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Fantasy An Evil Education at the Tudor Lestrange institute - Refurbished - Main

Faustian Sparks & Plasmodius Rex
Lord Moldoma Lord Moldoma

Faustian scanned Chance up and down. Listening intently to what she said, Faustian tried not to stare too hard at the features that differed from what they were used to seeing. Faust's hometown was predominantly human-populated. They didn't treat nonhuman people very well around there, but Faust was still taught not to stare at them.
"It's ok. I'm sure glad to have answers, and I'm glad to hear that someone's recognizing my potential. Mom and Dad, well, you already know where they were sending me. It's a miracle I've still got Rex here."
As though on cue, the slime creature scampered back to its creator. It leaned against Faustian's leg, as though it were still afraid of being separated from them.
"And one more thing. You've probably got the wrong name for me. Call me Faustian- Faustian Sparks. Or Faust for short. "
Chance 304-Delta (Responding to Faustian Sparks & Plasmodius Rex)

"I see... I will mark this down." She says, closing her eyes and gently leaning her head down only for a brief moment. "I have been informed that since you pose no significant threat, and since we're... A little behind schedule with this... I should probably let you out of here now..." The girl says. "We-We have a multiple step analysis process... Th-There are a lot of prospective students who can deflect certain types of emotional analyzation. Even my skills, talents, and organs aren't infallible, s-so it works best to have this watched remotely and analyzed..."

Chance stepped over to a door and pressed her finger to a pad next to it. "I-ID badges aren't mandatory, n-nor is there any standard compulsion, b-but if you didn't get yours in the mail, I'm supposed to give you this and a standard lanyard." She says, holding out an ID on a lanyard for Faustian. "Th-Though since it doesn't have your preferred name on it, I-I can get it corrected if you'd prefer..."

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