manages to get that far, or if he runs into someone else on the team before then.
Francois "Pierre" Rothael --> Lolory Lolory [Kuro/Foxglove]

Pierre continued to listen on to the rest of his, Foxglove, and Kuro’s discussion on the matter at hand, although his attention diverted to the arranged books featured in their current area. Truth be told, their topics, while likely helpful in terms of trying to get to know this world better( and correspondingly integrate himself into society in s proper manner), a side of his brain and thought process classed it as boring. One likely cause of this was due to his personal range of favored books, which, while not technically classed as books and more within the parameters of auto magazines, metalworks, or anything that posed mechanical wonder to him, filled just about every spot in his mental bookshelf. Tracing his eyes and a finger along the numerous titles and their equally diverse collections of authors, topics, and vocabularies, he eventually reached one of the ends, which sat adjacent to the large window. Out of curiosity, he took a peek outside, examining the garden and the dining area from the view it provided.

‘That must be the greenhouse he mentioned..’ Pierre’s mind spoke out partially with a muttur under his breath as his eyes locked onto Mugwort’s abode, if anything, a place as inconspicuous as that would likely have something fishy going on within, and he wondered if Foxglove and Kuro would have the same thoughts.

“Madame Kuro, Sir Foxglove,” He turned to face both her, and Foxglove, while pointing towards the Greenhouse from the window.

“..There’s something about the greenhouse that rubs me odd.. Not for certain if it’s just me, but I find there might be more to it.. Foxglove, if I may inquire, isn’t there usually some kind of formal approval that comes to medicine distribution? If yes, was Dreamlite approved before Madame Oakwell gave it to this gathering’s guests..?”

(Azuran| Night| Winter | Valeriana manor)

A Mystery? How befitting of a lord~

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location: The Front Gate
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Eriedeth made her way to the front gate where Aloe was patiently waiting with the carriage. She waved a hand over to her. "Oh good, another one of you has appeared. Glacier came by earlier and I stashed away some uh...evidence for him. If you have any large items you want me to hold onto until we make our great case against Madame Oakwell, I can put them in the carriage for you." She offered. "If not, we can wait here for the others to show up. The party is close to ending I think, some of the nobles who arrived early have left!"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Location: The Foyer
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Carmen's interest was very piqued by the promise of more Dreamlite, or perhaps a chance at smoking something more casual, so she followed Lucian. While they walked, there weren't many Catkin upstairs, but downstairs was another question all together. Soon, Lucian would find that he had quite the audience now, and it was more than just his charming attitude that had made this many Catkin follow after him. It seemed the allure of Dreamlite was a lot stronger than he thought, as the Catkin that followed after him had a strange look in their eyes, as if they weren't really there.
The butler by the stairs who's main job was the make sure no catkin got upstairs was shocked to find that nearly every Catkin guest (and even a few of the Catkin staff!) had been doped and was flocking behind this strange gentleman from before! The downstairs hall became quite the ruckus as it was crowded with more people than ever before, and Madame Oakwell quickly took notice of this from her place next to Lord Hyacinth.
"Why are there so many...so many of them down here? Mugwort!" She called out to the crowd. Lord Hyacinth looked worried as he and the other human nobles took in this strange new event.
"Oh my it seems the foyers become...kind of crowded now. I think I will make my way somewhere else, if you don't mind Madame Oakwell." He slipped away from her side, and immediately made his way out. Anyone standing near the front gate would be able to see him. Mugwort, the Groundskeeper, showed up mysteriously from almost out of nowhere! And when he entered the Foyer, even he couldn't believe his eyes.
"Mugwort! I thought I explicitly told you and the rest of the staff to make certain the party wouldn't...mingle like this? What happened! There's hardly any room in here now! Do something to alleviate this!" She snapped at him angrily. Mugwort nodded, and made his way into the crowd. Meanwhile, many of the human nobles also stepped outside, some muttering about how they could "suddenly use some fresh air" as they stepped out into the cold winter night. Madame Oakwell and Mugwort were both distracted now with trying to get this crowd under control, neither able to step away to check other areas.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Location: The Library
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo Kuro Nekomata
Foxglove bristled at Pierre's question, but relunctantly answered. "No. As far as I am aware, the Madame never got approved to distribute her 'wonder drug'. But I heard that's what this entire party is for anyways!" He said. "She's trying to convince that Lord Hyacinth to be onboard with it, so that he can then go to the other Rykan council members and convince them to be onboard with it too. Right now, the only nobles who really know about it are those who are still somewhat low in power. She's kept him by his side the entire night so he won't wander off and get introduced to the drug by some sleepy noble!"
Kuro had noticed that Oakwell was beside Lord Hyacinth the entire night. It made going up to them seem impossible, and she had wondered if there was a way to separate the two at all without drawing suspicion from Oakwell. Suddenly, they noticed that there was commotion happening in the front garden where the gates were. "Wow is the party moving outside? Why's everyone heading from the Foyer?" Kuro noted as she pointed out the window.
Foxglove walked to the window himself and peered down with wide eyes. "Oh my! Well, this will certainly dampen the Madame's plans...She had this whole great idea to unveil to Lord Hyacinth that the drug had been in use the entire party near the end of the night, after she would try to convince him to be on her side in selling it. As a way to show that it livened the night up, and was the reason everyone had so much fun. But...that looks like all of the Nobles that were invited tonight, minus the ones I believe already left."

"And none of them are Catkin." Kuro hummed to herself. "In any case, I'm going down to check it out! I live for where the party goes next." She bid goodbye to Pierre and Foxglove and left the library.
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Location: The Hall (Outside of Oakwell's Office)
Darkbloom Darkbloom Voider Voider
While pandemonium was happening downstairs, upstairs was deathly quiet. Nobody was left upstairs, it seemed all of the guests aside from the few in the Smoking Balcony had followed Lucian down with him. Excited chatter could be heard from where the Foyer was. Tornado had made his way to the front door of Oakwell's Office, which was a large plain double oak door that had been polished and carved with elegant wood work along the side. Glacier was beside him after filling Tornado in on the whole "secret lab" thing.

The door was locked, but with Mugwort and Oakwell thoroughly occupied at the moment, getting in by other means wouldn't be too difficult. If they were quick about it.

coded by: @s e v e n

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location: The Front Gate
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Eriedeth made her way to the front gate where Aloe was patiently waiting with the carriage. She waved a hand over to her. "Oh good, another one of you has appeared. Glacier came by earlier and I stashed away some uh...evidence for him. If you have any large items you want me to hold onto until we make our great case against Madame Oakwell, I can put them in the carriage for you." She offered. "If not, we can wait here for the others to show up. The party is close to ending I think, some of the nobles who arrived early have left!"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Location: The Foyer
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Carmen's interest was very piqued by the promise of more Dreamlite, or perhaps a chance at smoking something more casual, so she followed Lucian. While they walked, there weren't many Catkin upstairs, but downstairs was another question all together. Soon, Lucian would find that he had quite the audience now, and it was more than just his charming attitude that had made this many Catkin follow after him. It seemed the allure of Dreamlite was a lot stronger than he thought, as the Catkin that followed after him had a strange look in their eyes, as if they weren't really there.
The butler by the stairs who's main job was the make sure no catkin got upstairs was shocked to find that nearly every Catkin guest (and even a few of the Catkin staff!) had been doped and was flocking behind this strange gentleman from before! The downstairs hall became quite the ruckus as it was crowded with more people than ever before, and Madame Oakwell quickly took notice of this from her place next to Lord Hyacinth.
"Why are there so many...so many of them down here? Mugwort!" She called out to the crowd. Lord Hyacinth looked worried as he and the other human nobles took in this strange new event.
"Oh my it seems the foyers become...kind of crowded now. I think I will make my way somewhere else, if you don't mind Madame Oakwell." He slipped away from her side, and immediately made his way out. Anyone standing near the front gate would be able to see him. Mugwort, the Groundskeeper, showed up mysteriously from almost out of nowhere! And when he entered the Foyer, even he couldn't believe his eyes.
"Mugwort! I thought I explicitly told you and the rest of the staff to make certain the party wouldn't...mingle like this? What happened! There's hardly any room in here now! Do something to alleviate this!" She snapped at him angrily. Mugwort nodded, and made his way into the crowd. Meanwhile, many of the human nobles also stepped outside, some muttering about how they could "suddenly use some fresh air" as they stepped out into the cold winter night. Madame Oakwell and Mugwort were both distracted now with trying to get this crowd under control, neither able to step away to check other areas.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Location: The Library
Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo Kuro Nekomata
Foxglove bristled at Pierre's question, but relunctantly answered. "No. As far as I am aware, the Madame never got approved to distribute her 'wonder drug'. But I heard that's what this entire party is for anyways!" He said. "She's trying to convince that Lord Hyacinth to be onboard with it, so that he can then go to the other Rykan council members and convince them to be onboard with it too. Right now, the only nobles who really know about it are those who are still somewhat low in power. She's kept him by his side the entire night so he won't wander off and get introduced to the drug by some sleepy noble!"
Kuro had noticed that Oakwell was beside Lord Hyacinth the entire night. It made going up to them seem impossible, and she had wondered if there was a way to separate the two at all without drawing suspicion from Oakwell. Suddenly, they noticed that there was commotion happening in the front garden where the gates were. "Wow is the party moving outside? Why's everyone heading from the Foyer?" Kuro noted as she pointed out the window.
Foxglove walked to the window himself and peered down with wide eyes. "Oh my! Well, this will certainly dampen the Madame's plans...She had this whole great idea to unveil to Lord Hyacinth that the drug had been in use the entire party near the end of the night, after she would try to convince him to be on her side in selling it. As a way to show that it livened the night up, and was the reason everyone had so much fun. But...that looks like all of the Nobles that were invited tonight, minus the ones I believe already left."

"And none of them are Catkin." Kuro hummed to herself. "In any case, I'm going down to check it out! I live for where the party goes next." She bid goodbye to Pierre and Foxglove and left the library.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Location: The Hall (Outside of Oakwell's Office)
Darkbloom Darkbloom Voider Voider
While pandemonium was happening downstairs, upstairs was deathly quiet. Nobody was left upstairs, it seemed all of the guests aside from the few in the Smoking Balcony had followed Lucian down with him. Excited chatter could be heard from where the Foyer was. Tornado had made his way to the front door of Oakwell's Office, which was a large plain double oak door that had been polished and carved with elegant wood work along the side. Glacier was beside him after filling Tornado in on the whole "secret lab" thing.

The door was locked, but with Mugwort and Oakwell thoroughly occupied at the moment, getting in by other means wouldn't be too difficult. If they were quick about it.

Eriedeth: Waiting by the gate...(Finished searching for clues!)
Lucian: Lured a the Catkin to the foyer, Caused distraction for both Mugwort and Oakwell
Pierre & Kuro: Learned that Madame Oakwell didn't get permission to sell Dreamlite
Tornado & Glacier: Made it to Oakwell's Office (outside the door)

Clue Connections: 3pts

(Stained Handkerchief + Empty Vial of Dreamlite) 1pt
(Secret map of the Manor) 1pt
(Bag of Valeria flowers) 1pt
The door is locked, and he's not quite sure how to get it open. "Any ideas on how to get this door open? I don't have anything on me to use for opening doors. Even if I did, I wouldn't know how to use them." If the door had glass windows that would be easy. But it's solid wood.
Lucian Fortuna, amidst the escalating confusion, navigated the crowd with an elegance that belied his true intentions. To the observant eye, his movements were deliberate, each step and turn calculated to spread the seeds of unrest and doubt among the Catkin, who were now increasingly under the influence of their desire for Dreamlite. His voice, smooth and engaging, floated through the air, carrying whispers of Madame Oakwell's hidden reserves of the potent drug, each word carefully chosen to inflame their cravings.

"Have you heard?" Lucian murmured to a group of Catkin, his tone a blend of intrigue and confidentiality. "Madame Oakwell holds the key to the most exquisite dreams one can ever experience. But alas, such treasures are not for everyone, it seems. Only a select few are privy to the wonders of Dreamlite."

As the Catkin's eyes widened, Lucian's gaze met each of theirs in turn, his expression a mask of sympathetic concern. "It's a tragic state of affairs, truly. To think, the docks have seen such sorrow because of Dreamlite's allure. Lives lost to its siren call." His voice carried a weighted sorrow, a stark contrast to his flamboyant demeanor, crafting a narrative that painted Madame Oakwell in shadows of malfeasance.

The Catkin, spurred by Lucian's insinuations, began to stir, their movements becoming more pronounced, their murmurs louder. It was a subtle chaos, orchestrated by Lucian's deft manipulations, as he turned their addiction into a weapon against Madame Oakwell.

Observing the nobles' discomfort as the Catkin pressed forward, Lucian found Lord Hyacinth, his demeanor shifting to one of grave concern. "My lord," he began, his voice earnest, "the scene before us is but a glimpse of a possible future—a future where the beauty of Azuran is marred by unrest and addiction."

He painted a vivid picture of the societal collapse that Dreamlite could usher in, invoking images of noble children unable to play in parks, of Catkin abandoning their natural grace for feral desperation. "Imagine, my lord, the military chaos, the threat to our very civilization. This," Lucian gestured towards the disordered crowd, "is but a precursor to what could become a reality if Dreamlite's spread is not curtailed."

Lucian's appeal to Lord Hyacinth was not just a play on fears but a strategic stroke, leveraging the lord's military background against the backdrop of the current disarray. "We stand at a precipice, Lord Hyacinth. Your voice could guide us back to order, away from the brink of this potential disaster."

Reaching out, Lucian withdrew a few vials of Dreamlit and handed the vials to Lord Hyacinth. "These were easily obtainable with a few coins. It only took two vials to create this chaos!" Lucian shook his head, staring down at several gleaming gems on rings on his fingers. "Absolutely distasteful. And how did so much Dreamlit get created if it isn't even legal to be found both in the docks and at this very party? Is it already in such massive adoption that it can be found at all levels of society?"


Lucian uses another Luck Point while using these abilities. Find an Edge to figure out the best way to manipulate the situation and then Game Master to use the catkin like game pieces in the game he's playing against Madame Oakwell with Lord Hyacinth as the king to check-mate (by convincing him to rebuff Madame Oakwell's proposal to legalize Dreamlite).

Finding an Edge: Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 11; Int A6, Appraisal D3, Lucky E2, Insight E. Lucian uses his insight into his opponents and the pieces on the board, to appraise and understand the abilities and dynamics of each opponent and the web of relationships between them. He uses Lucky E (spending 1 point) to boost his odds of finding an advantage or edge in the situation. This ability is supposed by his grade-A intelligence.


Game Master: Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness 9; Intelligence B5, Wealth E2, Gaming E2). Insight F, Gaming F, Sleight of Hand F. He has keen insight into all games and excels at those games of chance most of all; however, no games are purely chance. Reading ones opponents is a key part of success. Able to see and understand his opponent, predict their next moves, and excel at games.
INTERACTIONS: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Voider Voider Lolory Lolory Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo Darkbloom Darkbloom
LOCATION: Valerenia mansion

  • we near the end of the tale

    Eriedeth didn't question Miss Veradana's appearance, it made sense if the woman was trying to jail the noble who essentially caused her husband to die over greed, which was bound to happen the moment he got on dreamlite. However, at the mention of the party coming to a close, Eriedeth had decided that perhaps the reason the others hadn't shown up yet was likely due to the fact they might be talking to Hyacinth by now. Eriedeth tells Aloe.

    "I don't have anything heavy, just a dreamlite stained handkerchief."

    Before leaving to go to the foyer, it was hard when there was nothing like a phone in this world to communicate with the others. There could've been a change she didn't know about. At the thought of phones she wondered if at some point in time she could invent something like that. It was a brief thought, however. As she entered the foyer she saw a lot of cat kin...following... Lucian.

    'Well, that's one way to do it'

    She thought before going to go talk to Hyacinth. It seemed Lucian was already doing most of the talking. She held up the handkerchief after he finished speaking.

    "This was left in the greenhouse, though it only seems to be a minor piece of evidence compared to what has been brought already."

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"...neither do I." Glacier replied to Tornado, his head tilted. "I believe I could easily break it... though, I am not keen on becoming a vandal."

Glacier's ear twitched, as he heard the commotion occurring elsewhere. "It seems the final confrontation has arrived... I hate to leave the office unsolved, but I am sure... that the aftermath of this shall see it exposed to authority." Stepping away from the door, he'd turn around towards the stairs. "Let us be present for the commotion... the more witnesses the better, after all."

Making his way down the stairs, Glacier would approach Lucian, Eriedeth, & Lord Hyacinth. Not wishing to interrupt their moments, he sat off to the side, patiently waiting. Once the former two had made their presentations, Glacier spoke up himself. "I am sure that the human noble I met at the sitting area... would like some more of those vials, to replace his expended dreamlite." Though Glacier had no evidence on paw, or in jaw, he could at least provide some supporting testimony. "Oh, and perhaps... you would like to know about the garbage bag of valeria flowers? They seem to have been... left unattended near the gate, so we decided to help rid Oakwell of it... they reside in our carriage outside, if you'd be inclined to see?" He added on, a friendly-like smile on his muzzle.

(Azuran| Night| Winter | Valeriana Manor)

A Mystery? How befitting of a lord~
Darkbloom Darkbloom DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo Voider Voider gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

As the Moon peaks in the sky, the party draw's to a close...

As everyone surrounded Lord Hyacinth to state their claims, and show him the evidence, Madame Oakwell rushed outside after being crowded with so many Catkin. She hadn't heard at all what the others were saying to Hyacinth and walked up to the group with a warm smile, as if nothing were wrong. "Oh the party has been fun, but I'm afraid I have to end it now. Are you leaving with these uh...nice benefactors, Lord Hyacinth?" She asked him. He glared at her as he shrugged off her inviting hand from his shoulder.
"No, but you will be leaving with the local knights once I report you. I cannot believe something this egregious was happening right under my nose! I knew it was suspicious the way you wouldn't let me explore your manor...you were trying to make sure I wouldn't run into any nobles using this...this Dreamlite drug!" He pointed an accusatory finger at her. "Just months prior I remember hearing about one of the premiere dock manager's keeling over to some mystery illness, and none of the coroners could name what had happened to him..."
"But I know what happened to him! Madame Oakwell supplied my husband with plenty of Dreamlite knowing full well just how addictive it was to Catkin!" Aloe came up from the gate and joined the rest of them. She had the bag of Valeria in hand as she threw it at Hyacinth's feet. "What they say is true, she has been using the manor to create this awful drug and wanted to convince you to let her make it legal. And all the while, she invited a bunch of Catkin to get them hooked on it too, so she could have two markets instead of just one!"
Madame Oakwell stammered and looked about wildly as she tried to explain herself, before she ungracefully booked it and ran. However, as she tried to move past the group of, she tripped on someones foot. Kuro looked down at her as she tucked her foot back in, whistling idly. "Oh dear, Madame, you should be more careful next time! Watch your step." She smiled coyly. Madame Oakwell had a piercing look of anger on her face as she eyed Kuro, and that anger magnified when she spotted the ears and tail.
"You wretched Catkin! You're all nothing but trouble! I hate Beastkin, but you cats are just the worst! Only after rabbits...vile vermin..." She dusted herself off as she was hoisted up by a pair of armored hands. It seems Hyacinth made good on his word, and the Knights had arrived the moment he sent word for them. "And I would've gotten away with it too...if it weren't for you meddling-!" She didn't get to finish her phrase as one of the knights rudely shoved her into a royal carriage, where she'd be taken to some holding cell.
Lord Hyacinth turned to all of the guests who had helped put Oakwell behind bars, "You 6 individuals really helped tonight. I'm sure once we investigate more of this manor, we'll no doubt find more proof of her crimes." He said.
"And you helped finally bring my husband to justice! All this time...I never thought I'd see it happen. I can finally stop being a widow!" Aloe said happily. "I prepared a small reward for you all, one separate from the real prize you'll get at the end of all of this. Here it is!" She handed each of them a bouquet of Valeria flowers. "These have been doused in a potion, so the normal effect they would have is gone. Now they're just pretty flowers! I hope you like them."
Kuro took her's with gratitude and played around with a few of the petals. "There's no need to thank me, Aloe. Besides, I might've had ulterior motives for helping you out." She winked at her. She didn't elaborate further, but instead turned to the others. "What a night this has been! We should all party like this some other time!"

coded by: @s e v e n

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As the Moon peaks in the sky, the party draw's to a close...

As everyone surrounded Lord Hyacinth to state their claims, and show him the evidence, Madame Oakwell rushed outside after being crowded with so many Catkin. She hadn't heard at all what the others were saying to Hyacinth and walked up to the group with a warm smile, as if nothing were wrong. "Oh the party has been fun, but I'm afraid I have to end it now. Are you leaving with these uh...nice benefactors, Lord Hyacinth?" She asked him. He glared at her as he shrugged off her inviting hand from his shoulder.
"No, but you will be leaving with the local knights once I report you. I cannot believe something this egregious was happening right under my nose! I knew it was suspicious the way you wouldn't let me explore your manor...you were trying to make sure I wouldn't run into any nobles using this...this Dreamlite drug!" He pointed an accusatory finger at her. "Just months prior I remember hearing about one of the premiere dock manager's keeling over to some mystery illness, and none of the coroners could name what had happened to him..."
"But I know what happened to him! Madame Oakwell supplied my husband with plenty of Dreamlite knowing full well just how addictive it was to Catkin!" Aloe came up from the gate and joined the rest of them. She had the bag of Valeria in hand as she threw it at Hyacinth's feet. "What they say is true, she has been using the manor to create this awful drug and wanted to convince you to let her make it legal. And all the while, she invited a bunch of Catkin to get them hooked on it too, so she could have two markets instead of just one!"
Madame Oakwell stammered and looked about wildly as she tried to explain herself, before she ungracefully booked it and ran. However, as she tried to move past the group of, she tripped on someones foot. Kuro looked down at her as she tucked her foot back in, whistling idly. "Oh dear, Madame, you should be more careful next time! Watch your step." She smiled coyly. Madame Oakwell had a piercing look of anger on her face as she eyed Kuro, and that anger magnified when she spotted the ears and tail.
"You wretched Catkin! You're all nothing but trouble! I hate Beastkin, but you cats are just the worst! Only after rabbits...vile vermin..." She dusted herself off as she was hoisted up by a pair of armored hands. It seems Hyacinth made good on his word, and the Knights had arrived the moment he sent word for them. "And I would've gotten away with it too...if it weren't for you meddling-!" She didn't get to finish her phrase as one of the knights rudely shoved her into a royal carriage, where she'd be taken to some holding cell.
Lord Hyacinth turned to all of the guests who had helped put Oakwell behind bars, "You 6 individuals really helped tonight. I'm sure once we investigate more of this manor, we'll no doubt find more proof of her crimes." He said.
"And you helped finally bring my husband to justice! All this time...I never thought I'd see it happen. I can finally stop being a widow!" Aloe said happily. "I prepared a small reward for you all, one separate from the real prize you'll get at the end of all of this. Here it is!" She handed each of them a bouquet of Valeria flowers. "These have been doused in a potion, so the normal effect they would have is gone. Now they're just pretty flowers! I hope you like them."
Kuro took her's with gratitude and played around with a few of the petals. "There's no need to thank me, Aloe. Besides, I might've had ulterior motives for helping you out." She winked at her. She didn't elaborate further, but instead turned to the others. "What a night this has been! We should all party like this some other time!"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Hello it's me Lolory! Congratulations, you managed to throw Oakwell away forever! You solved the Mystery at the Valeriana Manor. However, I noticed you all didn't find every secret even though you got close. There are a total of: 3 clues left that nobody managed to find. You only really needed 1 clue to convince Hyacinth but I can promise you now that the next time I rerun this it won't be that easy~This has been such a fun first rp can't wait to do it again sometime!
Narrator Recommendations

  • Narrator Grade E award: Investigation F
  • Optional Title acquired: Clue Meister, The character is especially skilled at finding clues during mysterious events.
  • Narrator Grade E award: 7pts
  • Optional Title acquired: Clue Meister, The character is especially skilled at finding clues during mysterious events.
  • Narrator Grade E award: Investigation F
  • Optional Title acquired: Clue Meister, The character is especially skilled at finding clues during mysterious events.
  • Narrator Grade E award: 7pts
  • Optional Title acquired: Clue Meister, The character is especially skilled at finding clues during mysterious events.
  • Narrator Grade E award: 7pts
  • Optional Title acquired: Clue Meister, The character is especially skilled at finding clues during mysterious events.
Isekai Hell Grade

Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo Voider Voider Darkbloom Darkbloom gmimperfecti gmimperfecti conman2163 conman2163

Nice little mystery and drug bust. this one more slick than the last one I've seen. That one ended in more explosions, fire, and slaughter XD
Narrator bonus E is just 14pts for all members of rp. Not each member. This means everyone assigned 7pts gets nothing (can't assign points). Here's hoping the next mysteries going swimmingly.



Kuro - 91pts (narrator bonus)
acquired optionl title [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]

Eriedeth - 29pts
acquired optionl title [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]

Pierre - 18pts
acquired optional title [Clue Meister] - The character is especially skilled at finding clues during mysterious events.

Glacier - 16pts
acquired optionl title [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator F]
acquired optional skill [Investigation F] - if skill is claimed, add 7pts to earned and spent.

Tornado - 15pts
operatives of the mirage veil were noted in the city

Lucian - 41pts
acquired optionl title [Ryken Adventurer Guild Investigator E]
acquired optional skill [Investigation F] - if skill is claimed, add 7pts to earned and spent.

Partial Participant

Retili - 8pts

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