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Screaming Silence.
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My Interest Check
Hello. I just joined today. Was able to make a request thread (which is under review?) but I can't Dm/Pm anyone here. Every time I try, I get a spam message. This is close to what I'm trying to post.


I'm new to the site but not to role playing. Just posted my first thread and started looking. Lo and behold I found you.
Saw your pet peeves and understand well your frustrations. If a person writes five paragraphs about how they're feeling, all of which is internal dialog, then what are you to do? Right? My posting style is simple. Paragraph one is any reactions that needs to be listed or anything important enough to be recapped. The rest is original content that includes both, emotional responses and actions to help drive the story.

You didn't have much listed of original ideas or anything you wanted to play. So I'm going to ask, is there anything you fancy playing right now? I have a small list of Rp's that I would like to try. Although nothing really set is stone. Just flaky ideas that need to be hashed out.

Guess I'll end with a little about me. I'm Lilly and play any gender but prefer a mxf pairing. (female roles)

Hope to hear from you.

All posts have a simple introduction, something I saw on their request thread to show I read what they posted, how it relates, and what Rp I would like to try. What would I need to change to keep this from being listed at unable to send do to spam?
That's not something that's your fault actually - The website's spam filter is super aggressive for new users, to weed out bots and stuff before they can get going. Those flags will pretty much disappear altogether if you get enough posts (I think it's 10? I don't remember, the staff would know the exact number) and you won't have to worry about them at all anymore after that.
That is correct! Our spam filter is very aggressive on new accounts as it helps us catch spam bots that like to post advertisements and run.

The required number of posts is 3. After that the message about spam should stop appearing.

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