A Collection of Crucible Characters


Dialectical Hermeticist
The Strackhound Gang

Sly Lily

Lily is the leader of the Strackhound Gang, a cunning woman with a good arm and quick eyes. Lily grew up near the Strack, largely free of mutation, save for her cobalt-coloured eyes and white hair.

And the ability to electrocute with a touch.

She began her criminal career by posing as a prostitute – then simply incapacitating punters with a shock, robbing them blind, and walking into the night. Her tough, self-sufficient demeanour and

capacity for bodily harm combined with a calculating mind rapidly earned her the respect of her

similarly uncouth friends, and later brought the Strackhound Gang to the attention of the Boss.

Attractive and resourceful, Lily enjoys a challenge and turning a difficult situation in her favour.

She has a contact in the Lanternlight District; Madame Stanislav in the House of the Setting Sun.

Mutation: Stunning

Lily can, once per two hours, deliver a near fatal electric shock on touch to a target, incapacitating

them for the foreseeable future.


Virgil is a small-time assassin and bodyguard. Given time and opportunity, he could find himself

seneschal to a noble household or right hand of a larger gang leader. But Virgil can be somewhat..

unstable. A fount of obscure knowledge and skills he didn't realise he had, Virgil is plagued by

voices and whispers of those he has killed, with memories that aren't his own. He is loyal to Lily

and his friends, but his identity becomes more fragmented with each life he ends.

Mutation: To The Victor

Virgil is unaware of his mutation; every deathblow he delivers causes the soul of the victim to pass

through him briefly, leaving behind fragments of memory or personality.


Gar has been picked on a lot of his life, even in The Strack. But the rest of the gang have always

treated him relatively well. Hulking and horned, with stubby, flightless wings under his clothes, Gar is smarter than one might assume and not shy about putting his strength to use in difficult situations – though he tends to be reserved, as the severity of his mutations would earn him no leniency in court or at the hands of the Inquisition. Gar is often the voice of reason, naturally inclined to seek the path of least resistance and keep his head down.

Mutation: Implacable, Monstrous

Gar enjoys -2 Physical Damage reduction owning to rough, stony skin. He's also quite strong and

hulking, gaining +2 Intimidation


Helene is a thief and bruiser like no other. Born with a strange creature bound as her shadow,

Helene always has some... thing watching her back. Helene both loves and hates the thing that

follows her, both used to and dependent on it after all these years, but fearful of the intelligence it

displays. People who know Helene step carefully around her – her shadow is apt to violent

retribution for perceived slights, sometimes without Helene realising it. Naturally, she's frustrated – are people being honest with her, or simply afraid of the monster that trails in her wake?

She clings to her friends in the gang – until they took her in, people shunned the cursed girl. Helene can call her shadow to encase her in a magical suit of armour that extrudes melee weapons at will.

Mutation: Shadow Symbiote

Helene has a monster for a shadow, which will at times wander off on mysterious errands of its

own. Helene can send it short distances as a scouting tool and communicate with it through thought alone – though it communicates more in sensation than real thought. She can also transform it into a magical suit of armour equipped with vicious melee weapons.


Desthene wears a blindfold to protect those around her. Staring too deep into her eyes hollows out

your mind like a Jester's Bust, leaving the victim an empty, drooling shell. Desthene is ironically

the face of the gang, handling negotiations and trades in a soft-spoken, polite manner. Desthene is

often left to handle negotiations alone, the better to ensure cooperation – she is more than able to

defend herself with but a glance...

Desthene is torn about the minds she destroys – at once thrilled by her power, yet terrified and

guilty. The victim is aware of what is happening to them as their mind is hollowed out, and she can sense that awareness. She can sometimes come across as arrogant, even narcissistic.

Mutation: Echo of a Dead God

On making eye contact with a victim, Desthene begins to hollow out their mind. She is acutely

aware of their horror and suffering during the process, but gleans no knowledge from their

People of Ashenvale (first founding)

Prince Christoff Farridane

Christoff is fourth in line for the throne. A rather inept young man, Christoff was raised knowing he

would never be king, nor even as important as his elder brothers. His parents, kept busy by the

running of the realm, never had much time for him. While not socially astute, or even very strong,

Christoff at least had intelligence. Wisdom, no, but certainly intelligence. Christoff became a surly,

arrogant youth, convinced he would surpass his brothers if given the chance. He believes only he

has the strength and vision to lead, and will not be afraid to grasp real power like his family.

Founding Ashenvale was the first step in a plan to acquire his own lands, and show everyone how

much better he could do. Never a religious man, Christoff turned to the heathen gods of Lama when

it became clear that praying to them got results. Granted, sometimes an offering was necessary, but

it was all worth it for better luck and harvests. In spite of this, he has little respect for the Lamans

and feels no qualms about the slaves. He has given a Necromancer, Dr. Kriger, safe harbour in a

Magocracy ruin to the south, and gives Kriger slaves and captured monsters in exchange for

whatever weapons or power Kriger can provide. He has also used one of his underlings, Father

Kallis, as a vessel for a Demon. This didn't work quite as planned – it was a Demon of Sloth.

Father Kallis

The not very reverend Father Kallis is mostly gone now, replaced by Daevestos, a Demon of Sloth.

Daevestos is content to pretend to be Kallis for the time being. She's generally disinclined to do

anything but the bare minimum, and mostly stays around in hopes of corrupting more souls and

undermining the Fae worship in which Christoff is indulging. She spends a lot of time lazing around

the Church, or trying to convince Christoff or his guards that a Demonic pact is a perfectly

reasonable idea. Much of the local populace has turned from Degra Veen's light, leaving Daevestos

no real opportunity to corrupt them. A successful Investigation roll reveals Kallis eyes to be

somewhat too dark, his mouth a bit too wide, and his movements not entirely in sync with his size

and weight. A successful Lore roll makes it clear these are signs of Demonic Taint, and three or

more successes by a Demonhunter reveals it to be the Taint of Sloth.

Butcher Joyce

Joyce is a large, bearded, amicable man in his middle age. He runs a butchershop on the south side

of town. Joyce is a genuinely pleasat man, jovial and talkative, often smiling. He believes strongly

in the divine right of the nobility to rule, and neither questions nor disrespects his Lord. He's too

practical for religion, though, and is oblivious to the schism in town. He knows the Prince is using a

tunnel under his shop, but assumes he's exercising his droit de seigneur. He is very loyal to the

Prince and will not betray him readily.

Dr. Kriger

Kriger is a scientist and Necromancer. Expelled from the College of Physicians in Hrothgard for his

extreme research methods, Kriger fled to the Frontier where he could use his powers more easily

and avoid notice. He rapidly realised how corrupt Christoff is on moving into Ashenvale, and

revealed his powers. He's been set up in a ruined Stormspire to the south, using the basement as his

apartments and laboratory. Kriger is perfectly happy to experiment on humans, fresh ghosts, and

monsters, using his powers to prolong the biopsy. He is too easily distracted by his experiments to

produce many weapons for Christoff, thankfully, though the diagrams and plans abound.

Lady Sybel

Lady is an empty honorific, given to her as Christoff's consort. She poses as a petty noble, but is in

reality a changeling. The strange gods Christoff has been worshipping gave her to him as

concubine, to give themselves a measure of control over him. Sybel is unaware of her origins,

having a whole fictional – but somewhat unsteady – memory of life as a minor noblewoman.

Christoff himself knows this, but is happy to keep using her. Sybel, however, is becoming

increasingly dissatisfied by his lack of respect, morals, and bluntly, prowess. She knows she can

influence him somewhat, and finds it very hard to leave him. She knows that being a widow would

be good for her.


Lucy is one of Christoff's maidstaff. She's older than she looks, and a travelling Fate Mage. She's

doing her damndest to bring Christoff down. She knows how dangerous his foibles are, and

desperately wants him stopped. Unfortunately, he is protected by his gods and minions, and she

cannot act directly. Even her hexes and curses are stunted against him.


Sana'lo is the shaman and leader of the slaves in Ashenvale. She's furious and humiliated by the

whole situation, and more than that, confused. The gods here are strange and do not answer her calls

or prayers, while they readily act to aid the wicked Christoff. She wants freedom for herself and her

people, and to find out what profane things he has been doing in order to restore proper worship.

The whole situation is a theological crisis for her. Who are these northern gods, so like her own, that will not listen?
Inquisitorial Novices

Barthold Cobble

You grew up on the mean streets of Illim. All you remember of those days is fear, and violence, and

crime. You were a thief – you had to be – and that was how the Inquisitor got you. You had guild

dues to pay, and you didn't know what an Inquisitor was. You were only eight. Rather than kill you

out of hand for trying to pick his pockets, the Inquisitor took you away with him – 'Brave, child.

Brave, or stupid. We shall soon see which.'

He brought you to Ymon, and you never saw him again. Instead, you got hot meals and a warm bed.

And beatings, and sparring, and an education. They taught you to read, and write, and fight, and

who wouldn't be grateful? Life is hard, you've always known that, but the Inquisition made you

harder. You weren't sure, at first, that you put a lot of stock in the prayers and talk of God. Where

was he, when you lay starving in a gutter? But then, wasn't the Inquisitor an implement of His will?

And here you are.

Ten years later, you know you're brave. You've fought men and monsters and gotten some nasty

scars out of it. Most of all, you've had your faith affirmed. You've seen Demons with your own

eyes; you've felt the heat of their unholy presence and helped to spill their wretched blood.

There is no going back. Not after that.

Your faith is strong.

Your cause is righteous.

You cannot afford to be weak, or to hesitate.

Mages are a problem to be dealt with after Demons.

Your training, and past as a thief, lend to you a methodical approach. Casing the joint before acting,

as it were.


Strength: 3 Dexterity: 3 Fitness: 3

Intellect: 2 Intuition: 3 Willpower: 2

Bearing: 1 Guile: 3 Composure: 3

Skills: Academics: 2 Athletics: 4 Awareness: 4 Etiquette: 2 Evasion: 4 Intimidation: 1 Investigation:

4 Lore: 3 (Demons) Melee: 3 (Gauntlet Blade) Mingling: 3 Parry: 2 Persuasion: 1 Stealth: 3

Subterfuge: 2 Thievery: 3

Derived Traits:

Speed: 7

Offense: 6

Dodge: 7

Defend: 5

Soak: 3

Combat Pool: 10

Health: /10

Condition: /20


You are equipped with simple leather armour, for ease of travel, low expense, and anonymity.

You are armed with a one-handed hammer and a practice blade.

The practice blade is steel replica of the blessed gauntlet blades used by full Inquisitiors. It is

useless to anyone untrained in its use, unwieldy, and slow to draw. It is partly symbolic; by taking

the time to don the blade, you express the certainty of your judgement to others.

Petyr Selanmere

You are the noble son of Count Selanmere, direct vassal to the King himself. You are proud of your

family and their history serving the Crown with honour and loyalty, but you felt your calling lay

elsewhere. You insisted your younger brother take your place at the head of succession, and though

you know they were angry, they couldn't argue with your decision to join the Inquisition.

You joined later than many other boys, but thankfully your upbringing left you with advantages of

swordplay and literacy. There was no favouritism, though, and it is through the strength of your

faith, of your commitment, that you come to be here.

The reality of your posting is somewhat galling; when you were added to the retinue of an

Inquisitor you found him to be somewhat lacking. He could fight, certainly, when the time came,

but more often he took bribes and looked the other way. Once, you are sure, you saw him actively

consorting with a Magus. The blasphemy set your mind reeling, and reporting it saw you rewarded

with this golden opportunity for promotion.

You'll make the Lord proud, and rise to root out the corruption in His service.

Your faith is strong.

Your resolve is unshakable, and you would sooner die than suffer corruption.

Mercy is for the Lord to grant; not you.

Magi first, then Demons, but only because your training focused on Magi.

You aren't afraid to ruffle some feathers to get results.


Strength: 3 Dexterity: 2 Fitness: 3

Intellect: 3 Intuition: 2 Willpower: 3

Bearing: 3 Guile: 1 Composure: 2

Skills: Academics: 3 Athletics: 3 Awareness: 2 Etiquette: 3 Evasion: 3 Investigation: 3 Leadership:

3 Lore: 2 (Magic) Melee: 4 Parry: 3 Persuasion: 2 Politics: 3

Derived Traits:

Speed: 5

Offense: 6

Dodge: 5

Defend: 5

Soak: 3

Combat Pool: 7

Health: /10

Condition: /20


You are equipped with simple leather armour, for ease of travel, low expense, and anonymity.

You are armed with a one-handed hammer and buckler.

Alexei Delat

You never wanted to join the Inquisition. Damnable family traditions got you stuck in this mess.

You would've done anything else – soldiering, study, mercantilism. Not a priest, mind. Never that.

Your faith is not what one would call unconditional, and for all their talk of piety you know you can

blame your father and brother for that. They were always cooking up plans to spark a moral panic

and profit on the blind faith of the peasants, and less bright nobles. To you, faith is just a tool to be

exploited, like so many other things. Like you, on reflection – you were shipped off to His Service

to keep the family looking good; a political pawn, sacrificed.

You won't disown your family for that, not while they remain useful, but now it's just you against

the world. You learned a lot from the Inquisitor you were attached to, like how to maintain the

illusion of hard work, to keep out of sight, hide your kickbacks, and navigate the corridors of power.

This assignment is the last hurdle to overcome, then you'll have some real power, no longer a pawn.

You are cold and ruthless.

Your faith is non-existent.

Your own survival and advancement matter more than anything else.

People, their relationships, their emotions – everything is a weapon. Everything.

Demons are outside your jurisdiction. Magi should be killed if weak, bargained with if not.


Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Fitness: 3

Intellect: 3 Intuition: 3 Willpower: 3

Bearing: 2 Guile: 4 Composure: 3

Skills: Academics: 3 Athletics: 3 Awareness: 3 Etiquette: 2 Evasion: 3 Intimidation:

4(Interrogation) Investigation: 3 Lore: 3 (Magic) Melee: 3 Parry: 3 Persuasion: 3 Politics: 3

Subterfuge: 4

Derived Traits:

Speed: 6

Offense: 5

Dodge: 5

Defend: 5

Soak: 2

Combat Pool: 7

Health: /10

Condition: /20


You are equipped with simple leather armour, for ease of travel, low expense, and anonymity.

You are armed with a one-handed hammer and buckler.

Ivor Woods

Your father was a nobleman. You don't know who, of course. Apparently in the north men will

admit their bastards, but not here. Too much at stake – courtly intrigues, plays for the throne,

assassinations. Some of the other boys told you it isn't like that, but they're lying. They've bullied

and teased you for years, but now you're a man grown and about to become an Inquisitor. Maybe

that way, you can meet your father. If not, at least he sent you to a good life – you've been fed and

trained and taught. There was the odd whipping, but you had acted out, in fairness.

You don't know about all this talk of God. Hardly seems like a loving father would do this to his

children, cast them adrift in a world of terrors. And you've seen the Demons. You've fought them –

if there is a god out there, he loves you not. You've got a duty, as you see it. You'll make your father

proud, and fight back the end of days one night at a time.

Your faith is weak.

Your resolve is strong, and your cause is righteous.

You tend to romanticise things, and sometimes daydream.

You're generally quite sympathetic to the peasantry, but rarely let it blind you.

Demons must be destroyed, Magi are not your concern.


Strength: 3 Dexterity: 3 Fitness: 2

Intellect: 2 Intuition: 3 Willpower: 2

Bearing: 4 Guile: 3 Composure: 2

Skills: Academics: 3 Athletics: 3 Awareness: 2 Evasion: 3 Investigation: 2 Leadership: 2 Lore: 2

(Demons) Medicine: 2 Melee: 4 (Gauntlet Blade) Mingling: 3 Parry: 3 Persuasion: 1 Subterfuge: 1

Derived Traits:

Speed: 5

Offense: 7

Dodge: 6

Defend: 6

Soak: 2

Combat Pool: 8

Health: /10

Condition: /20


You are equipped with simple leather armour, for ease of travel, low expense, and anonymity.

You are armed with a one-handed hammer and a practice blade.

The practice blade is steel replica of the blessed gauntlet blades used by full Inquisitiors. It is

useless to anyone untrained in its use, unwieldy, and slow to draw. It is partly symbolic; by taking

the time to don the blade, you express the certainty of your judgement to others.

Jon Spire

Your father was an Inquisitor. He doesn't know you're still alive, doesn't know you're in the

Inquisition. When your mother told you, when you were twelve, you stalked up to the gates of

training grounds and got yourself beaten bloody, demanding to be admitted. Inquisitor Gaunt saw

you, and laughing, called the guards off. He had you cleaned up, inducted – he wasn't your father,

you found later, but you know he's somewhere on the rolls. You've got great respect and affection

for Gaunt, taking you off the streets and giving you an education. You sent money home to your

mum, too, and she's proud of you. But you want to find your father, still, and ask – demand – to

know why he abandoned you both. God as your witness, you'll have the truth out of him and some

measure of satisfaction for the years of struggle he put your mother through.

This assignment will get you promoted, put you on a even footing to find you father, and get you

the kind of salary that will buy your mum a house.

Your faith is weak.

You are hard and uncompromising in the execution of your duty. It's that grim determination that

got you here.

This isn't just about you, there are people to protect, too.

Magi are people too, but a danger to themselves and others. No mercy for those who traffic with


You're sympathetic to the peasantry, the only soft spot you have.


Strength: 2 Dexterity: 4 Fitness: 2

Intellect: 2 Intuition: 2 Willpower: 4

Bearing: 3 Guile: 2 Composure: 3

Skills: Academics: 1 Athletics: 3 Awareness: 3 Evasion: 3 Intimidation: 3 Investigation: 2 Lore: 2

(Demons) Medicine: 3 Melee: 3 (Gauntlet Blade) Mingling: 4 Parry: 2 Persuasion: 2 Subterfuge: 4

Derived Traits:

Speed: 5

Offense: 7

Dodge: 7

Defend: 6

Soak: 2

Combat Pool: 9

Health: /10

Condition: /20


You are equipped with simple leather armour, for ease of travel, low expense, and anonymity.

You are armed with a one-handed hammer and a practice blade.

The practice blade is steel replica of the blessed gauntlet blades used by full Inquisitiors. It is

useless to anyone untrained in its use, unwieldy, and slow to draw. It is partly symbolic; by taking

the time to don the blade, you express the certainty of your judgement to others.
The Righteous Fiends - a Kromsian Eclipse

Sister-Captain Voldryss Kinnoch

Reserved and watchful, Voldryss is confident but slow to act. She hungers for greater heights, but beneath that is the fear of failure. She has earned the title of Sister-Captain, and will not disgrace it or her family. The Kinnoch are one the oldest of the Savaan bloodlines, and she is the first in generations to be born without the power of the Surgeons. As such, she feels a driving need to prove herself as a warrior, leader, and servant of the Living God.

Exalted Surgeon Suraya Ralek

Only the second of the Ralek line to be born a Surgeon, and youngest brother too, Suraya was doted upon by his family - insofar as Savaan are inclined to dote. He was rigorously trained at the Citadel with the other young Surgeons, given only rare opportunities to visit his family and other friends. Studious and pious, he was noted for stirring sermons and prayers during his training even if his mastery of the Blessing came slower. His ambition was to serve the crusade from the front, alongside his big brother Sol - by then a decorated veteran. When Sol was given command of an Eclipse that would scout the strange land of Kelen, he requested Suraya serve as Surgeon.

Studious, a fine speaker, loving to his family, devout in his faith, dear to his friends - his time in foreign lands changed Suraya.

He watched his beloved brother crucified by the Kelene Inquisition, and fled home with his heart hard and mind set to revenge. He lives ever in the shadow of his brother, the martyr, and seeks Apotheosis to strike back against the Kelene blasphemers.

Vorlan Sohal

Vorlan is assigned as the Eclipse preacher - a charismatic and proud example of the Twilight Caste. An example to all outlanders of their proper rulers. He may be arrogant, but as a master of Laughing Blade Style he can back up that talk. Cheerfully abrasive with his peers, he views heathens with a mixture of pity and contempt. He cannot abide to be seen as weak, but his pampered upbringing has made him somewhat soft and easily discomfited by the rigors of war. He's especially prone to whining about being far from home, though he'll couch it in complaints about how obviously inferior the theater of the day might be.

Saedus Vir

Saedus is the muscle of the Eclipse. Boisterous and tactile, she's more intelligent than she lets on and presents a veneer of 'big, dumb bruiser' that she sometimes breaks to deliver an especially cutting remark. She strives for perfection and relishes a challenge. Some of her peers call her Deathseeker, considering her reckless even for an Awakened Titan Stylist. Sometimes she wonders what that might mean, but cannot help pushing her limits. Theological concerns bore her. Vasnok is manifestly real, why debate it? Just crush the heathens and open the wine.

Kinvass, Shade of the Divine

Aloof and enigmatic, Kinvass is a direct servant of the Citadel, a Shade of the Divine. An elite infiltrator, assassin, and scout, his presence in the Eclipse is a mark of the Citadel's favour. A morale officer, of sorts, Kinvass remains ever vigilant for heresy or treason, fanatically loyal to Vasnok. He would give his life for the Citadel, and perhaps even to save his companions - those who prove worth, at least. He is aware of his own worth to the crusade, and knows his fellows to be... expendable by comparison. He is not, however, as callous as this implies. He sees himself as the shepherd and guardian of his Eclipse, and genuinely concerns himself with their safety and self-improvement.

  • Name: Karloff

    Age: 26

    Appearance: Karloff is a bard, and a well-to-do one at that. Or was. Relatively handsome, with strong Kelene features and long blonde hair, he dresses mostly in dark greens, reds, or blacks, and favours small items of silver jewelry. Practical, there is nearly always some small amount of tough leather hidden under his fine attire. Especially his somewhat ornate, studded bracers and black leather gloves. He wears a simple black patch over his left eye. He carries a small pack and many pouches, along with his mandolin.


    Bright and cheerful, Karloff approaches life with particular zeal and enthusiasm, happy to socialize with people and tell stories. He finds violence somewhat distasteful and shies away from it, but will not hesitate to record events for a good song or tale. Prone to being very flirtatious, especially around young noblewomen... which is part of what got him into this mess. He's also fond of animals.


  • Hygd Ingridsdottr

    You are a child of the Bersarkr Clans of the far north; the Clan of the Snow Bear. You were mother to two sons, and wife of the noble and handsome Cadmon. You were a family, part of the Clan, and you were strong. The men and unwed women would raid the towns of the settled men under the King, steal good iron and the crops from their farms. Then there would be drinking and merrymaking under the stars in your wilderness camp.

    But one day, a warband of beaten men from another Clan came out of the south, and fell upon your kin like they had been driven mad. Cadmon died as you watched, your sons… In grief and rage, you took up Cadmon’s spear and, after killing the two men responsible for your family’s death, you went south in search what ever had poisoned their souls.

    You found it, too. A dread monster of fire and steel - and with Cadmon’s spear, you killed it.

    The demon’s essence lingers in the weapon, now. Lacking any purpose after all your losses and too proud to lie down and die, you have harnessed that power to continue fighting the monsters who prey on people like your family and your fallen kinsmen.

    You’ve spent a couple of years wandering, now, hunting dreadful things and sometimes turning your spear on wicked men. You’ve made friends, and allies, and an enemy or two. The group you travel with now can be trusted, insofar as you trust anyone. It's a relief to share the burden of protecting people and you can take on bigger threats as a team.

    You are proud and hard. You despise weakness of will and rarely let most people get close to you. A glorious death is important to you; it’s the only hope you allow yourself, and the only way your ancestors will accept your spirit if it is tainted by the spear. However, you're no fool and won't just throw your life away – a glorious death is one that wins the day for your allies, one they can sing of afterwards, and one the enemy pays for dearly.


    Gregor: Haughty, yet I would not call him weak. A wise healer, too, and it is foolish to discount that.

    Fang: She has surely been touched by the gods – no one else would behave so. I would like her gods, but they are not the gods of my mothers, and they do not remember the ancestors.

    Lanaya: No matter how her body changes, there is a good, honest woman with good, honest anger in her heart.

    Castor: I once called him soft. Now I admire the way he fights the monster he is becoming.

    Strength 2

    Dexterity 3

    Fitness 3

    Intellect 2

    Intuition 2

    Willpower 3

    Bearing 3

    Guile 2

    Composure 2

    Athletics 4 (Endurance)

    Awareness 3

    Empathy 2

    Evasion 4

    Investigation 2

    Lore 2

    Melee 3 (Spear)

    Medicine 1

    Parry 2

    Persuasion 1

    War-Songs 2

    Ranged 2

    Stealth 2

    Intimidation 2 (Highway Robbery)

    Survival 4 (Tundra)

    Thrown 2

    Thievery 3

    Unarmed 1

    Languages: 2 (Native: Hrothgaard, Tradestongue)

    Combat Block


    . .Melee: 6

    . .Ranged: 5

    . .Unarmed: 4

    Defence Rating: 5

    Dodge Rating: 7 +2 (Reach)

    Soak: 2

    Magic Resistance: 3

    Speed: 7

    Combat Pool: 10

    Ranged Pool: 7

    Health: 10 Condition: 20

    Daredevil - Rank 3 (Determined)

    When undertaking an especially dangerous, risky action wherein failure is very likely to kill you, you may reduce your Willpower by 1 for the next 8 hours, and gain 3 dice on the next roll in return. Determined: You may reroll up to three Daredevil dice.

    Demon Weapon - Rank 3


    This ash-hafted spear seethes with Demonic Taint; the blade is now a spur of volcanic glass lit sullen red by glowing veins, and stony tendrils creep down the shaft from there.

    Base: Ignores 1 Soak, circumvents supernatural protections.

    Rank 2: When Hygd is struck, the spear unleashes a burst of hellfire - this will harm anyone in reach except Hygd

    Rank 3: Hygd can draw on the power in the spear to briefly increase any Physical Attribute by 3 for one turn. She must make a Willpower roll at difficulty 9. Failure adds 5 Taint Points.

    Armour: Plate-reinforced leather. 2Armsoak all over.

    Other gear:

    Travel supplies



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