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A Moonlight Bridge


Dialectical Hermeticist


The pacific is gorgeous, glittering blue as your seaplane touches down. The sun is high and hot when you step out onto the jetty, overlooked by an opulent villa.

Waiting, with a smile, is Ernesto Garcia - the de facto mayor of Veija, and Matthew's uncle.

Not too tall, but broad, with a look of good eating and heavy smoking about him, dressed in fine white military dress.

He is flanked by armed and uniform guards who look like the heat is getting to them a little.

Welcome to Veija.
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Dr. Alex Gardner had never been fond of planes. The war left scars in the shape of memories. Terrible contraptions, Gardner thought, taking a pull from his flask. The warm snakes passed his throat and nestled in his abdomen, soothing his nerves. The plane touched the sea with more force than the good doctor would have liked, uttering curses under his breath. His feet made contact with the earth and bid good riddance to the plane. He retrieved his belongings and secured a straw island hat on his sand colored head.

"Buenos dies! I believe they speak Spanish here if I'm not mistaken. Ah, and I see they've rolled out the welcoming wagon, tip of the hat to you, boys. Where can a respected man of medicine, such as myself, have a little libation. It appears I've run out." Gardner shook his flask before the military man in white.
Matthew was the second off the plane, a large smile on his glowing face as he steps down after the Doctor. He offers a cursory and barely manageable salute to the men on guard and then gathers up his belongings. Far more clothes than anyone else in his luggage, for certain. Running a hand over his hair and grinning wider as it settles in almost perfectly, he stretches and manages to show off far more of his body than is appropriate in the direction of the armed guards.

He then walks forward to meet the man in white, "Good day uncle. So thrilled to be home. Confío en que mi padre está haciendo bastante bien sin mí."
The next man to step of the plane has to use a walking stick as he hobbles down the steps- grumbling quietly as he looks about. His own luggage is being carried by a porter who believes- quite wrongly- that he will be tipped well by the old man. His tweed coat is finely kept- nigh immaculate- and underneath it he wears a suit and tie, odd choices of clothing for a trip to such a hot, sweaty environment. He reeks faintly of aftershave and the indefinable aroma of Age, as he hobbles about on his cane- beard flowing about him in the wind, long and illustrious- and also quite well kept, surprisingly. His head is bald and hidden underneath a fedora to disguise this fact, a rather plain brown hat that serves to keep the sun out of his gleaming blue eyes; which seem to faintly twinkle as he looks over the group, a surly frown on his lips.

"Quentin, hurry up boy. It doesn't do to show up /first/ out of the plane on these kind of things- but tallying behind and being last is unacceptable as well, it makes you look slovenly! Come along- nothing to be afraid of here." He says firmly- speaking back into the plane towards the boy he's taken under his wing; idly hoping it won't be a waste of his time. His voice is unpleasant, to put it mildly; and in an undefinable way that implies that he's not trying to sound unpleasant, it's just natural.

"Mrm... I won't have that dastard fool Carter taking full credit for this, after all." He insists firmly- stabbing his cane into the ground for emphasis as he finally turns his attention to the others present. "Mrm. I don't suppose you speak proper English down here, then? I never bothered to learn Spanish, always seemed a waste of time when I could be learning French or Latin."
Quentin hurries behind the Professor, taking his brown luggage-bag, (consisting of clothing for a week, an extra blazer, another pair of leather shoes,) and stepping out of the plane. Brow already glittering with sweat, he wipes his blonde hair out of his eyes. By god, this heat had to be the worst he'd ever encountered. Full formal wear may not have been such a good idea.

"Yes, Professor."

He knew, of course, that the Professor could be a tad... controversial, to put it mildly. Unpleasant and lacking tact, to be more generous. He's hoping that the heat will mellow the older man, even slightly. Make him easier to please.

Terrible way to think, of course, but you'd think he'd catch a break somewhere.

His eyes scan the people before him.

Man of medicine. Doctor Gardener.

Uncle? The mayor's nephew, then. Markum... or Matthew. Probably Matthew. Lovely.

He stepped completely off of the ramp, giving the others a tense smile.
Glancing sidewise at the professor, Ernesto embraces his nephew. "It is so good to see you, my boy. Your father is very well indeed, despite the best efforts of a few dissidents..." He steps back, lights a cigar. "And who are your companions?"
Matthew accepts the hug, although he looks just the tiniest bit uncomfortable to anyone paying super close attention. He looks back on the crowd of people behind him and introduces them to his uncle, one by one.
"Well," Ernesto continues once formalities are concluded. "You must be tired from that cramped flight, eh? Come, let me treat you all to dinner."

He gestures to a waiting car - a jeep, really, with room enough for four - and seemingly expects Matthew to accompany him in a lead vehicle.

The drive to the villa is balmy, pleasant, and swift. It's surrounded by high walls on three sides, with discreet guard towers and plenty of guards posted.

Ernesto leads you to a balcony overlooking the ocean.

"May I offer you any drinks?"
Quentin hesitates, not quite sure how to respond.

"Ah... only water."

He gazes out to the ocean, discreetly straightening his collar and then tucking his shirt.

"The vast sea. The colour is simply stunning." His gaze lingers on the waves a moment before it flicks over the others, settling on Matthew and Ernesto. "It must be quite a sight when it storms."
Professor Calgori stands by the balcony- having been surly and quiet throughout the trip after his porter tried to steal his wallet in retaliation for not being paid; a few whacks with his cane to the back of the boys knees having stopped that, at least.

And now they stand on a Balcony within a pleasant enough manor- and Lewis Calgori smiles in his best attempt to look friendly, and manages a grin most relatable to that of a cat about to pounce. "Sherry, if you have enough civilization down here to have it- this certainly seems to be the most civilized place in this god forsaken region." He says in a halfway decent tone- the backhanded insult to the entire country masked in a compliment to the mans own home. A mans home is more important to him than his country in an ass backwards place like this, right? He chuckles softly as he looks over- and sighs as he notices Quentin.

"Boy, it isn't right to disregard a mans hospitality like this. Get a proper damn drink, rather than insulting the mans beverages- I know I didn't nominate an /ingrate/ for my position, did I? And what's with this brooding at the ocean at a meeting of men? Come on and look our host in the eye, rather than mooning on about the damn water- the water can wait, as can brooding. We reserve philosophy for it's right and proper place, boy." He states firmly, slamming his cane into the ground for emphasis as he harumphs loudly.
"Erm... I apologize, Professor." Quentin shifts slightly, his gaze now directed to Ernesto. "A beer, then, if you please."

He fiddles with the strap of his luggage-bag, eyes flicking over to the Professor. It is obvious Calgori will be hard to please, but still he was sure he was up to the challenge. Fairly certain, at least...
Matthew takes a drink and leans against the balcony, looking up at the stars. "Amazing to see this kind of night sky after so long in a big city, no?" he asks of the other guests before he downs the drink and moves to get another one, leering discreetly at Quentin before moving back to his star-gazing position against the rails.
The scenic drive was more enjoyable, at least in respect to the airplane ride. The good doctor made note of the towers and guards as they passed the entrance way. As to why Garcia would need so much protection was an inquiry Gardner was wise enough to ignore. The terrace and scenery were beautiful, but Alex's attention was on the serving lad with his whiskey. The veteran took a sip and notified the boy to keep his glass full.

Alex did his best to ignore the Professor and his pupil by staring into the glimmering ocean, but the old man was a spry one. I wouldn't consider sherry a 'proper' damn drink', either, Gardner thought. If I don't want to meet with that cane of his, I'd best keep my opinions to myself.

He took a sip of his whiskey and turned to his benefactor. "So what would you have of us, Senor Garcia? Surely it is more than showing us this amazing view."
The General grins and sips his drink.

"Nothing! Nothing at all, my friends. I merely wished to welcome you to Veija; show you that we are not so behind the times down here as some might think."

Please roll two 10-sided dice, everybody, for Perception.
Whatever it was, Matthew was oblivious, merely rolling his eyes at his uncles sweetened, yet venomous words. He leans against the railing with his back to the view, finishing his drink, before beckoning over one of the waiters, giving the young boy a sly wink before turning his attentions towards a nearby female patron. For anyone paying attention, either it's the drink or just him laying it on pretty thick, because after a few minutes of chatter, he receives a slap in the face and a flurry of a red dress storming off.

Professor Calgori smiles winningly in response to that comment- nodding agreeably for a moment- a moment at least. And in that moment, he actually seems like a decent human being with a heart and a fully working soul, as the old man nods at the other mans comment.

"Oh, Indeed. I am quite impressed with your home and general decor, and much else of this place- far superior to the rest of the damned shithole that is Latin America, I must agree! You've made a triumph of yourself, pushing ahead like this, I am inclined to say- and I am indeed most grateful for your hospitality, and obvious effort to surpass the limitations of where you where born. I must presume it is the hardwork and dedication of a forward minded man such as yourself, that has advanced this particular region and manor above it's neighbors?" He suggests with a warm smile- as if this is his actual idea of a compliment; and the unnerving thing is that he has indeed flipped on his charm, and shifted into the persona he uses for the sake of persuading other University officials to fund his projects. He knows a man who it is bad to agitate, and the man in charge of a countries guns seems like that man...

On the other hand, his choice of words may cause more issues than it solves- even as the old mans eyes drift about quietly.



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