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  1. Gundam Watcher 27

    Futuristic THE LAST SHIELD Pilot Registration

    Alex Skye Full Name: Alex Skye Nickname(s): Al, Lex, Lexie Callsign: Jailbird Age: 35 Gender: Female Country of Origin: Russia Previous Military Affiliation: Revised Collective Security Treaty Organization (RCSTO), Conscripted Convict for the 102nd Offensive Tank Division. Personality: A...
  2. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE - OOC

  3. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE - OOC

    I'm good. U?
  4. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE - OOC

  5. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    I feel dumb
  6. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    Thats the thing, both options are good. I'm stuck because I can't make up my damn mind.
  7. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    I don't know what to do in terms of introducing Hector into the rp, like, I don't have any ideas what so ever. It feels like writers block or me just not having any good ideas
  8. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    I'm still stuck
  9. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE - OOC

    I would consider it but I don't know if the others have a discord
  10. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    Alright! I am actually unsure of what to do in terms of my opening post. You got some ideas to pitch and maybe I can play off of that?
  11. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    I pitched a idea but I didn't get a answer:(
  12. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE - OOC

    Take your time. There's no need to rush.
  13. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    I have a question to ask, and please don't take any offense because I'm genuinely curious, will the character list in the opening post for character sheets be updated?
  14. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    Ok, I think I know what I wanna do. @SilverDingo, would you like to have one of your characters interact with Hector, or maybe even both of them?
  15. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE - OOC

    The reason why I'm sharing this? Its gonna be used in the rp, but I won't say anything else till later
  16. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE: Lore & History

    Glossary of Important Terms Echo Fighter - A type of Gunpla Battler who pilot straight built mobile suits and have the same appearance as a Important character from the Gundam Series. These people also have the same name they use as those characters when they go into battle. An example: Tetsuo...
  17. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Gundam Build Fighters RE - OOC

    Im gonna drop this here for now. Remember it well
  18. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    Oh really? What if i..... Built a wall around you?
  19. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

  20. Gundam Watcher 27

    Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

    I actually understand where you're coming from. In 2 card games I play, there's 2 decks that tend to be used by very degenerate people that a majority of the community considers uh.... let's just say jailbait decks. However, not everyone who uses them are degenerates. They genuinely play them...