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Finished [Azuran City] Corruption and Riches Pt. II

As the evening set in, Lucian, still in his guise as Bill the coach driver, found himself settling into the rhythm of life in the servant's quarters of the mansion. The buzz around the stables had made him a topic of conversation, and while it wasn't ideal to have made an enemy in Old Jeff, the intrigue he stirred among the stable boys could prove useful.

Lucian spent his evening performing the duties expected of a coach driver for the Count. He tended to the horses with care, ensuring they were fed, groomed, and ready for any trips the Count might require. He also took time to polish the carriages, giving them a sheen that reflected his dedication to his role.

After his duties were fulfilled, Lucian mingled with the other servants, trying to use his charming demeanor and friendly approach to build relationships and hear rumors. He flirted harmlessly with the maids, sharing jokes and stories to lighten the often-heavy atmosphere of the servant's quarters. He spoke tales from the road, some true and others embellished for effect, trying to make them laugh.

As the evening wore on, Lucian tried to use these interactions to his advantage, to subtly gather information about the mansion, its occupants, and any gossip that might be pertinent to their mission. He listened attentively to the maids' chattering about the day-to-day happenings within the mansion's walls, picking up tidbits about the guests, the routines of the nobles, and the layout of the mansion.

After the socializing wound down, Lucian retired to his modest accommodations in the servant's quarters. Lying in his simple bed, he reflected on the day's events, piecing together the information he had gathered. He planned his next moves, considering how best to leverage his new role and the insights he'd gained to further their mission.

As he drifted off to sleep, Lucian felt a sense of satisfaction. He was in the heart of the game now, playing his part amidst a backdrop of nobility and intrigue. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities, and he was determined to make the most of them.

Going to spend a luck point to get lucky tonight.
  • Lucky D (Char C-Grade) [21pts]. In 6 posts per rp character can choose to have a good outcome as the result of a post they made. Ex: Jack lobs a fireball into a bandit camp. Due to Lucky, the fireball which would normally not be able to affect the entire camp had its effective range expanded due to hitting an explosive reserve stored in the camp. Mechanically, it will also add 1 or more points to character's effectiveness score in performing an action that uses Lucky as part of the action. Ultimate amount of good outcomes and mechanical benefits is left to narrator discretion. At a minimum, their action should avoid worst outcome. Easiest way to handle this may involve adding in mechanical +1 for any narrative situations that may be possible to go in the character's favor. Lucky bonus only applies when character is 'behind' in effectiveness.
While talking, Lucian uses his Insight E and Appraise D
  • Insight E (Int D). The ability to determine the true intentions of a creature from body language, speech habits, and changes in mannerisms. This includes a talent for searching out a lie or predicting someone’s next move.'
  • Appraise D (Grade C Character). 0 points for Isekaied characters. Requires meta knowledge.

kasumi cover 2.png
Kasumi Kagu
Character Grade - B

Title(s): Human, Rogue, Kunoichi, Inquisitive, Adventurer E, Contributor

Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Notes: While not in combat skill that do not deal damage have no cooldown.


Later on, the group would meet up and discuss what they had found, with the newfound information on the layout and first-hand experience in the mansion. With this information, they could begin the next phase of the plan. The best day to conduct everything would no doubt be at the end of the week when the Lord Constable would leave to go to a party. However, the group would have to continue to fit into their roles. The following day Bosco would make his exit from group, though now it was down to two rather than three. Though this wasn't something that Kasumi hadn't thought would happen to at least one of the members of the group.

The End PT III Coming at a later date!

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